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Christmas Carol: The Public Reading Version: a facsimile of the author's prompt-copy
Philip Collins
€ 100,00
Collins, Philip (introduction and notes by)
€ 100,00
Bibliographies. Subject and National. A guide to their contents arrangement and use.
Robert L. Collison
€ 5,00
Collison, Robert L.
€ 5,00
Intenties 2: Terug tot Simon Vestdijk en andere essays
H.A. Comperts
€ 5,00
Comperts, H.A.
€ 5,00
Intenties 2: Terug tot Simon Vestdijk en andere essays
H.A. Comperts
€ 5,00
Comperts, H.A.
€ 5,00
Jerome K. Jerome: A Critical Biography
Joseph Connolly
€ 7,00
Connolly, Joseph
€ 7,00
P.G. Wodehouse
Joseph Connolly
€ 6,00
Connolly, Joseph
€ 6,00
Somerset Maugham and the Maugham Dynasty
Bryan Connon
€ 6,00
Connon, Bryan
€ 6,00
Who's who and what's what in Shakespeare. A Complete A-Z Reference Guide of 6000 Entries
Evangeline M. O' Connor
€ 7,50
Connor, Evangeline M. O'
€ 7,50
Ambrose Bierce: A Biography
Richard O' Connor
€ 15,00
Connor, Richard O'
€ 15,00
Getande Raadsels. Herinneringen Aan Hugo Claus
Patrick Conrad
€ 5,00
Conrad, Patrick
€ 5,00
Getande Raadsels. Herinneringen Aan Hugo Claus
Patrick Conrad
€ 5,00
Conrad, Patrick
€ 5,00
Contemporary Writers: John Fowles
Peter Conradi
€ 5,00
Conradi, Peter
€ 5,00
A Writer at War. Letters and Diaries of Iris Murdoch 1939-45
Peter J. Conradi
€ 6,00
Conradi, Peter J.
€ 6,00
Geschiedenis mijner jeugd, gevolgd door het onuitgegeven werk Lucifer ou Satan converti
Hendrik Conscience
€ 11,00
Conscience, Hendrik
€ 11,00
Ma Vie (Le Cahier rouge)
Benjamin Constant e.a.
€ 15,00
Constant, Benjamin & C.P. Courtney (editor)
€ 15,00
Letteratura dell'Italia unita 1861-1968
Gianfranco Contini
€ 11,00
Contini, Gianfranco
€ 11,00
Writers and their work No. 115: C.P. Snow
William Cooper
€ 5,00
Cooper, William
€ 5,00
Boelvaar Poef (9 afleveringen)
Peter de Coorde e.a.
€ 15,00
Coorde, Peter de - e.a. (redactie)
€ 15,00
De Da Vinci Code ontcijferd
Filip Coppens
€ 5,00
Coppens, Filip
€ 5,00
Character Sketches from Dickens
Harold Copping
€ 30,00
Copping, Harold
€ 30,00
Madame de Sevigne par elle-meme
Jean Cordelier
€ 5,00
Cordelier, Jean
€ 5,00
Somerset Maugham: A Biographical & Critical Study
Richard A. Cordell
€ 6,00
Cordell, Richard A.
€ 6,00
Jan Zoet, Amsterdammer 1609-1674: leven en werk van een kleurrijk schrijver
Rudolf Cordes
€ 17,50
Cordes, Rudolf
€ 17,50
J. R. R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created "The Lord of the Rings"
Michael Coren
€ 10,00
Coren, Michael
€ 10,00
The man who created Narnia: the story of C.S. Lewis
Michael Coren
€ 11,00
Coren, Michael
€ 11,00
Femmes ecrivains
Anne-Marie le Corguille e.a.
€ 5,00
Corguille, Anne-Marie le & Lucien Bacherot
€ 5,00
Van Boelvaar Poef naar de Kapellekensbaan. Een route langs gedenkwaardige plaatsen van De Kapellekensbaan en het leven van Louis Paul Boon
Noud Cornelissen
€ 5,00
Cornelissen, Noud
€ 5,00
Labirinteek. Opstellen over Guido Gezelle, A.C.W. Staring, Jan G. Elburg, Lucebert, Willem Elsschot, Anthonie Donker, Herman Gorter, M. Nijhoff, Remco Campert, Cornelis Crul, Gerrit Achterberg
R.A. Cornets de Groot
€ 5,00
Cornets de Groot, R.A.
€ 5,00
Vestdijk op de weegschaal
R.A. Cornets de Groot
€ 5,00
Cornets de Groot, R.A.
€ 5,00
Grimmig eerlijk: Anne Wadman en het probleem van de Friese literatuur
Joke Corporaal
€ 10,00
Corporaal, Joke
€ 10,00
Julio Cortázar: informatie
Julio Cortázar
€ 5,00
Cortázar, Julio
€ 5,00
Verzamelde werken: Over prozaschrijvers en dichters. Lezingen en toespraken
Dirk Coster
€ 7,50
Coster, Dirk
€ 7,50
Albert Verwey 1865-1937
Dirk Coster e.a.
€ 9,50
Coster, Dirk & Anthonie Donker (redactie)
€ 9,50
Algemene verantwoording van de Volledige werken Louis Couperus
Louis Couperus
€ 5,00
Couperus, Louis
€ 5,00
Van week tot week: intieme impressies van Louis Couperus
Louis Couperus
€ 5,00
Couperus, Louis
€ 5,00
Malraux: être et dire. Néocritique. Postface inédite d'André Malraux
Martine de Courcel
€ 7,50
Courcel, Martine de (sous la direction de)
€ 7,50
Belle de Zuylen and Philosophy
C.P. Courtney
€ 10,00
Courtney, C.P.
€ 10,00
Shakespeare's World Of War: The Early Histories
Richard Courtney
€ 10,00
Courtney, Richard
€ 10,00
Everyman's Dictionary of Literary Biography. English & American
John W. Cousin
€ 5,00
Cousin, John W. (compiled after) & Browning, D.C. (by)
€ 5,00
Writers at work
Malcolm Cowley
€ 5,00
Cowley, Malcolm (editor)
€ 5,00
The Cream of Noël Coward
Michael Cox
€ 10,00
Cox, Michael (selection) & Helen Smithson (illustrations) & Grham Payn & Sheridan Morley (introduction)
€ 10,00
The Cream of Noël Coward
Michael Cox
€ 10,00
Cox, Michael (selection) & Helen Smithson (illustrations) & Grham Payn & Sheridan Morley (introduction)
€ 10,00
De geheimen van het Bernini mysterie. Wat zijn de feiten en wat is fictie?
Simon Cox
€ 5,00
Cox, Simon
€ 5,00
De geheimen vna de Da Vinci code. Wat zijn feiten en wat is fictie?
Simon Cox
€ 5,00
Cox, Simon
€ 5,00
Key-Indexed Study Guide to Cervantes' Don Quixote
Daniel M. Crabb
€ 8,00
Crabb, Daniel M.
€ 8,00
Down and out: Orwell's Paris and London revisited
Sandy Craig
€ 7,50
Craig, Sandy
€ 7,50
Weer werk, opstellen aangeboden aan professor Dr. Germt Stuiveling ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam
Ton Cram e.a.
€ 5,00
Cram, Ton & Rudolf Geel & Willem Wilmink & herman Pleij - e.a.
€ 5,00
Dèr Mouw - Adwaita: Denker en dichter
A.M. Cram-Magré
€ 7,50
Cram-Magré, A.M.
€ 7,50
Tolstoy. The Making of a Novelist
Edward Crankshaw
€ 6,00
Crankshaw, Edward
€ 6,00
Tolstoy: The Making of a Novelist
Edward Crankshaw
€ 6,00
Crankshaw, Edward
€ 6,00
Het meervoudige leven van Fernando Pessoa: biografie
Angel Crespo
€ 8,00
Crespo, Angel
€ 8,00
James Joyce: Itinerari Triestini Triestine Itineraries
S. Crivelli Renzo
€ 15,00
Crivelli Renzo, S.
€ 15,00
Nederlandse schrijfmeesters uit de zeventiende eeuw. Tentoonstelling
A.R.A. Croiset van Uchelen
€ 6,00
Croiset van Uchelen, A.R.A.
€ 6,00
Women of iron and velvet and the books they wrote in France
Margaret Crosland
€ 6,00
Crosland, Margaret
€ 6,00
A Relish for Eternity: The Process of Divinization in the Poetry of John Clare
Dr. Grag Crossan
€ 45,00
Crossan, Dr. Grag
€ 45,00
The Humor of Dickens chosen by R.J. Cruikshank
R.J. Cruikshank
€ 8,00
Cruikshank, R.J.
€ 8,00
The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory - Fourt Edition
J.A. Cuddon
€ 10,00
Cuddon, J.A.
€ 10,00
The Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory - Fourt Edition
J.A. Cuddon
€ 10,00
Cuddon, J.A.
€ 10,00
Phases of Dickens: the man, his message, and his mission
J. Cuming Walters
€ 10,00
Cuming Walters, J.
€ 10,00
The Literature of the United States
Marcus Cunliffe
€ 5,00
Cunliffe, Marcus
€ 5,00
British Writers of the Thirties
Valentine Cunningham
€ 10,00
Cunningham, Valentine
€ 10,00
Pattern of Maugham. A critical portrait
Anthony Curtis
€ 7,50
Curtis, Anthony
€ 7,50
Europäische Literatur und Lateinisches Mittelalter - Vierte Auflage
Ernst Robert Curtius
€ 15,00
Curtius, Ernst Robert
€ 15,00
Alleen in wervelende wereld: Het leven van Johan Andreas dèr Mouw (1863-1919)
Lucien Custers
€ 12,50
Custers, Lucien
€ 12,50
Europa buitengaats: koloniale en postkoloniale Literaturen in Europese talen (2 delen in box)
Theo D'Haen
€ 10,00
D'Haen, Theo
€ 10,00
Interview met Pierre Kemp
H.U. Jessurun D'Oliveira
€ 12,50
d'Oliveira, H.U. Jessurun
€ 12,50
Van wormcruyt tot suycker tot jeugdliteratuur
F Daalder e.a.
€ 5,00
Daalder, F & I. Daalder-Schripsema
€ 5,00
De vrijheid nog veroveren: Richard Minne 1891-1965
Marco Daane
€ 9,00
Daane, Marco
€ 9,00
"Mid Forests Wild": A Study of the Concept of Wilderness in the Writings of Susanna Moodie, J.W.D. Moodie, Catherine Parr Traill and Samuel Strickland, c. 1830-1855
Edward H. Dahl
€ 12,50
Dahl, Edward H.
€ 12,50
God and the Poets;The gifford Lectures, 1983
David Daiches
€ 5,00
Daiches, David
€ 5,00
Robert Burns
David Daiches
€ 7,00
Daiches, David
€ 7,00
Literary Landscapes of the British Isles: A Narrative Atlas
David Daiches e.a.
€ 6,00
Daiches, David & John Flower
€ 6,00
Literary Landscapes of the British Isles: A Narrative Atlas
David Daiches e.a.
€ 6,00
Daiches, David & John Flower
€ 6,00
Dickens and the Art of Analogy
H.M. Daleski
€ 8,00
Daleski, H.M.
€ 8,00
Virginia Woolf. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Peter Dally
€ 6,00
Dally, Peter
€ 6,00
Christiane und Goethe. Eine Recherche
Sigrid Damm
€ 7,50
Damm, Sigrid
€ 7,50
The Longman Anthology of World Literature, Volume B: The Medieval Era - Second Edition
David Damrosch e.a.
€ 10,00
Damrosch, David & David L. Pike (editors)
€ 10,00
England's Constable: the Life and Letters of John Constable
Joseph Darracot
€ 10,00
Darracot, Joseph
€ 10,00
England's Constable. The Life and Letters of John Constable
Joseph Darracott
€ 7,00
Darracott, Joseph
€ 7,00
Bernard Darwin
€ 5,00
Darwin, Bernard
€ 5,00
Autour de soixante lettres de Marcel Proust
Lucien Daudet
€ 7,50
Daudet, Lucien
€ 7,50
Rachilde, femme de lettres 1900
Claude Dauphiné
€ 9,50
Dauphiné, Claude
€ 9,50
Leonardo sciascia. Qui étés-vous
James Dauphiné
€ 7,50
Dauphiné, James
€ 7,50
Proust at the Majestic: The Last Days of the Author Whose Book Changed Paris
Richard Davenport-Hines
€ 15,00
Davenport-Hines, Richard
€ 15,00
Hawthorne's Last Phase
Edward Hutchins Davidson
€ 6,00
Davidson, Edward Hutchins
€ 6,00
Voltaire in Exile
Ian Davidson
€ 7,50
Davidson, Ian
€ 7,50
William Wordsworth: A Biography
Hunter Davies
€ 12,50
Davies, Hunter
€ 12,50
James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist
Stan Davies
€ 9,00
Davies, Stan
€ 9,00
James Joyce: a portrait of the artist
Stan Gébler Davies
€ 7,00
Davies, Stan Gébler
€ 7,00
James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist
Stan Gébler Davies
€ 7,00
Davies, Stan Gébler
€ 7,00
James Joyce: a portrait of the artist
Stan Gébler Davies
€ 7,00
Davies, Stan Gébler
€ 7,00
Writers of Wales: Dylan Thomas
Walford Davies
€ 15,00
Davies, Walford
€ 15,00
Simone Signoret of delen in herinnering
Catherine Davis
€ 5,00
Davis, Catherine
€ 5,00
The Flint & The Flame: the Artistry of Charles Dickens
Earle Davis
€ 8,00
Davis, Earle
€ 8,00
William Blake. A new kind of man
Michael Davis
€ 5,00
Davis, Michael
€ 5,00
Literature in Perspective: W.H. Auden
Dennis Davison
€ 5,00
Davison, Dennis
€ 5,00
Characters from Tolkien. A Bestiary
David Day
€ 9,50
Day, David
€ 9,50
Op den 19den Februari 1887 stierf, bijna 67 jaar oud, te Nieder-Ingelheim ons eerelid Eduard Douwes Dekker - Multatuli -  hij heeft gelééfd
De redactie
€ 10,00
De redactie
€ 10,00
Pages from a diary in Geneva, preceded by My sister the negro *SIGNED*
Cola Debrot
€ 15,00
Debrot, Cola
€ 15,00
Letterkundig maandblad Criterium nummer 2-12 (1941)
Cola Debrot e.a.
€ 30,00
Debrot, Cola & Han Hoekstra & Ed. Hoornik (redactie)
€ 30,00
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