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T.S. Eliot: A Study in Character and Style
Ronald Bush
€ 6,00
Bush, Ronald
€ 6,00
Litterarische Fantasien en Kritieken
Cd. Busken Huet
€ 7,50
Busken Huet, Cd.
€ 7,50
Een vastgeraakte lokomotief. Een portret in brieven
Conrad Busken Huet
€ 6,00
Busken Huet, Conrad
€ 6,00
Tredici novelle moderne
K.T. Butler e.a.
€ 7,50
Butler, K.T. & Barbara Reynolds (selected & edited with introduction and notes by)
€ 7,50
Chrysallis. Vergeten vrouwen uit de Nederlandse literatuur tot 1900
Hanneke van en anderen Buuren
€ 5,00
Buuren, Hanneke van en anderen
€ 5,00
Willem Elsschot, een burgerlijk geweten
Frans Buyens
€ 5,00
Buyens, Frans
€ 5,00
'Onder dit schrijven vallen mij de ogen toe'. Willem Bilderdijk in Haarlem
Boudewijn Büch
€ 5,00
Büch, Boudewijn
€ 5,00
Joyce - a clew
Mairead Byrne
€ 9,50
Byrne, Mairead
€ 9,50
De Gids. Acht en vijftigste jaargang. Vierde serie. Twaalfde jaargang. 1894. Tweede deel
W.G.C. Byvanck e.a.
€ 9,50
Byvanck, W.G.C. - e.a. (redactie)
€ 9,50
Baudelaire. Petit Palais 23 novembre 1968 - 17 mars 1969
Adeline - a.o. Cacan
€ 7,50
Cacan, Adeline - a.o.
€ 7,50
The Irish Literary Tradition
J.E. Caerwyn Williams e.a.
€ 9,50
Caerwyn Williams, J.E. & Patrick K. Ford
€ 9,50
George Sand. Exposition organisee pour le cent cinquantieme anniversaire de sa naissance
Julien Cain
€ 6,00
Cain, Julien (Preface by)
€ 6,00
Speeltuin van de titaantjes. Schrijvers en tijdschriften tussen 1945 en 1948
Piet Calis
€ 7,50
Calis, Piet
€ 7,50
Venus in minirok: seks in de literatuur na 1945
Piet Calis
€ 6,00
Calis, Piet
€ 6,00
Jan Wolkers: informatie
Piet Calis e.a.
€ 5,00
Calis, Piet e.a.
€ 5,00
Oscar Wilde. An Exquisite Life
Stephen Calloway e.a.
€ 7,50
Calloway, Stephen & David Colvin
€ 7,50
Oscar Wilde; an exquisite life
Stephen Calloway e.a.
€ 8,00
Calloway, Stephen & David Colvin
€ 8,00
La grande passion d'Anatole France
Pierre Calmettes
€ 11,00
Calmettes, Pierre
€ 11,00
Twentieth Century Views: Pirandello
Glauco Cambon
€ 5,00
Cambon, Glauco
€ 5,00
Documents inédits sur J.-B. Poquelin Molière, découverts et publiés avec des notes, un index alphabétique et des fac-simile ; par
Émile Campardon
€ 9,50
Campardon, Émile
€ 9,50
Het verband tussen de dingen ben ik zelf
Remco Campert
€ 5,00
Campert, Remco
€ 5,00
Obliques numéro 12-13: Sade
Michel Camus
€ 7,50
Camus, Michel (dirigé par)
€ 7,50
Francis Carco. Raconté par lui-même
Francis Carco e.a.
€ 7,50
Carco, Francis & Marc Saunier (avec une notice par)
€ 7,50
John Donne: Life, Mind and Art
John Carey
€ 10,00
Carey, John
€ 10,00
A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound
Humphrey Carpenter
€ 7,50
Carpenter, Humphrey
€ 7,50
A Serious Character: The Life of Ezra Pound
Humphrey Carpenter
€ 10,00
Carpenter, Humphrey
€ 10,00
Dennis Potter The Authorised Biography
Humphrey Carpenter
€ 7,50
Carpenter, Humphrey
€ 7,50
Humphrey Carpenter
€ 6,00
Carpenter, Humphrey
€ 6,00
W.H. Auden: A Biography
Humphrey Carpenter
€ 20,00
Carpenter, Humphrey
€ 20,00
Kipling, Rudyard: His life and work
€ 5,00
€ 5,00
Notes on selected poems - John Keats
Charlotte Carstairs
€ 5,00
Carstairs, Charlotte
€ 5,00
Over Cees Nooteboom
Daan Cartens
€ 6,00
Cartens, Daan
€ 6,00
Vervolg je weg en laat de lui maar dazen! Theun de Vries, getuige van een eeuw
Daan Cartens e.a.
€ 5,00
Cartens, Daan & Muriël Steegstra
€ 5,00
Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos
Lin Carter
€ 12,50
Carter, Lin
€ 12,50
Mary Joyce, a Novel: John Clare's Muse
Russell C. Carter
€ 12,50
Carter, Russell C.
€ 12,50
Proust in Love
William C. Carter
€ 8,00
Carter, William C.
€ 8,00
Proust verliefd
William C. Carter
€ 8,00
Carter, William C.
€ 8,00
Samuel Beckett: Anatomy of a Literary Revolution
Pascale Casanova
€ 8,00
Casanova, Pascale
€ 8,00
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. His Life & Times
Curtis Cate
€ 11,00
Cate, Curtis
€ 11,00
Antoine De Saint-Exupéry: His Life & Times
Curtis Cate
€ 9,50
Cate, Curtis
€ 9,50
Screaming With Joy: The Life of Allen Ginsberg
Graham Caveney
€ 12,50
Caveney, Graham
€ 12,50
Hardy the Novelist
David Cecil
€ 6,00
Cecil, David
€ 6,00
The Stricken Deer or The Life of Cowper
Lord David Cecil
€ 9,00
Cecil, Lord David
€ 9,00
George Eliot: A Collection of Critical Essays
George R. Ceeger
€ 10,00
Ceeger, George R. (editor)
€ 10,00
Monsieur de Voltaire. Sa famille et ses amis
Henriette Celarié
€ 7,50
Celarié, Henriette
€ 7,50
Te gast bij Nederlandse auteurs
Jose de Ceulaer
€ 5,00
Ceulaer, Jose de
€ 5,00
Kroniek van Felix Timmermans 1886-1947
José de Ceulaer
€ 7,50
Ceulaer, José de
€ 7,50
The Critical Idiom 16: Symbolism
Charles Chadwick
€ 6,00
Chadwick, Charles
€ 6,00
Chere George Sand
Jean Chalon
€ 6,00
Chalon, Jean
€ 6,00
The Mediaeval Stage (2 volumes)
E.K. Chambers
€ 30,00
Chambers, E.K.
€ 30,00
Le tombeau de Louis Ménard. Monument du souvenir
Edouard Champion
€ 64,00
Champion, Edouard
€ 64,00
Marcel Schwob et son temps
Pierre Champion
€ 7,50
Champion, Pierre
€ 7,50
Ronsard et son temp. Avec 24 phototypies hors texte
Pierre Champion
€ 11,00
Champion, Pierre
€ 11,00
Soixante-dix-sept Lettres Inedites à Nicolas Heinsius (1649-1658). Publiées d`après le manuscrit de Leyde avec une introduction et des notes
Jean Chapelain
€ 6,00
Chapelain, Jean
€ 6,00
Shakespearian comedy
H.B. Charlton
€ 6,00
Charlton, H.B.
€ 6,00
Shakespearian Tragedy
H.B. Charlton
€ 8,00
Charlton, H.B.
€ 8,00
Une liaison dangereuse: correspondance avec Constant d'Hermenches (1760-1776)
Isabelle de Charrière
€ 10,00
Charrière, Isabelle de
€ 10,00
Kerouac: A Biography
Ann Charters
€ 20,00
Charters, Ann
€ 20,00
Kerouac: A Biography
Ann Charters
€ 6,00
Charters, Ann
€ 6,00
A Multitude Of Visions: essays on Science Fiction by James Blish, Ursula K. Le Guin, Jeff Clark, Stanislaw Lem, Bruce Gillespie, Sheryl Smith, Bob Rickard, Thomas M. Disch
Cy Chauvin
€ 10,00
Chauvin, Cy (editor)
€ 10,00
Achter het boek 24: 'Beste Sander, do it now!' Briefwisseling J. Greshoff - A.A.M. Stols. Deel 1, 1922-1941
Salma Chen e.a.
€ 11,00
Chen, Salma & Faassen, S.A.J. van (bezorgd door)
€ 11,00
Briefwisseling J.Greshoff - A.A.M.Stols (4 delen)
Salma Chen e.a.
€ 15,00
Chen, Salma & S.A.J. Faassen (bezorgd door)
€ 15,00
Life and Remains of John Clare: the "Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
J.L. Cherry
€ 100,00
Cherry, J.L.
€ 100,00
A Publisher and His Circle: The Life and Work of John Taylor
Tim Chilcott
€ 10,00
Chilcott, Tim
€ 10,00
John Rives Childs
€ 8,00
Childs, John Rives
€ 8,00
An introduction to the Promotion and Development of Modern Malay Literature
Drs. Li Chuan Siu
€ 22,50
Chuan Siu, Drs. Li
€ 22,50
De tweede ronde / Herfst 1998 Israel-nummer
Ike Cialona
€ 5,00
Cialona, Ike
€ 5,00
De tweede ronde / Winter 2004 Deens nummer
Ike Cialona
€ 5,00
Cialona, Ike
€ 5,00
Ciceros Orator erklaert von Otto Jahn. Anhang: De optumo genere oratorum - Ciceros Brutus de Claris Oratoribus erklaert von Otto Jahn - M. Tulli Ciceronis: Brutus de Claris Oratoribus
Cicero e.a.
€ 19,00
Cicero & Otto Jahn
€ 19,00
With Chatwin: Portrait of a Writer
Susannah Clapp
€ 8,00
Clapp, Susannah
€ 8,00
John Clare and the Bounds of Circumstance
Johanne Clare
€ 30,00
Clare, Johanne
€ 30,00
Sketches in the Life of John Clare, written by himself
John Clare e.a.
€ 15,00
Clare, John & Edmund Blunden (editor)
€ 15,00
Eugene o'Neill. The man and his plays
Barrett H. Clark
€ 5,00
Clark, Barrett H.
€ 5,00
Le Poëte et la Bible. Tome 1: 1910-1946
Paul Claudel
€ 37,50
Claudel, Paul
€ 37,50
Het spiegelpaleis van Hugo Claus
Hugo Claus
€ 5,00
Claus, Hugo
€ 5,00
Zoek de zeven
Hugo Claus e.a.
€ 26,00
Claus, Hugo & Pierre Alechinsky
€ 26,00
Rhythmik und Metrik in Sebastian Brants Narrenschiff
Paul Claus
€ 7,50
Claus, Paul
€ 7,50
Itching After Rhyme: A Life of John Clare
Arnold Clay
€ 12,50
Clay, Arnold
€ 12,50
John Clare: the Peasant Poet
Arnold Clay
€ 9,00
Clay, Arnold
€ 9,00
World of Shakespeare
Anna Claybourne
€ 5,00
Claybourne, Anna
€ 5,00
La Vie anecdotique et pittoresque des Grands Ecrivains Fernand Clerget. Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. 32 portraits et documents
Fernand Clerget
€ 15,00
Clerget, Fernand
€ 15,00
Uit het leven van P.C. Boutens
Karel de Clerk
€ 5,00
Clerk, Karel de
€ 5,00
Zelda Fitzgerald. Her Voice in Paradise
Sally Cline
€ 7,00
Cline, Sally
€ 7,00
In Search of a Beginning: My Life with Graham Greene
Yvonne Cloetta
€ 6,00
Cloetta, Yvonne
€ 6,00
Raymond Herreman
Fr. Closset
€ 5,00
Closset, Fr.
€ 5,00
William Wordsworth 1770-1970. Essays of general interest on Wordsworth and his time
Nesta Clutterbuck
€ 5,00
Clutterbuck, Nesta
€ 5,00
Geoffrey Chaucer
Nevill Coghill
€ 5,00
Coghill, Nevill
€ 5,00
Sartre 1905 - 1980 (French edition)
Annie Cohen-Solal
€ 7,50
Cohen-Solal, Annie
€ 7,50
Sartre 1905-1980
Annie Cohen-Solal
€ 8,00
Cohen-Solal, Annie
€ 8,00
Sartre: A Life
Annie Cohen-Solal
€ 6,00
Cohen-Solal, Annie
€ 6,00
Sartre: a life
Annie Cohen-Solal
€ 6,00
Cohen-Solal, Annie
€ 6,00
De magische wereld van In de ban van de Ring
David Colbert
€ 8,00
Colbert, David
€ 8,00
The Hidden Myths In Harry Potter: Spellbinding Map And Book Of Secrets
David Colbert
€ 12,50
Colbert, David
€ 12,50
Lettres à Tonton
€ 5,00
€ 5,00
Naming the Rose: Eco, Medieval Signs and Modern Theory
Theresa Coletti
€ 12,50
Coletti, Theresa
€ 12,50
Romain Rolland
Paul Colin
€ 7,50
Colin, Paul
€ 7,50
John Cowper Powys: old earth-man
H.P. Collins
€ 8,00
Collins, H.P.
€ 8,00
Dickens: Interviews and Recollections: Volume 1
P. Collins
€ 20,00
Collins, P. (editor)
€ 20,00
Dickens and Education
Philip Collins
€ 10,00
Collins, Philip
€ 10,00
Writers and their work No. 77: James Boswell
Philip Collins
€ 5,00
Collins, Philip
€ 5,00
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