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Pia, Pascal
€ 5,00
Pia, Pascal
€ 5,00
Pia, Pascal
€ 11,00
Piccardt, Dr. K.L. & Jan F. Schultink
€ 6,00
Pichois, C. & Rousseau, A.M.
€ 5,00
Pieck, A.F.
€ 8,00
Pieck, A.F.
€ 8,00
Pigeaud, Theodore G.Th.
€ 35,00
Pincas, Anita
€ 5,00
Pinchin, Jane Lagoudis
€ 11,00
Ping, Tang Soo
€ 6,00
Pinto, Vivian de Sola
€ 8,00
Pitcher, Harvey
€ 6,00
Pitcher, Seymour M.
€ 9,00
Pivano, Fernanda (interview by)
€ 12,50
Plachta, Bodo
€ 5,00
Plas, Michel van der
€ 6,00
Plas, Michel van der
€ 6,00
Plas, Michel van der
€ 7,50
Pleij, herman (samenstelling)
€ 5,00
Plummer, Charles John Earle (edited, with introduction, notes, appendices and glossary)
€ 25,00
Plummer, John
€ 10,00
Poel, David de
€ 8,50
Poelhekke, M.A.P.C. & Vooys, C.G.N. de & Brom, Gerard
€ 6,00
Poelhekke, M.A.P.C. & Vooys, prof.dr. C.G.N. de
€ 6,00
Poelhekke, M.A.P.C. & Vooys, prof.dr. C.G.N. de
€ 6,00
Poeze, Harry A.
€ 5,00
Poirier, Richard
€ 10,00
Polak, Bob
€ 15,00
Polak, Bob
€ 10,00
Polak, J.B.W. (inleiding)
€ 5,00
Polet, Sybren
€ 5,00
Politzer, Heinz
€ 5,00
Pomeau, René
€ 5,00
Poole, John & D. Howard Halliday
€ 20,00
Poort, Herman
€ 5,00
Pope, Norris
€ 10,00
Pope-Hennessy, John (foreword)
€ 8,00
Pos, Arie
€ 8,00
Postel-Coster, Els
€ 10,00
Postma, Dr. J.
€ 9,50
Postma, Hannemieke
€ 7,50
Postma, Hannemieke
€ 7,50
Pottle, Frederick A. (editor)
€ 15,00
Potts, Willard (edited by)
€ 11,00
Poulssen, J.
€ 5,00
Powling, Chris
€ 5,00
Powys, John Cowper & Ronald Hall (introduction)
€ 12,50
Praamstra, Olf
€ 7,50
Pratt, Hugo
€ 94,00
Prawer, Siegbert S.
€ 19,00
Praz, Mario
€ 7,50
Premoli-Droulers, Francesca & Margerite Duras (prologue) & Erica Lennard (photography)
€ 10,00
Premsela, Dr. M.J.
€ 6,00
Prick, Harry G.M.
€ 22,50
Prick, Harry G.M.
€ 8,00
Prick, Harry G.M.
€ 6,00
Prick, Harry G.M.
€ 6,00
Prickett, Stephen (editor)
€ 8,00
Prigent, Michel
€ 7,50
Prijt, Hans van der
€ 5,00
Pringsheim, Hedwig
€ 10,00
Pritchett, V.S.
€ 8,00
Pritchett, V.S.
€ 9,50
Proost, Dr. K.F.
€ 5,00
Proud, J. Keith
€ 8,00
Proust, Marcel & Andre Gide
€ 15,00
Proust, Martcel
€ 7,00
Pryce-Jones, David
€ 7,50
Pryor, Felix
€ 6,00
Pudney, John
€ 6,00
Quennell, Peter
€ 7,50
Quennell, Peter
€ 6,00
Quennell, Peter (edited by)
€ 7,50
Raat, G.F.H.
€ 5,00
Rachline, Jacques
€ 5,00
Raddatz, Fritz J.
€ 5,00
Raffel, Burton (translated, and with an Introduction and Notes, by)
€ 7,50
Ramsay, Jack
€ 7,50
Ransome, Arthur
€ 7,50
Ransome, Arthur
€ 6,00
Raphael, Frederic
€ 15,00
Raphael, Frederic
€ 5,00
Rasch, Gerard - e.a.
€ 5,00
Rasch, Wolfdietrich
€ 10,00
Raskin, Jonah
€ 9,50
Raskin, Jonah
€ 9,50
Rathjen, Friedhelm
€ 10,00
Rausser, Fernand (gesehen von)
€ 6,00
Raviez, Steye
€ 15,00
Raviez, Steye (tekst en foto's)
€ 8,00
Raviez, Steye (tekst en foto's)
€ 8,00
Raymond, Gary
€ 5,00
Raymond, Marcel
€ 7,50
Read, herbert
€ 7,50
Ready, William
€ 7,00
Ready, William
€ 5,00
Ready, William
€ 5,00
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
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