| Abels, Richard | € 30,00 |
 | Altena, Ernst van | € 8,00 |
 | Anderson, Roberta & Dominic Aidan Bellenger | € 9,00 |
 | Andringa, Marian - en anderen | € 8,00 |
 | Anrooij, Wim van | € 15,00 |
 | Appuhn, Horst | € 6,00 |
 | Arminjon, Catherine & Martine Chavent & Simone Doublard du Vigneau & Marie-Madeleine Gauthier & Véronique Notin & Thierry Zimmer | € 10,00 |
 | Arts, Nico | € 6,00 |
 | Asaert, Gustaaf | € 8,00 |
 | Backhouse, Janet (introduction) | € 10,00 |
 | Baker, Anita | € 15,00 |
 | Barber, Luke & Greg Priestley-Bell | € 20,00 |
 | Bedaux, drs. J.B. (editor) | € 10,00 |
 | Bein, Thomas | € 8,00 |
 | Berents, dr. D.A. | € 10,00 |
 | Bédaux, J.B. & A.M. Koldeweij | € 5,00 |
 | Birlouez, Eric | € 10,00 |
 | Blom, A. - e.a. (redactie) | € 10,00 |
 | Boase, Roger | € 15,00 |
 | Boissonnade, P. | € 5,00 |
 | Bolton, W.F. (editor) | € 10,00 |
 | Borst, Otto | € 5,00 |
 | Bosl, Karl | € 20,00 |
 | Bronkhorst, J.W. | € 10,00 |
 | Brugmans, Prof. Dr. H. | € 6,00 |
 | Cahier, P.Ch. | € 65,00 |
 | Cahill, Thomas | € 10,00 |
 | Calkins, Robert G. | € 20,00 |
 | Camille, Michael | € 6,00 |
 | Cantor, Norman F. | € 10,00 |
 | Carruthers, Bob (edited and introduced by) | € 8,00 |
 | Cobban, Alan B. | € 25,00 |
 | Constable, Giles | € 8,00 |
 | Coss, Peter | € 12,50 |
 | Coulton, G.G. (selection) | € 5,00 |
 | Crisp, Frank | € 45,00 |
 | Crump, C.G. & E.F. Jacob | € 10,00 |
 | Dael, Dr. P.C.J. van | € 5,00 |
 | Davies, Penelope | € 5,00 |
 | Davies, Penelope | € 5,00 |
 | Decorte, Jos | € 7,00 |
 | Diercks, Dr. G.F. | € 5,00 |
 | Dijk, Hans van | € 15,00 |
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 | Droste, F.G. | € 5,00 |
 | Duby, Georges | € 8,00 |
 | Duvosquel, Jean-Marie & Erik Thoen | € 30,00 |
 | Eco, Umberto | € 15,00 |
 | Eco, Umberto | € 17,50 |
 | Engelen, Cor | € 100,00 |
 | Engels, L.J. - e.a. (editor) | € 15,00 |
 | Erbstösser, Martin | € 35,00 |
 | Erlande-Brandenburg, Alain & Pierre-Yves Le Pogam & Dany Sandron | € 8,00 |
 | Faral, Edmond | € 25,00 |
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 | Ficino, Marsilio | € 6,00 |
 | Ficino, Marsilio | € 6,00 |
 | Fischer-Fabian, S. | € 8,00 |
 | Fox, Sally | € 5,00 |
 | Franck, Martinus (concept) & Pieter Decancq (tekst) | € 30,00 |
 | Fraser, Antonia | € 8,00 |
 | Gerritsen, W.P. & Willem Wilmink | € 10,00 |
 | Gerritsen, W.P. (woord vooraf) & een groep Utrechtse Neerlandici | € 6,00 |
 | Goudriaan, K. | € 5,00 |
 | Grant, Michael | € 8,00 |
 | Grant, Michael | € 10,00 |
 | Greeve, Lucie P. & Wijngaarden, N. van (anthologie annotee par) | € 6,50 |
 | Gregorovius, Ferdinand | € 8,00 |
 | Gregorovius, Ferdinand & Waldemar Kampf | € 25,00 |
 | Grote, Udo | € 8,00 |
 | Grotzfeld, Heinz | € 40,00 |
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 | Guerber, H.A. | € 10,00 |
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 | Harvey, P.D.A. | € 45,00 |
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 | Hell, Vera | € 8,00 |
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 | Huizinga, J. | € 10,00 |
 | Huizinga, J. | € 8,00 |
 | Huizinga, J. | € 10,00 |
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 | Jenner, Michael | € 10,00 |
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 | Jong, Martien J.G. de | € 8,00 |
 | Jong, Martien J.G. De | € 6,00 |
 | Kalff, G. | € 10,00 |
 | Kaper, R. | € 10,00 |
 | Klapste, Jan | € 65,00 |
 | Knight, Dayanna | € 15,00 |
 | Koch, Esther & Mantingh, Erwin - e.a. (redactie) | € 10,00 |
 | Koch, H.W. | € 8,00 |
 | Kollewijn, A.M. | € 8,00 |
 | Kool, Marjolein | € 15,00 |