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Weary: the Life of Sir Edward Dunlop
Sue Ebury
€ 10,00
Ebury, Sue
€ 10,00
Corridor naar het verleden: Veghel, een snijpunt in Oost-Brabant 1940-1945 *GESIGNEERD*
Frans Govers
€ 15,00
Govers, Frans
€ 15,00
Engines Pull Wagons, 1933-1945: a personal story
Paul Siegel
€ 5,00
Siegel, Paul
€ 5,00
Padre with the Para
€ 12,50
"Joe" (the Revd. Edward Nalder Downing, Padre in 2nd Para Brigade 1942-1945)
€ 12,50
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
"Periscope"(= John W. Hurley) & L.O. Thayer (editor)
€ 10,00
Guerrilla Warfare
"Yank" Levy
€ 12,50
"Yank" Levy
€ 12,50
In memoriam Burma-Siam 1942-1945
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Het Oostelijk front: de heksenketel
W. van Aaken
€ 10,00
Aaken, W. van
€ 10,00
Slag om Arnhem: bibliografie van gedrukte werken
Mr. P.G. Aalbers
€ 5,00
Aalbers, Mr. P.G.
€ 5,00
Slag om Arnhem: bibliografie van gedrukte werken
Mr. P.G. Aalbers
€ 8,00
Aalbers, Mr. P.G.
€ 8,00
Wie was Jack Spijer? Een onbekende gevangene uit Bergen-Belsen
Sophie Aalders e.a.
€ 6,00
Aalders, Sophie & Rachel Spijer
€ 6,00
'Houzee kameraad': een documentaire over de NSB
J Aarse e.a.
€ 6,00
Aarse, J & B. Marinus
€ 6,00
Aarts' Letterkundige Almanak na het Anne Frank-herdenkingsjaar 1995
C.J. Aarts
€ 5,00
Aarts, C.J.
€ 5,00
Gathering of Demons
Kim Abbott
€ 100,00
Abbott, Kim
€ 100,00
Shadow Enemies: Hitler's Secret Terrorist Plot Against the United States
Alex Abella e.a.
€ 9,00
Abella, Alex & Scott Gordon
€ 9,00
Shadow Enemies: Hitler's Secret Terrorist Plot Against the United States
Alex Abella e.a.
€ 8,00
Abella, Alex & Scott Gordon
€ 8,00
The Children We Remember. Photographs from the Archives of Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, Jerusalem, Israel
Chana Byers Abells
€ 8,00
Abells, Chana Byers
€ 8,00
'Enemy Subject': Life in a japanese Internment Camp 1943-45
Peggy Abkhazi e.a.
€ 8,00
Abkhazi, Peggy & S.W. Jackman (editor)
€ 8,00
Herinneringen. Jeugd in oorlogstijd
Achille van Acker
€ 12,50
Acker, Achille van
€ 12,50
Hitler's Greatest Defeat: The Collapse Of The Army Group Centre, June 1944
Paul Adair
€ 10,00
Adair, Paul
€ 10,00
British Eight Army North Africa 1940-43
Robin Adair
€ 8,00
Adair, Robin
€ 8,00
British Eight Army North Africa 1940-43
Robin Adair
€ 8,00
Adair, Robin
€ 8,00
Leningrad Under Siege: First-Hand Accounts of the Ordeal
Ales Adamovich e.a.
€ 15,00
Adamovich, Ales & Daniil Granin
€ 15,00
The Champagne Campaign: The Spectacular Airborne Invasion that Turned the Tide of Battle in Southern France in 1944
Robert H. Adleman e.a.
€ 10,00
Adleman, Robert H. & George Walton
€ 10,00
The Devil's Brigade
Robert H. Adleman e.a.
€ 30,00
Adleman, Robert H. & George Walton
€ 30,00
Ge wis nie wâ ge zagt! Verhalen van Nederasseltse en Overasseltse mensen over luchtlandingen op 17 september 1944
Hermien Goltstein-Duighuisen Adri Altink
€ 8,00
Adri Altink, Hermien Goltstein-Duighuisen, Antoon Theunissen (eindredactie)
€ 8,00
The Story of the Indian Airborne Troops
Karim Afsir
€ 90,00
Afsir, Karim
€ 90,00
A Nation Collapses. The Italian Surrender of September 1943
Elena Agarossi
€ 20,00
Agarossi, Elena
€ 20,00
Airborne Memorial Service: Arnhem Oosterbeek War Cementary 1944-2009
Laurens van Aggelen
€ 15,00
Aggelen, Laurens van
€ 15,00
Teufel oder Technokrat? Hitlers graue Eminenz
Tom Agoston
€ 15,00
Agoston, Tom
€ 15,00
De geschiedenis van de Waffen-SS 1923-1945: Het geïllustreerde verhaal van de gevreesde elitetroepen van het Derde Rijk
Christopher Ailsby
€ 10,00
Ailsby, Christopher
€ 10,00
Hitler's Sky Warriors: German Paratroopers in Action 1939-1945
Christopher Ailsby
€ 15,00
Ailsby, Christopher
€ 15,00
The Third Reich: Day By Day
Christopher Ailsby
€ 8,00
Ailsby, Christopher
€ 8,00
World War II Day by Day
Hook Alex
€ 8,00
Alex, Hook
€ 8,00
Diary of a Girl in Changi 1941-1945
Sheila Allan
€ 10,00
Allan, Sheila
€ 10,00
Berthon, Simon
Roosevelt Allies at War: The Bitter Rivalry Among Churchill
€ 8,00
Allies at War: The Bitter Rivalry Among Churchill, Roosevelt, and De Gaulle
€ 8,00
6 juin 1944 
Jacques - and others Alluchon
€ 15,00
Alluchon, Jacques - and others
€ 15,00
6 juin 1944 
Jacques - and others Alluchon
€ 15,00
Alluchon, Jacques - and others
€ 15,00
Op iedere tegel een hakenkruis
Michi Almer
€ 5,00
Almer, Michi
€ 5,00
De geschiedenis van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Postzegels (2 delen)
€ 45,00
€ 45,00
3 november 1944: De slag om het Markkanaal
J. van Alphen
€ 12,50
Alphen, J. van
€ 12,50
Berlin. Dance of Death
Helmut Altner e.a.
€ 10,00
Altner, Helmut & Tony le Tissier
€ 10,00
Die langen Schatten von Vichy: Frankreich, Deutschland und die Rückkehr des Verdrängten
Jürg Altwegg
€ 9,00
Altwegg, Jürg
€ 9,00
D-Day June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 10,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 10,00
D-Day, June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 10,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 10,00
D-Day: 6 June 1944 : The Climactic Battle of World War II
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 15,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 15,00
Pegasus Bridge: 6 June 1944
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 10,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 10,00
Pegasus Bridge: 6 June 1944
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 9,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 9,00
Pegasus Bridge: 6 June 1944
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 6,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 6,00
The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s over Germany (Large Print Edition)
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 15,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 15,00
The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s Over Germany 1944-45
Stephen E. Ambrose
€ 8,00
Ambrose, Stephen E.
€ 8,00
No End Save Victory: Perspectives on World War II
Stephen E. Ambrose e.a.
€ 12,50
Ambrose, Stephen E. & Caleb Carr & John Keegan & William Manchester - a.o.
€ 12,50
Die Schlacht im Atlantic by
H.H. Ambrosius
€ 10,00
Ambrosius, H.H.
€ 10,00
Altijd weer Auschwitz: een biografische schets van Eva Tas 1915 - 2007
J.J. Amesz e.a.
€ 5,00
Amesz, J.J. & J.A. Honout
€ 5,00
Altijd weer Auschwitz: een biografische schets van Eva Tas 1915 - 2007
J.J. Amesz e.a.
€ 5,00
Amesz, J.J. & J.A. Honout
€ 5,00
Overlord: the D-Day Landings, 6 June 1944
An Imperial War Museum Photopack
€ 9,00
An Imperial War Museum Photopack
€ 9,00
374th Troop Carrier Group 1942-1945
Bentley J. Anderson
€ 20,00
Anderson, Bentley J.
€ 20,00
Screaming Eagles: The 101st Airborne Division from D-Day to Desert Storm
Christopher J. Anderson
€ 8,00
Anderson, Christopher J.
€ 8,00
The Marines In World War II : From Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay
Christopher J. Anderson
€ 8,00
Anderson, Christopher J.
€ 8,00
Het einde van het Derde Rijk: Een overzicht van alle militaire gebeurtenissen en ontwikkelingen die leidden tot de val van Hitlers imperium: De landing in Normandië; De slag om Arnhem; Het Ardennenoffensief; De val van Berlijn
Duncan Anderson
€ 8,00
Anderson, Duncan
€ 8,00
Hitler's Exiles: Personal Stories of the Flight from Nazi Germany to America
Mark M. Anderson
€ 15,00
Anderson, Mark M.
€ 15,00
Pete Anderson
€ 6,00
Anderson, Pete
€ 6,00
Tanks of the Second World War
Thomas Anderson
€ 12,50
Anderson, Thomas
€ 12,50
Tanks of the Second World War
Thomas Anderson
€ 12,50
Anderson, Thomas
€ 12,50
Tanks of the Second World War
Thomas Anderson
€ 15,00
Anderson, Thomas
€ 15,00
Airborne Album: 1943-1945 Normandy to Victory
John Andrews
€ 65,00
Andrews, John
€ 65,00
Airborne Album: 1943-1945 Normandy to Victory
John Andrews
€ 50,00
Andrews, John
€ 50,00
Airborne Album: 1943-1945 Normandy to Victory
John Andrews
€ 50,00
Andrews, John
€ 50,00
Airborne Album. Volume One: Parachute Test Platoon to Normandy
John C. Andrews
€ 30,00
Andrews, John C.
€ 30,00
Service Newspapers of the Second World War
Michael Anglo
€ 9,00
Anglo, Michael
€ 9,00
The Lost Company: C Company 2nd Parachute Battalion in Oosterbeek and Arnhem, September 1944
Marcel Anker
€ 100,00
Anker, Marcel
€ 100,00
The Lost Company: C Company 2nd Parachute Battalion in Oosterbeek and Arnhem, September 1944
Marcel Anker
€ 100,00
Anker, Marcel
€ 100,00
Anne Frank
Anne Frank Stichting Amstredam
€ 5,00
Anne Frank Stichting Amstredam
€ 5,00
Hitler's Raid to Save Mussolini: The Most Infamous Commando Operation of World War II
Greg Annussek
€ 15,00
Annussek, Greg
€ 15,00
Festung Hanstholm: Nordeuropas größte Befestigungsanlage des 2. Weltkrieges
Bent Bagoe Anthonisen
€ 10,00
Anthonisen, Bent Bagoe
€ 10,00
The Second World War in the air in Photographs 1942
L. Archard
€ 8,00
Archard, L.
€ 8,00
The Second World War in the air in Photographs 1943
L. Archard
€ 8,00
Archard, L.
€ 8,00
The Internment of Western Civilians under the Japanese 1941-1945: A patchwork of internment
Bernice Archer
€ 30,00
Archer, Bernice
€ 30,00
Bomber Pilot. A Memoir of World War II
Philip Ardery
€ 10,00
Ardery, Philip
€ 10,00
Bevochten groei. Een Joods meisje wordt volwassen in oorlogstijd
Anne van Arend
€ 8,00
Arend, Anne van
€ 8,00
Het Offensief in de Ardennen: "Wacht aan de Rijn"
Guy-Franz Arend
€ 6,00
Arend, Guy-Franz
€ 6,00
Otterburn 1388: Bloody border conflict
Peter Armstrong e.a.
€ 10,00
Armstrong, Peter & Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
€ 10,00
Sixty Years on: 1944-1945 Remembered
David Arnold
€ 12,50
Arnold, David
€ 12,50
US Commanders of World War II (2): Navy & USMC
J. Arnold e.a.
€ 10,00
Arnold, J. & S. Sinton
€ 10,00
US Commanders of World War II (1): Army and Usaaf
James Arnold e.a.
€ 8,00
Arnold, James & Robert Hargis
€ 8,00
Forgotten Voices Of The Second World War. A New History of the Second World War in the Words of the Men and Women Who Were There
Max Arthur
€ 8,00
Arthur, Max
€ 8,00
Men of the Red Beret
Max Arthur
€ 9,00
Arthur, Max
€ 9,00
Get Rommel: The Secret British Mission To Kill Hitler'S Greatest General
Michael Asher
€ 8,00
Asher, Michael
€ 8,00
Get Rommel: The Secret British Mission To Kill Hitler'S Greatest General
Michael Asher
€ 9,00
Asher, Michael
€ 9,00
Get Rommel: The Secret British Mission To Kill Hitler'S Greatest General
Michael Asher
€ 9,00
Asher, Michael
€ 9,00
Flying Film Stars. The Directory of Aircraft in British World War Two Films
Mark Ashley
€ 20,00
Ashley, Mark
€ 20,00
Action Stations 5: Military Airfields of the South-West
Chris Ashworth
€ 10,00
Ashworth, Chris
€ 10,00
Crisis in the Pacific. The Battles for the Philippine Islands by the Men Who Fought Them
Gerald Astor
€ 6,50
Astor, Gerald
€ 6,50
The Greatest War: American's in Combat: 1941-1945
Gerald Astor
€ 12,50
Astor, Gerald
€ 12,50
Fighting Nazi Occupation: British Resistance 1939 - 1945
Malcolm Atkin
€ 20,00
Atkin, Malcolm
€ 20,00
Pillar of Fire: Dunkirk 1940
Ronald Atkin
€ 8,00
Atkin, Ronald
€ 8,00
Pillar of Fire: Dunkirk 1940
Ronald Atkins
€ 8,00
Atkins, Ronald
€ 8,00
Russia's Heroes 1941-45: An epic account of struggle and survival on the Eastern Front
Albert Axell
€ 8,00
Axell, Albert
€ 8,00
The Nazi Question: an Essay on the Interpretations of National Socialsim (1922-1975)
Pierre Aycoberry
€ 8,00
Aycoberry, Pierre
€ 8,00
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