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Back to the Front: An Accidental Historian Walks the Trenches of World War I
Stephen O'Shea
€ 8,00
O'Shea, Stephen
€ 8,00
Back to the Front: An Accidental Historian Walks the Trenches of World War I
Stephen O'Shea
€ 8,00
O'Shea, Stephen
€ 8,00
Kitchener's Lost Boys: From the Playing Fields to the Killing Fields
John Oakes
€ 10,00
Oakes, John
€ 10,00
The World's War
David Olusoga
€ 10,00
Olusoga, David
€ 10,00
The World's War. Forgotten Soldiers of Empire
David Olusoga
€ 9,00
Olusoga, David
€ 9,00
The Road to the Somme. Men of the Ulster Division Tell Their Story
Philip Orr
€ 8,00
Orr, Philip
€ 8,00
Der erste Weltkrieg. Dokumente
Helmut Otto e.a.
€ 8,00
Otto, Helmut & Karl Schmiedel
€ 8,00
The Road to Verdun: World War I's Most Momentous Battle and the Folly of Nationalism
Ian Ousby
€ 10,00
Ousby, Ian
€ 10,00
High Altars. The Battle-Fields of France and Flanders as I saw Them
John Oxenham
€ 8,00
Oxenham, John
€ 8,00
Seeking Victory On The Western Front. The British Army And Chemical Warfare In World War I
Albert Palazzo
€ 12,50
Palazzo, Albert
€ 12,50
Victory 1918
Alan Palmer
€ 10,00
Palmer, Alan
€ 10,00
A War In Words: The First World War - Accompanying The Major Channel Four Series
Svetlana Palmer
€ 8,00
Palmer, Svetlana
€ 8,00
A War In Words: The First World War - Accompanying The Major Channel Four Series
Svetlana Palmer
€ 8,00
Palmer, Svetlana
€ 8,00
A War in Words: The First Wold War in Diaries and Letters
Svetlana Palmer e.a.
€ 8,00
Palmer, Svetlana & Sarah Wallis
€ 8,00
"Si je reviens comme je l'espère" : Lettres du Front et de l'Arrière, 1914-1918
Papillon Marthe e.a.
€ 8,00
Papillon Marthe & Joseph Papillon & Lucien Papillon & Marcel Papillon
€ 8,00
The Diaries of Parker Pasha: The War in the Desert 1914-18 told from the Secret Diaries of Colonel Alfred Chevallier Parker
Alfred Chevalier Parker
€ 10,00
Parker, Alfred Chevalier
€ 10,00
Great War Britain. Exeter Remembering 1914-18
David Parker
€ 8,00
Parker, David
€ 8,00
Into Battle. A Seventeen-Year-Old Joins Kitchener's Army
E.W. Parker
€ 8,00
Parker, E.W.
€ 8,00
Der I. Weltkrieg im Bild. Eine Bilddokumentation
Adolf Paulus
€ 10,00
Paulus, Adolf
€ 10,00
Great Britain's Great War. A Sympathetic History of Our Gravest Folly
Jeremy Paxman
€ 12,50
Paxman, Jeremy
€ 12,50
A second alternative guide to the Western Front
A.J. Peacock
€ 6,00
Peacock, A.J.
€ 6,00
An alternative guide to the Western Front
A.J. Peacock
€ 6,00
Peacock, A.J.
€ 6,00
Mud, Blood and Determination. The History of the 46th (North Midland) Division in the Great War
Simon Peaple
€ 15,00
Peaple, Simon
€ 15,00
And We Were Young. Oundle School and the Great War
Colin Pendrill
€ 15,00
Pendrill, Colin
€ 15,00
The Hunters and the Hunted. The Elimination of German Surface Warships Around the World 1914-15
Bryan Perrett
€ 10,00
Perrett, Bryan
€ 10,00
La Bataille de Verdun. Avec 8 cartes, et 18 gravures et 1 annexe
Marechal Petain
€ 15,00
Petain, Marechal
€ 15,00
Victor and Evie: British Aristocrats in Wartime Rideau Hall
Dorothy Anne Phillips
€ 15,00
Phillips, Dorothy Anne
€ 15,00
Somme: Flers And Gueudecourt 15-26 September 1916
Trevor Pidgeon
€ 9,00
Pidgeon, Trevor
€ 9,00
Der Erste Weltkrieg
Janusz Piekalkiewicz
€ 9,00
Piekalkiewicz, Janusz
€ 9,00
Tannenberg: Erich Ludendorff and the Defense of the Eastern German Border in 1914
Perry Pierik
€ 8,00
Pierik, Perry
€ 8,00
Legend, Memory, and the Great War in the Air
D.A. Pisano e.a.
€ 12,50
Pisano, D.A. & Dietz, T.J. & Gernstein, J.M. & Schneide, K.S.
€ 12,50
Barrie Pitt
€ 12,50
Pitt, Barrie
€ 12,50
The Crucible of War I: Wavell's Command
Barrie Pitt
€ 8,00
Pitt, Barrie
€ 8,00
Der Erste Weltkrieg 1914-1918: Der deutsche Aufmarsch in ein kriegerisches Jahrhundert
Pöhlmann Markus e.a.
€ 15,00
Pöhlmann Markus & Potempa Harald & Thomas Vogel
€ 15,00
The End of the Age of Innocence: Edith Wharton and the First World War
A. Price
€ 10,00
Price, A.
€ 10,00
The End of the Age of Innocence: Edith Wharton and the First World War
Alan Price
€ 8,00
Price, Alan
€ 8,00
Command on the Western Front: The Military Career of Sir Henry Rawlinson, 1914-18
Robin Prior e.a.
€ 45,00
Prior, Robin & Trevor Wilson
€ 45,00
The First World War
Robin Prior e.a.
€ 6,00
Prior, Robin & Trevor Wilson
€ 6,00
The Somme
Robin Prior e.a.
€ 10,00
Prior, Robin & Trevor Wilson
€ 10,00
The First World War
Robin Prior e.a.
€ 8,00
Prior, Robin & Wilson, Trevor
€ 8,00
The First World War
Robin Prior e.a.
€ 8,00
Prior, Robin & Wilson, Trevor
€ 8,00
In the Wake of War: 'Les Anciens Combattants' and French Society 1914-1939
Antoine Prost
€ 20,00
Prost, Antoine
€ 20,00
Bereiken wat mogelijk is. Besluitvorming in de Brits-Nederlandse betrekkingen, 1914-1916
H. Pruntel
€ 12,50
Pruntel, H.
€ 12,50
Blood in the Trenches. A Memoir of the Battle of the Somme
A. Radclyffe Dugmore
€ 8,50
Radclyffe Dugmore, A.
€ 8,50
Wilhelm Groener als Erster Generalquartiermeister. Die Politik der Obersten Heeresleitung 1918/19
Gerhard W. Rakenius
€ 45,00
Rakenius, Gerhard W.
€ 45,00
History of the War in the Air 1914-1918. Illustrated Edition
Walter Raleigh
€ 15,00
Raleigh, Walter
€ 15,00
Wake Up, America. World War I and the American Poster
Walton Rawls e.a.
€ 20,00
Rawls, Walton & Rickards, Maurice (foreword)
€ 20,00
The Cambrai Campaign 1917
Andrew Rawson
€ 15,00
Rawson, Andrew
€ 15,00
The Western Front: A Pictorial History
David Ray
€ 8,00
Ray, David
€ 8,00
South Devon in the Great War
Tony Rea
€ 8,00
Rea, Tony
€ 8,00
The World On Fire: 1919 and the Battle with Bolshevism
Anthony Read
€ 15,00
Read, Anthony
€ 15,00
Adolf Wild von Hohenborn. Briefe und Tagebuchaufzeichnungen des preussischen Generals als Kriegsminister und Truppenführer im Ersten Weltkrieg
Helmut Reichold e.a.
€ 100,00
Reichold, Helmut & Gerhard Granier
€ 100,00
Karlsruher Kinder im "Dritten Reich"
Anne Reuter-Rautenberg e.a.
€ 8,00
Reuter-Rautenberg, Anne & Ekkehard Westermann & Katrin Simons
€ 8,00
Album 14-18
David Van Reybrouck e.a.
€ 20,00
Reybrouck, David Van & Carl De Keyzer
€ 20,00
Frieden für Europa. Die Politik der deutschen Reichstagsmehrheit 1917-18
Wilhelm Ribhegge
€ 9,00
Ribhegge, Wilhelm
€ 9,00
Matthew Richardson
€ 12,50
Richardson, Matthew
€ 12,50
Matthew Richardson
€ 10,00
Richardson, Matthew
€ 10,00
Ghosts of Old Companions. Lloyd George's Welsh Army, the Kaiser's Reichsheer and the Battle for Mametz Wood, 1914-1916
Jonathon Riley
€ 20,00
Riley, Jonathon
€ 20,00
Of Battles Long Ago. Memoirs of an American Ambulance Driver in World War I
G. Ripley Cutler
€ 30,00
Ripley Cutler, G.
€ 30,00
	De donkere poort: Een boek, behelzende tal van Persoonlijke Herinneringen van vooraanstaande Mannen, Stemmingsbeelden, Indrukken, Beschouwingen, Belangrijke en Onbelangrijke Gebeurtenissen (2 delen)
P.H. Ritter
€ 12,50
Ritter, P.H.
€ 12,50
Witness These Letters: Letters from the Western Front, 1915-18
G.D. Roberts
€ 10,00
Roberts, G.D.
€ 10,00
A writer at war: Arnold Bennett, 1914-1918
Kinley E. Roby
€ 8,00
Roby, Kinley E.
€ 8,00
Gallipoli: the Landings at Helles
Huw Rodge e.a.
€ 8,00
Rodge, Huw & Jill Rodge
€ 8,00
The Last of the EBB. The Battle of the Aisne, 1918
Sidney Rogerson
€ 10,00
Rogerson, Sidney
€ 10,00
Verdun: Militärgeschichtlicher Reiseführer
Horst Rohde e.a.
€ 6,00
Rohde, Horst & Robert Ostrovsky
€ 6,00
Neue Forschungen zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Literaturberichte und Bibliographien von 30 Mitgliedstaaten der "Commission Internationale d'Histoire Militaire Comparée"
Jürgen Rohwer
€ 15,00
Rohwer, Jürgen
€ 15,00
Rebels. The Irish Rising of 1916
Peter de Rosa
€ 8,00
Rosa, Peter de
€ 8,00
Der Weltkrieg 1914-1918: Ereignis und Erinnerung
Rainer Rother
€ 10,00
Rother, Rainer
€ 10,00
Home Fires Burning: The Great War Diaries of Georgina Lee, 1914-1919
Gavin Roynon
€ 9,00
Roynon, Gavin (editor) & Hew Strachan (foreword)
€ 9,00
Haig's Medical Officer. The Papers of Colonel Eugene 'Micky' Ryan CMG DSO RAMC
Eugene P. Ryan e.a.
€ 12,50
Ryan, Eugene P. & Gary Sheffield
€ 12,50
The First VCs. The Moving True Story of First World War Heroes Maurice Dease and Sidney Godley
Mark Ryan
€ 10,00
Ryan, Mark
€ 10,00
First World War. The Postcard Collection
Nigel Sadler
€ 8,00
Sadler, Nigel
€ 8,00
America in the Great War. The Rise of the War Welfare State
Ronald Schaffer
€ 10,00
Schaffer, Ronald
€ 10,00
November 1918. Journaal van een revolutie die niet doorfging
H.J. Scheffer
€ 6,50
Scheffer, H.J.
€ 6,50
Scrimgeour's small scribbling diary, 1914-1916: the truly astonishing wartime diary and letters of an Edwardian gentleman, naval officer, boy and son
Alexander Scrimgeour
€ 5,00
Scrimgeour, Alexander
€ 5,00
The Complete Scrimgeour. From Dartmouth to Jutland 1913-16 - expanded edition
Alexander Scrimgeour
€ 8,00
Scrimgeour, Alexander
€ 8,00
Death for Desertion: the Story of the Court Martial and Execution of Sub Lt. Edwin Dyett
Leonard Sellers
€ 8,00
Sellers, Leonard
€ 8,00
For God's Sake Shoot Straight: The Story of the Court Martial and Execution of Sub Lt. Edwin Dyett
Leonard Sellers
€ 12,50
Sellers, Leonard
€ 12,50
The intimate papers of Colonel House II: From Neutrality to War 1915-1917
Charles Seymour
€ 10,00
Seymour, Charles (arranged as a narrative by)
€ 10,00
Back to the Front: An Accidental Historian Walks the Trenches of World War I
Stephen O' Shea
€ 12,50
Shea, Stephen O'
€ 12,50
Sailor of the Air: The 1917-1919 Letters and Diary of USN CMM/A Irving Edward Sheely
Lawrence D. Sheely
€ 10,00
Sheely, Lawrence D. (editor)
€ 10,00
Sailor of the Air: The 1917-1919 Letters and Diary of USN CMM/A Irving Edward Sheely
Lawrence D. Sheely
€ 12,50
Sheely, Lawrence D. (editor)
€ 12,50
Wearside Battalion. The 20th (Service) Battalion of The Durham Light Infantry in The Great War
John Sheen
€ 15,00
Sheen, John
€ 15,00
Command and Morale. The British Army on the Western Front 1914-18
Gary Sheffield
€ 12,50
Sheffield, Gary
€ 12,50
The Somme: A New History
Gary Sheffield
€ 12,50
Sheffield, Gary
€ 12,50
War on the Western Front. In the Trenches of WWI
Gary Sheffield
€ 10,00
Sheffield, Gary
€ 10,00
British Intelligence in the Palestinian Campaign 1914-1918
Yigal Sheffy
€ 45,00
Sheffy, Yigal
€ 45,00
World War I
David Shermer e.a.
€ 10,00
Shermer, David & A.J.P. Taylor (introduction by)
€ 10,00
An Eyewitness Account of Gallipoli: Words and Sketches by Signaller Ellis Silas
Ellis Silas e.a.
€ 12,50
Silas, Ellis & John Laffin (editor)
€ 12,50
Out of Battle: Poetry of the Great War (Ark Paperbacks)
Jon Silkin
€ 6,00
Silkin, Jon
€ 6,00
Art and Survival in First World War Britain
Stuart Sillars
€ 10,00
Sillars, Stuart
€ 10,00
The First World War (3): The Western Front 1917-1918
Peter Simkins
€ 10,00
Simkins, Peter
€ 10,00
The Old Contemptibles: A Photographic History of the British Expeditionary Force August to December 1914
Keith Simpson
€ 8,00
Simpson, Keith
€ 8,00
Hall of Mirrors
David Sinclair
€ 10,00
Sinclair, David
€ 10,00
The Somme 1916. The First of July
Ed Skelding
€ 15,00
Skelding, Ed
€ 15,00
Sniper Jackson. A novel of the Great War
Frederick Sleath e.a.
€ 10,00
Sleath, Frederick & Martin Pegler (introduction)
€ 10,00
Bescheiden betreffende de buitenlandse politiek van Nederland 1848-1919. Derde periode 1899-1919. Vierde deel 1914-1917
Mr. Dr. C. Smit
€ 30,00
Smit, Mr. Dr. C.
€ 30,00
Bescheiden betreffende de buitenlandse politiek van Nederland 1848-1919. Derde periode 1899-1919. Vijfde deel: 1917-1919. Eerste stuk en Tweede stuk (2 delen)
Mr. Dr. C. Smit
€ 50,00
Smit, Mr. Dr. C.
€ 50,00
Bescheiden betreffende de buitenlandse politiek van Nederland 1848-1919. Derde periode 1899-1919. Zevende deel: Buitenlandse bronnen 1914-1917
Mr. Dr. C. Smit
€ 30,00
Smit, Mr. Dr. C.
€ 30,00
Anatomy of a Raid: Cameos on the Western Front: Ypres Sector 1914-18
Ted Smith e.a.
€ 8,00
Smith, Ted & Tony Spagnoly
€ 8,00
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