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Duty, Honor, Privilege: New York's Silk Stocking Regiment and the Breaking of the Hindenburg Line
Stephen L. Harris
€ 15,00
Harris, Stephen L.
€ 15,00
Catastrophe: Europe Goes to War 1914
Max Hastings
€ 9,00
Hastings, Max
€ 9,00
A Photohistory of World War One
Philip J. Haythornthwaite
€ 10,00
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
€ 10,00
World War One: 1916
Philip J. Haythornthwaite
€ 6,00
Haythornthwaite, Philip J.
€ 6,00
With the Kaiser's Army in 1914. A Neutral Observer in Belgium & France
Sven Hedin
€ 20,00
Hedin, Sven
€ 20,00
Den Grooten Oorlog in de Westhoek
Aleid Hemeryck
€ 5,00
Hemeryck, Aleid
€ 5,00
For Love and Courage. The Letters of Lieutenant Colonel E.w. Hermon from the Western Front 1914-1917
E.W. Hermon
€ 10,00
Hermon, E.W.
€ 10,00
For Love and Courage. The Letters of Lieutenant Colonel E.W. Hermon from the Western Front 1914-1917
E.W. Hermon
€ 10,00
Hermon, E.W.
€ 10,00
Köln 1914: Metropole im Westen
Petra Hesse e.a.
€ 15,00
Hesse, Petra & Mario Kramp
€ 15,00
Duncan Hill
€ 10,00
Hill, Duncan
€ 10,00
The Great War. A Pictorial History
Duncan Hill
€ 10,00
Hill, Duncan
€ 10,00
The Great War
Field Marshal von Hindenberg e.a.
€ 10,00
Hindenberg, Field Marshal von & Charles Messenger (edited by)
€ 10,00
Verzet en eendracht: de grote oorlog 1914-1918
Adam Hochschild
€ 12,50
Hochschild, Adam
€ 12,50
Men of 18 in 1918
F.J. Hodges
€ 20,00
Hodges, F.J.
€ 20,00
The Little Field Marshal: A Life of Sir John French
Richard Holmes
€ 10,00
Holmes, Richard
€ 10,00
Till the Boys Come Home: the picture Postcards of the First World War
Tonie Holt e.a.
€ 10,00
Holt, Tonie & Valmai Holt
€ 10,00
The Best of "Fragments from France" by Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather
Tonie Holt e.a.
€ 8,00
Holt, Tonie & Valmai Holt (compiled and edited by)
€ 8,00
Battlefields of the first world war. A traveller's guide
Tonie and Valmai Holt
€ 10,00
Holt, Tonie and Valmai
€ 10,00
Das Volk in Waffen. Zweiter Band: Die Flotte
Eduard Holzhauer
€ 12,50
Holzhauer, Eduard
€ 12,50
Rural Life in England in the First World War
Pamela Horn
€ 15,00
Horn, Pamela
€ 15,00
The price of glory
Alister Horne
€ 6,00
Horne, Alister
€ 6,00
A Companion to World War I
John Horne
€ 15,00
Horne, John (editor)
€ 15,00
The Long March: The Story of "The Devil's Own" B/210 Burnley Battery Royal Field Artillery, 1914-19
Jack Horsfall
€ 20,00
Horsfall, Jack
€ 20,00
The Great War at Sea, 1914 1918
Richard Hough
€ 6,00
Hough, Richard
€ 6,00
Mametz: Lloyd George's Welsh Army at the Battle of the Somme *SIGNED*
Colin Hughes
€ 20,00
Hughes, Colin
€ 20,00
Blindfold and Alone: British Military Executions in the Great War
John Hughes-Wilson
€ 10,00
Hughes-Wilson, John
€ 10,00
Ooggetuigen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog
Wim van de Hulst e.a.
€ 15,00
Hulst, Wim van de & Koen Koch
€ 15,00
The Landing in the Dawn. Dissecting a Legend - the Landing at ANZAC, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915
James Hurst
€ 30,00
Hurst, James
€ 30,00
The Public Schools Battalion in the Great War
Steve Hurst
€ 20,00
Hurst, Steve
€ 20,00
Poetry of the First World War
Maurice Hussey
€ 6,50
Hussey, Maurice
€ 6,50
Kitchener's Men. The King's Own Royal Lancasters on the Western Front 1915-1918
John Hutton
€ 12,50
Hutton, John
€ 12,50
Adjutant im Preußischen Kriegsministerium, Juni 1918 bis Oktober 1919. Aufzeichnungen des Hauptmanns G. Böhm
Heinz Hürten e.a.
€ 8,00
Hürten, Heinz & Georg Meyer
€ 8,00
The First Blitz. The German Bomber Campaign Against Britain in the First World War 1917-1918
Andrew P. Hyde
€ 8,00
Hyde, Andrew P.
€ 8,00
Reporting the Great War. News from the Home Front
Stuart Hylton
€ 12,50
Hylton, Stuart
€ 12,50
Flights of Passage: Reflections of a World War II Aviator
Samuel Hynes
€ 8,00
Hynes, Samuel
€ 8,00
German Bombers of World War One
Alex Imrie
€ 8,00
Imrie, Alex
€ 8,00
Plough & Scatter. The Diary-Journal of a First World War Gunner
J. Ivor Hanson e.a.
€ 8,00
Ivor Hanson, J. & Wakefield, Alan
€ 8,00
Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War I
Fred T. Jane
€ 10,00
Jane, Fred T.
€ 10,00
The Royal Naval Air Service in the First World War. Aircraft and Events as Recorded in Official Documents
Philip Jarrett
€ 20,00
Jarrett, Philip
€ 20,00
Ace Of Aces: The Life Of Capt Eddie Rickenbacker
H. Paul Jeffers
€ 10,00
Jeffers, H. Paul
€ 10,00
Carmarthen Pals. A History of the 15th (Service) Battalion the Welsh Regiment, 1914-1919
Steven John
€ 12,50
John, Steven
€ 12,50
Welsh at War. From Mons to Loos and the Gallipoli Tragedy
Steven John
€ 15,00
John, Steven
€ 15,00
Wingless Eagle: U.S.Army Aviation Through World War I
Herbert A. Johnson
€ 9,00
Johnson, Herbert A.
€ 9,00
Stalemate! Great Trench Warfare Battles
J.H. Johnson
€ 8,00
Johnson, J.H.
€ 8,00
Johnny. The Legend and Tragedy of General Sir Ian Hamilton
John Philip Jones
€ 10,00
Jones, John Philip
€ 10,00
The War Walk: A Journey Along the Western Front
Nigel Jones
€ 6,00
Jones, Nigel
€ 6,00
War Walk: A Journey Along the Western Front
Nigel H. Jones
€ 8,00
Jones, Nigel H.
€ 8,00
Gallipoli 1915
Murray Joseph
€ 12,50
Joseph, Murray
€ 12,50
Gallipoli 1915
Murray Joseph
€ 12,50
Joseph, Murray
€ 12,50
First World War Poets
Alan Judd e.a.
€ 5,00
Judd, Alan & David Crane
€ 5,00
Humorous Scottish War Stories
Allan Junior
€ 15,00
Junior, Allan (editor)
€ 15,00
De Eerste Wereldoorlog Door Nederlandse Ogen. Getuigenissen - verhalen - betogen
Rob Kammelar e.a.
€ 8,00
Kammelar, Rob & Jacques Sicking en Menno Wielinga
€ 8,00
De Eerste Wereldoorlog Door Nederlandse Ogen. Getuigenissen - verhalen - betogen
Rob Kammelar e.a.
€ 8,00
Kammelar, Rob & Jacques Sicking en Menno Wielinga
€ 8,00
First World War: An Illustrated History
John Keegan
€ 12,50
Keegan, John
€ 12,50
Somme 1916. Success and Failure on the First Day of the Battle of the Somme
Paul Kendall
€ 15,00
Kendall, Paul
€ 15,00
Filmfront Weimar. Representaties van de Eerste Wereldoorlog in Duitse films uit de Weimarperiode (1919-1933)
Bernadette Kester
€ 10,00
Kester, Bernadette
€ 10,00
An Incomplete History of World War I
Edwin Kiester Jr
€ 10,00
Kiester Jr, Edwin
€ 10,00
Billy Bishop VC. Lone Wolf Hunter. The Raf Ace Re-Examined
Peter Kilduff
€ 12,50
Kilduff, Peter
€ 12,50
Night Raiders of the Air: Being the Experiences of a Night Flying Pilot, Who Raided Hunland on Many Dark Nights During the War
A.R. Kingsford
€ 12,50
Kingsford, A.R.
€ 12,50
The March on Paris. The Memoirs of Alexander von Kluck, 1914-1918
Alexander von Kluck
€ 10,00
Kluck, Alexander von
€ 10,00
The Civil Service Rifles in the Great War: "all bloody gentlemen"
Jill Knight
€ 10,00
Knight, Jill
€ 10,00
De derde slag van Ieper 1917
Koen Koch
€ 10,00
Koch, Koen
€ 10,00
De slag van de Somme 1916
Koen Koch
€ 12,50
Koch, Koen
€ 12,50
In den Tod - Hurra! Deutsche Jugend-Regimenter im Ersten Weltkrieg. Ein historischer Tatsachenbericht über Langemarck
Helmut Kopetzky
€ 10,00
Kopetzky, Helmut
€ 10,00
Bibliographie zur Luftkriegsgeschichte
Karl Köhler
€ 20,00
Köhler, Karl
€ 20,00
Der Ausstieg der Artillerie bis zum Großen Kriege in Umrissen mit Zeittaflen
Max Köhler
€ 12,50
Köhler, Max
€ 12,50
De Grote Oorlog. De canon van de Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914-1918
Martin Kraaijestein e.a.
€ 10,00
Kraaijestein, Martin & Paul Schulten
€ 10,00
De Grote Oorlog: de canon van de Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914-1918
Martin Kraaijestein e.a.
€ 10,00
Kraaijestein, Martin & Paul Schulten
€ 10,00
Staatsräson und Kriegführung im kaiserlichen Deutschland 1914 - 1916. Der Gegensatz zwischen dem Generalstabschef von Falkenhayn und dem Oberbefehlshaber Ost im Rahmen des Bündniskrieges der Mittelmächte
Heinz Kraft
€ 15,00
Kraft, Heinz
€ 15,00
Conscientious Objectors of the First World War. A Determined Resistance
Ann Kramer
€ 10,00
Kramer, Ann
€ 10,00
Quality of Mercy. Women at War: Serbia 1915-18
Monica Krippner
€ 8,00
Krippner, Monica
€ 8,00
De oorlog van anderen: Nederlanders en oorlogsgeweld 1914-1918
Conny Kristel
€ 8,00
Kristel, Conny
€ 8,00
Kanttekeningen bij de Eerste Wereldoorlog J.H.J. Andriessen en de grote oorlog
Anton Kruft
€ 10,00
Kruft, Anton
€ 10,00
Der Erste Weltkrieg. Die 101 wichtigsten Fragen
Gerd Krumeich
€ 6,00
Krumeich, Gerd
€ 6,00
De jaren 1914 - 1918 in oude ansichten.
G.H. Krüger
€ 15,00
Krüger, G.H.
€ 15,00
From the Western Front to Salonika. A French Soldier Writes Home (1914-1918)
Catherine Labaume-Howard
€ 8,00
Labaume-Howard, Catherine
€ 8,00
Jim Lacey
€ 8,00
Lacey, Jim
€ 8,00
Vredes- en bemiddelingspogingen uit het eerste jaar van Wereldoorlog I. Augustus 1914 - december 1915
C.V. Lafeber
€ 8,00
Lafeber, C.V.
€ 8,00
Ieper 1914-1918: waar klaprozen bloeien
Roger Lampaert
€ 8,00
Lampaert, Roger
€ 8,00
Halbmond und Kaiseradler: Goeben und Breslau am Bosporus, 1914-1918
Bernd Langensiepen e.a.
€ 30,00
Langensiepen, Bernd & Dirk Nottelmann & Jochen Krüsmann
€ 30,00
Die Front in Fels und Eis. Der Weltkrieg 1914 - 1918 im Hochgebirge
Gunther Langes
€ 10,00
Langes, Gunther
€ 10,00
Somme Intelligence. Fourth Army HQ 1916
William Langford
€ 10,00
Langford, William
€ 10,00
They Were There in 1914. Memories of the Great War 1914-1918 by Those Who Experienced It
William Langford
€ 12,50
Langford, William
€ 12,50
Niemandsland. Gedichten uit De Groote Oorlog
Tom Lanoye
€ 8,00
Lanoye, Tom
€ 8,00
Niemandsland. Gedichten uit De Groote Oorlog
Tom Lanoye
€ 8,00
Lanoye, Tom
€ 8,00
Revolt in the Desert
T.E. Lawrence
€ 10,00
Lawrence, T.E.
€ 10,00
L'Album de la Guerre: Histoire Photographique et Documentaire Reconstituee Chronologiquement a l'Aide de Cliches et de Dessins Publies par "L'Illustration" de 1914 a 1921 (2 volumes)
Georges Lecomte
€ 150,00
Lecomte, Georges (avant-propos)
€ 150,00
Verdun. La plus grande bataille de l'histoire racontee par les survivants
Jacques-Henri Lefebure
€ 10,00
Lefebure, Jacques-Henri
€ 10,00
Images de la bataille de Verdun
J.H. Lefebvre
€ 10,00
Lefebvre, J.H.
€ 10,00
La plus grande bataille de l'histoire racontée par les survivants. Verdun
Jacques Henri Lefebvre
€ 9,00
Lefebvre, Jacques Henri
€ 9,00
Remembrances of Hell. The Great War Diary of Writer, Broadcaster and Naturalist - Norman Ellison
David Lewis
€ 15,00
Lewis, David (edited by)
€ 15,00
Der Tiroler Hochgebirgskrieg 1915 -1918 im Luftbild. Die altösterreichische Luftwaffe
Heinz von Lichem
€ 10,00
Lichem, Heinz von
€ 10,00
Der Tiroler Hochgebirgskrieg 1915 -1918 im Luftbild. Die altösterreichische Luftwaffe
Heinz von Lichem
€ 10,00
Lichem, Heinz von
€ 10,00
Lezingen Western Front Association Nederland 1995-1998. Opgediept verleden IV
Sjoerd Lichtenbelt e.a.
€ 12,50
Lichtenbelt, Sjoerd - e.a.
€ 12,50
History of the First World War
B.H. Liddell Hart
€ 10,00
Liddell Hart, B.H.
€ 10,00
History of the First World War
B.H. Liddell Hart
€ 8,00
Liddell Hart, B.H.
€ 8,00
Aspects of Conflict, 1916
Peter Liddle
€ 10,00
Liddle, Peter
€ 10,00
Britain Goes to War. How the First World War Began to Reshape the Nation
Peter Liddle
€ 12,50
Liddle, Peter
€ 12,50
Captured Memories 1900-1918. Across the Threshold of War
Peter Liddle
€ 15,00
Liddle, Peter
€ 15,00
Men of Gallipoli : The Dardanelles and Gallipoli Experience August 1914 to January 1916
Peter Liddle
€ 8,00
Liddle, Peter
€ 8,00
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