| Burchuladze, Nana | € 30,00 |
 | Burckhardt, Titus | € 12,50 |
 | Bure, Gilles de | € 20,00 |
 | Buren, Daniel & Doris Krystof | € 10,00 |
 | Buren, Daniel & Ugo Rondinone (guest editors) | € 10,00 |
 | Burke, Katie (Editor) | € 10,00 |
 | Burkinshaw, Jane | € 9,00 |
 | Burkinshaw, Jane | € 9,00 |
 | Burkom, Frans van & Daan Out & Derk Snoep & Matty Veldkamp & Ida van Zijl (redactie) | € 15,00 |
 | Burkom, Frans van & Riet de Leeuw | € 10,00 |
 | Burland, Cottie | € 15,00 |
 | Burnham, Jack | € 9,00 |
 | Burns, Michael | € 10,00 |
 | Busch, Harald | € 10,00 |
 | Buser, Marcos | € 5,00 |
 | Bush, Sara E. | € 8,00 |
 | Bushell, Raymond | € 30,00 |
 | Busine, Laurent & Bettina Brand & Inge Jádi | € 45,00 |
 | Busine, Laurent & Guiseppe Penone | € 15,00 |
 | Bussabarger, Robert F. | € 8,00 |
 | Bussagli, Marco | € 8,00 |
 | Bussagli, Mario | € 10,00 |
 | Busse, Dietmar & Tom Breidenbach | € 10,00 |
 | Bussmann, Georg (Ausstellung & Katalog) | € 8,00 |
 | Bussmann, Georg - and others | € 12,50 |
 | Butor, Michel & Alexandre Calder | € 45,00 |
 | Butor, Michel & Jean-Paul Barbier | € 45,00 |
 | Butor, Michel & Olivier, Marguerite & Fouchet, Max-Pol & Fermor, Patrick Leigh & Choay, Françoise | € 20,00 |
 | Butter, Charles M. | € 20,00 |
 | Buurman, Lux | € 10,00 |
 | Buvelot, Quentin - e.a. | € 10,00 |
 | Buynder, Ernest van | € 8,00 |
 | Büchler, Pavel | € 12,50 |
 | Bühler, Kristine | € 5,00 |
 | Büttner, Werner | € 10,00 |
 | Caeckenbergh, P. van | € 75,00 |
 | Cahen, Judith | € 8,00 |
 | Cahen, Judith | € 10,00 |
 | Cahen, Judith | € 15,00 |
 | Cain, H. Thomas | € 6,50 |
 | Calloway, Stephen & Stephen Jones | € 10,00 |
 | Calvesi, Maurizio | € 40,00 |
 | Calvino, Italo and Saul Steinberg | € 150,00 |
 | Campbell, Caroline & Dagmar Korbacher & Neville Rowley & Sarah Vowles | € 25,00 |
 | Campbell, Robin - and others | € 10,00 |
 | Campen, Jan van | € 15,00 |
 | Campen, Jan van | € 15,00 |
 | Camstra, Anneke | € 15,00 |
 | Camstra, Anneke | € 15,00 |
 | Canaday, John | € 8,00 |
 | Canaday, John | € 10,00 |
 | Cancel, Luis R. - a.o. | € 10,00 |
 | Cancel, Luis R. - a.o. | € 8,00 |
 | Carandell, Josep M. & Pere Vivas | € 8,00 |
 | Carandente, Giovanni | € 35,00 |
 | Carbonell i Esteller Eduard & Joan Sureda i Pons | € 65,00 |
 | Cardoso, A. Homem (photographs) | € 40,00 |
 | Carlin, John & Jonathan Fineberg | € 20,00 |
 | Carls, Carl Dietrich | € 8,00 |
 | Carmichael, Ann G. & Richar M. Ratzan (editors) | € 15,00 |
 | Carpenter, Patrick & William Graham | € 6,00 |
 | Carr-Gomm, Sarah | € 10,00 |
 | Carr-Gomm, Sarah | € 10,00 |
 | Carré, Louis (met medewerking van) | € 12,50 |
 | Caruana, Wally | € 8,00 |
 | Casadio, Mariuccia | € 12,50 |
 | Casbon, Becca & Megan Carey & Paul Wagner | € 10,00 |
 | Cass, Caroline | € 10,00 |
 | Cassee, Elly | € 5,00 |
 | Cassiman, Bart | € 20,00 |
 | Cassiman, Bart & Denys Zacharopoulos | € 9,00 |
 | Cassou, Jean | € 200,00 |
 | Cassou, Jean | € 10,00 |
 | Cassou, Jean | € 8,00 |
 | Castel-Branco Pereira, João | € 9,00 |
 | Castelli, Carole | € 8,00 |
 | Castex, P.-G. | € 10,00 |
 | Catalogo della Mostra | € 10,00 |
 | Catalogue 1982 | € 10,00 |
 | Cate, Phillip Dennis & Mary Shaw (editors) | € 10,00 |
 | Cate, Ritsaert ten & Anna Tilroe | € 10,00 |
 | Caura, S. | € 15,00 |
 | Caus, Wim | € 7,50 |
 | Cavellini, Gugliemo Achille | € 8,00 |
 | Cavellini, Gugliemo Achille | € 8,00 |
 | Cawthorne, Nigel | € 12,50 |
 | Cazelles, Raymond, Rathofer Johannes | € 45,00 |
 | Cecilia Widenheim & Magnus af Petersens & Teresa Hahr (editors) | € 12,50 |
 | Cederlöf, Ulf | € 10,00 |
 | Cela, Ana & Mar Sánchez | € 15,00 |
 | Celant, Germano | € 15,00 |
 | Celant, Germano | € 10,00 |
 | Celant, Germano & Anna Heiss | € 20,00 |
 | Celant, Germano (edited by) | € 30,00 |
 | Celant, Germano - and others | € 50,00 |
 | Centraal Museum Utrecht | € 15,00 |
 | Cenzato, Elena & Fabio Santopietro | € 8,00 |
 | Cerny, Charlene & Suzanne Seriff (editors) | € 9,00 |
 | Ceuleers, Jan | € 45,00 |
 | Chadwick, Whitney & Isabelle de Courtivron | € 10,00 |