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Chaz Bowyer
€ 10,00
Bowyer, Chaz
€ 10,00
Action Stations Revisited. The complete history of Britain's military airfields (7 volumes)
Michael J.F. Bowyer
€ 125,00
Bowyer, Michael J.F.
€ 125,00
Action Stations Revisited. The complete history of Britain's military airfields. Volume 1: Eastern England
Michael J.F. Bowyer
€ 15,00
Bowyer, Michael J.F.
€ 15,00
Action Stations Revisited. The complete history of Britain's military airfields. Volume 1: Eastern England
Michael J.F. Bowyer
€ 20,00
Bowyer, Michael J.F.
€ 20,00
Action Stations Revisited. The complete history of Britain's military airfields. Volume 2: Central England and London
Michael J.F. Bowyer
€ 20,00
Bowyer, Michael J.F.
€ 20,00
Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the United States Air Force, 1947-1997
Walter J. Boyne
€ 10,00
Boyne, Walter J.
€ 10,00
Beyond the Wild Blue: A History of the United States Air Force, 1947-1997
Walter J. Boyne
€ 10,00
Boyne, Walter J.
€ 10,00
Van pioniers tot professionals. De dienst humanistisch geestelijke verzorging bij de krijgsmacht (1964-2004)
Jules Brabers
€ 5,00
Brabers, Jules
€ 5,00
The Coldest War: A Memoir of Korea
James Brady
€ 10,00
Brady, James
€ 10,00
Theory of War
Joan Brady
€ 10,00
Brady, Joan
€ 10,00
From Chivalry to Terrorism: War and the Changing Nature of Masculinity
Leo Braudy
€ 15,00
Braudy, Leo
€ 15,00
History of world seapower
Bernard Brett
€ 20,00
Brett, Bernard
€ 20,00
Die Volksmarine der DDR
Siegfries Breyer e.a.
€ 25,00
Breyer, Siegfries & Lapp, Peter Joachim
€ 25,00
Stronghold, a history of military architecture
Martin H. Brice
€ 8,00
Brice, Martin H.
€ 8,00
Anders en beter: de verbindingsdienst in verandering - Van transmissie naar ondersteuning Commandovoering
J. van den Brink
€ 12,50
Brink, J. van den (redactie)
€ 12,50
Twice the Man. A photographic diary of a year in the life of the Grenadier Guards
Algy Brinton
€ 45,00
Brinton, Algy
€ 45,00
Wellington's Men Remembered A Register of Memorials to Soldiers Who Fought in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo (2 volumes)
Janet Bromley e.a.
€ 60,00
Bromley, Janet & Dave
€ 60,00
Wellington's Men Remembered A Register of Memorials to Soldiers Who Fought in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo. Volume 1. A to L + CD-ROM
Janet Bromley e.a.
€ 35,00
Bromley, Janet & Dave
€ 35,00
Wellington's Men Remembered A Register of Memorials to Soldiers Who Fought in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo. Volume 2. M to Z + CD-ROM
Janet Bromley e.a.
€ 35,00
Bromley, Janet & Dave
€ 35,00
Insignia of the Services
Paul Brown
€ 12,50
Brown, Paul
€ 12,50
Jump Jet: The Revolutionary V/Stol Fighter
Bruce Myles
€ 8,00
Bruce Myles
€ 8,00
Harbottle's Dictionary of Battles
George Bruce
€ 8,00
Bruce, George
€ 8,00
Profile 103: The S.E. 5
J.M. Bruce
€ 5,00
Bruce, J.M.
€ 5,00
Profile 139: The Bristol Scouts C & D
J.M. Bruce
€ 5,00
Bruce, J.M.
€ 5,00
Profile 1: The S.E. 5A
J.M. Bruce
€ 5,00
Bruce, J.M.
€ 5,00
Illusies en incidenten. De Militaire Luchtvaart en de neutraliteitshandhaving tot 10 mei 1940
Rob de Bruin e.a.
€ 10,00
Bruin, Rob de - e.a.
€ 10,00
Handleiding bij de studie der tactiek ten dienste van de opleiding tot verlofsofficier bij alle wapens
J.N. Bruyn
€ 50,00
Bruyn, J.N.
€ 50,00
Geschichte der Luftlandetruppen: zur Entwicklung der Fallschirmtruppen in Ost und West
Hartmut Buch
€ 8,00
Buch, Hartmut
€ 8,00
Contact Oud-Mariniers 1950-1990
J.A. Buijse e.a.
€ 10,00
Buijse, J.A. & Graaff, E. - e.a.
€ 10,00
Aspects of War: Trench Warfare
Stephen Bull
€ 10,00
Bull, Stephen
€ 10,00
Bader: The man and his men
Michael Burns
€ 8,00
Burns, Michael
€ 8,00
20th Century Defences in Britain
David Burridge
€ 10,00
Burridge, David
€ 10,00
20th Century Defences in Britain
David Burridge
€ 10,00
Burridge, David
€ 10,00
Big Gun Monitors. Design, Construction and Operations 1914-1945
Ian Buxton
€ 15,00
Buxton, Ian
€ 15,00
Panzerkampfwagen III
Cabos Rodrigos Hernández
€ 10,00
Cabos Rodrigos Hernández
€ 10,00
Panzerkampfwagen III
Cabos Rodrigos Hernández
€ 10,00
Cabos Rodrigos Hernández
€ 10,00
De Koninklijke Marine
M.A. Cageling
€ 8,00
Cageling, M.A.
€ 8,00
Leatherneck legends: conversations with the Marine Corps' Old Breed
Dick Camp
€ 12,00
Camp, Dick
€ 12,00
The Kangaroo Marines
Capt. R.W. Campbell
€ 8,00
Campbell, Capt. R.W.
€ 8,00
Almanak der 2e school voor verlofsofficieren te Breda 1924 1925
J.A. Carpentier Alting e.a.
€ 100,00
Carpentier Alting, J.A. & A.S. van Cleef & A. Merens & J.A.C.H. van Welzenes
€ 100,00
Britain's Army in the 20th Century: In Association with the Imperial War Museum
Michael Carver
€ 10,00
Carver, Michael
€ 10,00
War since 1945
Michael Carver
€ 7,00
Carver, Michael
€ 7,00
At War in the Shadow of Vietnam
Timothy Castle
€ 20,00
Castle, Timothy
€ 20,00
Cold War Bunkers
Nick Catford
€ 20,00
Catford, Nick
€ 20,00
Victory: 100 Great Military Commanders
Nigel Cawthorne
€ 8,00
Cawthorne, Nigel
€ 8,00
Heroes: U.S. Marine Corps Medal of Honor Winners
Marc Cerasini
€ 12,50
Cerasini, Marc
€ 12,50
Tanky Challenor: Sas & the Met
Harold Challenor e.a.
€ 15,00
Challenor, Harold & Alfred Draper
€ 15,00
German Army S.P.Weapons 1939-45 Part 2. Handbook No.1. Foreign-Built Fully Tracked Chassis.
P. Chamberlain e.a.
€ 5,00
Chamberlain, P. & Doyle, H.L.
€ 5,00
Onze marine Losbladige verzameling van teekeningen, foto's en schetsen
Albert Chambon
€ 8,00
Chambon, Albert
€ 8,00
The Timechart of Military History
David G. Chandler
€ 10,00
Chandler, David G.
€ 10,00
Norwich's Military Legacy
Michael Chandler
€ 8,00
Chandler, Michael
€ 8,00
SAS in action
Chris Chant
€ 10,00
Chant, Chris
€ 10,00
Artillery missiles & military transport of the 20th century
Christopher Chant
€ 15,00
Chant, Christopher
€ 15,00
Twentieth Century War Machines: Air
Christopher Chant
€ 12,00
Chant, Christopher
€ 12,00
Two Centuries of Warfare
Christopher Chant e.a.
€ 25,00
Chant, Christopher, Holmes, Richard & Koenig, William
€ 25,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 2: Field Service Head Dress 1902 to the present day
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 5: Battledress 1939-60
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 5: Battledress 1939-60
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 6: Tropical Uniforms
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century. Regimental Special. The Welch Regiment
Mike Chappell
€ 6,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 6,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century. Regimental Special. The Welch Regiment
Mike Chappell
€ 6,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 6,00
The Guards Divisions 1914-45
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 2: Field Service Head Dress 1902 to the present day
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike (written and illustrated by)
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 3: Personal Equipment - 1945 to the present day
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike (written and illustrated by)
€ 10,00
The British Soldier in the 20th Century 8: The Vickers Machine Gun
Mike Chappell
€ 10,00
Chappell, Mike (written and illustrated by)
€ 10,00
Splendeur des Uniformes de Napoléon: Costumes du Sacre - Armes: Drapeaux et Décorations
€ 30,00
€ 30,00
Napoleonic Wars: Wellington's Army
René Chartrand
€ 15,00
Chartrand, René
€ 15,00
Warfare in the Seventeenth Century
John Childs
€ 8,00
Childs, John
€ 8,00
Action Stations Revisited. The complete history of Britain's military airfields. Volume 7: Scotland and Northern Ireland
Martyn Chorlton
€ 20,00
Chorlton, Martyn
€ 20,00
Defending Space: US Anti-Satellite Warfare and Space Weaponry
Clayton K.S. Chun
€ 9,00
Chun, Clayton K.S.
€ 9,00
Defending Space: US Anti-Satellite Warfare and Space Weaponry
Clayton K.S. Chun
€ 9,00
Chun, Clayton K.S.
€ 9,00
On War
Carl Von Clausewitz
€ 15,00
Clausewitz, Carl Von
€ 15,00
Secrets of the Japanese Art of Warfare. From the school of certain victory
Thomas Cleary
€ 8,00
Cleary, Thomas
€ 8,00
The Fatal Fortress. The Guns and Fortifications of Singapore 1819 - 1956
Bill Clements
€ 12,50
Clements, Bill
€ 12,50
The Fatal Fortress. The Guns and Fortifications of Singapore 1819 - 1956
Bill Clements
€ 10,00
Clements, Bill
€ 10,00
The Battles of Armageddon: Megiddo and the Jezreel Valley from the Bronze Age to the Nuclear Age
Eric H. Cline
€ 15,00
Cline, Eric H.
€ 15,00
In Action With the SAS. A Soldiers Odyssey from Dunkirk to Berlin
Roy Close
€ 10,00
Close, Roy
€ 10,00
In Action With the SAS: A Soldiers Odyssey from Dunkirk to Berlin
Roy Close
€ 10,00
Close, Roy
€ 10,00
In Action With the SAS: A Soldiers Odyssey from Dunkirk to Berlin
Roy Close
€ 10,00
Close, Roy
€ 10,00
Don Troiani's Soldiers in America, 1754-1865
Earl J. Coates e.a.
€ 20,00
Coates, Earl J. & James L. Kochan & Brian Pohanka (foreword)
€ 20,00
Ending Wars
Feargal Cochrane
€ 13,50
Cochrane, Feargal
€ 13,50
De mouwemblemen van het Nederlandse leger = The sleevebadges of the Netherlands army
C.P. Coenders e.a.
€ 10,00
Coenders, C.P. & C. van Ekeris & B.C. Cats
€ 10,00
De mouwemblemen van het Nederlandse leger = The sleevebadges of the Netherlands army
C.P. Coenders e.a.
€ 10,00
Coenders, C.P. & C. van Ekeris & B.C. Cats
€ 10,00
Mercenaries Pirates Bandits and Empires: Private Violence in Historical Context
Alejandro Colas
€ 35,00
Colas, Alejandro
€ 35,00
Badges on Battledress: Post-War Formation Signs
Howard N. Cole
€ 9,00
Cole, Howard N.
€ 9,00
Badges on Battledress: Post-War Formation Signs and Rank and Regimental Badges
Howard N. Cole
€ 15,00
Cole, Howard N.
€ 15,00
The Memoirs of Field-Marshal the Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, K.G.
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Samuraikrieger: Waffen- und Kampftechnik der japanischen Krieger 1200-1877
Thomas D. Conlan
€ 15,00
Conlan, Thomas D.
€ 15,00
The Unknown Fleet: Army's Civilian Seamen in War and Peace
Reg Cooley
€ 8,00
Cooley, Reg
€ 8,00
Animals in War
Jilly Cooper
€ 8,00
Cooper, Jilly
€ 8,00
Guerilla Warfare: From 1939 to the present day
Robin Corbett e.a.
€ 8,00
Corbett, Robin & Toase, dr. Francis
€ 8,00
Upward and Onward. Life of Air Vice-Marshal John Howe CB, CBE, AFC
Bob Cossey
€ 12,50
Cossey, Bob
€ 12,50
Slagen of falen bij de seals
Dick Couch
€ 8,00
Couch, Dick
€ 8,00
Hugh W. Cowin
€ 5,00
Cowin, Hugh W.
€ 5,00
Militaire helikopters
Hugh W. Cowin
€ 5,00
Cowin, Hugh W.
€ 5,00
The Phantom Major: The story of David Stirling and the S.A.S.Regiment
Virginia Cowles
€ 15,00
Cowles, Virginia
€ 15,00
Longknives: The U.S. Cavalry and Other Mounted Forces, 1845-1942
Kurt Hamilton Cox e.a.
€ 8,00
Cox, Kurt Hamilton & John P. Langellier
€ 8,00
West Point. A Bicentennial History
Theodore J. Crackel
€ 20,00
Crackel, Theodore J.
€ 20,00
Deadly fighting skills of the world
Steve Crawford
€ 15,00
Crawford, Steve
€ 15,00
SAS gulf warriors. The story behind Bravo Two Zero
Steve Crawford
€ 15,00
Crawford, Steve
€ 15,00
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