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Categorie Treinen, Trams, Autobussen & Openbaar Vervoer

Aantal gevonden boeken: 660

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The Southern Way Special Issue. The Scene Behind the Scene: No. 6 + CDROM
Kevin Robertson
€ 8,00
Robertson, Kevin
€ 8,00
The Southern Way. The regular volume for the Southern devotee. Issue No 27
Kevin Robertson
€ 10,00
Robertson, Kevin
€ 10,00
The Southern Way. The regular volume for the Southern devotee. Issue No 30
Kevin Robertson
€ 10,00
Robertson, Kevin
€ 10,00
GWR the Badminton Line: a portrtait of a railway
Kevin Robertson e.a.
€ 9,00
Robertson, Kevin & David Abbott
€ 9,00
Southern Way - Special issue no. 8: The other side of the Southern. Accidents, Incodents & Occasions
Kevin Robertson
€ 8,00
Robertson, Kevin (compiled by)
€ 8,00
Preserved Steam Album
David C. Rodgers
€ 5,00
Rodgers, David C.
€ 5,00
Die großen Eisenbahnlinien Russlands. Moskau - Leningrad
A. B. Rodowski e.a.
€ 10,00
Rodowski, A. B.& Sawoskin, A. N. & Gutin, T.P.
€ 10,00
De spoorwegarchitectuur in Nederland 1841-1938
H. Romers
€ 15,00
Romers, H.
€ 15,00
Harzquer- und Brockenbahn. Nebst einem Anhang zur Sudharzeisenbahn
Hans Roper
€ 6,00
Roper, Hans
€ 6,00
Richard Rosenfield
€ 5,00
Rosenfield, Richard (redactie)
€ 5,00
The illustrated history of British steam railways
David Ross
€ 10,00
Ross, David
€ 10,00
British Railways Wagons. The first half million
Don Rowland
€ 12,50
Rowland, Don
€ 12,50
British Railways Wagons. The first half million
Don Rowland
€ 12,50
Rowland, Don
€ 12,50
British Railways Wagons. The first half million
Don Rowland
€ 12,50
Rowland, Don
€ 12,50
Per Noord-Zuid er op uit! Een tramreis van volendam naar scheveningen
H.J.F. de Roy van Zuydewijn
€ 5,00
Roy van Zuydewijn, H.J.F. de
€ 5,00
America's railroad. The official guidebook
Robert T. Royem
€ 6,00
Royem, Robert T.
€ 6,00
A Memory of Trains: The Boll Weevil and Others
Jr. Rubin
€ 8,00
Rubin, Jr., Louis D.
€ 8,00
Historia y evolución del uniforme ferroviario: imágenes para el recuerdo
Miguel Muñoz Rubio
€ 20,00
Rubio, Miguel Muñoz
€ 20,00
A Pictorial Record of Great Western Absorbed Engines
J.H. Russell
€ 12,50
Russell, J.H.
€ 12,50
A Pictorial Record of Great Western Coaches (1903-1948) including the Brown vehicles
J.H. Russell
€ 15,00
Russell, J.H.
€ 15,00
Green Arrow and the LNER V2 Class
Michael Rutherford e.a.
€ 9,00
Rutherford, Michael & Michael Blakemore
€ 9,00
Glacier Express. Die Traumreise im langsamsten Schnellzug der Welt
Hans Eckart Rübesamen
€ 6,00
Rübesamen, Hans Eckart
€ 6,00
Evolution of New York City Subways: An Illustrated History of New York City's Transit Cars, 1867-1997
Gene Sansone
€ 40,00
Sansone, Gene
€ 40,00
Zakboekje voor het uitzetten van bogen met en zonder overgangsbogen voor spoor- en tramwegen, straten en kanalen
O. Sarrazin e.a.
€ 9,00
Sarrazin, O. & H. Oberbeck
€ 9,00
Bahnhofstrassen. Geschichte un Bedeutung
Silke Satjukow
€ 20,00
Satjukow, Silke
€ 20,00
The World's Great Railway Journeys
Tom Savio
€ 10,00
Savio, Tom
€ 10,00
Odd Corners of the London Midland from the Days of Steam
Eric Sawford
€ 12,50
Sawford, Eric
€ 12,50
Trams 1999
B.A. Schenk
€ 5,00
Schenk, B.A.
€ 5,00
Trams 1998
B.A. Schenk e.a.
€ 5,00
Schenk, B.A. & Toorn, M.R. van den
€ 5,00
Trams 2004
B.A. Schenk e.a.
€ 6,00
Schenk, B.A. & Toorn, M.R. van den
€ 6,00
Zuidooster 1949-1994: bedrijf in beweging - een terugblik in de tijd
Heinz Schiller e.a.
€ 30,00
Schiller, Heinz & Ferry Bosman
€ 30,00
The Big Book of Lionel: The Complete Guide to Owning and Running America's Favorite Toy Trains
Robert Schleicher
€ 25,00
Schleicher, Robert
€ 25,00
Die Wiener Stadtbahn
E. Schlöss
€ 30,00
Schlöss, E.
€ 30,00
Oververhitter Locomotieven = Heissdampf Lokomotiven = Superheater Lokomotives = Locomotives á Surchauffe = Locomotoras Provistas del Recalentador = Locomotive a Vapore Surriscaldato
W. Schmidt
€ 9,00
Schmidt, W.
€ 9,00
Elektro-Veteranen der SBB
Ralph Schorno
€ 25,00
Schorno, Ralph
€ 25,00
Die Dampflokomotive: Entwicklung, Aufbau, Wirkungsweise, Bedienung und Instandhaltung sowie Lokomotivschäden und ihre Beseitigung
Johannes Schwarze
€ 80,00
Schwarze, Johannes
€ 80,00
Glacier Express 55 Jahre. Der langsamste Schnellzug der Welt
Hans Schweers
€ 6,00
Schweers, Hans
€ 6,00
Main Line Steam: 25 Glorious Years of Preservation
Bill Sharman
€ 8,00
Sharman, Bill
€ 8,00
Chinas Dampfzüge
Heinz Sigg
€ 10,00
Sigg, Heinz
€ 10,00
Locomotives à vapeur chinoises
Heinz Sigg
€ 25,00
Sigg, Heinz
€ 25,00
Scottish Rebuilt Buses
John Sinclair
€ 8,00
Sinclair, John
€ 8,00
Breite Spur und weite Strecken. Ein Streifzug durch das Eisenbahnwesen der Sowjetunion
Josef Otto Slezak
€ 10,00
Slezak, Josef Otto
€ 10,00
Smalspoor in Nederland
H. Sluijters
€ 8,00
Sluijters, H.
€ 8,00
Beknopt overzicht van de Nederlandse spoor- en tramwegbedrijven
Ir. J.W. Sluiter
€ 10,00
Sluiter, Ir. J.W.
€ 10,00
Van pier tot vliet
J.W. Sluiter
€ 6,00
Sluiter, J.W.
€ 6,00
Stoppen op doorreis
J.W. Sluiter
€ 8,00
Sluiter, J.W. (samengesteld door)
€ 8,00
Spirit of Steam: Locomotives in South Africa
A.W. Smith e.a.
€ 8,00
Smith, A.W. & D.E. Bourne
€ 8,00
The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust: Tornado. New Peppercorn Class A1
Geoff Smith
€ 10,00
Smith, Geoff
€ 10,00
No. 1369: The South Devon Railway ex GWR 0-6-0 PT. A Pictorial History
Neil Smith
€ 8,00
Smith, Neil
€ 8,00
Early Railways
J.B. Snell
€ 6,00
Snell, J.B.
€ 6,00
One Man's Railway: J.E.P. Honey and the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway
J.B. Snell
€ 6,00
Snell, J.B.
€ 6,00
Bullet Trains
Brian Solomon
€ 8,00
Solomon, Brian
€ 8,00
Royal Class: koninklijk reizen per trein
Ben Speet
€ 6,00
Speet, Ben
€ 6,00
Victorian and Edwardian Railway Travel from old photographs
Jeoffry Spence
€ 8,00
Spence, Jeoffry
€ 8,00
Locomotieven onder stoom. Opkomst, beroemde ontwerpen, bedrijvige jaren en de nadagen van de uitgerangeerde vuurvreter
Remmo Statius Muller
€ 8,00
Statius Muller, Remmo
€ 8,00
De RTM: een echte eilandentram (DVD)
Bert Steinkamp
€ 12,50
Steinkamp, Bert ()research en commentaar)
€ 12,50
London's Golden Jubilee Buses
David Stewart
€ 8,00
Stewart, David
€ 8,00
London Bus Handbook
David Stewart e.a.
€ 10,00
Stewart, David & Colin Lloyd
€ 10,00
Sporen door het Hogeland: 125 jaar Hogelandspoor (1893-2018)
Louis Stiller e.a.
€ 30,00
Stiller, Louis & Jan de Boer - en anderen
€ 30,00
Sporen door het Hogeland: 125 jaar Hogelandspoor (1893-2018)
Louis Stiller e.a.
€ 30,00
Stiller, Louis & Jan de Boer - en anderen
€ 30,00
Museumlijnen in Europa
Gerard Stoer
€ 5,00
Stoer, Gerard
€ 5,00
Trams 1980
Gerard Stoer
€ 5,00
Stoer, Gerard
€ 5,00
Trams 1981
Gerard Stoer
€ 5,00
Stoer, Gerard
€ 5,00
Trams 1985
Gerard Stoer
€ 5,00
Stoer, Gerard
€ 5,00
Trams 1988
Gerard Stoer
€ 5,00
Stoer, Gerard
€ 5,00
Trams 84
Gerard Stoer
€ 5,00
Stoer, Gerard
€ 5,00
Lokomotivbau und Dampftechnik: Versuche und Resultate mit Hochderuckdampflokomotiven, Dampfmotorlokomotiven, Dampfturbinenlokomotiven.
Wolfgang Stoffels
€ 15,00
Stoffels, Wolfgang
€ 15,00
Both Sides of the Footplate
Ken Stokes
€ 6,00
Stokes, Ken
€ 6,00
Was getekend, Henk Woltjer. Schetsen van 25 jaar stationsarchitectuur
Stringa Rob e.a.
€ 15,00
Stringa Rob & Henk Woltjer (met bijdragen van)
€ 15,00
Metro-art et Metro-poles
Marianne Ström
€ 35,00
Ström, Marianne
€ 35,00
North West Rail Trails: Historic Railway Rambles
Gordon Suggitt
€ 10,00
Suggitt, Gordon
€ 10,00
Frank Sullivan e.a.
€ 8,00
Sullivan, Frank & Fred Winkowski
€ 8,00
Die Entwicklung des Eisenbahnwesens im Köningreich Württemberg
Otto Supper
€ 9,00
Supper, Otto
€ 9,00
Steam Today. Britain's Heritage Railways in Photographs
Geoff Swaine
€ 12,50
Swaine, Geoff
€ 12,50
Trains History from Hissing Steam
Franco Tanel
€ 17,50
Tanel, Franco
€ 17,50
Stratford Blue: Stratford's Local Buses
Robert L. Telfer
€ 12,50
Telfer, Robert L.
€ 12,50
Stratford Blue: Stratford's Local Buses
Robert L. Telfer
€ 12,50
Telfer, Robert L.
€ 12,50
AEC Vehicles: Origins to 1929
Brian Thackray
€ 15,00
Thackray, Brian
€ 15,00
De Waterlandse Tram, 1888-1956
Geert Titsing
€ 10,00
Titsing, Geert
€ 10,00
Lijnenspel: 150 jaar tram in de Haagse regio
Maurits van den Toorn
€ 8,00
Toorn, Maurits van den
€ 8,00
In the Tracks of the Last Steam Trains
Cyril le Tourner D'lson
€ 10,00
Tourner D'lson, Cyril le
€ 10,00
GWR Engineering Work 1928-1938
Richard Tourret
€ 20,00
Tourret, Richard
€ 20,00
Petroleum Rail Tank Wagons of Britain
Richard Tourret
€ 20,00
Tourret, Richard
€ 20,00
Great Railway Photographs
Eric Treacy
€ 10,00
Treacy, Eric
€ 10,00
Rund um die Eisenbahn
Ortwin Trunk
€ 5,00
Trunk, Ortwin
€ 5,00
100 Jahre elektrische Bahnen in der Schweiz.
Walter Trüb
€ 10,00
Trüb, Walter
€ 10,00
The illustrated encyclopedia of Railway Locomotives. More than 1000 steam, electric and diesel locomotives from 1804 to the present day
Robert Tufnell
€ 25,00
Tufnell, Robert
€ 25,00
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Railways
Robert Tufnell
€ 12,50
Tufnell, Robert
€ 12,50
Great Western Steam
W.A. Tuplin
€ 15,00
Tuplin, W.A.
€ 15,00
The Steam Locomotive
W.A. Tuplin
€ 15,00
Tuplin, W.A.
€ 15,00
Old trams
Keith Turner
€ 5,00
Turner, Keith
€ 5,00
The Directory of British Tram Depots
Keith Turner e.a.
€ 15,00
Turner, Keith & Shirley Smith & Paul Smith
€ 15,00
The Directory of British Tram Depots
Keith Turner e.a.
€ 15,00
Turner, Keith & Shirley Smith & Paul Smith
€ 15,00
150 Jahre Schienenfahrzeuge aus Nuernberg, Beitraege zur Geschichte des Waggonbaues
Lutz Uebel e.a.
€ 90,00
Uebel, Lutz & Richter, Wolfgang-D.
€ 90,00
Handboekje voor spoorwegtechnici
Vakgroeo I
€ 30,00
Vakgroeo I (Technici) van den Bond van Ambtenaren in dienst bij de Nederlandsche Spoorwegen (samenstelling)
€ 30,00
The Severn Valley Railway
Michael A. Vanns
€ 15,00
Vanns, Michael A.
€ 15,00
L'Hiver en Egypte. Guide illustre des chemins de fer de l'etat Egyptien
€ 50,00
€ 50,00
Railways Through the Vale of the White Horse
Adrian Vaughan
€ 12,50
Vaughan, Adrian
€ 12,50
The Great Western's Last Year. Efficiency in Adversity
Adrian Vaughan
€ 12,50
Vaughan, Adrian
€ 12,50
Diesel Retrospective : Class 37
John Vaughan
€ 30,00
Vaughan, John
€ 30,00