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Categorie Treinen, Trams, Autobussen & Openbaar Vervoer

Aantal gevonden boeken: 660

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Die Reisezugwagen der Grossherzoglich Badischen Staatseisenbahnen
Jens Freese
€ 80,00
Freese, Jens
€ 80,00
Spoorwegen in Nederland
Dr. J.M. Fuchs
€ 5,00
Fuchs, Dr. J.M.
€ 5,00
Die Welt auf Schienen
Artur Fürst
€ 30,00
Fürst, Artur
€ 30,00
100 Years of Classic Steam
Colin Garratt
€ 10,00
Garratt, Colin
€ 10,00
British Steam: Southern Railway
Colin Garratt
€ 8,00
Garratt, Colin
€ 8,00
Locomotives: A Complete History of the World's Great Locomotives and Fabulous Train Journeys
Colin Garratt e.a.
€ 9,00
Garratt, Colin & Max Wade Matthews
€ 9,00
Locomotives: A Complete History of the World's Great Locomotives and Fabulous Train Journeys
Colin; Max Wade Matthews Garratt
€ 9,00
Garratt, Colin; Max Wade Matthews
€ 9,00
'Trax 3'. Signalling and Lever Frames. An easy to use guide for all scales and gauges complete with CD ROM to produce signalling diagrams and locking charts
Jeff Geary
€ 10,00
Geary, Jeff
€ 10,00
Tussen Paardetram en Sneltram
Ing. J.H. van Geijtenbeek
€ 10,00
Geijtenbeek, ing. J.H. van
€ 10,00
Spoor van mensen: mensen op en rond het spoor in Nederland toen en nu
Carel van Gestel
€ 12,50
Gestel, Carel van
€ 12,50
Hulton Getty
€ 8,00
Getty, Hulton
€ 8,00
Station Haarlem: Hollandsche Sporen door Haarlem en omgeving
K van Giffen
€ 25,00
Giffen, K van
€ 25,00
Dawn of the Diesels: 1959-70: Part 3: First-generation Diesel Locomotives and Units Captured by the Camera of John Spencer Gilks
John Spencer Gilks
€ 15,00
Gilks, John Spencer
€ 15,00
Buses, Coaches and People. Volume 1: A Journey Back in Time
David Gladwin
€ 15,00
Gladwin, David
€ 15,00
The Train: an Illustrated History
Jonathan Glancey
€ 30,00
Glancey, Jonathan
€ 30,00
London Bus File 1933-39: Double Deckers
Ken Glazier
€ 12,50
Glazier, Ken
€ 12,50
London Bus File 1933-39: Single Deckers
Ken Glazier
€ 12,50
Glazier, Ken
€ 12,50
Transforming the Railways of Central Scotland. From the pioneering intercity route to EGIP
Ann Glen
€ 10,00
Glen, Ann
€ 10,00
Transforming the Railways of Central Scotland. From the pioneering intercity route to EGIP
Ann Glen
€ 6,50
Glen, Ann
€ 6,50
The Stephensons' 'Rocket': A History of a Pioneering Locomotive
John Glithero
€ 8,00
Glithero, John
€ 8,00
London's Branch Railways
J. Glover
€ 8,00
Glover, J.
€ 8,00
London's onderground 10th edition
John Glover
€ 12,50
Glover, John
€ 12,50
Privatised Railways
John Glover
€ 6,00
Glover, John
€ 6,00
Deutsche bahnhofe. 500 Ansichtkarten van 1900 bis 1945
Alfred Gottwaldt
€ 15,00
Gottwaldt, Alfred
€ 15,00
West Sussex: past and present
Terry Gough
€ 8,00
Gough, Terry
€ 8,00
De Leidse paardetram
J. de Graaf
€ 5,00
Graaf, J. de
€ 5,00
Moderne trams, de ontwikkeling van de moderne tram in Europa van 1927 tot heden
F. van der Gragt
€ 15,00
Gragt, F. van der
€ 15,00
Trams en tramlijnen: Museumtrams in Nederland
F. van der Gragt
€ 6,00
Gragt, F. van der
€ 6,00
East Coast Main Line Disasters
Adrian Gray
€ 12,50
Gray, Adrian
€ 12,50
Trafford Park Tramways 1897-1946
Edward Gray
€ 8,00
Gray, Edward
€ 8,00
Industrial Railways of Southern England in Colour
Jeffery Grayer
€ 12,50
Grayer, Jeffery
€ 12,50
100 Jahre Gotthardbahn
Karl Grieder
€ 8,00
Grieder, Karl
€ 8,00
The Chilterns and West Anglia Bus Handbook
Keith Grimes
€ 8,00
Grimes, Keith
€ 8,00
Metros in Frankreich / Metros in France
Christoph Groneck
€ 10,00
Groneck, Christoph
€ 10,00
Per ATO en spoor : twintig jaren omstreden autobushistorie
Jan Erik Grunveld
€ 12,50
Grunveld, Jan Erik
€ 12,50
A history of W.A.G.R. steam locomotives
Adrian Gunzburg
€ 75,00
Gunzburg, Adrian
€ 75,00
Atmospheric railways: a Victorian venture in silent speed
Charles Hadfield
€ 15,00
Hadfield, Charles
€ 15,00
Train Depots & Roundhouses
Hans Halberstadt e.a.
€ 10,00
Halberstadt, Hans & April Halberstadt:
€ 10,00
From Birmingham to the Board. A Railwayman's Odyssey Continues
Stanley Hall
€ 17,50
Hall, Stanley
€ 17,50
De spoorwegen van de United States en Canada
T.L. Hameeteman
€ 5,00
Hameeteman, T.L.
€ 5,00
De spoorwegen van Midden- en Zuid-Europa
T.L. Hameeteman
€ 5,00
Hameeteman, T.L.
€ 5,00
De spoorwegen van Oost-Europa
T.L. Hameeteman
€ 5,00
Hameeteman, T.L.
€ 5,00
Steam Railways
C. Hamilton Ellis
€ 6,00
Hamilton Ellis, C.
€ 6,00
The lore of the train
C. Hamilton Ellis
€ 10,00
Hamilton Ellis, C.
€ 10,00
Alte bahnhofe in Wurttemberg mit 54 abbildungen und 1 karte
Stefan Hammer e.a.
€ 20,00
Hammer, Stefan & Ralf Arbogast
€ 20,00
Maritime Activities of the Somerset and Dorset Railway
Chris Handley
€ 12,50
Handley, Chris
€ 12,50
The Berlin S-Bahn
Brian Hardy
€ 6,00
Hardy, Brian
€ 6,00
The Berlin U-Bahn
Brian Hardy
€ 6,00
Hardy, Brian
€ 6,00
Atlas of the Southern Railway
Richard Harman
€ 17,50
Harman, Richard
€ 17,50
BC Rail: British Columbia's Great Train Adventure
Chris Harris
€ 10,00
Harris, Chris
€ 10,00
An Illustrated History of the ICI Hopper Wagon
Peter Harrison
€ 15,00
Harrison, Peter
€ 15,00
An Illustrated History of the ICI Hopper Wagon
Peter Harrison e.a.
€ 15,00
Harrison, Peter & Peter Midwinter
€ 15,00
World Railways of the Nineteenth Century: a Pictorial History in Victorian Engravings
Jim Harter
€ 30,00
Harter, Jim
€ 30,00
World Railways of the Nineteenth Century: a Pictorial History in Victorian Engravings
Jim Harter
€ 45,00
Harter, Jim
€ 45,00
Alte Bekannte - Neue Gesichter. Fotografische Begegnungen mit der Bahn
Helmut Hartwig
€ 20,00
Hartwig, Helmut
€ 20,00
Birmingham Buses at Work (2 volumes)
David Harvey
€ 10,00
Harvey, David
€ 10,00
A Nostalgic Tour of Wolverhampton by Tram, Trolleybus and Bus (2 volumes)
David Harvey e.a.
€ 15,00
Harvey, David & John Hughes
€ 15,00
Verkehrshaus der Schweiz. Die eisenbahnmodelle im verkehrshaus der Schweiz
Markus Hauri
€ 5,00
Hauri, Markus
€ 5,00
Die Geschichte der elektrischen Triebfahrzeuge 1, Die Geschichte der Elektrolokomotive.
Frederick Joseph Georg Haut
€ 30,00
Haut, Frederick Joseph Georg
€ 30,00
Kees Hazelzet
€ 5,00
Hazelzet, Kees
€ 5,00
History of the Chiltern Line
Jon M.C. Healey
€ 8,00
Healey, Jon M.C.
€ 8,00
Echoes of the Great Central
J.M.C. Healy
€ 8,00
Healy, J.M.C.
€ 8,00
Keighley & Worth Valley Locomotives: As They Were
Tom Heavyside
€ 8,00
Heavyside, Tom
€ 8,00
Transrapid: Die Magnetschnellbahn in der politischen "Warteschleife"
Stefan H. Hedrich
€ 15,00
Hedrich, Stefan H.
€ 15,00
De R.T.M. door de ogen van Dr. H.J. van Zuylen deel 17
Bas van der Heiden
€ 8,00
Heiden, Bas van der
€ 8,00
De R.T.M. tram: een kleurrijk verleden: deel 16
Bas van der Heiden
€ 8,00
Heiden, Bas van der
€ 8,00
De stoomtram en het personeel: deel 15
Bas van der Heiden
€ 8,00
Heiden, Bas van der
€ 8,00
De stoomtram in de Hoeksche Waard: deel 4
Bas van der Heiden
€ 9,00
Heiden, Bas van der
€ 9,00
De Stoomtram op IJsselmonde: Rotterdam Zuid-Hoogvliet-Barendrecht-Zwijndrecht: deel 3
Bas van der Heiden
€ 8,00
Heiden, Bas van der
€ 8,00
RTM stoomtram in kaart gebracht deel 18
Bas van der Heiden
€ 10,00
Heiden, Bas van der
€ 10,00
Trams en tramlijnen: Voorlopers van de 'Blauwe tram'
J.J. van Helden e.a.
€ 6,00
Helden, J.J. van & Jac. De Graaf & J.C. de Wilde
€ 6,00
Metrolink. Oldham to Chorlton Including the Oldham Loop Railway
Scott Hellewell e.a.
€ 10,00
Hellewell, Scott & Colin Reeve
€ 10,00
Een spoorwegschilderijenkabinet: zestien prentbriefkaarten aangeboden door de Nederlandse Spoorwegen
Jeroen - en anderen Henneman
€ 5,00
Henneman, Jeroen - en anderen
€ 5,00
Nederlandse industrielocomotieven: de stoomlocomotieven van de niet-openbare normaalspoorwegen
H. de Herder
€ 15,00
Herder, H. de
€ 15,00
Classic British Steam Locomotives
Peter Herring
€ 8,00
Herring, Peter
€ 8,00
Classic British Steam Locomotives
Peter Herring
€ 8,00
Herring, Peter
€ 8,00
Dieseltriebfahrzeuge der Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen
O. Herrmann
€ 6,00
Herrmann, O.
€ 6,00
Spoorwegen in Nederland in oude ansichten deel 2
H.G. Hesselink
€ 10,00
Hesselink, H.G.
€ 10,00
Locomotive Boiler Explosions
Christian H. Hewison
€ 8,00
Hewison, Christian H.
€ 8,00
The History of British Bus Services
John Hibbs
€ 10,00
Hibbs, John
€ 10,00
York. The Transition Years. Steam to Diesel
Roger Hill
€ 6,50
Hill, Roger (compiled by)
€ 6,50
The Turbomotive, Staniers Advanced Pacific
Tim Hillier-Gravesm
€ 20,00
Hillier-Gravesm, Tim
€ 20,00
Cheshire Railways. Britain's Railways in Old Photographs
Mike Hitches
€ 10,00
Hitches, Mike
€ 10,00
The Trent Valley Railway
Mike Hitches
€ 8,00
Hitches, Mike
€ 8,00
S 3/6 Star unter den Dampflokomotiven
Ernst Hoecherl e.a.
€ 15,00
Hoecherl, Ernst, Kronawitter, J.B. & Tausche, Wilhelm
€ 15,00
De veilige weg. Populair boek over onze spoorwegen
Cees van den Hoeven
€ 10,00
Hoeven, Cees van den
€ 10,00
The Southern Pacific: 1901-1985
Donovan L. Hofsommer
€ 25,00
Hofsommer, Donovan L.
€ 25,00
Classic American Railroad Terminals
Kevin J. Holland
€ 12,50
Holland, Kevin J.
€ 12,50
Geïllustreerde Encyclopedie van Stoomlocomotieven: schoonheid en techniek van 150 jaar stoomtractie
Brian Hollingsworth
€ 8,00
Hollingsworth, Brian
€ 8,00
Trains of the world
Brian Hollingsworth
€ 6,50
Hollingsworth, Brian
€ 6,50
Het grote treinenboek: geïllustreerde encyclopedie met 300 locomotieven en meer dan 650 illustraties
Brian Hollingsworth e.a.
€ 10,00
Hollingsworth, Brian & Arthur Cook
€ 10,00
Geïllustreerde Encyclopedie van moderne locomotieven: technische en historische beschrijvingen
Brian Hollingsworth e.a.
€ 8,00
Hollingsworth, Brian & Arthur F. Cook
€ 8,00
An optimizing medium-term planning model for the Netherlands railways
A.A.I. Holtgrefe
€ 10,00
Holtgrefe, A.A.I.
€ 10,00
Trams 90
Herman van 't Hoogerhuijs e.a.
€ 5,00
Hoogerhuijs, Herman van 't & Moerland, Marco & Schenk, Bas
€ 5,00
Great Northern Railway Engine Sheds: Volume 3: Yorkshire & Lancashire
John Hooper e.a.
€ 15,00
Hooper, John & Roger Griffiths
€ 15,00
Preßburgerbahn, 75 Jahre in Bildern. Eine Dokumentation von Alfred Horn
Alfred Horn
€ 30,00
Horn, Alfred
€ 30,00
Railways in view: London Midland region steam
Frank Hornby e.a.
€ 10,00
Hornby, Frank & Browne, Norman
€ 10,00
Railways in view: Southern Region Steam, western section
Frank Hornby e.a.
€ 10,00
Hornby, Frank & Browne, Norman
€ 10,00
Railways in view: Western Region Steam
Frank Hornby e.a.
€ 10,00
Hornby, Frank & Browne, Norman
€ 10,00
The Bakerloo Line: a Short History
M.A.C. Horne
€ 6,00
Horne, M.A.C.
€ 6,00