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Categorie Treinen, Trams, Autobussen & Openbaar Vervoer

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L'épopée du Montenvers: exploit technique et grande aventure humaine: la construction du chemin de fer du Montenvers
22 Images pour découvrir
€ 12,50
22 Images pour découvrir
€ 12,50
Von Schwabing nach Hohenbudberg (und zurück)
Walter Abriel
€ 10,00
Abriel, Walter
€ 10,00
Locomotives We Have Lost
Will Adams
€ 20,00
Adams, Will
€ 20,00
The railway puzzle book
Will Adams
€ 5,00
Adams, Will
€ 5,00
Eisenbahnimpressionen Österreich
Roland Alber e.a.
€ 10,00
Alber, Roland & Albert Heidinger
€ 10,00
Tussen strand en waterland. De laatste tien jaar van de blauwe tram in beeld
L. J. P. Albers
€ 10,00
Albers, L. J. P.
€ 10,00
Van zomerhuis tot blauwe tram
L.J.P. Albers
€ 6,00
Albers, L.J.P.
€ 6,00
Verdwenen maar niet vergeten. Een tramfoto-expositie samengesteld uit eigen werk van L.J.P. Albers, te bezichtigen vanaf 7 november 1986 in het NZH-Bedrijfsmuseum, Leidsevaart 396 te Haarlem
L.J.P. Albers
€ 6,00
Albers, L.J.P.
€ 6,00
Met de trein door Nederland 1947-1986. Veertig jaar spoorwegfotografie door L.J.P. Albers
L.J.P. tekst en foto's) Albers
€ 30,00
Albers, L.J.P. tekst en foto's)
€ 30,00
The Coastal Tram: A multifaceted view of development along the Belgian coast
Georges Allaert e.a.
€ 30,00
Allaert, Georges & Marc Reynebeau
€ 30,00
Switzerland's Amazing Railways
Cecil J. Allen
€ 10,00
Allen, Cecil J.
€ 10,00
Train and transport , a collector's guide
J. Anderson e.a.
€ 6,00
Anderson, J. & Swinglehurst, E.
€ 6,00
The Harcourt Street Line: Back on Track *SIGNED*
Brian Mac Aongusa
€ 20,00
Aongusa, Brian Mac
€ 20,00
Nederlands Spoorwegmuseum: Een wandeling langs de verzameling
Marie-Anne Asselberghs
€ 10,00
Asselberghs, Marie-Anne
€ 10,00
Discovering Britain's Lost Railways
Paul Atterbury
€ 9,00
Atterbury, Paul
€ 9,00
Stalwarts of Steam
Roy Avis
€ 8,00
Avis, Roy
€ 8,00
Railways Around Lake Luzern
Martin Bairstow
€ 8,00
Bairstow, Martin
€ 8,00
Railways in the Austrian Tirol
Martin Bairstow
€ 8,00
Bairstow, Martin
€ 8,00
Great Northern Atlantics
James S. Baldwin
€ 15,00
Baldwin, James S.
€ 15,00
Straßenbahnen in Ostdeutschland, Band 3: Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Dr. Gerhard Bauer e.a.
€ 15,00
Bauer, Dr. Gerhard & Kuschinski, Norbert
€ 15,00
Straßenbahn archiv 5. Berlin und Umgebung
Gerhard Bauer
€ 25,00
Bauer, Gerhard
€ 25,00
The Greatness of the Great Western
Keith M. Beck
€ 8,00
Beck, Keith M.
€ 8,00
Gresley and Stanier. A Centenary Tribute
John Bellwod e.a.
€ 10,00
Bellwod, John & Jenkinson, David
€ 10,00
Die elektrische Lokomotive: Aufbau, Funktion, neue Technik
Helmut Bendel
€ 45,00
Bendel, Helmut
€ 45,00
Biography of British Train Travel. A Journey Behind Steam and Modern Traction
Don Benn
€ 17,50
Benn, Don
€ 17,50
Metro: the Story of the Underground Railway
David Bennett
€ 8,00
Bennett, David
€ 8,00
Van stoomtram tot DVM
A.E. van Bergen
€ 45,00
Bergen, A.E. van
€ 45,00
Bahnen nach Engelberg. 100 Jahre Schienenverkehr vom Vierwaldstätter See ins Klosterdorf
Peter Berger e.a.
€ 50,00
Berger, Peter & Hans Waldburger & Christoph Berger
€ 50,00
Tramweg Stichting. Een uit de hand gelopen hobby
W Beukenkamp
€ 6,00
Beukenkamp, W
€ 6,00
Railways in the Landscape. How They Transformed the Face of Britain
Gordon Biddle
€ 15,00
Biddle, Gordon
€ 15,00
London's Railways 1967 - 1977. A Snap Shot in Time
Jim Blake
€ 15,00
Blake, Jim
€ 15,00
Railways of the Peak District
Michael Blakemore e.a.
€ 8,00
Blakemore, Michael & David Mosley
€ 8,00
De buitenlijnen van de Haagse Tramweg Maatschappij: De trams van Den Haag naar: Rijswijk, Voorburg en Delft, 1866-heden; Wassenaar en Leiden, 1923-1961
Joh. Blok
€ 8,00
Blok, Joh.
€ 8,00
Interzonenzüge: Eisenbahnverkehr im geteilten Deutschland 1945-1990
Peter Bock
€ 30,00
Bock, Peter
€ 30,00
Trams en tramlijnen: 65 jaar elektrische tram in Den Haag
R.F. de Bock
€ 6,00
Bock, R.F. de
€ 6,00
BR steam motive power depots, ScR
Paul Bolger
€ 8,00
Bolger, Paul
€ 8,00
The Railwayman's Diesel Manual
William F. Bolton
€ 6,00
Bolton, William F.
€ 6,00
Eurotrag: la construction du chemin de fer Transgabonais: Owendo-Booué 1974-1983 - L'epopee du transgabonais
El Hadj  Omar Bongo
€ 65,00
Bongo, El Hadj Omar
€ 65,00
Smoke and Steam: Great Northern and London and North Eastern Railway Footplate Memories
Harold Bonnett
€ 6,00
Bonnett, Harold
€ 6,00
Seventy Years of Railway Photography. Seven Decades Behind the Lens
Colin Boocock
€ 20,00
Boocock, Colin
€ 20,00
De tramboten van de RTM en haar dochterondernemingen
W.J.J. Boot
€ 8,00
Boot, W.J.J.
€ 8,00
Baseboard basics and making tracks.
T. J. Booth
€ 12,00
Booth, T. J.
€ 12,00
U-Bahnhof Wittenbergplatz in Altem Glanz. Dokumentation
W.-R. Borchardt
€ 6,00
Borchardt, W.-R.
€ 6,00
Martin Kers. De mooiste treinreizen
Hans Bouman e.a.
€ 10,00
Bouman, Hans & Henk Bouwman
€ 10,00
The Official British Rail Book of Trains for Young People
Michael Bowler
€ 6,00
Bowler, Michael
€ 6,00
Pioneer railroads
Hank Wieand Bowman
€ 5,00
Bowman, Hank Wieand
€ 5,00
Ottley's Bibliography of British Railway History: Second Supplement: 12957-19605
Grahame Boyes
€ 10,00
Boyes, Grahame
€ 10,00
"Shakespeare's Railways": The lines around Stratford-upon-Avon then and now, featuring the North Warwickshire line Birmingham, Henley, Stratford
John Boynton
€ 15,00
Boynton, John
€ 15,00
Unterwegs: 90 Jahre Hamburger U-Bahn
Jürgen Bönig
€ 10,00
Bönig, Jürgen
€ 10,00
Waterloo to Weymouth. A Journey in Steam
Andrew Britton
€ 17,50
Britton, Andrew
€ 17,50
110 Jahre SSB im Bild
Peter Brodbeck
€ 10,00
Brodbeck, Peter (Redaktion)
€ 10,00
The Main Lines of East Anglia
John Brodribb
€ 30,00
Brodribb, John
€ 30,00
Het spoor
W. van den Broeke
€ 6,00
Broeke, W. van den
€ 6,00
Bronnen op het spoor: Gids voor onderzoek naar de geschiedenis van de spoorwegen in Nederland
W. van den - en anderen Broeke
€ 8,00
Broeke, W. van den - en anderen
€ 8,00
Brosius und Koch's Lokomotivführer. Der Fahrdienst
Ignaz Brosius
€ 15,00
Brosius, Ignaz
€ 15,00
Lokomotivführer. Die Maschine und der Wagen
Julius Brosius e.a.
€ 25,00
Brosius, Julius & Koch, Richard
€ 25,00
Nederlandse Vereniging van Belangstellenden in het Spoor- en tramwezen Jaarverslag 2010
Hans Brouwer e.a.
€ 5,00
Brouwer, Hans - e.a.
€ 5,00
De wereld rond in het spoor van stoomlocs
Jan de Bruin
€ 6,00
Bruin, Jan de
€ 6,00
A Year in the Life of the Great Western
Tim Bryan
€ 20,00
Bryan, Tim
€ 20,00
Wagon Recognition. Departmental Wagons & on Track Plant. Volume 2: Carkinds - Y and Z
Martin Buck e.a.
€ 12,50
Buck, Martin & Mark Rawlinson
€ 12,50
Trams and Trolley Buses in Doncaster
Richard Buckley
€ 8,00
Buckley, Richard
€ 8,00
A Steam Engine Pilgrimage
Anthony Burton
€ 17,50
Burton, Anthony
€ 17,50
Railway Empire. How the British Gave Railways to the World
Anthony Burton
€ 17,50
Burton, Anthony
€ 17,50
The Rainhill Story: The Great Locomotive Trial
Anthony Burton
€ 10,00
Burton, Anthony
€ 10,00
The Light Railways of Britain and Ireland
Anthony Burton e.a.
€ 17,50
Burton, Anthony & John Scott-Morgan
€ 17,50
Specials in Action
Alan C. Butcher
€ 10,00
Butcher, Alan C.
€ 10,00
Die Regentalbahn
H. Bürnheim
€ 30,00
Bürnheim, H.
€ 30,00
BR Passenger Sectors in Colour for the Modeller and Historian
David Cable
€ 10,00
Cable, David
€ 10,00
British Type 3 Diesel Locomotives. Classes 33, 35, 37 and upgraded 31
David Cable
€ 20,00
Cable, David
€ 20,00
Rails Across Britain. Thirty Years of Change and Colour
David Cable
€ 15,00
Cable, David
€ 15,00
The Blue Diesel Era
David Cable
€ 10,00
Cable, David
€ 10,00
The Privatisation Classes. A Pictorial Survey of Diesel and Electric Locomotives and Units Since 1994
David Cable
€ 15,00
Cable, David
€ 15,00
The Privatisation Classes. A Pictorial Survey of Diesel and Electric Locomotives and Units Since 1994
David Cable
€ 12,50
Cable, David
€ 12,50
Type 5 Heavy Freight Locomotives
David Cable
€ 12,50
Cable, David
€ 12,50
Unter dem Fahrdraht
Cappel Herbert
€ 8,00
Cappel Herbert
€ 8,00
Campaign. London's Advertising Buses 1969 - 2016
Ken Carr
€ 12,50
Carr, Ken
€ 12,50
London's Heritage. 2014 A Remarkable Year
Ken Carr
€ 10,00
Carr, Ken
€ 10,00
Miba Report 16 Extra: DB-Dampf Nürnberg 1985
Stefan Cartsens e.a.
€ 5,00
Cartsens, Stefan & Frohmer, Volker & Meinhold, Michael
€ 5,00
Forty Shades of Steam: The Story of the RPSI
Joe Cassells e.a.
€ 8,00
Cassells, Joe & Charles Friel
€ 8,00
Steam and Rail in Germany
Paul Catchpole
€ 15,00
Catchpole, Paul
€ 15,00
Steam and Rail in Germany
Paul Catchpole
€ 15,00
Catchpole, Paul
€ 15,00
Swindon. The legacy of a railway train
John Cattell e.a.
€ 10,00
Cattell, John & Keith Falconer
€ 10,00
The History of North American Steam
Christopher Chant
€ 10,00
Chant, Christopher
€ 10,00
The World's Greatest Railways: An Illustrated Encyclopedia with Over 600 Photographs
Christopher Chant
€ 9,00
Chant, Christopher
€ 9,00
Passenger trains
Christopher Chant e.a.
€ 6,00
Chant, Christopher & Moore, John
€ 6,00
West from Salisbury. 150 Years of the Railway to Tisbury and Gillingham
Steve Chislett e.a.
€ 12,50
Chislett, Steve & Mike Pearce
€ 12,50
LMS/BR Class 7 4-6-0 Rebuilds. The Rebuilt Jubilee, Patriot and Royal Scot Locomotives
David Clarke
€ 15,00
Clarke, David
€ 15,00
Railways of Telford
David Clarke
€ 15,00
Clarke, David
€ 15,00
Locomotive Portraits
Jonathan Clay
€ 15,00
Clay, Jonathan
€ 15,00
The GWR Exposed. Swindon in the Days of Collett and Hawksworth
Jeremy Clements
€ 25,00
Clements, Jeremy
€ 25,00
William Dean: the Greatest of Them All. His Life: His Locomotives: His Legacy - Including the Story of the Dean Goods at home and at war
Jeremy Clements
€ 15,00
Clements, Jeremy
€ 15,00
Irish Broad Gauge Carriages. A pictorial introduction
Desmond Coakham
€ 10,00
Coakham, Desmond
€ 10,00
The Premier Collection. 1950s and 1960s Southern Steam in Colour
Terry Cole
€ 12,50
Cole, Terry
€ 12,50
Hartford Trolleys
Connecticut Motor Coach Museum
€ 10,00
Connecticut Motor Coach Museum
€ 10,00
The Twentieth Century Limited 1938-1967
Richard J. Cook
€ 30,00
Cook, Richard J.
€ 30,00
Red Rover Bus Company
Robert Cook
€ 8,00
Cook, Robert
€ 8,00
LBSCR Stock Book
Peter Cooper
€ 10,00
Cooper, Peter
€ 10,00
LSWR Stock Book. The Preserved Locomotives, Carriages & Wagons of the London and South Western Railway
Peter Cooper
€ 8,00
Cooper, Peter
€ 8,00
Red Express. The greatest rail journey. From the Berlin Wall to the Great Wall of China
M. Cordell e.a.
€ 20,00
Cordell, M. & Solness, Peter
€ 20,00
Contractors Locomotives G.C.R.
N. Cossons e.a.
€ 5,00
Cossons, N. & Newton, S.W.A.
€ 5,00
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