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Categorie Vliegtuigen & Luchtvaart

Aantal gevonden boeken: 850

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Power to Fly: History of the Piston Engine in Aviation
L.J.K. Setright
€ 150,00
Setright, L.J.K.
€ 150,00
Command the Horizon: a pictorial history of aviation
Page Shamburger e.a.
€ 10,00
Shamburger, Page & Christy, Joe
€ 10,00
Attack and interceptor jets
Michael Sharpe
€ 5,00
Sharpe, Michael
€ 5,00
Attack and interceptor jets: over 300 entries, fully illustrated and with full specifications
Michael Sharpe
€ 6,50
Sharpe, Michael
€ 6,50
Biplanes, triplanes and seaplanes
Michael Sharpe
€ 5,00
Sharpe, Michael
€ 5,00
Boeing 737 - 100/-200
Michael Sharpe e.a.
€ 15,00
Sharpe, Michael & Robbie Shaw
€ 15,00
Harrier GR3. From the cockpit
Mike Shaw
€ 8,00
Shaw, Mike
€ 8,00
Baby Boeings
Robbie Shaw
€ 8,00
Shaw, Robbie
€ 8,00
Boeing 747
Robbie Shaw
€ 8,00
Shaw, Robbie
€ 8,00
Boeing Jetliners
Robbie Shaw
€ 10,00
Shaw, Robbie
€ 10,00
From Nighthawk to Spitfire: The Aircraft of R.J.Mitchell
John K. Shelton
€ 10,00
Shelton, John K.
€ 10,00
To the Skies: The El AL Story
Arnold Sherman
€ 5,00
Sherman, Arnold
€ 5,00
Unlocking the Sky: Glenn Hammond Curtiss and the Race to Invent the Airplane
Seth Shulman
€ 8,00
Shulman, Seth
€ 8,00
The Best of the Past: Preserving and Flying Aviation's Fifty Year Legacy
Brian M. Silcox
€ 10,00
Silcox, Brian M.
€ 10,00
Make Your Aeroplane Last Forever
Nicholas E. Silitch
€ 6,00
Silitch, Nicholas E.
€ 6,00
East Riding Airfields 1915 - 1920
Geoffrey Simmons
€ 8,00
Simmons, Geoffrey
€ 8,00
US Spyplanes
Erik Simonsen
€ 6,00
Simonsen, Erik
€ 6,00
RAF Gate Guards
Jim Simpson
€ 8,00
Simpson, Jim
€ 8,00
Airlife's General Aviation: A Guide to Postwar General Aviation Manufacturers and Their Aircraft - Second edition
R.W. Simpson
€ 10,00
Simpson, R.W.
€ 10,00
Airlife's General Aviation: A Guide to Postwar General Aviation Manufacturers and Their Aircraft - Second edition
R.W. Simpson
€ 10,00
Simpson, R.W.
€ 10,00
Airlife's Helicopters & Rotorcraft: A directory of world manufacturers and their aircraft
R.W. Simpson
€ 8,00
Simpson, R.W.
€ 8,00
Airlife's Helicopters & Rotorcraft: A directory of world manufacturers and their aircraft
R.W. Simpson
€ 8,00
Simpson, R.W.
€ 8,00
Defence from the Skies Indian Air Force Through 80 Years - Second edition
Jasjit Singh
€ 20,00
Singh, Jasjit
€ 20,00
Hawker Siddeley Aviation and Dynamics 1960-77
Stephen Skinner
€ 20,00
Skinner, Stephen
€ 20,00
High Ground Wrecks and Relics: Aircraft Hulks on the Hills and Mountains of the UK and Ireland
David J. Smith
€ 8,00
Smith, David J.
€ 8,00
Heroes of Bomber Command - Cambridgeshire
Graham Smith
€ 8,00
Smith, Graham
€ 8,00
North American T-6: SNJ, Harvard and Wirraway
Peter C. Smith
€ 30,00
Smith, Peter C.
€ 30,00
Second to None. A Pictorial History Of Hornchurch Aerodrome Through Two World Wars And Beyond, 1915 - 1962
Richard Smith
€ 15,00
Smith, Richard
€ 15,00
Advanced Flight Manuevers and Aerobatics
Robert T. Smith
€ 12,50
Smith, Robert T.
€ 12,50
The Tenth Dr. Albert Plesman Memorial Lecture. Delft, November 10th, 1989
J.F.A. de Soet
€ 8,00
Soet, J.F.A. de
€ 8,00
The story of air transport in America
Ray Spangenburg e.a.
€ 10,00
Spangenburg, Ray & Diane K. Moser
€ 10,00
The story of air transport in America
Ray Spangenburg e.a.
€ 10,00
Spangenburg, Ray & Diane K. Moser
€ 10,00
The Pilots
James Spencer
€ 8,00
Spencer, James
€ 8,00
American Spyplanes
Mike Spick
€ 6,00
Spick, Mike
€ 6,00
Designed for the Kill: The Jet Fighter - Development and Experience
Mike Spick
€ 8,00
Spick, Mike
€ 8,00
Great Aircraft of WWII. P-51 Mustang and B-17 Flying Fortress
Mike Spick
€ 6,00
Spick, Mike
€ 6,00
Terg mij niet: De geschiedenis van marinevliegkamp Valkenburg
Prudent - en anderen Staal
€ 12,50
Staal, Prudent - en anderen
€ 12,50
Cambrian. British Airways. History of Cambrian Airways. The Welsh airline from 1935-1975
T.G. Staddon
€ 8,00
Staddon, T.G.
€ 8,00
475th Fighter Group
John Stanaway
€ 10,00
Stanaway, John
€ 10,00
475th Fighter Group
John Stanaway
€ 10,00
Stanaway, John
€ 10,00
C. van Steenderen
€ 15,00
Steenderen, C. van
€ 15,00
Vliegende vleugels (twee delen)
C. van Steenderen
€ 20,00
Steenderen, C. van (samenstelling)
€ 20,00
JU 87: vom Sturzkampfbomber zum Panzerjäger
Joachim Stein
€ 6,00
Stein, Joachim
€ 6,00
Flying Qualities and Flight Testing of the Aeroplane
Darrol Stinton
€ 350,00
Stinton, Darrol
€ 350,00
The world's Civil Marine Aircraft
John Stroud
€ 6,00
Stroud, John
€ 6,00
The Royal Saudi Air Force: A Legacy of His Majesty King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud
Ronald Stuart-Paul
€ 40,00
Stuart-Paul, Ronald
€ 40,00
Kom eens in de cockpit
J.C.P. Stuy e.a.
€ 6,00
Stuy, J.C.P. & A.D. Snitselaar
€ 6,00
Military Transports and Training Aircraft of the World
F.G. Swanborough
€ 5,00
Swanborough, F.G.
€ 5,00
Military transports and training aircraft of the world
F.G. Swanborough
€ 6,50
Swanborough, F.G.
€ 6,50
Aircraft 2000. The future of aerospace technology
Bill Sweetman
€ 8,00
Sweetman, Bill
€ 8,00
Executive Jets
Geza Szurovy
€ 9,00
Szurovy, Geza
€ 9,00
Boxkite to Jet. The Remarkable Career of Frank B Halford Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust
Douglas R. Taylor
€ 20,00
Taylor, Douglas R.
€ 20,00
Passagiersluftfahrt Erkennungsbuch fur Luftfahrtgesellschaften und ihre flugzeuge
John Taylor
€ 6,00
Taylor, John
€ 6,00
Civil Aircraft Markings 1950
John W.R. Taylor
€ 8,00
Taylor, John W.R.
€ 8,00
Commercial Vehicles 1953
John W.R. Taylor
€ 8,00
Taylor, John W.R.
€ 8,00
Russian Aircraft
John W.R. Taylor
€ 5,00
Taylor, John W.R.
€ 5,00
Jane's Pocket Book of Remotely Piloted Vehicles: Robot Aircraft Today
John William Ransom Taylor
€ 8,00
Taylor, John William Ransom
€ 8,00
The Times Aviators: A History In Photographs
Michael J. H. Taylor
€ 10,00
Taylor, Michael J. H.
€ 10,00
Milestones of flight C. 843 B.C. to the present
Michael J.H. Taylor
€ 6,00
Taylor, Michael J.H.
€ 6,00
Soviet & East European Major Combat Aircraft: Including the World's Non-Aligned Nations
Michael J.H. Taylor
€ 8,00
Taylor, Michael J.H.
€ 8,00
Simple Science of Flight: From Insects to Jumbo Jets
Henk Tennekes
€ 8,00
Tennekes, Henk
€ 8,00
Brown, Dale M.
The Luftwaffe
€ 10,00
The Luftwaffe
€ 10,00
The Air Pilot's Manual 3: Air Navigation
Trevor Thom
€ 8,00
Thom, Trevor
€ 8,00
F-80 Shooting Star Units over Korea
Warren Thompson
€ 15,00
Thompson, Warren
€ 15,00
A Century of Air Warfare with Nine (IX) Squadron, RAF. Still Going Strong
Gordon Thorburn
€ 12,50
Thorburn, Gordon
€ 12,50
Takeoff! The Story of America's First Woman Pilot for a Major Airline
Bonnie Tiburzi
€ 10,00
Tiburzi, Bonnie
€ 10,00
To Conquer the Air: the Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight
James Tobin
€ 10,00
Tobin, James
€ 10,00
To Conquer the Air: the Wright Brothers and the Great Race for Flight
James Tobin
€ 10,00
Tobin, James
€ 10,00
Stormchasers: The Hurricane Hunters and Their Fateful Flight into Hurricane Janet
David Toomey
€ 8,00
Toomey, David
€ 8,00
Stormchasers: The Hurricane Hunters and Their Fateful Flight into Hurricane Janet
David Toomey
€ 8,00
Toomey, David
€ 8,00
Een eeuw vliegkamp en dorp Soesterberg: KLM en Fokker voeren er wel bij
Dik Top
€ 20,00
Top, Dik
€ 20,00
Cross Country: Being Extracts from the Letters of J.L., H.G.and C.T.Travers and Their Family, and from the Log-books of H.G. Travers
J. L. Travers
€ 10,00
Travers, J. L.
€ 10,00
Grumman TBF/TBM Avenger
Terry C. Treadwell
€ 25,00
Treadwell, Terry C.
€ 25,00
Heroic flights
John Frayn Turner
€ 12,00
Turner, John Frayn
€ 12,00
British Aircraft of World War II. With colour photographs
John Frayne Turner e.a.
€ 6,00
Turner, John Frayne & Douglas Bader (introduced by)
€ 6,00
Basic Helicopter Handbook
U.S. Department of Transportation
€ 10,00
U.S. Department of Transportation
€ 10,00
Koninklijke Luchtmacht Historische vlucht: De tijd vliegt. . .
Ben Ullings e.a.
€ 20,00
Ullings, Ben & Frans van Meltvoort
€ 20,00
R101: The Airship Disaster, 1930
Uncovered Editions
€ 8,00
Uncovered Editions
€ 8,00
Hurricane R4118 Revisited. The Extraordinary Story of the Discovery and Restoration to Flight of a Battle of Britain Survivor: The Adventure Continues 2005-2017
Peter Vacher
€ 12,50
Vacher, Peter
€ 12,50
Fangs of Death: 439 Sabre-Toothed Squadron Standing on guard for thee since 1941 = Les crocs de la mort: Escadron 439 Tigre à dents de sabre Protéger nos foyers et nos droits depuis 1941
Marc-André Valiquette e.a.
€ 40,00
Valiquette, Marc-André & Richard Girouard
€ 40,00
15+ flyers about aircrafts
€ 25,00
€ 25,00
15+ flyers about aircrafts
€ 25,00
€ 25,00
Dutchbird. Made in Holland - A320 (DVD)
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Bezmotorová letadla v Ceskoslovensku 1918-1939
Ladislav Vejvoda
€ 15,00
Vejvoda, Ladislav
€ 15,00
V?tron? v ?eskoslovensku a ?eské republice od r.1945
Ladislav Vejvoda e.a.
€ 15,00
Vejvoda, Ladislav & Jan Plachý
€ 15,00
De wieg van Nederlands luchtvaart heeft in Soesterberg gestaan. Oude verhalen van Nederlands militaire luchtvaart 1912-1940
W.C.J. Versteegh
€ 25,00
Versteegh, W.C.J.
€ 25,00
Op de bok 2: Airbus special
F.H.H. van - en anderen Vianen
€ 8,00
Vianen, F.H.H. van - en anderen
€ 8,00
Contact! The Story of the Early Aviators
Henry Serrano Villard
€ 15,00
Villard, Henry Serrano
€ 15,00
A Viruly
€ 6,50
Viruly, A
€ 6,50
Marinevliegkamp De Kooy: beelden van een bevlogen eeuw
W.F. Visée
€ 10,00
Visée, W.F.
€ 10,00
Marinevliegkamp De Kooy: Beelden van een bevlogen eeuw
W.F. Visée
€ 10,00
Visée, W.F.
€ 10,00
Marcel Vleugels
€ 5,00
Vleugels, Marcel
€ 5,00
Programma open dag: MVK Valkenburg 1 juni 1990
J.P.W.J. Vorenkamp
€ 10,00
Vorenkamp, J.P.W.J. (voorwoord)
€ 10,00
Luchtvaart 2011
Ruud Vos
€ 6,00
Vos, Ruud
€ 6,00
Fokker D.23
Willem Vredeling
€ 25,00
Vredeling, Willem
€ 25,00
Fokker D.23
Willem Vredeling
€ 25,00
Vredeling, Willem
€ 25,00
De gouden race
H.J. Waalwijk
€ 5,00
Waalwijk, H.J.
€ 5,00
Dutch Civil Aircraft Markings 1979-'80
H.S.F. Wadman
€ 5,00
Wadman, H.S.F.
€ 5,00
Robert Wall
€ 8,00
Wall, Robert
€ 8,00
Airliners: a Stunning Visual History of Air Travel
Robert Wall
€ 15,00
Wall, Robert
€ 15,00
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