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Categorie Vliegtuigen & Luchtvaart

Aantal gevonden boeken: 850

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Indian Army Aviation 2025
Vijay Oberoi
€ 10,00
Oberoi, Vijay (edited by)
€ 10,00
Meegroeien met de vloot: 50 jaar KLM Geneeskundige Afdeling
Peter Offerman
€ 10,00
Offerman, Peter
€ 10,00
Warplanes of the Future
David Oliver e.a.
€ 9,00
Oliver, David & Mike Ryan
€ 9,00
Warplanes of the Future
David Oliver e.a.
€ 9,00
Oliver, David & Mike Ryan
€ 9,00
The legend of skies: images and objects from the world of aviation
Pascal Ory
€ 10,00
Ory, Pascal
€ 10,00
RAF Biggin Hill. The Other Side of the Bump
Peter Osborne
€ 15,00
Osborne, Peter
€ 15,00
RAF Biggin Hill. The Other Side of the Bump
Peter Osborne
€ 12,50
Osborne, Peter
€ 12,50
Schiphol. De contouren van een mainport
Marijke van Overbeeke e.a.
€ 6,00
Overbeeke, Marijke van & Gezelle, Bert
€ 6,00
Creating Top Flight Teams: Unique Team-building Skills from the RAF Red Arrows
Hilarie Owen
€ 8,00
Owen, Hilarie
€ 8,00
Concorde and the Americans: International Politics of the Supersonic Transport
Kenneth Owen
€ 12,50
Owen, Kenneth
€ 12,50
X-planes at Edwards
Steve Pace
€ 10,00
Pace, Steve
€ 10,00
Automatic Flight Control
E.H.J. Pallett
€ 10,00
Pallett, E.H.J.
€ 10,00
Spitfire Hunters. The Inside Stories Behind the Best of the TV Aircraft Digs
Simon Parry
€ 8,00
Parry, Simon
€ 8,00
Finnish Jet Colours
Kyosti Partonen
€ 25,00
Partonen, Kyosti
€ 25,00
Tested: Marshall Test Pilots and Their Aircraft in War and Peace 1919-1999
Dennis Pasco
€ 10,00
Pasco, Dennis
€ 10,00
Tested: Marshall Test Pilots and Their Aircraft in War and Peace 1919-1999
Dennis Pasco
€ 10,00
Pasco, Dennis
€ 10,00
Corsair: 30 Years of Filibustering, 1940-1970
Bruno Pautigny
€ 17,50
Pautigny, Bruno
€ 17,50
McDonnell XF-88 Voodoo
Steve Pave
€ 10,00
Pave, Steve
€ 10,00
Gunfire No. 36: Illustrations to Accompany Notes on the Interpretation of Aeroplane Photographs
A.J. Peacock
€ 8,00
Peacock, A.J.
€ 8,00
A-4 Skyhawk
Lindsay Peacock
€ 10,00
Peacock, Lindsay
€ 10,00
Turboprop Commuters
Norman Pealing
€ 12,50
Pealing, Norman
€ 12,50
Turboprop Commuters
Norman Pealing
€ 12,50
Pealing, Norman
€ 12,50
North American Aviation P-51B/C & F-6C Mustang
Robert Peczkowski
€ 17,50
Peczkowski, Robert
€ 17,50
Dark Eagles: A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs: Revised Edition
Curtis Peebles
€ 9,00
Peebles, Curtis
€ 9,00
Dark Eagles: A History of Top Secret U.S. Aircraft Programs: Revised Edition
Curtis Peebles
€ 9,00
Peebles, Curtis
€ 9,00
Airbus International
Hellmut Penner
€ 20,00
Penner, Hellmut
€ 20,00
An Ancient Air: A Biography of John Stringfellow of Chard The Victorian Aeronautical Pioneer
Harald Penrose
€ 8,00
Penrose, Harald
€ 8,00
Thunderbolt: Republic P47
Paul Perkins
€ 10,00
Perkins, Paul (text) & Dan Patterson (photography)
€ 10,00
Thunderbolt: Republic P47
Paul Perkins
€ 10,00
Perkins, Paul (text) & Dan Patterson (photography)
€ 10,00
Van oorlogskist tot vliegend hotel: de ontwikkeling van de KLM-vloot
Persdienst KLM
€ 12,50
Persdienst KLM
€ 12,50
Au revoir Saint-Ex
John Phillips
€ 10,00
Phillips, John
€ 10,00
The Real Aviation Enthusiast II
Bryan Philpott
€ 8,00
Philpott, Bryan
€ 8,00
A 16.000 metri. I miei viaggi nella stratosfera
Augusto Piccard
€ 30,00
Piccard, Augusto
€ 30,00
To Fill The Skies with Pilots: The Civilian Pilot Training Program, 1939-46
Dominick A. Pisano
€ 20,00
Pisano, Dominick A.
€ 20,00
Forever Vigilant. Naval 8/208 Squadron RAF - A Centenary of Service from 1916-2016
Graham Pitchfork
€ 17,50
Pitchfork, Graham
€ 17,50
Lufthansa Junkers Ju 52: Die Geschichte der alten 'Tante Ju'
Peter Pletschacher
€ 10,00
Pletschacher, Peter
€ 10,00
Lufthansa Junkers Ju 52: The Story of the Old "Aunty Ju"
Peter Pletschacher
€ 12,50
Pletschacher, Peter
€ 12,50
Tradition of progress: BMW Rolls Royce Aero Engines
Peter Pletschacher
€ 9,00
Pletschacher, Peter
€ 9,00
Famous Aircraft of the World
Gerald Pollinger
€ 6,50
Pollinger, Gerald
€ 6,50
One Hundred Years of World Military Aircraft
Norman Polmar
€ 10,00
Polmar, Norman
€ 10,00
The ABC of Midland Red Vehicles 1948
S. Poole
€ 8,00
Poole, S.
€ 8,00
Fameuze Fokker vliegtuigen
Thijs Postma
€ 6,00
Postma, Thijs
€ 6,00
Vliegende vechters 1939-1945
Thijs Postma
€ 5,00
Postma, Thijs
€ 5,00
Het jaarboek van de luchtvaart eerste editie
Thijs Postma e.a.
€ 8,00
Postma, Thijs & Leeuw, René de & Druenen, René van
€ 8,00
Jaarboek van de luchvaart, derde editie
Thijs Postma
€ 6,00
Postma, Thijs (redactie)
€ 6,00
Jaarboek van de luchvaart, vierde editie
Thijs Postma
€ 8,00
Postma, Thijs (redactie)
€ 8,00
Jaarboek van de luchvaart, vijfde editie
Thijs Postma
€ 8,00
Postma, Thijs (redactie)
€ 8,00
Skies of Fire : Dramatic Air Combat
Alfred Price
€ 8,00
Price, Alfred
€ 8,00
Spitfire in Combat
Alfred Price
€ 8,00
Price, Alfred
€ 8,00
Flying, the golden years. A pictorial anthology
Rupert Prior
€ 6,00
Prior, Rupert
€ 6,00
Hungarian Aces of World War 2
György Punka
€ 10,00
Punka, György
€ 10,00
Attack Aircraft and Bombers of the World
Anil R. Pustam
€ 8,00
Pustam, Anil R.
€ 8,00
Conquer the Sky: Great moments in Aviation
Harold Rabinowitz
€ 6,00
Rabinowitz, harold
€ 6,00
No Visible Horizon: Surviving the World's Most Dangerous Sport
Joshua Cooper Ramo
€ 8,00
Ramo, Joshua Cooper
€ 8,00
Aircraft of the Royal Air Force
John D. R. Rawlings
€ 6,50
Rawlings, John D. R.
€ 6,50
Star Dust Falling: The Story of the Plane That Vanished
Jay Rayner
€ 8,00
Rayner, Jay
€ 8,00
Brassey's Unmanned Aircraft
Arthur Reed
€ 10,00
Reed, Arthur
€ 10,00
The Men Who Gave Us Wings. Britain and the Aeroplane 1796-1914
Peter Reese
€ 12,50
Reese, Peter
€ 12,50
Junkers Ju 90
Karl-Heinz Regnat
€ 10,00
Regnat, Karl-Heinz
€ 10,00
Junkers Ju 90
Karl-Heinz Regnat
€ 10,00
Regnat, Karl-Heinz
€ 10,00
Vom Original zum Modell: Dornier Do 17
Karl-Heinz Regnat
€ 15,00
Regnat, Karl-Heinz
€ 15,00
	The Stirling Bomber
John Reid
€ 8,00
Reid, John
€ 8,00
Así se va a las alturas II
Revista Aeronáutica
€ 65,00
Revista Aeronáutica
€ 65,00
Stealth Warplanes: Deception, Evasion, and Concealment in the Air
Doug Richardson
€ 15,00
Richardson, Doug
€ 15,00
Aeroplane Monthly (17 issues 1997-1999)
Richard T. - a.o. Riding
€ 25,00
Riding, Richard T. - a.o.
€ 25,00
Schiphol Raaklijnen. Personeelsorgaan van de n.v. Luchthaven Schiphol (11 afleveringen)
D. Riemens e.a.
€ 25,00
Riemens, D. & M.J. Alink & A.A. Dulle (redactiecommissie)
€ 25,00
De geschiedenis van squadron 321: 'Nooit op de tweede plaats'
Bart M. Rijnhout
€ 10,00
Rijnhout, Bart M.
€ 10,00
WWI Warplanes: 'Great War' Clasics in Profile - Volume one
Ray Rimell
€ 10,00
Rimell, Ray
€ 10,00
Red Flag: Air Combat for the 21st Century
Tyson V. Rininger
€ 10,00
Rininger, Tyson V.
€ 10,00
Radar Plotting
Cpt. E.M. Robb
€ 8,00
Robb, cpt. E.M.
€ 8,00
The Urge to Fly: From Sticks-and-string to Jet Age
Don Robertson
€ 8,00
Robertson, Don
€ 8,00
Grounded: forsaken & deserted aeroplanes
Graham Robson
€ 10,00
Robson, Graham
€ 10,00
Propliner Renaissance
Graham Robson
€ 10,00
Robson, Graham
€ 10,00
Official Guide to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
David A. Romanowski
€ 8,00
Romanowski, David A.
€ 8,00
Thrusting Forward: a History of the Propeller
George Rosen e.a.
€ 15,00
Rosen, George & Charles A. Anezis
€ 15,00
The Chosen Ones: Canada's Test Pilots In Action
Sean Rossiter
€ 15,00
Rossiter, Sean
€ 15,00
The Power to Fly: From De Havilland Apprentice to Chairman of General Electric Engines
Brian Rowe
€ 8,00
Rowe, Brian
€ 8,00
An Illustrated History of the RAF
Roy Conyers Nesbit
€ 12,50
Roy Conyers Nesbit
€ 12,50
The Winged Life.- A Portrait of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Poet and Airman
Richard Rumbold e.a.
€ 12,50
Rumbold, Richard & Lady Margaret Stewart
€ 12,50
Spotlight on 16: On the Fly
Marek Rys
€ 9,00
Rys, Marek
€ 9,00
Igo Etrich: Leben und Werk
Hanus Salz
€ 10,00
Salz, Hanus
€ 10,00
Igo Etrich: Leben und Werk
Hanus Salz
€ 15,00
Salz, Hanus
€ 15,00
Aircraft recognition
R.A. Saville-Sneath
€ 10,00
Saville-Sneath, R.A.
€ 10,00
Modern Fighters (2 delen)
David Scallon e.a.
€ 6,00
Scallon, David & Gething, Michael J.
€ 6,00
N.V. Luchthaven Schiphol - Schiphol Airport Authority Amsterdam
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Take off. The Book of German Aerospace
Arno L. Schmitz
€ 8,00
Schmitz, Arno L.
€ 8,00
KLu vliegtuigen: de vliegtuigen van de Koninklijke Luchtmacht vanaf 1913
Wim Schoenmaker e.a.
€ 8,00
Schoenmaker, Wim & Thijs Postma
€ 8,00
Leven van de lucht: 50 jaar verenigd vliegen
Hendrik Scholte
€ 12,50
Scholte, Hendrik
€ 12,50
We flew to Christchurch. The story of a memorable long distance flight
Henrik Scholte
€ 25,00
Scholte, Henrik
€ 25,00
Zie je ze vliegen
Mr. H. Scholte e.a.
€ 5,00
Scholte, Mr. H. & A. Viruly
€ 5,00
50 jaar 306 squadron
J.M.P. Schouren e.a.
€ 20,00
Schouren, J.M.P. & R.H. Wildekamp
€ 20,00
Reconnaissance Planes Since 1945
Frank Schwede
€ 8,00
Schwede, Frank
€ 8,00
The Pioneers of Flight: A Documentary History
Phil Scott
€ 8,00
Scott, Phil
€ 8,00
The Pioneers of Flight: A Documentary History
Phil Scott
€ 8,00
Scott, Phil
€ 8,00
Aces of the Mighty Eighth
Jerry Scutts e.a.
€ 15,00
Scutts, Jerry & John Stanaway
€ 15,00
Aces of the Mighty Eighth
Jerry Scutts e.a.
€ 15,00
Scutts, Jerry & John Stanaway
€ 15,00
340 The Story
Bo Sehlberg
€ 12,50
Sehlberg, Bo
€ 12,50
340 The Story
Bo Sehlberg
€ 12,50
Sehlberg, Bo
€ 12,50
The 'AirForces Monthly' Book of the F/A-18 Hornet
Tim Senior
€ 12,50
Senior, Tim
€ 12,50
The 'AirForces Monthly' Book of the F/A-18 Hornet
Tim Senior
€ 10,00
Senior, Tim
€ 10,00
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