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Categorie Modelbouw

Aantal gevonden boeken: 174

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Model van de oorlogsbrik "Irene"
E.W. Petrejus
€ 20,00
Petrejus, E.W.
€ 20,00
Playing with Trains: A Passion Beyond Scale
Sam Posey
€ 9,00
Posey, Sam
€ 9,00
Usborne modelbouwboek: maak zelf een dorp
Maaike Post
€ 8,00
Post, Maaike (vertaling)
€ 8,00
Scale Model Cars
Harold Pratley
€ 8,00
Pratley, Harold
€ 8,00
Dieast Cars of the 1960s: Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Other Great Toy Cars of the Decade
Mac Ragan
€ 10,00
Ragan, Mac
€ 10,00
	Die Modellbahn-Werkstatt: Personenzüge im Modell. Die Modellbahn-Werkstatt
Ralf Reinmuth
€ 15,00
Reinmuth, Ralf
€ 15,00
Americas Standard Gauge Electric Trains
Peter H. Riddle e.a.
€ 20,00
Riddle, Peter H. & Mike Folw (foreword)
€ 20,00
Miller's Collecting Diecast Vehicles
Peter Rixon
€ 25,00
Rixon, Peter
€ 25,00
Painting and Lining Models
R.C. Rogers
€ 6,00
Rogers, R.C.
€ 6,00
Vintage Model Aeroplanes
Peter Russell
€ 6,00
Russell, Peter
€ 6,00
Elektronisch pfeifen, Läuten, Bimmeln: Betriebsgeräusche für Modellbahnen - elektronisch erzeugt
Friedhelm Schiersching
€ 10,00
Schiersching, Friedhelm
€ 10,00
Lichterpracht in der Modellbahnstadt: elektronische Lichtspiele wie: Lichtreklame, Lauflicht, Leuchtuhr, Ampel, NF-Zugbeleuchtung schnell und einfach aufgebaut mit integrierten Schaltungen
Friedhelm Schiersching
€ 9,00
Schiersching, Friedhelm
€ 9,00
Modern Lionel Trains
Robert Schleicher
€ 12,50
Schleicher, Robert
€ 12,50
The Lionel Fastrack Book
Robert Schleicher
€ 20,00
Schleicher, Robert
€ 20,00
Märklin-Bahn mit Pfiff: neue Tips und Baubeschreibungen für den anspruchsvollen Modellbahner
Bernd Schmid
€ 10,00
Schmid, Bernd
€ 10,00
Schuco piccolo: Sammelordner: alle Schuco-Piccolo-Modelle mit der derzeitigen Marktwerteinschätzung = Collecting Folder: all piccolo models with its current approximate market value
€ 20,00
€ 20,00
Licht op het oudste scheepsmodel: Interdisciplinair onderzoek naar een raadselachtig museumstuk
Louis Sicking
€ 5,00
Sicking, Louis
€ 5,00
N. Simmons
€ 6,00
Simmons, N.
€ 6,00
The world of model ships
V. E. Smeed
€ 8,00
Smeed, V. E.
€ 8,00
The encyclopedia of model aircraft
Vic Smeed
€ 6,00
Smeed, Vic
€ 6,00
Classic Lionel Trains
Gerry Souter e.a.
€ 15,00
Souter, Gerry & Janet Souter
€ 15,00
Modern Toy Trains
Gerry Souter e.a.
€ 8,00
Souter, Gerry & Janet Souter
€ 8,00
Modern Toy Trains
Gerry Souter e.a.
€ 8,00
Souter, Gerry & Janet Souter
€ 8,00
Building and Detailing Scale Commercial Aircraft
Mark Stanton
€ 12,50
Stanton, Mark
€ 12,50
How to make model soldiers
Philip O. Stearns
€ 10,00
Stearns, Philip O.
€ 10,00
HO 78/79. Internationaler Modell-Eisenbahn-Katalog/International Model Railways Guide/ Guide International des Chemins de Fer de Modele Reduit
B. Stein
€ 15,00
Stein, B.
€ 15,00
Techniek in schoonheid. De marinemodellenkamer van het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam
Harm Stevens e.a.
€ 10,00
Stevens, Harm & Jonge, Cees de
€ 10,00
Schiffe aus Papier. Vierzehn Beiträge über das hunderd Jahre alte Hobby Karton-Modellbau
Siegfried Stölting
€ 45,00
Stölting, Siegfried
€ 45,00
Hobbygids voor model vliegtuigbouw
John Stroud
€ 6,00
Stroud, John
€ 6,00
Basic aeronautics for modellers
A Sutherland
€ 15,00
Sutherland, A
€ 15,00
Super Model International No. 2. Master Box 1:35 BMW R75 & T-55 Tamiya 1:35. Polish Steel.
Przemyslaw Szymczyk e.a.
€ 6,00
Szymczyk, Przemyslaw & Lukasz Kapelski
€ 6,00
Radiobestuurde zweefvliegtuigen 2: constructie en bouw van modellen
Werner Thies
€ 10,00
Thies, werner
€ 10,00
Het kleine bouwen. Vier eeuwen maquettes in Nederland
R.W. Tieskens e.a.
€ 8,00
Tieskens, R.W. & D.P. Snoep & G.W.C. van Wezel
€ 8,00
Building 00 Gauge Wagons and Vans for Model Railways
David Tisdale
€ 12,50
Tisdale, David
€ 12,50
Modelling Tunnels, Embankments, Walls and Fences for Model Railways
David Tisdale
€ 10,00
Tisdale, David
€ 10,00
List of working drawings Scale ship[ models. Saling ship section
Harold A Underhill
€ 5,00
Underhill, Harold A
€ 5,00
Radio Controlled Model Aircraft: a complete guide for beginners
Adrian Vale
€ 8,00
Vale, Adrian
€ 8,00
Handbook of Stuart Models 1980 January
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Make Your Own Haunted House
€ 9,00
€ 9,00
The Model-Making Series Making Model Ships. With 17 photographs and 61 diagrams and plans
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Verlinden Productions - Trophy Models for the discriminating modeler. Catalog 1st edition
François Verlinden
€ 5,00
Verlinden, François
€ 5,00
Verlinden Productions - Trophy Models for the discriminating modeler. Catalog 2nd edition
François Verlinden
€ 5,00
Verlinden, François
€ 5,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 14 - 1997
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 14 - 1997
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 15 - 1998
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 16 - 1999
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 17 - 2000
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 17 - 2000
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 18 - 2002
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 18 - 2002
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 19 - Supplement
François Verlinden
€ 5,00
Verlinden, François
€ 5,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog no 19 - Supplement
François Verlinden
€ 5,00
Verlinden, François
€ 5,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog No. 11 - Winter 1992/1993
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog No. 12 - Winter 1993/1994
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog No. 13 - 1994/1995
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog No. 5
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog No. 7 - Spring 1990
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog No. 9 - Spring-summer 1991
François Verlinden
€ 8,00
Verlinden, François
€ 8,00
Verlinden Productions Catalog Supplement '95-'96. Complements general catalogue No. 13
François Verlinden
€ 6,00
Verlinden, François
€ 6,00
Totem: Kidsonroof
€ 15,00
VolumeZero (design)
€ 15,00
Catalogue of Scale Model Equipment & Accessories
W e.a.
€ 9,00
W&H Models
€ 9,00
Führer durch das Verkehrshaus
Dr. H.C. Alfred Waldis
€ 6,00
Waldis, dr. H.C. Alfred
€ 6,00
Basic Aeromodelling: a complete manual for beginners and experts alike on the art of building and flying model aircraft
R.H. Warring
€ 20,00
Warring, R.H.
€ 20,00
Model Miniature Railways
Patrick B. Whitehouse e.a.
€ 35,00
Whitehouse, Patrick B. & Adams, John
€ 35,00
Das Grosse Buch der Modelleisenbahnen - international
Guy R. Williams
€ 25,00
Williams, Guy R.
€ 25,00
Handbook of model planes, cars and boots
Bill Winter
€ 6,00
Winter, Bill
€ 6,00
Zawody modeli lotniczych I kosmicznych
Pawl Wlodarczyk e.a.
€ 5,00
Wlodarczyk, Pawl & Dorota Putrzynska
€ 5,00
Janusz Wojciechowski
€ 5,00
Wojciechowski, Janusz
€ 5,00
Make a Model: Samurai Warrior
David Woodroffe e.a.
€ 8,00
Woodroffe, David & Sue Hook
€ 8,00
Modelling the East Coast Main Line in the British Railways Era
Tony Wright
€ 12,50
Wright, Tony
€ 12,50
Bouwplaat Euromast - Rotterdam. Schaal 1:300
J. Zomer
€ 10,00
Zomer, J. (ontwerp bouwplaat)
€ 10,00
De Grote of St.-Bavo kerk Haarlem - Bouwplaat
Jaap Zomer
€ 12,50
Zomer, Jaap (ontwerp)
€ 12,50
Minitrix: Faszination Spur N
Hans Zschaler
€ 30,00
Zschaler, Hans
€ 30,00
Minitrix: Faszination Spur N
Hans Zschaler
€ 20,00
Zschaler, Hans
€ 20,00