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The mouse oncogene Wnt-1 and its Drosophila homolog wingless
F.A.M. Rijsewijk
€ 10,00
Rijsewijk, F.A.M.
€ 10,00
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide - 2nd edition
K.F. - and others Riley
€ 30,00
Riley, K.F. - and others
€ 30,00
Märkliga ting: Kurositetsbiblioteket i Linköpings bibliotek
Eva Ringborg
€ 10,00
Ringborg, Eva
€ 10,00
From Perturbative to Constructive Renormalization
Vincent Rivasseau
€ 20,00
Rivasseau, Vincent
€ 20,00
Mathematical Logic. A First Course
Joel W. Robbin
€ 5,00
Robbin, Joel W.
€ 5,00
Nonstandard Analysis
Alain Robert
€ 20,00
Robert, Alain
€ 20,00
Non-standard Analysis
Abraham Robinson
€ 40,00
Robinson, Abraham
€ 40,00
Einstein. Honderd jaar relativteit
Andrew Robinson
€ 10,00
Robinson, Andrew
€ 10,00
Ontjoodst door de wetenschap: De wetenschappelijke en menselijke integriteit van Arie de Froe tijdens de bezetting
Machteld Roede
€ 10,00
Roede, Machteld
€ 10,00
Path Integral Approach to Quantum Physics: An Introduction (
Gert Roepstorff
€ 80,00
Roepstorff, Gert
€ 80,00
Some Modern Mathematics for Physicists and Other Outsiders: An Introduction to Algebra, Topology and Functional Analysis (2 volumes)
Paul Roman
€ 250,00
Roman, Paul
€ 250,00
Theoretische Geschiedenis. Rede
Jan Romein
€ 8,00
Romein, Jan
€ 8,00
Maria Rooseboom
€ 10,00
Rooseboom, Maria
€ 10,00
De duplicaat mens. Het opzienbarende verslag van het ontstaan van een menselijke kloon
David Rorvik
€ 6,00
Rorvik, David
€ 6,00
Symmetry Discovered: Concepts and Applications in Nature and Science
Joseph Rosen
€ 10,00
Rosen, Joseph
€ 10,00
Fundamentals of Crystal Growth I: Macroscopic Equilibrium and Transport Concepts
Franz E. Rosenberger
€ 35,00
Rosenberger, Franz E.
€ 35,00
Bacon. Pionier van de wetenschappelijke methode
Paolo Rossi
€ 10,00
Rossi, Paolo
€ 10,00
Isis. An international review devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences. Volume 90. Number 4 - december 1999
Margaret W. - a.o. Rossiter
€ 10,00
Rossiter, Margaret W. - a.o. (eds.)
€ 10,00
Galois theory - Second edition
Joseph Rotman
€ 10,00
Rotman, Joseph
€ 10,00
The Cosmological Distance Ladder: Distance and Time in the Universe
Michael Rowan-Robinson
€ 10,00
Rowan-Robinson, Michael
€ 10,00
Einstein on Politics: His Private Thoughts and Public Stands on Nationalism, Zionism, War, Peace, and the Bomb
David E. Rowe e.a.
€ 15,00
Rowe, David E. & Robert Schulman
€ 15,00
Van Thales tot Newton. Ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van de grondslagen der Natuurkunde
J.J. le Roy
€ 8,00
Roy, J.J. le
€ 8,00
Die Quantenrevolution: Neue Nachrichten aus der Teilchenphysik
Brigitte Röthlein
€ 8,00
Röthlein, Brigitte
€ 8,00
De wetten van toeval en chaos: Kleine oorzaken en grote gevolgen in de moderne natuurwetenschappen
David Ruelle
€ 8,00
Ruelle, David
€ 8,00
Elements of Differentiable Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory
David Ruelle
€ 15,00
Ruelle, David
€ 15,00
The Principles Of Mathematics
Bertrand Russell
€ 25,00
Russell, Bertrand
€ 25,00
Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics [2 volumes]
John - and others Ryan
€ 40,00
Ryan, John - and others (editors)
€ 40,00
Calculus for dummies
Mark Ryan
€ 10,00
Ryan, Mark
€ 10,00
Quantum Field Theory
Lewis H. Ryder
€ 15,00
Ryder , Lewis H.
€ 15,00
Aristotle's Physics. A guided study
Joe Sachs
€ 100,00
Sachs, Joe
€ 100,00
Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebra,
Arthur A Sagle e.a.
€ 30,00
Sagle, Arthur A & Ralph E. Walde
€ 30,00
C*-Algebras and W*-Algebras: Reprint of the 1971 edition
Shôichirô Sakai
€ 40,00
Sakai, Shôichirô
€ 40,00
Operator Algebras in Dynamical Systems
Shôichirô Sakai
€ 40,00
Sakai, Shôichirô
€ 40,00
Supergravities in Diverse Dimensions (2 volumes)
Abdus Salam e.a.
€ 150,00
Salam, Abdus & Ergin Sezgin (editors)
€ 150,00
Notes on Lie Algebras
Hans Samelson
€ 15,00
Samelson, Hans
€ 15,00
Culture collection to improve the quality of life. Proceedings of the Eight International Congress for Culture Collections. Veldhoven, The Netherlands, 25-29 August 1996
R.A. Samson e.a.
€ 50,00
Samson, R.A. & J.A. Stalpers & D. van der Mei & A.H. Stouthamer
€ 50,00
Das Reich der Erfindungen
Heinrich Samter
€ 45,00
Samter, Heinrich
€ 45,00
Algebraic Theory of Numbers
Pierre Samuel
€ 10,00
Samuel, Pierre
€ 10,00
Foundations of Theoretical Mechanics I: The Inverse Problem in Newtonian Mechanics
Ruggero Maria Santilli
€ 15,00
Santilli, Ruggero Maria
€ 15,00
Introducing Mathematics
Ziauddin Sardar e.a.
€ 8,00
Sardar, Ziauddin & Borin Van Loon
€ 8,00
Between Science and Technology: Proceedings of the International Conference Between Science and Technology Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, 29-30 June 1989
Andries Sarlemijn e.a.
€ 65,00
Sarlemijn, Andries & Peter Kroes (editors)
€ 65,00
Zeittafel zur Wirtschafts-Geschichte
August Sartorius von Waltershausen
€ 8,00
Sartorius von Waltershausen, August
€ 8,00
Applied Mathematical Sciences: Lie Groups and Algebras With Applications to Physics, Geometry, and Mechanics
D.H. Sattinger e.a.
€ 35,00
Sattinger, D.H. & O.L. Weaver
€ 35,00
The Music of the Primes: Searching to Solve the Greatest Mystery in Mathematics
Marcus du Sautoy
€ 10,00
Sautoy, Marcus du
€ 10,00
Statistical Methods: The Geometric Approach
David J. Saville e.a.
€ 40,00
Saville, David J. & Graham Wood
€ 40,00
Reactions and Movement of Organic Chemicals in Soils: Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by Divisions S-1, S-2, S-3, S-9, and A-5 of the Soil Scie (S S S a Special Publication)
B. L. Sawhney
€ 10,00
Sawhney, B. L.
€ 10,00
Mathematician 's delight
W.W. Sawyer
€ 5,00
Sawyer, W.W.
€ 5,00
Principles Of Modern Physics - 2nd edition
A.K. Saxena
€ 40,00
Saxena, A.K.
€ 40,00
Advanced Quantum Theory and Its Application Through Feynman Diagrams
Michael D. Scadron
€ 25,00
Scadron, Michael D.
€ 25,00
Met de Blik Op Oneindig. Het levensverhaal van Galileo Galileï
Tjeerd Schaafsma
€ 30,00
Schaafsma, Tjeerd
€ 30,00
On broken symmetries in Fermi Systems
A.M.J. Schakel
€ 10,00
Schakel, A.M.J.
€ 10,00
Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches
Robert Schalkoff
€ 15,00
Schalkoff, Robert
€ 15,00
Von Fermat bis Minkowski: Eine Vorlesung über Zahlentheorie und ihre Entwicklung
W. Scharlau e.a.
€ 10,00
Scharlau, W. & H. Opolka
€ 10,00
Lonely images: language in the visual arts of the 1960s
Schavemaker Schavemaker
€ 15,00
Schavemaker, Margriet Schavemaker, Margriet
€ 15,00
My Brain Is Open : The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos
Bruce Schechter
€ 8,00
Schechter, Bruce
€ 8,00
Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations
Eric Schechter
€ 120,00
Schechter, Eric
€ 120,00
Noncommutative Geometry and the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics
F. - and others Scheck
€ 60,00
Scheck, F. - and others (editors)
€ 60,00
Making Silent Stones Speak. Human Evolution and the Dawn of Technology
Kathy Diane Schick e.a.
€ 10,00
Schick, Kathy Diane & Nicholas Patrick Toth
€ 10,00
De ontdekking van de sterren
Govert Schilling
€ 10,00
Schilling, Govert
€ 10,00
Evoluerend heelal: een hoorcollege over de levensloop van de kosmos (2CD)
Govert Schilling
€ 20,00
Schilling, Govert
€ 20,00
Het dynamisch DNA. Een molecuul met geschiedenis en toekomst. Rede
Dr. R.A. Schilperoort
€ 10,00
Schilperoort, Dr. R.A.
€ 10,00
En gij zult als God wezen
H. Schirmbeck
€ 5,00
Schirmbeck, H.
€ 5,00
Safety Assessment of NMR Clinical Equipment
K.H. Schmidt
€ 10,00
Schmidt, K.H. (edited by)
€ 10,00
Himmelsmechanik: Band II: Sytemmodelle
M. Schneider
€ 15,00
Schneider, M.
€ 15,00
Symbols, Pictures and Quantum Reality: On the Theoretical Foundations of the Physical Universe
W. Schommers
€ 15,00
Schommers, W.
€ 15,00
Geometrie und Symmetrie in der Physik: Leitmotiv der mathematischen Physik
Martin Schottenloher
€ 20,00
Schottenloher, Martin
€ 20,00
Der Ricci-Kalkül: Eine Einführung in die neueren Methoden und Probleme der mehrdimensionalen Differentialgeometrie
J. A. Schouten
€ 35,00
Schouten, J. A.
€ 35,00
Hugo de Vries. Grondlegger van de moderne evolutiebiologie
Arno Schrauwers
€ 7,50
Schrauwers, Arno
€ 7,50
Leerboek der graphologie
J. Schrijver
€ 10,00
Schrijver, J.
€ 10,00
Fractals, Chaos, Power Laws: Minutes from an Infinite Paradise
Manfred Schroeder
€ 10,00
Schroeder, Manfred
€ 10,00
Deterministic Chaos: An Introduction.
Heinz Georg Schuster
€ 10,00
Schuster, Heinz Georg
€ 10,00
Het onderbroken ritme. Opvoeding, onderwijs en sociale cohesie in een gefragmenteerde samenleving
Kees Schuyt
€ 8,00
Schuyt, Kees
€ 8,00
Relativity in illustrations
Jacob T. Schwartz
€ 8,00
Schwartz, Jacob T.
€ 8,00
Introducing Einstein
Joseph Schwartz e.a.
€ 8,00
Schwartz, Joseph & Michael McGuinness
€ 8,00
Superstrings: The First 15 Years of Superstring Theory (2 volumes)
Schwarz John H.
€ 75,00
Schwarz John H. (editor)
€ 75,00
Quantum Field Theory and Topology
Albert S. Schwarz
€ 80,00
Schwarz, Albert S.
€ 80,00
Topology for Physicists
Albert S. Schwarz
€ 100,00
Schwarz, Albert S.
€ 100,00
Morse Homology
Matthias Schwarz
€ 30,00
Schwarz, Matthias
€ 30,00
Quantum Kinematics and Dynamics
Julian Schwinger
€ 150,00
Schwinger, Julian
€ 150,00
Quantum Mechanics: Symbolism of Atomic Measurements
Julian Schwinger
€ 60,00
Schwinger, Julian
€ 60,00
Linear Models
S.R. Searle
€ 20,00
Searle, S.R.
€ 20,00
Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics
Lee A. Segel
€ 40,00
Segel, Lee A.
€ 40,00
Wegwijs in de wetenschap
F. Selier
€ 5,00
Selier, F.
€ 5,00
Constructions of Lie Algebras and their Modules
George B. Seligman
€ 20,00
Seligman, George B.
€ 20,00
Verwondering: wetenschap in Nederland
Marcel Senten
€ 8,00
Senten, Marcel
€ 8,00
Lie Algebras and Lie Groups: 1964 Lectures given at Harvard University
Jean-Peirre Serre
€ 25,00
Serre, Jean-Peirre
€ 25,00
Complex Semisimple Lie Algebras
Jean-Pierre Serre
€ 20,00
Serre, Jean-Pierre
€ 20,00
Basic Algebraic Geometry
I.R. Shafarevich
€ 25,00
Shafarevich , I.R.
€ 25,00
Principles of the Quantum Control of Molecular Processes
Moshe Shapiro e.a.
€ 40,00
Shapiro, Moshe & Paul Brumer
€ 40,00
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic
Stewart Shapiro
€ 75,00
Shapiro, Stewart (editor)
€ 75,00
Copernicus: grondlegger van het moderne wereldbeeld
William Shea
€ 10,00
Shea, William
€ 10,00
Why Darwin matters. The case against intelligent design
Michael Shermer
€ 12,50
Shermer, Michael
€ 12,50
ITEP Lectures on Particle Physics and Field Theory ( 2 volumes)
M.A. Shifman
€ 100,00
Shifman, M.A.
€ 100,00
Integral, Measure and Derivative: A Unified Approach
G.E Shilov e.a.
€ 10,00
Shilov, G.E & Gurevich, B.L.
€ 10,00
Schumpeter and the Idea of Social Science: A Metatheoretical Study
Yuichi Shionoya
€ 25,00
Shionoya, Yuichi
€ 25,00
The Health Physics and Radiological Health Handbook - revised edition
Bernard Shleien
€ 30,00
Shleien, Bernard
€ 30,00
Quantum Groups: From Coalgebras to Defined Algebras: a Guided Tour
Steven Shnider e.a.
€ 60,00
Shnider, Steven & Shlomo Sternberg
€ 60,00
Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Mathematics (2 volumes)
Iyanaga Shôkichi e.a.
€ 20,00
Shôkichi, Iyanaga & Yukiyoshi Kawada (editors)
€ 20,00
Quarks, Critters, and Chaos: What Science Terms Really Mean
Jo Ann Shroyer
€ 10,00
Shroyer, Jo Ann
€ 10,00
The QCD Vacuum, Hadrons and the Superdense Matter
E.V. Shuryak
€ 25,00
Shuryak, E.V.
€ 25,00
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