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Aantal gevonden boeken: 1.185

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Algebraic Geometry I: Complex Projective Varieties: Reprint of the 1976 edition
David Mumford
€ 35,00
Mumford, David
€ 35,00
Niels Bohr's Philosophy of Physics
Dugald Murdoch
€ 35,00
Murdoch, Dugald
€ 35,00
Het menselijk genie: Streven naar het ultieme in kunst en wetenschap door de eeuwen heen
Charles Murray
€ 8,00
Murray, Charles
€ 8,00
Lexicon der Kybernetik
A. Müller
€ 6,00
Müller, A.
€ 6,00
The Math Book
Nancy Myers
€ 15,00
Myers, Nancy
€ 15,00
Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics, Metaphysics and Science Fiction
Paul J. Nahin
€ 20,00
Nahin, Paul J.
€ 20,00
Theory of Group Representations
M.A. Naimark e.a.
€ 60,00
Naimark, M.A. & A.I. Stern
€ 60,00
Logica en model
Doede Nauta
€ 10,00
Nauta, Doede
€ 10,00
'Exacte' wetenschappen rondom Christoffel Plantijn (ca. 1520-1589)
Francine de Nave
€ 10,00
Nave, Francine de
€ 10,00
Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science
Arch W. Naylor e.a.
€ 75,00
Naylor, Arch W. & George R. Snell
€ 75,00
Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 5: Chemistry and Chemical Technology: Part 2: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Magisteries of Gold and Immortality
Joseph Needham
€ 40,00
Needham, Joseph
€ 40,00
Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 5: Chemistry and Chemical Technology: Part 3: Spagyrical Discovery and Invention: Historical Survey, From Cinnabar Elixirs to Synthetic Insulin
Joseph Needham
€ 40,00
Needham, Joseph
€ 40,00
Linear Algebra
Walter Nef
€ 10,00
Nef, Walter
€ 10,00
Einstein. Een biografie
Jurgen Neffe
€ 15,00
Neffe, Jurgen
€ 15,00
Einstein: Eine Biographie
Jürgen Neffe
€ 10,00
Neffe, Jürgen
€ 10,00
Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations
V.V. Nemytskii e.a.
€ 10,00
Nemytskii, V.V. & V.V. Stepanov
€ 10,00
Princeton Problems in Physics with Solutions
Nathan - and others Newbury
€ 15,00
Newbury, Nathan - and others
€ 15,00
Solitons in Mathematics and Physics
Alan Newell
€ 20,00
Newell, Alan
€ 20,00
The World of Mathematics (4 volumes)
James R. Newman
€ 40,00
Newman, James R.
€ 40,00
Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy and His System of the World (2 volumes)
Isaac Newton
€ 20,00
Newton, Isaac
€ 20,00
Leonardo Da Vinci. The Flights of the Mind
Charles Nicholl
€ 10,00
Nicholl, Charles
€ 10,00
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information
Michael A. Nielsen e.a.
€ 200,00
Nielsen, Michael A. & Isaac Chuang
€ 200,00
Selected Papers of J. M. Burgers
F.T.M. Nieuwstadt e.a.
€ 80,00
Nieuwstadt, F.T.M. & J.A. Steketee (editors)
€ 80,00
Functional Analysis I: Linear Functional Analysis
N.K. Nikol'skij
€ 15,00
Nikol'skij, N.K.(editor)
€ 15,00
Geometries and Groups
Viacheslav Nikulin
€ 30,00
Nikulin, Viacheslav
€ 30,00
Topology I: General Survey
S.P. Novikov
€ 50,00
Novikov, S.P. (editor)
€ 50,00
Dr. Mutter's Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine
Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz
€ 15,00
O'Keefe Aptowicz, Cristin
€ 15,00
Getah-Pertja: drie lezingen als cantor lectores gehouden in de "Society of Arts" te Londen - met platen, kaarten en tabellen
Dr. E.F.A. Obach
€ 10,00
Obach, Dr. E.F.A.
€ 10,00
Getah-Pertja: drie lezingen als cantor lectores gehouden in de "Society of Arts" te Londen - met platen, kaarten en tabellen
Dr. E.F.A. Obach
€ 10,00
Obach, Dr. E.F.A.
€ 10,00
Geschiedenis van de Wiskunde in de Twintigste Eeuw: van verzamelingen tot complexiteit
Piergiorgio Odifreddi
€ 10,00
Odifreddi, Piergiorgio
€ 10,00
Währungen, Masse, Gewichte der ganzen Welt
E. S. von Oelsen
€ 10,00
Oelsen, E. S. von
€ 10,00
Unitary Representations of the Poincare Group and Relativistic Wave Equations
Y. Ohnuki
€ 70,00
Ohnuki, Y.
€ 70,00
Duality and Supersymmetric Theories
David Olive e.a.
€ 35,00
Olive, David & Peter West (editors)
€ 35,00
Golden Verses of Pythagoras
Fabre d' Olivet
€ 12,50
Olivet, Fabre d'
€ 12,50
Classical Invariant Theory.
Peter Olver
€ 30,00
Olver, Peter
€ 30,00
Understanding Quantum Mechanics
Roland Omnès
€ 20,00
Omnès, Roland
€ 20,00
Economische waardering van milieuverontreiniging
J.B. Opschoor
€ 10,00
Opschoor, J.B.
€ 10,00
Hair Research: Status and Future Aspects: Proceedings of the First International Congress on Hair Research, Hamburg, March 13th-16th, 1979
C.E. Orfanos e.a.
€ 50,00
Orfanos, C.E. & W. Montagna & G. Stüttgen (editors)
€ 50,00
Werkplaatsen van Wijsheid, Geleerdheid en het Ware Geloof: of de Wisselwerking tussen de Universiteiten van Leiden en Franeker
W. - en anderen Otterspeer
€ 10,00
Otterspeer, W. - en anderen
€ 10,00
Infinite Dimensional Groups and Algebras in Quantum Physics
Johnny T. Ottesen
€ 60,00
Ottesen, Johnny T.
€ 60,00
Genetics of Resistance to Tedion in Tetranychus Urticae C.L. Koch
W.P.J. Overmeer
€ 12,50
Overmeer, W.P.J.
€ 12,50
Hamiltonian Systems: Chaos and Quantization
Alfredo M. Ozorio de Almeida
€ 15,00
Ozorio de Almeida, Alfredo M.
€ 15,00
Einstein woonde hier
Abraham Pais
€ 6,50
Pais, Abraham
€ 6,50
Horizons in organic synthesis (openbare les)
U.K. Pandit
€ 5,00
Pandit, U.K.
€ 5,00
An Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry - 3rd edition
Graham L. Patrick
€ 20,00
Patrick, Graham L.
€ 20,00
De gecijferde mens. Overpeinzingen van een getallenman
John  Allen Paulos
€ 6,50
Paulos, John Allen
€ 6,50
Structural Pattern Recognition
T. Pavlidis
€ 15,00
Pavlidis, T.
€ 15,00
Physics of the Early Universe: Proceedings of the Thirty Sixth Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics, Edinburgh, July 24-August 11, 1989
John - and others Peacock
€ 35,00
Peacock, John - and others (editors)
€ 35,00
Principles of Physical Cosmology
P.J.E. Peebles
€ 15,00
Peebles, P.J.E.
€ 15,00
Aristoteles: Vader van alle wetenschappen
Pierre Pellegrin
€ 15,00
Pellegrin, Pierre
€ 15,00
Jus Post Bellum and Just Peace
Lonneke Peperkamp
€ 12,50
Peperkamp, Lonneke
€ 12,50
Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis
Donald B. Percival e.a.
€ 75,00
Percival, Donald B. & Andrew T. Walden
€ 75,00
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Lawrence Perko
€ 30,00
Perko, Lawrence
€ 30,00
Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction
Daniel Perrin
€ 40,00
Perrin, Daniel
€ 40,00
Structural Slumps: The Modern Equilibrium Theory of Unemployment, Interest, and Assets
Edmund S. Phelps
€ 10,00
Phelps, Edmund S.
€ 10,00
Advanced Solid State Physics
Philip Phillips
€ 40,00
Phillips, Philip
€ 40,00
Psychology and Epistemology: Towards a Theory of Knowledge
Jean Piaget
€ 6,00
Piaget, Jean
€ 6,00
L'histoire des sciences et les prétentions de la science allemande
Émile Picard
€ 12,50
Picard, Émile
€ 12,50
Relativistic Particle Physics
Hartmut Pilkunn
€ 15,00
Pilkunn, Hartmut
€ 15,00
Intersection between Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology: Jerusalem, 28 December 1986-6 January 1987
T. Piran e.a.
€ 75,00
Piran, T. & S. Weinberg (editors)
€ 75,00
Strings And Superstrings: Jerusalem, 20 December 1986-9 January 1987
T. Piran e.a.
€ 75,00
Piran, T. & S. Weinberg (editors)
€ 75,00
Het universum voor beginners
Felix Pirani
€ 6,00
Pirani, Felix
€ 6,00
Algebraic Foundations of Non-Commutative Differential Geometry and Quantum Groups
Ludwig Pittner
€ 50,00
Pittner, Ludwig
€ 50,00
De positie van de fysische geografie in het Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs. Rede
Dr. P.L. Ploeger
€ 8,00
Ploeger, Dr. P.L.
€ 8,00
Over de volle breedte. Amsterdams universitair onderzoek na 1970.
Menno Polak e.a.
€ 6,00
Polak, Menno & Sevink, Jan & Noorda, Sijbolt
€ 6,00
A Handbook of Time-Series Analysis, Signal Processing and Dynamics (Book+CD Rom)
D. S. G. Pollock
€ 30,00
Pollock, D. S. G.
€ 30,00
A Handbook of Time-Series Analysis, Signal Processing and Dynamics (Book+CD Rom)
D. S. G. Pollock
€ 30,00
Pollock, D. S. G.
€ 30,00
Beyond Engineering: How Society Shapes Technology
Robert Pool
€ 10,00
Pool, Robert
€ 10,00
Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge - 5th edition
Karl R. Popper
€ 15,00
Popper, Karl R.
€ 15,00
The Logic of Scientific Discovery
Karl R. Popper
€ 10,00
Popper, Karl R.
€ 10,00
Clay Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Recent Marine Sediments in Tropical Areas
D.H. Porrenga
€ 10,00
Porrenga, D.H.
€ 10,00
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
William H. - and others Press
€ 10,00
Press, William H. - and others
€ 10,00
Mathematical Techniques in Crystallography and Materials (2nd edition)
Edward Prince
€ 100,00
Prince, Edward
€ 100,00
Het mummiecongres. Wetenschap, obsessie en de onsterfelijke doden
Heather Pringle e.a.
€ 8,50
Pringle, Heather & Yolande Ligterink
€ 8,50
Pulcher Mundus Meus, Quo Vadis? *SIGNED*
G. van der Puil
€ 12,50
Puil, G. van der
€ 12,50
Gauge Theories Of The Strong, Weak, And Electromagnetic Interactions
Chris Quigg
€ 10,00
Quigg, Chris
€ 10,00
The Interface of Mathematics and Particle Physics: Based on the Proceedings of a Conference Organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications on the Interface of Mathematics and Particle Physics held at the University of Oxford
D.G. - and others Quillen
€ 30,00
Quillen, D.G. - and others (editors)
€ 30,00
An Introduction to the Quantum Chemistry of Solids
Charles M. Quinn
€ 35,00
Quinn, Charles M.
€ 35,00
Geprogrammeerde instructie Matrix algebra
W. F. van Raaij
€ 10,00
Raaij, W. F. van
€ 10,00
Quantum Physics: Illusion or Reality?
Alastair Rae
€ 12,50
Rae, Alastair
€ 12,50
Multi-Body Dynamics: Vehicles, Machines and Mechanisms
H. Rahnejat
€ 150,00
Rahnejat, H.
€ 150,00
Solitons and Instantons: An Introduction to Solitons and Instantons in Quantum Field Theory
R. Rajaraman
€ 30,00
Rajaraman, R.
€ 30,00
Journeys Beyond The Standard Model
Pierre Ramond
€ 40,00
Ramond, Pierre
€ 40,00
A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Wolfgang Rautenberg
€ 20,00
Rautenberg, Wolfgang
€ 20,00
De natuurkunde in alledaagse apparaten
Cédric Ray e.a.
€ 10,00
Ray, Cédric & Jean-Claude Poizat
€ 10,00
Quantum Physics: What Everyone Needs to Know
Michael Raymer
€ 10,00
Raymer, Michael
€ 10,00
Humanität-Wandel-Utopie *SIGNED*
Bernd Rebe
€ 10,00
Rebe, Bernd
€ 10,00
Physics by Example: 200 Problems and Solutions
W.G. Rees
€ 15,00
Rees, W.G.
€ 15,00
De muziek in de gemeenschap der kunsten. Rede
Eduard Reeser
€ 10,00
Reeser, Eduard
€ 10,00
The Transition to Chaos: In Conservative Classical Systems: Quantum Manifestations
L.E. Reichl
€ 20,00
Reichl, L.E.
€ 20,00
University of Edinburgh East African Veterinary Expedition 1966: Final Report
H.W. - and others Reid
€ 10,00
Reid, H.W. - and others
€ 10,00
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungs- und Präparationsmethoden.
Ludwig Reimer
€ 12,50
Reimer, Ludwig
€ 12,50
Quantum Electrodynamics
Joachim Reinhardt e.a.
€ 40,00
Reinhardt, Joachim & Walter Greiner
€ 40,00
Life-Threatening Dermatoses and Emergencies in Dermatology
Jean Revuz e.a.
€ 80,00
Revuz, Jean & Jean-Claude Roujeau & Francisco A Kerdel &b Laurence Valeyrie-Allanore (editors)
€ 80,00
Elroy L. Rice
€ 10,00
Rice, Elroy L.
€ 10,00
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Irma A. Richter
€ 8,00
Richter, Irma A. (selected and edited by)
€ 8,00
Principles of Advanced Mathematical Physics (2 volumes)
Robert D. Richtmyer
€ 40,00
Richtmyer, Robert D.
€ 40,00
Principles of Advanced Mathematical Physics (2 volumes)
Robert D. Richtmyer
€ 50,00
Richtmyer, Robert D.
€ 50,00
Time, Space and Things
B.K. Ridley
€ 5,00
Ridley, B.K.
€ 5,00
The scientifization of culture: Thoughts of a physicist on the techno-scientific revolution and the laws of progress
C.W. Rietdijk
€ 45,00
Rietdijk, C.W.
€ 45,00
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