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Probability, Random Signals, and Statistics: A Textgraph with Integrated Software for Electrical and Computer Engineers (Book+CD Rom)
X. Rong Li
€ 100,00
Li, X. Rong
€ 100,00
An Introduction to Knot Theory
W. B. Raymond Lickorish
€ 35,00
Lickorish, W. B. Raymond
€ 35,00
Cosmological Inflation and Large-Scale Structure
Andrew R. Liddle e.a.
€ 20,00
Liddle, Andrew R. & David H. Lyth
€ 20,00
Elliott H. Lieb e.a.
€ 25,00
Lieb, Elliott H. & Michael Loss
€ 25,00
Psychometric contributions to the analysis of criterion-referenced measurements
W.J. van der Linden
€ 12,50
Linden, W.J. van der
€ 12,50
Sorption and Degradation of Pesticides and Organic Chemicals in Soil: Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by Divisions S-3, S-1, S-2, and A-5 of th (Sssa Special Publication)
D.M. Linn e.a.
€ 10,00
Linn, D.M. & T.H. Carski - a.o.
€ 10,00
Zeepvliezen: wetenschap en vermaak
Hans van Lint e.a.
€ 5,00
Lint, Hans van & Jeanne Breeman
€ 5,00
Les grands courants de la pensée mathématique
François Le Lionnais
€ 30,00
Lionnais, François Le
€ 30,00
Theory and problems of Probability. Including 500 solved problems. Completely solved in detail
Seymour Lipschutz
€ 12,50
Lipschutz, Seymour
€ 12,50
Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves
Qing Liu
€ 50,00
Liu, Qing
€ 50,00
Is God een wiskundige?
Mario Livio
€ 10,00
Livio, Mario
€ 10,00
Color and Symmetry
Arthur L. Loeb
€ 10,00
Loeb, Arthur L.
€ 10,00
Probability Theory (2 volumes) - Fourth edition
M. Loève
€ 60,00
Loève, M.
€ 60,00
High Energy Astrophysics An Informal Introduction for Students of Physics and Astronomy
M.S. Longair
€ 20,00
Longair, M.S.
€ 20,00
Geschiedenis van rekentuig en rekenkunde
Ir. M. Looijen
€ 6,00
Looijen, Ir. M.
€ 6,00
DNA: The Marvellous Molecule. Its Place in the Story of Life and Evolution Explained by Means of Cut Out Models
Borin van Loon
€ 8,00
Loon, Borin van
€ 8,00
Science Through The Ages
Luisa Lopez-Vidriero
€ 10,00
Lopez-Vidriero, Luisa
€ 10,00
Beginselen der Natuurkunde (2 delen)
H.A. Lorentz e.a.
€ 15,00
Lorentz, H.A. & L.H. Siertsema (bewerking)
€ 15,00
Algebra: Volume I: Fields and Galois Theory
Falko Lorenz
€ 35,00
Lorenz, Falko
€ 35,00
Clifford Algebras and Spinors
Pertti Lounesto
€ 40,00
Lounesto, Pertti
€ 40,00
Linear Algebra for Quantum Theory
Per-Olov Löwdin
€ 125,00
Löwdin, Per-Olov
€ 125,00
Symmetries in Physics: Group Theory Applied to Physical Problems - Second edition
Wolfgang Ludwig e.a.
€ 40,00
Ludwig, Wolfgang & Claus Falter
€ 40,00
Choice Quantification in Process Algebra
Bas Luttik
€ 10,00
Luttik, Bas
€ 10,00
Lectures on String Theory
D. Lüst e.a.
€ 70,00
Lüst, D. & S. Theisen
€ 70,00
Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics
John Lyons
€ 10,00
Lyons, John
€ 10,00
Modern Theory Of Critical Phenomena (
Shang-Keng Ma
€ 20,00
Ma, Shang-Keng
€ 20,00
De wet van…
Hans van Maanen
€ 6,00
Maanen, Hans van
€ 6,00
Je reinste wetenschap. Over gezondheid, veiligheid en andere onzin
Hans van Maanen
€ 7,50
Maanen, Hans van
€ 7,50
Saunders Mac Lane
€ 30,00
Mac Lane, Saunders
€ 30,00
Boundary Value Problems and Orthogonal Expansions: Solving Physical Problems from a Sobolev Viewpoint
C.R. MacCluer
€ 35,00
MacCluer, C.R.
€ 35,00
Kennis in veelvoud
J.S. Mackenzie Owen
€ 5,00
Mackenzie Owen, J.S.
€ 5,00
What Remains to be Discovered
John Maddox
€ 10,00
Maddox, John
€ 10,00
An Introduction to Noncommutative Differential Geometry and its Physical Applications
J. Madore
€ 40,00
Madore, J.
€ 40,00
Italian Scientists in the Low Countries in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
C.S. Maffioli e.a.
€ 10,00
Maffioli, C.S. & L.C. Palm
€ 10,00
Introduction to Mathematical Logic: Set Theory Computable Functions Model Theory
J. Malitz
€ 30,00
Malitz, J.
€ 30,00
Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics
Leonard Mandel e.a.
€ 60,00
Mandel, Leonard & Emil Wolf
€ 60,00
Statistical Physics
Franz Mandl
€ 20,00
Mandl, Franz
€ 20,00
Topics in Noncommutative Geometry
Manin Yuri I.
€ 30,00
Manin Yuri I.
€ 30,00
Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry
Yuri I. Manin
€ 60,00
Manin, Yuri I.
€ 60,00
Instabilities, Chaos And Turbulence An Introduction To Nonlinear Dynamics And Complex Systems
Paul Manneville
€ 35,00
Manneville, Paul
€ 35,00
MIT. Shaping the Future
Kenneth R. Manning
€ 10,00
Manning, Kenneth R.
€ 10,00
The History of Science and Technology: A Narrative Chronology (2 volumes)
Edgardo Marcorini
€ 20,00
Marcorini, Edgardo (editor)
€ 20,00
Chaotic Behaviour of Deterministic Dissipative Systems
Milos Marek e.a.
€ 45,00
Marek, Milos & Igor Schreiber
€ 45,00
Ratio & emotie. Verwoord en verbeeld
Corrie van Maris e.a.
€ 6,00
Maris, Corrie van & Josette Molenaar & Kasper van Ommen
€ 6,00
On The Cancer Frontier: One Man, One Disease, and a Medical Revolution
Paul Marks
€ 10,00
Marks, Paul
€ 10,00
Mathematics for Operations Research
W. H. Marlow
€ 15,00
Marlow, W. H.
€ 15,00
Mathematics for Operations Research
W.H. Marlow
€ 10,00
Marlow, W.H.
€ 10,00
The Science Book: Everything You Need to Know About the World and How It Works
Brain Marshall
€ 12,50
Marshall, Brain (foreword)
€ 12,50
Kinematics: The Lost Origins of Einstein's Relativity
Albert A. Martinez
€ 60,00
Martinez, Albert A.
€ 60,00
Geometric Techniques in Gauge Theories : Proceedings of the Fifth Scheveningen Conference on Differential Equations, the Netherlands, August 23-28, 1981
R. Martini e.a.
€ 30,00
Martini, R. & E.M. De Jager (editors)
€ 30,00
Geometric Aspects of the Einstein Equations and Integrable Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth Scheveningen Conference, Scheveningen, The Netherlands, August 26-31, 1984
R. Martini
€ 15,00
Martini, R. (editor)
€ 15,00
Superstrings, Anomalies and Unification: 5th Adriatic Meeting on Particle Physics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Yugoslavia, June 16-28, 1986
M. Martinis e.a.
€ 150,00
Martinis, M. & I. Andric
€ 150,00
Broken Symmetries: Proceedings of the 37th Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, February 28-March 7, 1998
L. Mathelitsch e.a.
€ 40,00
Mathelitsch, L. & W.Plessas (editors)
€ 40,00
Waarom kunnen we onszelf niet kietelen? En andere boeiende verschijnselen uit het alledaagse leven wetenschappelijk verklaard
Robert Matthews
€ 6,50
Matthews, Robert
€ 6,50
The Theory of Magnetism Made Simple: An Introduction to Physical Concepts and to Some Useful Mathematical Methods
Daniel C. Mattis
€ 30,00
Mattis, Daniel C.
€ 30,00
The Thermomechanics of Plasticity and Fracture
Gerard A. Maugin
€ 30,00
Maugin, Gerard A.
€ 30,00
Algebraic Topology
C.F.R. Maunder
€ 15,00
Maunder, C.F.R.
€ 15,00
Is Science Neurotic?
Nicholas Maxwell
€ 12,50
Maxwell, Nicholas
€ 12,50
Isaac Newton: scientist
Andrew May
€ 30,00
May, Andrew
€ 30,00
Knowledge is Beautiful
David McCandless
€ 10,00
McCandless, David
€ 10,00
Renormalization Methods: A Guide For Beginners
W.D. McComb
€ 50,00
McComb, W.D.
€ 50,00
Introduction to Symplectic Topology - Second edition
Dusa McDuff e.a.
€ 90,00
McDuff, Dusa & Dietmar Salamon
€ 90,00
Introducing Quantum Theory
J.P. McEvoy e.a.
€ 8,00
McEvoy, J.P. & Oscar Zarate
€ 8,00
Elementary Categories, Elementary Toposes
Colin McLarty
€ 100,00
McLarty, Colin
€ 100,00
The Story of Numbers. How Mathematics Has Shaped Civilization
John McLeish
€ 10,00
McLeish, John
€ 10,00
String Theory Demystified: a self-teaching guide
David McMahon
€ 10,00
McMahon, David
€ 10,00
Geschiedenis van de wetenschap. Samengevat in de spectaculaire levens van twaalf geleerden
Jack Meadows
€ 10,00
Meadows, Jack
€ 10,00
Einstein, Physics And Reality
Jagdish Mehra
€ 40,00
Mehra, Jagdish
€ 40,00
Companion to Concrete Mathematics: Two Volumes Bound as One
Z.A. Melzak
€ 12,50
Melzak, Z.A.
€ 12,50
Introduction to Mathematical Logic - Third edition
Elliott Mendelson
€ 15,00
Mendelson, Elliott
€ 15,00
Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction
N. David Mermin
€ 35,00
Mermin, N. David
€ 35,00
Unknitting the Black Hole: Black Holes as Effective Geometries
Ilies Messamah
€ 25,00
Messamah, Ilies
€ 25,00
Verweer en milieu in de medische parasitologie: openbare les
J.H.E.T. Meuwissen
€ 9,00
Meuwissen, J.H.E.T.
€ 9,00
Shape in Chemistry: An Introduction to Molecular Shape and Topology
Paul G. Mezey
€ 30,00
Mezey, Paul G.
€ 30,00
Algebra: Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Annette A'Campo
Artin Michael
€ 30,00
Michael, Artin
€ 30,00
Quantum Field Theory: A Modern Introduction
Michio Kaku
€ 30,00
Michio Kaku
€ 30,00
The Feynman Processor: Quantum Entanglement and the Computing Revolution
Gerard Milburn
€ 8,00
Milburn, Gerard
€ 8,00
Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers
David A. B. Miller
€ 30,00
Miller, David A. B.
€ 30,00
Fact and Method: Explanation, Confirmation and Reality in the Natural and the Social Sciences
Richard W. Miller
€ 30,00
Miller, Richard W.
€ 30,00
Space, Time and Quanta: An Introduction to Contemporary Physics
Robert Mills
€ 10,00
Mills, Robert
€ 10,00
Intimations of Infinity: The Cultural Meanings of the Iqwaye Counting and Number Systems
Jadran Mimica
€ 15,00
Mimica, Jadran
€ 15,00
De natuurkunde van 't vrije veld (3 delen)
Dr. M. Minnaert
€ 80,00
Minnaert, Dr. M.
€ 80,00
Recent Developments in High-energy Physics
H. Mitter e.a.
€ 35,00
Mitter, H. & C.B. Lang (editors)
€ 35,00
Fields and Particles: Proceedings of the XXIX Int. Universitätswochen für Kernphysik, Schladming, Austria, March 1990
Heinrich Mitter e.a.
€ 10,00
Mitter, Heinrich & Wolfgang Schweiger
€ 10,00
On the Cauchy Problem
Sigeru Mizohata
€ 60,00
Mizohata, Sigeru
€ 60,00
Models for Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis
Ieke Moerdijk e.a.
€ 90,00
Moerdijk, Ieke & Gonzalo E. Reyes
€ 90,00
Unification and Supersymmetry: The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics
Rabindra Mohapatra
€ 15,00
Mohapatra, Rabindra
€ 15,00
Unification and Supersymmetry: The Frontiers of Quark-Lepton Physics - Second edition
Rabindra Mohapatra
€ 35,00
Mohapatra, Rabindra
€ 35,00
Lie Algebras with Triangular Decompositions
Robert V. Moody e.a.
€ 40,00
Moody, Robert V. & Arturo Pianzola
€ 40,00
Lie Algebras with Triangular Decompositions
Robert V. Moody e.a.
€ 35,00
Moody, Robert V. & Arturo Pianzola
€ 35,00
Lectures on Seiberg-Witten Invariants
John D. Moore
€ 30,00
Moore, John D.
€ 30,00
A Life of Erwin Schrodinger
Walter Moore
€ 8,00
Moore, Walter
€ 8,00
Schrodinger: Life and Thought
Walter J. Moore
€ 10,00
Moore, Walter J.
€ 10,00
Human Adaptability: An Introduction To Ecological Anthropology
Emilio F. Moran
€ 15,00
Moran, Emilio F.
€ 15,00
Einführung in die Byzantinologie
Gyula Moravcsik
€ 6,00
Moravcsik, Gyula
€ 6,00
Lectures on Kähler Geometry
Andrei Moroianu
€ 35,00
Moroianu, Andrei
€ 35,00
Achilles in the Quantum Universe: Definitive History of Infinity
Richard Morris
€ 8,00
Morris, Richard
€ 8,00
Basic Relativity
Richard A. Mould
€ 30,00
Mould, Richard A.
€ 30,00
Images in Silence
Lennart Möller
€ 30,00
Möller, Lennart (editor)
€ 30,00
Curiosity / curiositeit - fotografie / photography: Rosamond Purcell
Willem J. Mulder e.a.
€ 8,00
Mulder, Willem J. & Ludo Hellemans & Piet 't Hart
€ 8,00
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