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Aantal gevonden boeken: 1.185

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The Differentiation Within the Genus Chamaeleo Laurenti, 1768
Dirk Hillenius
€ 12,50
Hillenius, Dirk
€ 12,50
The Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids
Joseph O. Hirschfelder e.a.
€ 200,00
Hirschfelder, Joseph O. & Charles F. Curtiss & R. Byron Bird
€ 200,00
Topological methods in algebraic geometry. Translation and Appendix One by R.L.E. Schwarzenberger. Appendix Two by A. Borel.
Friedrich Hirzebruch
€ 30,00
Hirzebruch, Friedrich
€ 30,00
 Methods of Algebraic Geometry Volume 3
W.V.D. Hodge
€ 20,00
Hodge, W.V.D.
€ 20,00
Methods of Algebraic Geometry
W.V.D. Hodge e.a.
€ 100,00
Hodge, W.V.D. & D. Pedoe
€ 100,00
Solutions of Einstein's Equations: Techniques and Results: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Exact Solutions of Einstein's Equations held in Retzbach, Germany, November 14-18, 1983
C. Hoenselaers e.a.
€ 30,00
Hoenselaers, C. & W. Dietz (editors)
€ 30,00
The Theory of Evolution and Dynamical Systems: Mathematical Aspects of Selection
Hofbauer Josef Sigmund Karl
€ 35,00
Hofbauer Josef Sigmund Karl
€ 35,00
Albert Einstein
Banesh Hoffmann
€ 6,00
Hoffmann, Banesh
€ 6,00
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
Douglas R. Hofstadter
€ 12,50
Hofstadter, Douglas R.
€ 12,50
Maps, Mirrors, and Mechanics: The Beginnings of Science
Lancelot Hogben
€ 15,00
Hogben, Lancelot
€ 15,00
Maat- en Integratietheorie: met basiselementen van de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening
P.J. Holewijn e.a.
€ 12,50
Holewijn, P.J. & K. van Harn
€ 12,50
Verkenningen in het Babel der acculturatie. - Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de sociologie en cultuurkunde van Afrika aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden
J.F. Holleman
€ 8,00
Holleman, J.F.
€ 8,00
Makers of mathematics
Stuart Hollingdale
€ 9,00
Hollingdale, Stuart
€ 9,00
Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage
Audun Holme
€ 35,00
Holme, Audun
€ 35,00
Under The Spell Of The Gauge Principle
G 't Hooft
€ 40,00
Hooft, G 't
€ 40,00
Natuur en geschiedenis
R. Hooykaas
€ 10,00
Hooykaas, R.
€ 10,00
Differential Geometry in the Large: Seminar Lectures New York University 1946 and Stanford University 1956 - Second edition
Heinz Hopf
€ 20,00
Hopf, Heinz
€ 20,00
Lectures on Integrable Systems
Jens Hoppe
€ 80,00
Hoppe, Jens
€ 80,00
Hadron Physics at Very High Energies
David Horn e.a.
€ 15,00
Horn, David & Fredrik Zachariasen
€ 15,00
Eindig, Oneindig, meer dan Oneindig: Grondslagen van de wiskundige wetenschappen
Leen Horsten
€ 12,50
Horsten, Leen
€ 12,50
Eindig, Oneindig, meer dan Oneindig: Grondslagen van de wiskundige wetenschappen
Leon Horsten
€ 12,50
Horsten, Leon
€ 12,50
Eindig, Oneindig, meer dan Oneindig: Grondslagen van de wiskundige wetenschappen
Leon Horsten
€ 12,50
Horsten, Leon
€ 12,50
Eindig, Oneindig, meer dan Oneindig: grondslagen van de wiskundige wetenschappen
Leon Horsten
€ 12,50
Horsten, Leon
€ 12,50
Standard and Nonstandard Analysis: Fundamental Theory, Techniques and Applications
R.F. Hoskins
€ 40,00
Hoskins, R.F.
€ 40,00
An Introduction to Philosophical Analysis - Revised edition
John Hospers
€ 15,00
Hospers, John
€ 15,00
Fields and Galois Theory
John M. Howie
€ 20,00
Howie, John M.
€ 20,00
Quantum Field Theory: From Operators to Path Integrals
Kerson Huang
€ 40,00
Huang, Kerson
€ 40,00
De Katoenspinnerij. Beschrijving der werktuigen
J.P. Huchshorn
€ 35,00
Huchshorn, J.P.
€ 35,00
The Structure and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
R. I. G. Hughes
€ 40,00
Hughes, R. I. G.
€ 40,00
An Introduction to General Relativity
L.P. Hughston e.a.
€ 25,00
Hughston, L.P. & K.P. Tod
€ 25,00
De koning, de keizer en de prins
H.O. Huisman
€ 5,00
Huisman, H.O.
€ 5,00
Losbandige electronen
A. Hummel
€ 10,00
Hummel, A.
€ 10,00
Lectures on cyclic homology
D. Husemoller
€ 20,00
Husemoller, D.
€ 20,00
Anatomies Mouvantes. Rede; Het brein in beweging. Rede
Dr. A. Huson e.a.
€ 10,00
Huson, Dr. A. & Dr. J. Voogd
€ 10,00
De principes van Huygens
Vincent Icke
€ 8,00
Icke, Vincent
€ 8,00
De principes van Huygens
Vincent Icke
€ 8,00
Icke, Vincent
€ 8,00
Reisbureau Einstein: Over buitenaardse buren
Vincent Icke
€ 20,00
Icke, Vincent
€ 20,00
Engineering Optics
Keigo Iizuka
€ 40,00
Iizuka, Keigo
€ 40,00
De snelheid van honing en andere alledaagse verschijnselen wetenschappelijk verklaard
J. Ingram
€ 5,00
Ingram, J.
€ 5,00
Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory - 2nd edition
Iooss Gerard e.a.
€ 20,00
Iooss Gerard & Joseph Daniel
€ 20,00
Analysis of Numerical Methods
Eugene Isaacson
€ 20,00
Isaacson, Eugene
€ 20,00
Einstein: His Life and Universe
Walter Isaacson
€ 8,00
Isaacson, Walter
€ 8,00
Digital Control Systems: Volume 1: Fundamentals, Deterministic Control
Rolf Isermann
€ 100,00
Isermann, Rolf
€ 100,00
Digitale Regelsysteme: Band II: Stochatische Regelungen, Mehrgrössenregelungen, Adaptive Regelungen, Anwendungen
Rolf Isermann
€ 10,00
Isermann, Rolf
€ 10,00
Quantum Gravity: An Oxford Symposium
C.J. - and others Isham
€ 25,00
Isham, C.J. - and others (editors)
€ 25,00
An Introduction to Mathematical Cosmology
Jamal Nazrul Islam
€ 12,50
Islam, Jamal Nazrul
€ 12,50
Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology: Proceedings of the Summer School Held, 14-26 August, 1972 at the Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta
Werner Israel
€ 50,00
Israel, Werner (editor)
€ 50,00
Quantum Field Theory
Claude Itzykson
€ 50,00
Itzykson, Claude
€ 50,00
Conformal Invariance And Applications To Statistical Mechanics
Claude Itzykson e.a.
€ 100,00
Itzykson, Claude & Hubert Saleur & Jean-Bernard Zuber (editors)
€ 100,00
Art & Geometry: a study in space intuitions
Williem M. Ivins Jr.
€ 8,00
Ivins Jr., Williem M.
€ 8,00
Photon-Hadron Interactions I: International Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics, Desy, July 12-24, 1971
R. - and others Jackiw
€ 15,00
Jackiw, R. - and others
€ 15,00
Yarn and Cloth Calculations
Lloyd H. Jackson
€ 12,50
Jackson, Lloyd H.
€ 12,50
Wiskunde: 100 mijlpalen in de geschiedenis van de wiskunde
Tom Jackson
€ 10,00
Jackson, Tom
€ 10,00
Introduction to Control Theory - 2nd edition
O. L. R. Jacobs
€ 20,00
Jacobs, O. L. R.
€ 20,00
Basic Algebra - Second edition (2 volumes)
Nathan Jacobson
€ 70,00
Jacobson, Nathan
€ 70,00
Philosophy of Logic: An Anthology
Dale Jacquette
€ 20,00
Jacquette, Dale (editor)
€ 20,00
Philosophy of Mathematics: An Anthology
Dale Jacquette
€ 20,00
Jacquette, Dale (editor)
€ 20,00
Remarkable Mathematicians: From Euler to von Neumann
Ioan James
€ 10,00
James, Ioan
€ 10,00
Flash Radiography
Francis Jamet e.a.
€ 25,00
Jamet, Francis & Thormer, Gustav
€ 25,00
Zes keer zestig 360 jaar universitaire geschiedenis in zes biografieën
Hervé Jamin
€ 6,00
Jamin, Hervé (eindredactie)
€ 6,00
Transport Phenomena Data Book
L.P.B.M. Janssen e.a.
€ 10,00
Janssen, L.P.B.M. & M.M.C.G. Warmoeskerken
€ 10,00
Lectures on Quantum Groups
Jens Carsten Jantzen
€ 80,00
Jantzen, Jens Carsten
€ 80,00
Analysis für Physiker und Ingenieure: Funktionentheorie, Differentialgleichungen, spezielle Funktionen: ein Lehrbuch für das zweite Studienjahr
Klaus Jänich
€ 15,00
Jänich, Klaus
€ 15,00
Analysis für Physiker und Ingenieure: Funktionentheorie, Differentialgleichungen, Spezielle Funktionen: Ein Lehrbuch für das zweite Studienjahr
Klaus Jänich
€ 10,00
Jänich, Klaus
€ 10,00
Analysis für Physiker und Ingenieure: Funktionentheorie, Differentialgleichungen, Spezielle Funktionen: Ein Lehrbuch für das zweite Studienjahr - 2. Auflage
Klaus Jänich
€ 15,00
Jänich, Klaus
€ 15,00
Lineare Algebra: Ein Skriptum für das erste Semester - 3. Auflage
Klaus Jänich
€ 10,00
Jänich, Klaus
€ 10,00
Topologie - Zweite Auflage
Klaus Jänich
€ 30,00
Jänich, Klaus
€ 30,00
Klaus Jänich
€ 10,00
Jänich, Klaus
€ 10,00
Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations
Alan Jeffrey
€ 20,00
Jeffrey, Alan
€ 20,00
Random House Webster's Dictionary of Scientists
Sara  - and others Jenkins-Jones
€ 10,00
Jenkins-Jones, Sara (editor) - and others
€ 10,00
Talent voor de Wetenschap: Vijftig jaar Niels Stensen-Stipendia
Gert-Jan Johannes e.a.
€ 8,00
Johannes, Gert-Jan & Esmee Schilte
€ 8,00
Talent voor de Wetenschap: Vijftig jaar Niels Stensen-Stipendia
Gert-Jan Johannes e.a.
€ 8,00
Johannes, Gert-Jan & Esmee Schilte
€ 8,00
Proceedings Actes. Reports, Abstracts, and Round Table Introductions, 19th International Congress of Historical Sciences
Anders Jolstad e.a.
€ 10,00
Jolstad, Anders & Marianne Lunde (editors)
€ 10,00
Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
D.S. Jones
€ 100,00
Jones, D.S.
€ 100,00
The Electric Battery: Charging Forward to a Low-carbon Future
Kevin B. - and others Jones
€ 15,00
Jones, Kevin B. - and others
€ 15,00
Subfactors and Knots
Vaughan F. R. Jones
€ 30,00
Jones, Vaughan F. R.
€ 30,00
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations
D.W Jordan e.a.
€ 15,00
Jordan, D.W & P. Smith
€ 15,00
Global Aspects in Gravitation and Cosmology
Pankaj S. Joshi
€ 50,00
Joshi, Pankaj S.
€ 50,00
Compact Riemann Surfaces: An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
Jürgen Jost
€ 15,00
Jost, Jürgen
€ 15,00
Dynamical Systems: Examples of Complex Behaviour
Jürgen Jost
€ 25,00
Jost, Jürgen
€ 25,00
Postmodern Analysis
Jürgen Jost
€ 20,00
Jost, Jürgen
€ 20,00
Riemannian Geometry and Geometric Analysis - Second edition
Jürgen Jost
€ 10,00
Jost, Jürgen
€ 10,00
Quantenmechanik (2volumes)
R. Jost
€ 40,00
Jost, R.
€ 40,00
The Search for Solutions
Horace Freeland Judson
€ 10,00
Judson, Horace Freeland
€ 10,00
Rara: Historico-Naturalia et Mathematica (volume 1-3)
W. Junk
€ 20,00
Junk, W.
€ 20,00
Infinite Dimensional Groups with Applications
V. Kac
€ 15,00
Kac, V. (editor)
€ 15,00
Vertex Algebras for Beginners
Victor G. Kac
€ 30,00
Kac, Victor G.
€ 30,00
Statistical Physics: Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization
Leo P. Kadanoff
€ 40,00
Kadanoff, Leo P.
€ 40,00
Linear Systems
Thomas Kailath
€ 70,00
Kailath, Thomas
€ 70,00
Introduction to Superstrings
Michio Kaku
€ 65,00
Kaku, Michio
€ 65,00
Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory
Michio Kaku
€ 40,00
Kaku, Michio
€ 40,00
Strings, Conformal Fields, and M-Theory - Second edition
Michio Kaku
€ 75,00
Kaku, Michio
€ 75,00
Strings, Conformal Fields, and Topology: An Introduction
Michio Kaku
€ 100,00
Kaku, Michio
€ 100,00
Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century
Michio Kaku
€ 9,00
Kaku, Michio
€ 9,00
Röntgen. 100 jaar straling doorgelicht
H.B. Kal
€ 5,00
Kal, H.B.
€ 5,00
100 Jaar Rontgenstraling
H.B. Kal e.a.
€ 12,50
Kal, H.B. - e.a.
€ 12,50
Markov processes for maintenance optimization of civil infrastructure in the Netherlands
Maarten-Jan Kallen
€ 10,00
Kallen, Maarten-Jan
€ 10,00
Differentialgleichungen: Lösungsmethoden und Lösungen I - 9. Auflage
E. Kamk
€ 35,00
Kamk, E.
€ 35,00
K-Theory: An Introduction
Max Karoubi
€ 100,00
Karoubi, Max
€ 100,00
Paul Karrer e.a.
€ 10,00
Karrer, Paul & Jucker, Ernst
€ 10,00
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