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Particles, Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics: Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics held at Mexico City
J. - and others Ehlers
€ 15,00
Ehlers, J. - and others (editors)
€ 15,00
Het spel: natuurwetten bepalen het toeval
Manfred Eigen
€ 6,00
Eigen, Manfred
€ 6,00
Mein Weltbild
Albert Einstein
€ 8,00
Einstein, Albert
€ 8,00
Over de relativiteitstheorie en andere essays
Albert Einstein
€ 10,00
Einstein, Albert
€ 10,00
The Evolution of Physics: the Growth of Ideas from Early Concepts to Relativity and Quanta
Albert Einstein e.a.
€ 250,00
Einstein, Albert & Leopold Infeld
€ 250,00
Puzzles in Quantum Gravity
Sheer El-Showk
€ 15,00
El-Showk, Sheer
€ 15,00
Electromagnetics: History, Theory, and Applications
Robert S. Elliott
€ 40,00
Elliott, Robert S.
€ 40,00
Signal Processing for Active Control
Stephen Elliott
€ 90,00
Elliott, Stephen
€ 90,00
Ne probentur oracula
Dr. P. van Emde Boas
€ 5,00
Emde Boas, dr. P. van
€ 5,00
Veertig jaar territoriale binding. Rede
Rob van Engelsdorp Gastelaars
€ 8,00
Engelsdorp Gastelaars, Rob van
€ 8,00
Nonlinear Physics with MAPLE for Scientists and Engineers (2nd Edition)
Richard H. Enns e.a.
€ 200,00
Enns, Richard H. & George C. McFGuire
€ 200,00
No Time to be Brief: A scientific biography of Wolfgang Pauli
Charles P. Enz
€ 35,00
Enz, Charles P.
€ 35,00
Frontiers in Numerical Relativity
Charles R. Evans e.a.
€ 20,00
Evans, Charles R. & Lee S. Finn & David W. Hobill (editors)
€ 20,00
Quantum Chemistry
Henry Eyring e.a.
€ 10,00
Eyring, Henry & John Walter & George Kimball
€ 10,00
Wat is uw IQ?
H.J. Eysenck
€ 5,00
Eysenck, H.J.
€ 5,00
Nearly Normal Galaxies: From the Planck Time to the Present: The Eight Santa Cruz Summer Workshop in Astronomy and Astrophysics July 21-August 1, 1986, Lick Observatory
S. M. Faber
€ 20,00
Faber, S. M. (editor)
€ 20,00
40 Years in Mathematical Physics
L.D. Faddeev
€ 30,00
Faddeev, L.D.
€ 30,00
Gauge Fields: An Introduction To Quantum Theory - Second Edition
L.D. Faddeev e.a.
€ 20,00
Faddeev, L.D. & A.A. Slavnov
€ 20,00
Fractal Geometry: Mathematical Foundations and Applications
Kenneth Falconer
€ 20,00
Falconer, kenneth
€ 20,00
The Cosmology of the Early Universe
L.Z. Fang e.a.
€ 125,00
Fang, L.Z. & R. Ruffini (editors)
€ 125,00
Mathematical Physics of Symmetries Under Rotations and Reflections
U. Fano e.a.
€ 30,00
Fano, U. & A.R.P. Rau
€ 30,00
Fatal Attraction. Magnetic Mysteries of the Enlightenment
Patricia Fara
€ 6,00
Fara, Patricia
€ 6,00
Riemann Surfaces - Second edition
Hershel M. Farkas e.a.
€ 40,00
Farkas, Hershel M. & Irwin Kra
€ 40,00
The Great Scientists
John Farndon e.a.
€ 8,00
Farndon, John & Alex Woolf & Anne Rooney & Liz Gogerly
€ 8,00
Analytical Mechanics An Introduction
Antonio Fasano e.a.
€ 50,00
Fasano, Antonio & Stefano Marmi
€ 50,00
A Modern Introduction to Particle Physics - Second edition
Fayyazuddin e.a.
€ 150,00
Fayyazuddin & Riazuddin
€ 150,00
Mengenlehre: Wege mathematischer Grundlagenforschung
Ulrich Felgner
€ 10,00
Felgner, Ulrich (editor)
€ 10,00
Het ongewenste als opgave; Eugenetica/Dysgenetica aan ons de keuze; Voor en tegen van geneesmiddelen; Twee benaderingswijzen ook bij de insektenbestrijding; De verpulverde mens
R. Fentener van Vlissingen e.a.
€ 10,00
Fentener van Vlissingen, R. & prof.dr. A. de Froe & Prof.dr. J. Kok & Dr. P.A. van der Laan & Dr. M. Picard
€ 10,00
The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist
Richard Feynman
€ 8,00
Feynman, Richard
€ 8,00
The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist
Richard Feynman
€ 8,00
Feynman, Richard
€ 8,00
Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures
Richard P. Feynman
€ 8,00
Feynman, Richard P.
€ 8,00
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
Richard P. Feynman
€ 8,00
Feynman, Richard P.
€ 8,00
Six Easy Pieces: Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher
Richard P. Feynman
€ 10,00
Feynman, Richard P.
€ 10,00
Feynman Lectures on Gravitation
Richard P. Feynman e.a.
€ 15,00
Feynman, Richard P. & Fernando B. Morengo & William G. Wagner
€ 15,00
Quantum Relativity: A Synthesis of the Ideas of Einstein and Heisenberg
David R. Finkelstein
€ 100,00
Finkelstein, David R.
€ 100,00
Classical Mechanics
John Michael Finn
€ 140,00
Finn, John Michael
€ 140,00
Eureka! Wat iedereen van natuurwetenschappen moet weten
Ernst Peter Fischer
€ 8,00
Fischer, Ernst Peter
€ 8,00
Lineare Algebra
Gerd Fischer
€ 10,00
Fischer, Gerd
€ 10,00
Conrad Gessner 1516-1565: Universalgelehrter, Naturforscher, Arzt.
Hans Fischer e.a.
€ 15,00
Fischer, Hans & Georges Petit - and others
€ 15,00
Critical Problems in Physics: Proceedings of a Conference Celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey October 31, November 1, November 2, 1996
Val L. - and others Fitch
€ 15,00
Fitch, Val L. - and others (editors)
€ 15,00
Time-Frequency/Time-Scale Analysis
Patrick Flandrin
€ 75,00
Flandrin, Patrick
€ 75,00
Selected Papers (1937-1976) of Julian Schwinger
M. - and others Flato
€ 35,00
Flato, M. - and others (editors)
€ 35,00
Numbers Through the Ages
Graham Flegg
€ 15,00
Flegg, Graham
€ 15,00
A Students Guide to Vectors and Tensors
Daniel A. Fleisch
€ 15,00
Fleisch, Daniel A.
€ 15,00
Morphological Cosmology: Proceedings of the XIth Cracow Cosmological School Held in Cracow, Poland, August 22-31, 1988
Piotr Flin e.a.
€ 30,00
Flin, Piotr & H.W. Duerbeck (editors)
€ 30,00
Practical Quantum Mechanics
S. Flugge
€ 30,00
Flugge, S.
€ 30,00
Mededeelingen van de Rubber-Stichting. De invloed van de toevoeging van rubber op de eigenschappen van asfalt
J.G. Fol e.a.
€ 12,50
Fol, J.G. & J.A. Plaizier
€ 12,50
Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space
Gerald B. Folland
€ 75,00
Folland, Gerald B.
€ 75,00
The Second Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Food e.a.
€ 15,00
Food & Agriculture Organization
€ 15,00
Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future
Martin Ford
€ 10,00
Ford, Martin
€ 10,00
Lectures on Riemann Surfaces - Corrected third printing
Otto Forster
€ 30,00
Forster, Otto
€ 30,00
Gravitational Curvature: An Introduction to Einstein's Theory
Theodore Frankel
€ 10,00
Frankel, Theodore
€ 10,00
The Geometry of Physics: An Introduction
Theodore Frankel
€ 30,00
Frankel, Theodore
€ 30,00
Over hoefijzers en spinkranen. Aspecten van vijftig jaar natuurkunde van de vaste stof
Jaap J.M. Franse
€ 6,00
Franse, Jaap J.M.
€ 6,00
Over hoefijzers en spinkranen. Aspecten van vijftig jaar natuurkunde van de vaste stof
Jaap J.M. Franse
€ 6,00
Franse, Jaap J.M.
€ 6,00
Gödel's Theorem: An Incomplete Guide to Its Use and Abuse
Torkel Franzen
€ 20,00
Franzen, Torkel
€ 20,00
Dictionary of Lie Algebras and Superalgebras (Book+CD)
Luc - and others Frapat
€ 30,00
Frapat, Luc - and others
€ 30,00
A Century of Science Publishing. A Collection of Essays
E.H. Fredriksson
€ 8,00
Fredriksson, E.H. (Edited by)
€ 8,00
Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung: Fünf logische Studien
Gottholb Frege
€ 9,00
Frege, Gottholb
€ 9,00
Begriffsschrift und andere Aufsätze - 2. Auflage mit E. Husserls und H. Scholz' Anmerkungen
Gottlob Frege
€ 75,00
Frege, Gottlob
€ 75,00
Logische Untersuchungen - 5. Auflage
Gottlob Frege
€ 10,00
Frege, Gottlob
€ 10,00
Wiskunde: 100 concepten
Marianne Freiberger e.a.
€ 10,00
Freiberger, Marianne & Rachel Thomas
€ 10,00
Einstein: A Centenary Volume
A.P. French
€ 8,00
French, A.P. (editor)
€ 8,00
The Second Computer Revolution: Visualization
Friedhoff e.a.
€ 10,00
Friedhoff & Richard Mark & William Benzon
€ 10,00
Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov
Uriel Frisch
€ 30,00
Frisch, Uriel
€ 30,00
Quantum Mechanics for Applied Physics and Engineering
Albert Thomas Fromhold
€ 20,00
Fromhold, Albert Thomas
€ 20,00
Data Analysis Techniques for High-Energy Physics - 2nd edition
R. - and others Frühwirth
€ 60,00
Frühwirth, R. - and others
€ 60,00
Affine Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups: An Introduction, with Applications in Conformal Field Theory
Jürgen A. Fuchs
€ 90,00
Fuchs, Jürgen A.
€ 90,00
Wegwijzers door de wetenschap: Denken met computers
Walter R. Fuchs
€ 6,50
Fuchs, Walter R.
€ 6,50
History. A Workbook of Skill Development
Conal Furay e.a.
€ 10,00
Furay, Conal & Salevouris, Michael J.
€ 10,00
Galileo on the World Systems: A New Abridged Translation and Guide
Galileo Galilei e.a.
€ 25,00
Galilei, Galileo & Maurice Finocchiaro
€ 25,00
Further Mathematical Diversions
Martin Gardner
€ 8,00
Gardner, Martin
€ 8,00
Spiegelsymmetrie: links en rechts in de natuur
Martin Gardner
€ 10,00
Gardner, Martin
€ 10,00
Quantum Physics
Stephen Gasiorowicz
€ 20,00
Gasiorowicz, Stephen
€ 20,00
Geometry and Quantum Physics: Proceedings of the 38. Internationale Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria, January 9-16, 1999
H. - and others Gausterer
€ 35,00
Gausterer, H. - and others (editors)
€ 35,00
Braid Group Knot Theory and Statistical Mechanics
M.L. Ge e.a.
€ 25,00
Ge, M.L. & C.N. Yang (editors)
€ 25,00
Problems in Real and Complex Analysis
Gelbaum Bernard R.
€ 50,00
Gelbaum Bernard R.
€ 50,00
Theorems and Counterexamples in Mathematics
Bernard R. Gelbaum e.a.
€ 60,00
Gelbaum, Bernard R. & John M.H. Olmsted
€ 60,00
Homological Algebra
S.I. Gelfand e.a.
€ 40,00
Gelfand, S.I. & Yu. I. Manin
€ 40,00
The Quark And The Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex
Murray Gell-Mann
€ 10,00
Gell-Mann, Murray
€ 10,00
Einstein, History, and other Passions: The Rebellion against Science at the End of the Twentieth Century
Gerald Holton
€ 15,00
Gerald Holton
€ 15,00
Mechanics of Materials - 3rd SI edition
James M. Gere e.a.
€ 20,00
Gere, James M. & Stephen P. Timoshenko
€ 20,00
General Relativity: 1972 Lecture Notes
Robert Geroch
€ 10,00
Geroch, Robert
€ 10,00
Fundamentals of Crystallography - 2nd edition (Book +CD-rom)
C. Giacovazzo
€ 20,00
Giacovazzo, C. (editor)
€ 20,00
Triumphs and wonders of modern engineering
G. Gibbard Jackson
€ 15,00
Gibbard Jackson, G.
€ 15,00
The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology: Celebrating Stephen Hawking's Contributions to Physics
G.W. - and others Gibbons
€ 20,00
Gibbons, G.W. - and others (editors)
€ 20,00
Leonardo da Vinci's aeronautics
Charles H. Gibbs-Smith
€ 10,00
Gibbs-Smith, Charles H.
€ 10,00
Calculated Risks: How To Know When Numbers Deceive You
Gerd Gigerenzer
€ 12,50
Gigerenzer, Gerd
€ 12,50
Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics
Thomas D. Gillespie
€ 65,00
Gillespie, Thomas D.
€ 65,00
Pierre-Simon Laplace 1749-1827: A Life in Exact Science
Charles Coulston Gillispie
€ 25,00
Gillispie, Charles Coulston
€ 25,00
Catastrophe Theory for Scientists and Engineers
Robert Gilmore
€ 25,00
Gilmore, Robert
€ 25,00
Quantization of Fields With Constraints
D.M. Gitman e.a.
€ 185,00
Gitman, D.M. & I.V. Tyutin
€ 185,00
Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory
G. - and others Giulini
€ 90,00
Giulini, G. - and others
€ 90,00
Lectures in Modern Analysis and Applications II
J. - and others Glimm
€ 20,00
Glimm, J. - and others
€ 20,00
Quantum Physics: A Functional Integral Point of View
James Glimm e.a.
€ 35,00
Glimm, James & Arthur Jaffe
€ 35,00
The New Science of Giambattista Vico: Unabridged Translation of the Third Edition (1744) with the Addition of ''Practic of the New Science''
Thomas Goddard Bergin e.a.
€ 20,00
Goddard Bergin, Thomas & Max Harold Fisch (translation)
€ 20,00
Problems in Quantum Mechanics
I.I. Gol'dman e.a.
€ 15,00
Gol'dman, I.I. & V.D. Krivchenkov
€ 15,00
Topological Methods in Modern Mathematics: A Symposium in Honor of John Milnor's Sixtieth Birthday
Lisa R. Goldberg e.a.
€ 40,00
Goldberg, Lisa R. & Anthony V. Philips (editors)
€ 40,00
Introduction to Difference Equations: With Illustrative Examples from Economics, Psychology, and Sociology
Samuel Goldberg
€ 15,00
Goldberg, Samuel
€ 15,00
Darwins Hofvijver: Een darma in het Victoriameer
Tijs Goldschmidt
€ 8,00
Goldschmidt, Tijs
€ 8,00
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