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Categorie Wapens

Aantal gevonden boeken: 191

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Parker: America's Finest Shotgun
Peter H. Johnson
€ 25,00
Johnson, Peter H.
€ 25,00
Antieke vuurwapens
R.T.W. Kempers
€ 12,50
Kempers, R.T.W.
€ 12,50
America's Premier Gunmakers: Remington
K.D. Kirkland
€ 9,00
Kirkland, K.D.
€ 9,00
Van V1 tot ruimtevaart: de geschiedenis van de V1 en V2
G.J.I. Klokhuis
€ 8,00
Klokhuis, G.J.I.
€ 8,00
Tommy Gun, Rifle and Bayonet: Fulle illustrated with 13 photographic plates and 21 line drawings
No. 1. Know Your Weapons
€ 20,00
Know Your Weapons, No. 1.
€ 20,00
Tommy Gun, Rifle and Bayonet: Fulle illustrated with 13 photographic plates and 21 line drawings
No. 1. Know Your Weapons
€ 20,00
Know Your Weapons, No. 1.
€ 20,00
The Golden Guide to Guns. Complete handbook of American firearms. The latest guns in a new revised edition
Larry Koller
€ 5,00
Koller, Larry
€ 5,00
The Pocket Book of Civil War Weapons: From Small Arms to Siege Artillety
Angus Konstam
€ 10,00
Konstam, Angus
€ 10,00
Lock and Load: Weapons of the U.S. Military
Angus Konstam e.a.
€ 20,00
Konstam, Angus & Hans Halberstadt & Leo Marriott & Jerry Scutts
€ 20,00
Ritter-Rüstungen: Der eiserne Gast - ein mittelalterliches Phänomen
Dario 9editor) Lanzardo
€ 12,50
Lanzardo, Dario 9editor)
€ 12,50
Encyclopedia of Modern U.S. Military Weapons
Timothy M. Laur
€ 9,00
Laur, Timothy M.
€ 9,00
Encyclopedia of Modern U.S. Military Weapons
Timothy M. Laur
€ 9,00
Laur, Timothy M.
€ 9,00
Folder No. 9: (I) 5cm Long Tank Gun (Kw K39); (II) 7.5cm Short Tank Gun; (III) 7.5cm Long Tank Gun (Kw K40); (IV) 8.8cm Tank Gun (Kw K36); (V) 2cm Tank Gun (Kw K38)
Learn To Use Enemy Weapons
€ 15,00
Learn To Use Enemy Weapons
€ 15,00
Vuurwapens van 1840 tot heden
J. Lenselink
€ 12,50
Lenselink, J.
€ 12,50
Pocket Knives
Bernard Levine
€ 10,00
Levine, Bernard
€ 10,00
Bloody Bayonets The Complete Guide to Bayonet Fighting
R.A. Lidstone
€ 6,00
Lidstone, R.A.
€ 6,00
Bloody Bayonets: The Complete Guide to Bayonet Fighting
Squadron Leader R.A. Lidstone
€ 5,00
Lidstone, Squadron Leader R.A.
€ 5,00
Bloody Bayonets: The Complete Guide to Bayonet Fighting
Squadron Leader R.A. Lidstone
€ 5,00
Lidstone, Squadron Leader R.A.
€ 5,00
The Encyclopedia of Hand-Held Weapons
James Marchington
€ 10,00
Marchington, James
€ 10,00
Guns of the Elite: Special Forces Firearms, 1940 to the Present
George Markham
€ 10,00
Markham, George
€ 10,00
Poires a poudre
Robert Marquiset e.a.
€ 100,00
Marquiset, Robert & Jean Pierre Yven
€ 100,00
Walthers P.38 Pistol in Norway and the Norwegian Ulm Contract *SIGNED*
Per Mathisen
€ 300,00
Mathisen, Per
€ 300,00
Weapons of War: From Axes to War Hammers, Weapons from the Age of Hand-To-Hand Fighting
Rupert Matthews
€ 10,00
Matthews, Rupert
€ 10,00
The Webley Service Revolver
Robert Maze
€ 10,00
Maze, Robert
€ 10,00
Twentieth-Century Small Arms: Over 270 of the World's Greatest Small Arms
Chris McNab
€ 9,00
McNab, Chris
€ 9,00
Les Cartouches du Système Gras = Cartridges of the Gras System
Philippe Mention e.a.
€ 45,00
Mention, Philippe & Christain Ramio
€ 45,00
The Illustrated History of 20th Century Guns
David Miller
€ 9,00
Miller, David
€ 9,00
Masterpieces of Russian Hunting Arms from the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg
Jurij A. Miller
€ 45,00
Miller, Jurij A.
€ 45,00
Weapons & Warfare of the 20th Century. A comprehensive and historical survey of modern military methods and machines
Eric Morris e.a.
€ 10,00
Morris, Eric & Johnson, Curt - e.a.
€ 10,00
Islamische Waffen
David Nicolle
€ 12,50
Nicolle, David
€ 12,50
Pistol Guide: Complete, Fully Illustrated Guide to Selecting, Shooting, Caring for and Collecting Pistols of all Types
George C. Nonte Nonte
€ 8,00
Nonte, George C. Nonte
€ 8,00
Waffen und Rustungen
Vesey Norman
€ 6,00
Norman, Vesey
€ 6,00
Fix Bayonets
John Norris
€ 12,50
Norris, John
€ 12,50
Manhattan Firearms
Waldo E. Nutter
€ 30,00
Nutter, Waldo E.
€ 30,00
Manhattan Firearms
Waldo E. Nutter
€ 30,00
Nutter, Waldo E.
€ 30,00
Die Artilleriewissenschaften: Neujahrsblätter 1742 bis 1798
Oberst R. Nüscheler
€ 15,00
Nüscheler, Oberst R.
€ 15,00
Soul of the Sword: An Illustrated History of Weaponary and Warfare from Prehistory to the Present
Robert L. O'Connell
€ 9,00
O'Connell, Robert L.
€ 9,00
The Rifles Are There: The Sotry of the 1st and 2nd Battalions: The Royal Ulster Rifles 1939-1945
David Orr
€ 100,00
Orr, David, Truesdale, David
€ 100,00
Sniper Rifles: From the 19th to the 21st Century
Martin Pegler
€ 15,00
Pegler, Martin
€ 15,00
Encyclopaedia of Firearms
Harold L. Peterson
€ 9,00
Peterson, Harold L. (editor)
€ 9,00
The Worlds Great Small Arms
Craig Philip
€ 10,00
Philip, Craig
€ 10,00
Les baionnettes réglementairs françaises
J.-P. Pitous
€ 35,00
Pitous, J.-P.
€ 35,00
Automatic Pistol Marksmanship
William Reichenbach
€ 20,00
Reichenbach, William
€ 20,00
Armi Antiche: Bollettino dell'Accademia di S.Marciano - Torino: Numero unico del 1965
Eilliam - and others Reid
€ 12,50
Reid, Eilliam - and others
€ 12,50
firearms 140 illustrations in colour & black and white
Howard Ricketts
€ 6,00
Ricketts, Howard
€ 6,00
A Primer of Japanese Sword-Blades
B.W. Robinson
€ 15,00
Robinson, B.W.
€ 15,00
Illustriertes Lexikon der Hieb- & Stichwaffen: der Ratgeber für alle Liebhaber historischer Waffen
Jan Sach
€ 10,00
Sach, Jan
€ 10,00
Die leichten schwedischen Infanteriegewehre: Armee und Heimwehr
Carsten Schinke
€ 65,00
Schinke, Carsten
€ 65,00
Handfeuerwaffen: Pistolen, Revolver, Gewehre, Maschinenpistolen, Maschinengewehre, Granatwaffen
Maria Schlick
€ 10,00
Schlick, Maria (Übersetzung)
€ 10,00
Blankwaffen I: Geschichte und Typenentwicklung im europäischen Kulturbereich: Von der prähistorischen Zeit bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts
Heribert Seitz
€ 90,00
Seitz, Heribert
€ 90,00
Crossbows in the Royal Netherlands Army Museum  = Armbruste in Koniglichen niederlandischen Armeemuseum = Kruisbogen in het Koninklijk Nederlands Legermuseum
Jens Sensfelder
€ 45,00
Sensfelder, Jens
€ 45,00
.455 Pistol, Revolver No. 1 MK VI: Parts Identification, Exploded Drawings, Service Armourers' Notes, Accessories & Fittings
Ian Skennerton
€ 20,00
Skennerton, Ian
€ 20,00
Kalasjnikov geweer zonder grenzen = Rifle without borders
Saskia Smit
€ 10,00
Smit, Saskia (redactie)
€ 10,00
The Machine Gun: The Story of the Men and the Weapon That Changed the Face of War
Anthony Smith
€ 9,00
Smith, Anthony
€ 9,00
Fighting Knives: Illustrated Guide to Fighting Knives and Military Survival Weapons of the World
Frederick J. Stephens
€ 45,00
Stephens, Frederick J.
€ 45,00
Kampfmesser: ein illustrierter Führer zu den Kampfmessern und militärischen Survival-Waffen der Welt
Frederick J. Stephens
€ 12,50
Stephens, Frederick J.
€ 12,50
Jim Supica
€ 20,00
Supica, Jim
€ 20,00
Jim Supica e.a.
€ 20,00
Supica, Jim & Doug Wicklund
€ 20,00
Jim Supica e.a.
€ 12,50
Supica, Jim & Doug Wicklund
€ 12,50
Jim Supica e.a.
€ 12,50
Supica, Jim & Doug Wicklund
€ 12,50
Jim Supica e.a.
€ 20,00
Supica, Jim & Philip Schreier
€ 20,00
Jim Supica e.a.
€ 12,50
Supica, Jim & Philip Schreier
€ 12,50
Jim Supica e.a.
€ 12,50
Supica, Jim & Philip Schreier
€ 12,50
Jim Supica
€ 12,50
Supica, Jim (introduction)
€ 12,50
Jim Supica
€ 12,50
Supica, Jim (introduction)
€ 12,50
The Gun Digest Book of Ruger Pistols & Revolvers
Patrick Sweeney
€ 20,00
Sweeney, Patrick
€ 20,00
The Gun Digest Book of Ruger Pistols & Revolvers
Patrick Sweeney
€ 20,00
Sweeney, Patrick
€ 20,00
Ze sbirek vojenskeho muzea: Pistole (Collection of the Military Museum: Pistols)
Vratislav Tachezy
€ 10,00
Tachezy, Vratislav (foto)
€ 10,00
The M1911a1 Automatic Pistol: Proud American Legend
The American Historical Foundation
€ 10,00
The American Historical Foundation
€ 10,00
The Bren Light Machine Gun: Description, Use and Mechanism
The War Office
€ 20,00
The War Office
€ 20,00
Die Schönsten Waffen und Rüstungen aus europäischen und amerikanischen Sammlungen
Bruno Thomas e.a.
€ 12,50
Thomas, Bruno & Ortwin Gamber & Hans Schedelmann
€ 12,50
Silencers, Snipers & Assassins: An Overview of Whispering Death
J. David Truby
€ 20,00
Truby, J. David
€ 20,00
Notes on the proof of shot guns & other small arms
€ 6,00
€ 6,00
Sotheby's London: Fine Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns
€ 9,00
€ 9,00
9mm Para Pistolen 9x19 nato, 9x19 luger
Frans Vervloet
€ 20,00
Vervloet, Frans
€ 20,00
The FG42 Fallschirmjagergewehr
Guus de Vries
€ 15,00
Vries, Guus de
€ 15,00
The MG34 Machinegun
Guus de Vries
€ 15,00
Vries, Guus de
€ 15,00
German Sniper Rifles
Guus de Vries e.a.
€ 15,00
Vries, Guus de & Albrecht Wacker
€ 15,00
German Sniper Rifles
Guus de Vries e.a.
€ 15,00
Vries, Guus de & Albrecht Wacker
€ 15,00
Hartmans' Dutch Gunmakers from the 15th to the 20th Century
Guus de Vries e.a.
€ 45,00
Vries, Guus de & Bas Martens
€ 45,00
Military Rifles of Two World Wars
John Walter
€ 10,00
Walter, John
€ 10,00
The true book about firearms
R.H. Walton
€ 6,00
Walton, R.H.
€ 6,00
The world's greates gun book. Gun Digest 1989 43rd Annual Edition
Ken Warner
€ 8,00
Warner, Ken (editor)
€ 8,00
Those Entrusted with Arms: A History of the Police, Post, Customs and Private Use of Weapons in Britain
Frederick Wilkinson
€ 15,00
Wilkinson, Frederick
€ 15,00
Firearms. The History of Guns
Frederick Wilkinson
€ 6,00
Wilkinson, Frederick (introduction)
€ 6,00
Wilkinson and the F.S. Fightling Knife: With Production Details, Description, and Contemporary Illustrations *SIGNED*
Robert Wilkinson-Latham
€ 80,00
Wilkinson-Latham, Robert
€ 80,00
The Pictorial History of the Sword"a detailed account of the development of swords, sabres, spears and lances illustrated with over 230 photographs and artworks
Harvey J.S. Withers
€ 12,50
Withers, Harvey J.S.
€ 12,50
Attack of the Drones: A History Of Unmanned Aerial Combat
Bill Yenne
€ 15,00
Yenne, Bill
€ 15,00
The Samurai Sword: A Handbook
M. Yumoto John
€ 35,00
Yumoto John, M.
€ 35,00
The Samurai Sword: a Handbook
John M. Yumoto
€ 10,00
Yumoto, John M.
€ 10,00
Dschungel Karabiner: Das Gewehr No, 5 MK I: Seine Varianten und Zubehör
Michael Zimmer
€ 8,00
Zimmer, Michael
€ 8,00