| Johnson, Peter H. | € 25,00 |
 | Kempers, R.T.W. | € 12,50 |
 | Kirkland, K.D. | € 9,00 |
 | Klokhuis, G.J.I. | € 8,00 |
 | Know Your Weapons, No. 1. | € 20,00 |
 | Know Your Weapons, No. 1. | € 20,00 |
 | Koller, Larry | € 5,00 |
 | Konstam, Angus | € 10,00 |
 | Konstam, Angus & Hans Halberstadt & Leo Marriott & Jerry Scutts | € 20,00 |
 | Lanzardo, Dario 9editor) | € 12,50 |
 | Laur, Timothy M. | € 9,00 |
 | Laur, Timothy M. | € 9,00 |
 | Learn To Use Enemy Weapons | € 15,00 |
 | Lenselink, J. | € 12,50 |
 | Levine, Bernard | € 10,00 |
 | Lidstone, R.A. | € 6,00 |
 | Lidstone, Squadron Leader R.A. | € 5,00 |
 | Lidstone, Squadron Leader R.A. | € 5,00 |
 | Marchington, James | € 10,00 |
 | Markham, George | € 10,00 |
 | Marquiset, Robert & Jean Pierre Yven | € 100,00 |
 | Mathisen, Per | € 300,00 |
 | Matthews, Rupert | € 10,00 |
 | Maze, Robert | € 10,00 |
 | McNab, Chris | € 9,00 |
 | Mention, Philippe & Christain Ramio | € 45,00 |
 | Miller, David | € 9,00 |
 | Miller, Jurij A. | € 45,00 |
 | Morris, Eric & Johnson, Curt - e.a. | € 10,00 |
 | Nicolle, David | € 12,50 |
 | Nonte, George C. Nonte | € 8,00 |
 | Norman, Vesey | € 6,00 |
 | Norris, John | € 12,50 |
 | Nutter, Waldo E. | € 30,00 |
 | Nutter, Waldo E. | € 30,00 |
 | Nüscheler, Oberst R. | € 15,00 |
 | O'Connell, Robert L. | € 9,00 |
 | Orr, David, Truesdale, David | € 100,00 |
 | Pegler, Martin | € 15,00 |
 | Peterson, Harold L. (editor) | € 9,00 |
 | Philip, Craig | € 10,00 |
 | Pitous, J.-P. | € 35,00 |
 | Reichenbach, William | € 20,00 |
 | Reid, Eilliam - and others | € 12,50 |
 | Ricketts, Howard | € 6,00 |
 | Robinson, B.W. | € 15,00 |
 | Sach, Jan | € 10,00 |
 | Schinke, Carsten | € 65,00 |
 | Schlick, Maria (Übersetzung) | € 10,00 |
 | Seitz, Heribert | € 90,00 |
 | Sensfelder, Jens | € 45,00 |
 | Skennerton, Ian | € 20,00 |
 | Smit, Saskia (redactie) | € 10,00 |
 | Smith, Anthony | € 9,00 |
 | Stephens, Frederick J. | € 45,00 |
 | Stephens, Frederick J. | € 12,50 |
 | Supica, Jim | € 20,00 |
 | Supica, Jim & Doug Wicklund | € 20,00 |
 | Supica, Jim & Doug Wicklund | € 12,50 |
 | Supica, Jim & Doug Wicklund | € 12,50 |
 | Supica, Jim & Philip Schreier | € 20,00 |
 | Supica, Jim & Philip Schreier | € 12,50 |
 | Supica, Jim & Philip Schreier | € 12,50 |
 | Supica, Jim (introduction) | € 12,50 |
 | Supica, Jim (introduction) | € 12,50 |
 | Sweeney, Patrick | € 20,00 |
 | Sweeney, Patrick | € 20,00 |
 | Tachezy, Vratislav (foto) | € 10,00 |
 | The American Historical Foundation | € 10,00 |
 | The War Office | € 20,00 |
 | Thomas, Bruno & Ortwin Gamber & Hans Schedelmann | € 12,50 |
 | Truby, J. David | € 20,00 |
 | Various | € 6,00 |
 | Various | € 9,00 |
 | Vervloet, Frans | € 20,00 |
 | Vries, Guus de | € 15,00 |
 | Vries, Guus de | € 15,00 |
 | Vries, Guus de & Albrecht Wacker | € 15,00 |
 | Vries, Guus de & Albrecht Wacker | € 15,00 |
 | Vries, Guus de & Bas Martens | € 45,00 |
 | Walter, John | € 10,00 |
 | Walton, R.H. | € 6,00 |
 | Warner, Ken (editor) | € 8,00 |
 | Wilkinson, Frederick | € 15,00 |
 | Wilkinson, Frederick (introduction) | € 6,00 |
 | Wilkinson-Latham, Robert | € 80,00 |
 | Withers, Harvey J.S. | € 12,50 |
 | Yenne, Bill | € 15,00 |
 | Yumoto John, M. | € 35,00 |
 | Yumoto, John M. | € 10,00 |
 | Zimmer, Michael | € 8,00 |