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Categorie Geschiedenis Midden-Oosten

Aantal gevonden boeken: 260

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Geen weg terug. Leven, verlies en hoop in Syrië
Rania Abouzeid
€ 12,50
The Modern History of Kuwait 1750-1965
Ahmad Mustafa Abu-Hakima
€ 8,00
Arabische etiquette
Simon Admiraal
€ 5,00
Wereldcrisis en de weg naar vrede
Mirza Masroor Ahmad
€ 5,00
Journey into Islam: The Crisis of Globalization
Akbar Ahmed
€ 15,00
The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire
Taner Akçam
€ 20,00
Ancient Civilizations and Ruins of Turkey
Ekram Akurgal
€ 9,00
Atlas of Iraqi War Crimes in the State of Kuwait / Atlas des Crimes de Geurre Iraqienne dans l'Etat du Koweït
Abdullah M. Al-Hammadi e.a.
€ 25,00
Oman: a seafaring nation
Fahad Al-Sais
€ 12,50
Thunder And Lightning: The RAF in the Gulf : Personal Experiences of War
Charles Allen
€ 8,00
Denizli Pamukkale - English
Archive Museum Denizli
€ 9,00
Our Homeland Iran
Z. Arshi
€ 30,00
The First Crusade. A New History
Thomas Asbridge
€ 15,00
Lawrence: The Uncrowned King of Arabia
Michael Asher
€ 10,00
Portraits and Caftans of the Ottoman Sultans
Nurhan Atasoy
€ 90,00
Khul Khaal: Five Egyptian Women Tell Their Stories
Nayra Atiya
€ 8,00
The Battle of the Casbah: Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in Algeria, 1955-1957
Paul Aussaresses
€ 12,50
The Battle of the Casbah: Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in Algeria, 1955-1957
Paul Aussaresses
€ 12,50
Libya, a Stone Gardens Country = Libia, Giardini di Pietra
Silvia Autiero e.a.
€ 15,00
Iran, een cultuurgeschiedenis: een boeiend, fijnzinnig en evenwichtig overzicht van dit oude rijk, vanaf de dagen van Zarathustra tot en met de Islamitische Rebubliek
Michael Axworthy
€ 20,00
Arab-Israeli Air Wars 1947-67
Juan Ramón Azaola
€ 15,00
Gulf Air War 1991
Juan Ramón Azaola
€ 8,00
Gulf Air War 1991
Juan Ramón Azaola
€ 8,00
The Arab World Facing the Challenge of the New Millennium
Henry T. Azzam
€ 15,00
The fight for Iraq
Angus Beaton
€ 8,00
Expert Witness: A Defense Correspondent's Gulf War : 1990-91
Christopher Bellamy
€ 9,00
Een selectie uit de authentieke Hadieth-verzameling Sahieh
Mohamed Bendaoud
€ 12,50
Le Loup et le Léopard. Mustapha Kémal. La mort d'un Empire
€ 9,00
Turkey 1908-1938: The End of the Ottoman Empire: A History in Documentary Photographs.
€ 10,00
Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and Al Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA's Key Field Commander
Gar Berntsen e.a.
€ 8,00
Touaregs: pasteurs et guerriers des sables
Edmond Bernus e.a.
€ 10,00
Petra: Wonder in de woestijn = Petra: Wonder in the Desert
Andrea Bignasca e.a.
€ 15,00
Banking on Baghdad: Inside Iraq's 7,000-Year History of War, Profit, and Conflict
Edwin Black
€ 15,00
The Bazaars of Istanbul
Isabel Bocking e.a.
€ 15,00
Paysages de la sagesse
Camille Bourniquel e.a.
€ 12,50
Petra Rediscovered: Lost City of the Nabataeans
Glen W. Bowersock e.a.
€ 20,00
Nomads in Anatolia. Encounters with a Vanishing Culture
Harald Böhmer
€ 65,00
Gegijzeld in Irak: document
J. de Bremaeker
€ 5,00
Suleiman the Magnificent: Scourge of Heaven
Anthony Bridge
€ 8,00
Gallipoli. The Fatal Shore
Harvey Broadbent
€ 20,00
History of the Islamic People
Carl Brockelmann
€ 10,00
Early seventeenth-century Yemen. Dutch documents relating to the economic history of Southern Arabia, 1614-1630 (Arabic edition) *SIGNED*
C.G. Brouwer e.a.
€ 15,00
Lawrence of Arabia: The Life, the Legend
Malcolm Brown
€ 10,00
Iain Browning
€ 8,00
On the Road to Kandahar. Travels through conflict in the Islamic world
Jason Burke
€ 6,00
The New Threat From Islamic Militancy
Jason Burke
€ 8,00
Absurdistan. Een historische reis langs moslimterroristen, Sovietdealers, haremhouders en andere wilde en gevaarlijke plaatsen
Eric Campbell
€ 8,00
Het water van de profeten. Water in de geschiedenis van het Midden-Oosten
Francesca de Châtel
€ 5,00
Une histoire du Liban a l'époque des émirs (1635-1841)
Michel Chebli
€ 25,00
Notes on a Century: Reflections of A Middle East Historian
Buntzie Ellis Churchill
€ 15,00
Istanbul. The Imperial City
John Cleave
€ 8,00
Paradise beneath her feeet. How women are transforming the Middle East
Isobel Coleman
€ 15,00
The Last True Story I'll Ever Tell. An Accidental Soldier's Account of the War in Iraq
John R. Crawford
€ 10,00
Oman: A Pictoral Souvenier
Jaap Croese
€ 10,00
Roger Crowley
€ 9,00
Constantinople. The Last Great Siege 1453
Roger Crowley
€ 8,00
Die Geschichte des Königreiches Van Urartu
Altan Çilingiroglu
€ 8,00
C.-F. van Dam e.a.
€ 15,00
Crossing The Kingdom. Portraits Of Saudi Arabia
Loring M. Danforth
€ 12,50
Yemen. 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix
Werner Daum
€ 15,00
Yemen. 3000 Years of Art and Civilisation in Arabia Felix
Werner Daum
€ 15,00
Turkse trom. Berichten uit Turkije
Dirk van Delft
€ 5,00
Bij Allah's Buren
H.H Dingemans
€ 15,00
202 jokes of Nasreddin Hodja - English
diverse auteurs
€ 6,00
Het Arabisch -Israëlisch conflict
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Hofkunst van de Sassanieden. Het Perzische rijk tussen Rome en China (224-642)
diverse auteurs
€ 15,00
Resimli rehber: Sümer, Akat, Asur, Babil, Hitit, eski misir ve arabistan eserleri koleksiyonlari. Istanbul Archeoloji Müzeleri.
diverse auteurs
€ 6,50
The genius of Arab Civilization. Source of renaissance
diverse auteurs
€ 6,50
Woorden uit den qoer'an
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Arabia Deserta. New illustrated edition
Charles M. Doughty
€ 8,00
Histoire De La Guerre d'Algerie 1954-1962
Bernard Droz e.a.
€ 5,00
Arabische Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Abdalaziz Duri
€ 8,00
The Harem of The Topkapi Palace
Zeynep M. Durukan
€ 9,00
In the Shadow of Islam
Isabelle Wilhelmine Marie Eberhardt
€ 8,00
De diepte van de Bosporus. Een politieke biografie van Turkije
Peter Edel
€ 10,00
A Short History of Oman from the Earliest Times
€ 6,00
Quirin Engasser
€ 5,00
A Fist In The Hornet's Nest. On the Ground in Baghdad Before, During and After the War
Richard Engel
€ 10,00
Carthage retrouvée
Abdelmajid Ennabli e.a.
€ 35,00
La civilisation tunisienne a travers la mosaïque
Mongi Ennaïfer
€ 10,00
Minyatu?rlerle Anadolu'dan efsaneler
A. Ülker Erke
€ 12,50
The Oxford History of Islam
John L. Esposito
€ 12,50
Journeys to the Other Shore: Muslim and Western Travelers in Search of Knowledge
Roxanne L. Euben
€ 15,00
Diyanet: een reis door de keuken van de officiële Turkse islam
Jak den Exter
€ 8,00
Confessions of a Mullah Warrior. Memoir
Masood Farivar
€ 12,50
Egypt: Land of the Valley
Robin Fedden
€ 8,00
In search of Islamic feminism
Elizabeth Warnock Fernea
€ 12,50
Babylon: Myth and Reality
I.L. Finkle e.a.
€ 15,00
Bericht Uit Beiroet. Dagboek van een oorlog
Robert Fisk
€ 6,00
Blood Libel: The Damascus Affair of 1840
Ronald Florence
€ 17,50
Lawrence and Aaronsohn. T.E. Lawrence, Aaron Aaronsohn and the seeds of the Arab-Israeli conflict
Ronald Florence
€ 20,00
Between the waterfronts: Istanbul - Rotterdam
N. Fulya Erdemci e.a.
€ 10,00
Last Chance: The Middle East in the Balance
David Gardner
€ 10,00
Three Kings: The Rise of an American Empire in the Middle East After World War II
Lloyd C. Gardner
€ 10,00
De jongens zijn dood. Een journalistieke reis naar de kern van de Koerdische kwestie in Turkije
Frederike Geerdink
€ 9,00
Journey of the Jihadist. Inside muslim militancy
Fawaz A. Gerges
€ 10,00
Recognizing Islam. Religion and Society in the Modern Arab World
Michael Gilsenan
€ 10,00
Syria Burning. A Short History of a Catastrophe
Charles Glass
€ 8,00
Cobra II: The Inside Story of the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq
Michael R. Gordon e.a.
€ 9,00
The Battle for Syria 1918-1920
John D. Grainger
€ 15,00