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The Han civilization of China
Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens
€ 20,00
Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, Michèle
€ 20,00
The Han Civilization of China
Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens
€ 10,00
Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, Michèle
€ 10,00
Een vergeten beschaving. Het rijk der Groot-Mogols in Voor-Indie in de 16de en 17de eeuw
R.W.H. Pitlo
€ 5,00
Pitlo, R.W.H.
€ 5,00
Zuidoost-Azie. Een eeuw van onvervulde verwachtingen
Jan Pluvier
€ 8,00
Pluvier, Jan
€ 8,00
Japan. De rijzende zon gaat onder
Max van Poll
€ 5,00
Poll, Max van
€ 5,00
Bhutan: A Kingdom of the Eastern Himalayas
Françoise Pommaret-Imaeda e.a.
€ 15,00
Pommaret-Imaeda, Françoise & Yoshiro Imaeda & Guy van Strydonck
€ 15,00
Company of Heroes: A Forgotten Medal of Honor and Bravo Company’s War in Vietnam
Eric Poole
€ 12,50
Poole, Eric
€ 12,50
The First Emperor: China's Terracotta Army
Jane Portal
€ 10,00
Portal, Jane (editor)
€ 10,00
Miscellany of Japanese Priest
William N. Porter
€ 10,00
Porter, William N.
€ 10,00
Celebrations of Emperor Kangxi's 60th Birtday (Scroll)
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Dutch Ambassador's Residence Beijing
Dirk Jan Postel e.a.
€ 10,00
Postel, Dirk Jan & Karin Wolf
€ 10,00
De marionet. Het leven van Pu Yi, laatste keizer van China
Brian Power
€ 5,00
Power, Brian
€ 5,00
Vietnam Voices: Perspectives on the War Years, 1941-1982
John Clark Pratt
€ 8,00
Pratt, John Clark
€ 8,00
Raffles: Legends and Stories
Roberto Pregarz
€ 15,00
Pregarz, Roberto
€ 15,00
Four Lectures on Japan: 1) Japan's position in the world; 2) Japan as a technological power; 3) Japan and the United States; 4) Can Japan contribute to flourish?
Andreas Prindl e.a.
€ 8,00
Prindl, Andreas & Tokio Katayama & David Cairncross & Sir John Whitehead
€ 8,00
The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs
David Pryce Jones
€ 10,00
Pryce Jones, David
€ 10,00
De wederopstanding van China. Van prooi tot wereldmacht
Frans-Paul van der Putten
€ 12,50
Putten, Frans-Paul van der
€ 12,50
The Festivals in the Mysterious Land of Yunnan: The Festivals and Traditional Ceremonies of the Minority Nationalities in Yunnan
Deng Qiyo e.a.
€ 54,00
Qiyo, Deng & Zhang Liu
€ 54,00
Moeurs et coutumes de la Malaisie
Ph. Quanjer
€ 8,00
Quanjer, Ph.
€ 8,00
In the king's trail: An 18th Century Dutch Journey to the Buddha's Footprint: Theodorus Jacobus van den Heuvel's account of his voyage to Phra Phutthabat in 1737
Raben Remco e.a.
€ 10,00
Raben Remco & Dhiravat na Pombejra
€ 10,00
The Karava of Ceylon: society and culture
M.D. Raghavan
€ 20,00
Raghavan, M.D.
€ 20,00
Basic Resource Atlas of Tamil Nadu
A. Ramesh e.a.
€ 45,00
Ramesh, A. & P.S. Tiwari
€ 45,00
A week in Bankok
Jaivid Rangthong
€ 5,00
Rangthong, Jaivid
€ 5,00
The Japanese Village in Transition
Arthur F. Raper
€ 10,00
Raper, Arthur F.
€ 10,00
Jihad. The Rise of militant Islam in central Asia
Ahmed Rashid
€ 8,00
Rashid, Ahmed
€ 8,00
Golden India: Kama Sutra
Pramesh Ratnakar
€ 8,00
Ratnakar, Pramesh
€ 8,00
In het kielzog van de Tsunami
J.C.A. Razenberg
€ 15,00
Razenberg, J.C.A.
€ 15,00
Georges Redard e.a.
€ 17,50
Redard, Georges & Roland Michaud & Sabrina Michaud
€ 17,50
Het Vietnam-tribunaal Stockholm-Roskilde 1967
Ton Regtien
€ 5,00
Regtien, Ton
€ 5,00
The Japanese
Edwin O. Reischauer
€ 8,00
Reischauer, Edwin O.
€ 8,00
The Japanese Today: Change and Continuity
Edwin O. Reischauer
€ 8,00
Reischauer, Edwin O.
€ 8,00
Samurai and Silk: A Japanese and American Heritage
Haru Matsukata Reischauer
€ 15,00
Reischauer, Haru Matsukata
€ 15,00
Die Igorot: Bergvölker in den Philippinen heute
Jörg Reiter e.a.
€ 6,50
Reiter, Jörg & Kurt Tauchmann
€ 6,50
Ancient Accounts of India and China by Two Mohammedan Travellers who went to those parts in the 9th century
Eusebius Renaudot
€ 12,50
Renaudot, Eusebius (translated from the Arabic by)
€ 12,50
The Three Banners of China
Marc Riboud
€ 10,00
Riboud, Marc
€ 10,00
The life & times od Mother Teresa
Tanya Rice
€ 5,00
Rice, Tanya
€ 5,00
The Secret War Against Hanoi: Kennedy's and Johnson's Use of Spies, Saboteurs, and Covert Warriors In North Vietnam
Richard H. Shultz Jr.
€ 10,00
Richard H. Shultz Jr.
€ 10,00
The Secret War Against Hanoi: Kennedy's and Johnson's Use of Spies, Saboteurs, and Covert Warriors In North Vietnam
Richard H. Shultz Jr.
€ 10,00
Richard H. Shultz Jr.
€ 10,00
The Qaraqalpaqs of the Aral Delta
David Richardson e.a.
€ 100,00
Richardson, David & Sue Richardson
€ 100,00
Partial Views: Essays on Contemporary Japan
Donald Richie
€ 30,00
Richie, Donald
€ 30,00
The Inland Sea: The Real Japan and its People
Donald Richie
€ 10,00
Richie, Donald
€ 10,00
Japan Verwoord: Nihon door Hollandse ogen, 1600-1799
Peter Rietbergen
€ 12,50
Rietbergen, Peter
€ 12,50
In Praise of Decadence
Jeff Riggenbach
€ 8,00
Riggenbach, Jeff
€ 8,00
Harakiri. Mensen en machten in hedendaags Japan
Peter Rindl
€ 8,00
Rindl, Peter
€ 8,00
Bruno Manser. The Inside Story
James Ritchie
€ 30,00
Ritchie, James
€ 30,00
Malaya, Indonesia, Borneo and the Philippines
Charles Robequain e.a.
€ 10,00
Robequain, Charles & E.D. Laborde (translated by)
€ 10,00
Culture shock : Philippines
Alfredo Roces e.a.
€ 10,00
Roces, Alfredo & Grace Roces
€ 10,00
Der Schintoismus und die neuen religionen Japans
Edmond Rochedieu
€ 8,00
Rochedieu, Edmond
€ 8,00
How to frame a Thanka
Ellen Rockwell
€ 8,00
Rockwell, Ellen
€ 8,00
The Politics of Bhutan
Leo E. Rose
€ 45,00
Rose, Leo E.
€ 45,00
Light of India: 24 Collectible Postcards
Julian Rothenstein
€ 15,00
Rothenstein, Julian
€ 15,00
India. The Rise of an Asian Giant
Dietmar Rothermund
€ 10,00
Rothermund, Dietmar
€ 10,00
50x India
M. Roy
€ 10,00
Roy, M.
€ 10,00
De wereld van het boeddhisme. Een samenvattend beeld van tempels, heiligdommen en religieuze ceremonies in heel Azië
Jeremy Russell e.a.
€ 10,00
Russell, Jeremy & Wim Isphording
€ 10,00
The Maker of Modern Japan: The Life of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu
A.L. Sadler
€ 10,00
Sadler, A.L.
€ 10,00
Rajasthan: Panoramic Photography
Reiner Sahm
€ 30,00
Sahm, Reiner
€ 30,00
Tiananmen Diary: Thirteen Days in June
Harrison Salisbury
€ 8,00
Salisbury, Harrison
€ 8,00
China: 100 Years of Revolution
Harrison E. Salisbury
€ 12,50
Salisbury, Harrison E.
€ 12,50
To Peking-and-Beyond: A Report on the New Asia
Harrison E. Salisbury
€ 10,00
Salisbury, Harrison E.
€ 10,00
At the Court of Korea: Undiplomatic Memoirs
William Franklyn Sandys
€ 8,00
Sandys, William Franklyn
€ 8,00
Japan: A Short Cultural History
G.B. Sansom
€ 12,50
Sansom, G.B.
€ 12,50
The Western World and Japan. A Study in the Interaction of European and Asiatic Cultures
G.B. Sansom
€ 10,00
Sansom, G.B.
€ 10,00
A History of Japan. Volume III: 1615-1867
Sir George Sansom
€ 20,00
Sansom, Sir George
€ 20,00
The Twins Platoon: An Epic Story of Young Marines at War in Vietnam
Christy W. Sauro Jr.
€ 12,50
Sauro Jr., Christy W.
€ 12,50
The Vermilion Bird: T'ang Images of the South
Edward H. Schafer
€ 20,00
Schafer, Edward H.
€ 20,00
U.S. Crusade in China, Nineteen Thirty-Eight to Nineteen Forty-Five
Michael Schaller
€ 10,00
Schaller, Michael
€ 10,00
The Real War. The Classic Reporting on the Vietnam War
Jonathan Schell
€ 8,00
Schell, Jonathan
€ 8,00
Discos and Democracy: China in the Throes of Reform
Orville Schell
€ 8,00
Schell, Orville
€ 8,00
In the People's Republic: An American's first-hand view of living and working in China
Orville Schell
€ 8,00
Schell, Orville
€ 8,00
Watch Out for the Foreign Guests! China Encounters the West
Orville Schell
€ 8,00
Schell, Orville
€ 8,00
Jens Nagels: Floating. Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, China
Eva Schestag
€ 12,50
Schestag, Eva
€ 12,50
Bhutan: Mountain Fortress of the Gods
Christian Schicklgruber e.a.
€ 15,00
Schicklgruber, Christian & Francoise Pommaret (editors)
€ 15,00
Afghan Frontier. At the Crossroads of Conflict
Victoria Schofield
€ 8,00
Schofield, Victoria
€ 8,00
Political Leaders of the Twentieth Century: Mao Tse-Tung
Stuart Schram
€ 5,00
Schram, Stuart
€ 5,00
De Chinezen. Wijsgeren en leermeesters
Hermann Schreiber
€ 6,50
Schreiber, Hermann
€ 6,50
Night Letters: Inside Wartime Afghanistan
Rob Schultheis
€ 8,00
Schultheis, Rob
€ 8,00
The Miracle: The Epic Story of Asias Quest for Wealth
Michael Schuman
€ 7,00
Schuman, Michael
€ 7,00
Low City, High City: Tokyo from Edo to the Earthquake: How the Shogun's Ancient Capital became a Great Modern City, 1867-1923
Edward Seidensticker
€ 12,50
Seidensticker, Edward
€ 12,50
This Country Japan
Edward Seidensticker
€ 8,00
Seidensticker, Edward
€ 8,00
Low City, High City; Tokyo from Edo to the Earthquake
Edward G. Seidensticker
€ 12,50
Seidensticker, Edward G.
€ 12,50
Edward G. Seidensticker
€ 30,00
Seidensticker, Edward G. (introduction)
€ 30,00
The Arts of Japan
Seiroku Noma
€ 10,00
Seiroku Noma
€ 10,00
De bandietenkoningin. Het ware verhaal van Phoolan Devi
Mala Sen
€ 5,00
Sen, Mala
€ 5,00
The Valayar of South India, 3 volumes: 1) Society and Religion; 2) Culture and Economy; 3) Sex and Divorce.
E.D. Setty
€ 175,00
Setty, E.D.
€ 175,00
Hara-Kiri: Japanese Ritual Suicide
Jack Seward
€ 10,00
Seward, Jack
€ 10,00
Sikhs: Faith, Philosophy & Folk
Sondeep Shankar e.a.
€ 8,00
Shankar, Sondeep & Gurbachan Singh
€ 8,00
Aspects of political ideas and institutions in Ancient India
Ram Sharan Sharma
€ 15,00
Sharan Sharma, Ram
€ 15,00
Special Souvenir 1997: on the Happy Occasion of the visit to Nepal by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Willem Alexander of the Netherlands
Rudra Nath  - and others Sharma
€ 10,00
Sharma, Rudra Nath (editor) - and others
€ 10,00
Boeddhistische Kunst ter ere van het Goddelijke
Dr. Shashibala
€ 6,00
Shashibala, Dr.
€ 6,00
The Spirit of Asia: Journeys to the Sacred Places of the East
Alistair Shearer
€ 10,00
Shearer, Alistair
€ 10,00
The Victor Weeps: Afghanistan
Fazal Sheikh
€ 20,00
Sheikh, Fazal
€ 20,00
The Victor Weeps: Afghanistan
Fazal Sheikh
€ 20,00
Sheikh, Fazal
€ 20,00
Culture Shock! Japan
Rex Shelley
€ 9,00
Shelley, Rex
€ 9,00
Terra-cotta Warriors and horses at the tomb of Qin Shi Huang
Zhang Shengfu
€ 7,50
Shengfu, Zhang
€ 7,50
The Stamps of China 1878-1981
Fan Shi
€ 15,00
Shi, Fan (editor)
€ 15,00
Japan: The Shaping of Daimyo Culture 1185-1868
Yoshiaki Shimizu
€ 20,00
Shimizu, Yoshiaki
€ 20,00
Mist on the Rice-fields: a Soldier's Story of the Burma Campaign 1943-45 and Korean War 1950-51
John Shipster
€ 10,00
Shipster, John
€ 10,00
Mist on the Rice-fields: a Soldier's Story of the Burma Campaign 1943-45 and Korean War 1950-51
John Shipster
€ 10,00
Shipster, John
€ 10,00
Yoshikazu Shirakawa e.a.
€ 15,00
Shirakawa, Yoshikazu & Arnold Toynbee
€ 15,00
Gandhi, a memoir
William L. Shirer
€ 5,00
Shirer, William L.
€ 5,00
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