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The Korean War 1950-53
Peter Abbott e.a.
€ 6,00
Abbott, Peter & Nigel Thomas
€ 6,00
La Chine et l'Extreme-Orient
Armand Abel
€ 6,50
Abel, Armand
€ 6,50
Asian Tales: A Compilation of Rewritten and Original, Factual, Fictional and Legendary Folklore, History and Tales
Ted Adameck e.a.
€ 100,00
Adameck, Ted & Robert O. Kinsey (foreword)
€ 100,00
Oud-Chinese wijsheid
Alex Adema
€ 5,00
Adema, Alex (bewerking)
€ 5,00
Letters from Vietnam
Bill Adler
€ 8,00
Adler, Bill (editor)
€ 8,00
Eternal Himalaya. Including full text of the travels of George Francis White, 1825
Major H.P.S. Ahluwalia
€ 10,00
Ahluwalia, Major H.P.S.
€ 10,00
India: The Siege Within: Challenges to a Nation's Unity
M.J. Akbar
€ 8,00
Akbar, M.J.
€ 8,00
An Illustrated Eco-History of the Mekong River Basin
Tomoya Akimichi
€ 80,00
Akimichi, Tomoya
€ 80,00
A chronological list of Japan and China - second edition
Aisaburo Akiyama
€ 8,00
Akiyama, Aisaburo
€ 8,00
Contesting the Saudi State: Islamic Voices from a New Generation
Madawi Al-Rasheed
€ 15,00
Al-Rasheed, Madawi
€ 15,00
Aggie Grey: A Samoan Saga
Fay Alailima
€ 15,00
Alailima, Fay
€ 15,00
Davina India. Sacred India
Marilia Albanese
€ 5,00
Albanese, Marilia
€ 5,00
China: Beeld van het dagelijks leven in de 18de eeuw
William Alexander e.a.
€ 8,00
Alexander, William & George Henry Mason
€ 8,00
China: Beeld van het dagelijks leven in de 18de eeuw
William Alexander e.a.
€ 9,00
Alexander, William & George Henry Mason
€ 9,00
Concerning the 50th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China
I. Alexandrou
€ 10,00
Alexandrou, I.
€ 10,00
The Nehrus and the Gandhis: An Indian Dynasty
Tariq Ali
€ 8,00
Ali, Tariq
€ 8,00
The Rise of Civilisation in India and Pakistan
Bridget Allchin e.a.
€ 8,00
Allchin, Bridget & Raymond Allchin
€ 8,00
Plain Tales from the Raj
Charles Allen
€ 8,00
Allen, Charles (editor)
€ 8,00
Embed. To the End With the World's Armies in Afghanistan
Nick Allen
€ 12,50
Allen, Nick
€ 12,50
Roof of the World
Mohamed Amin e.a.
€ 10,00
Amin, Mohamed & Duncan Willetts & Brian Totley
€ 10,00
The city of light
J. D' Ancona
€ 10,00
Ancona, J. D'
€ 10,00
The City of Light
Jacob d' Ancona
€ 10,00
Ancona, Jacob d'
€ 10,00
Inventing Vietnam: The War in Film and Television
Michael Anderegg
€ 10,00
Anderegg, Michael
€ 10,00
Filipinos in rural Hawaii
Robert N. Anderson
€ 15,00
Anderson, Robert N.
€ 15,00
Patriots: The Vietnam War Remembered from All Sides
Christian G. Appy
€ 9,00
Appy, Christian G.
€ 9,00
Die barfüßige Ärztin. Klassenkampf und medizinische Versorgung
Arbeitskollektiv "Internationale Reihe"
€ 6,50
Arbeitskollektiv "Internationale Reihe"
€ 6,50
Before the Secessionist Storm: Muslim-Christian Politic in Jolo, Sulu, Philippines 1961-62
Wilfredo F. Arce
€ 12,50
Arce, Wilfredo F.
€ 12,50
Views of Medieval Bhutan: The Diary and Drawings of Samuel Davis, 1783
Michael Aris
€ 25,00
Aris, Michael
€ 25,00
Nihongi: Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697
W. G. Aston
€ 15,00
Aston, W. G.
€ 15,00
Gandhi fotobiografie
Richard Attenborough e.a.
€ 5,00
Attenborough, Richard & Gerald Gold
€ 5,00
In Exile From The Land of Snows
John Avedon
€ 9,00
Avedon, John
€ 9,00
Allied Aces of the Korean War
Juan Ramón Azaola
€ 8,00
Azaola, Juan Ramón (editor-in-chief)
€ 8,00
F-8 Crusaders boven Vietnam
Juan Ramón Azaola
€ 8,00
Azaola, Juan Ramón (hoofdredactie)
€ 8,00
Tibet. Een cultuur van vrede
Bert van Baar e.a.
€ 5,00
Baar, Bert van & Sander Tideman (samenstelling & redactie); Lambert van der Aalsvoort e.a. (fotografie)
€ 5,00
Women of India
T.A. Baig
€ 15,00
Baig, T.A. (editor)
€ 15,00
De oriënt, droom of dreiging?: het Oosten in Westers perspectief
Hans Bakker
€ 5,00
Bakker, Hans
€ 5,00
The Water Kingdom. A secret history of Chinas
Philip Ball
€ 10,00
Ball, Philip
€ 10,00
The Long Corridor Paintings at the Summer Palace
Liu Baojun
€ 8,00
Baojun, Liu
€ 8,00
Autograph Album For Sichuan Restaurant 40th Anniversary
Jia - and others Baozhong
€ 10,00
Baozhong, Jia - and others
€ 10,00
Water: A view from Japan
Bernard Barber e.a.
€ 10,00
Barber, Bernard & Dana Levy
€ 10,00
Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay: Assessing the Economic Rise of China and India
Pranab Bardhan
€ 10,00
Bardhan, Pranab
€ 10,00
The Rise of Civilization in East Asia: The Archaeology of China, Korea and Japan
Gina L. Barnes
€ 10,00
Barnes, Gina L.
€ 10,00
Afghan Wars and the North-West Frontier 1839-1947
Michael Barthorp
€ 9,00
Barthorp, Michael
€ 9,00
Een vrouw in Tibet. In de schatkamer
Catriona Bass
€ 5,00
Bass, Catriona
€ 5,00
Nippon Very Sorry - Many Men Must Die: Submission to the United Nations Commission of Human Rights (ECOSOC Resolution 1503)
George Beard
€ 15,00
Beard, George (Foreword)
€ 15,00
Stumbling Giant: The Threats to China's Future
Timothy Beardson
€ 12,50
Beardson, Timothy
€ 12,50
The Modern History of Japan - third revised edition
W.G. Beasley
€ 6,00
Beasley, W.G.
€ 6,00
Chinese Diary & Album
Cecil Beaton e.a.
€ 8,00
Beaton, Cecil & Jane Carmichael (introduction)
€ 8,00
China in Old Photographs 1860-1910
Burton F. Beers
€ 25,00
Beers, Burton F.
€ 25,00
Japan: An Anthropological Introduction
Harumi Befu
€ 8,00
Befu, Harumi
€ 8,00
Hirohito de keizer die moest blijven
Edward Behr
€ 6,50
Behr, Edward
€ 6,50
Hirohito, de keizer die moest blijven. De waarheid achter de mythe
Edward Behr
€ 6,50
Behr, Edward
€ 6,50
Die moguln
Hans-Georg Behr
€ 6,50
Behr, Hans-Georg
€ 6,50
China's New Confucianism. Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society
Daniel A. Bell
€ 12,50
Bell, Daniel A.
€ 12,50
Smokey mountain: ravaged earth and wasted lives
Benigno P. Beltran
€ 8,00
Beltran, Benigno P.
€ 8,00
Album Macau 1844-1974
R. Beltrão Coelho
€ 50,00
Beltrão Coelho, R.
€ 50,00
Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture
Ruth Benedict
€ 10,00
Benedict, Ruth
€ 10,00
Red Thunder, Tropic Lightning. The World of a Combat Division in Vietnam
Eric M. Bergerud
€ 15,00
Bergerud, Eric M.
€ 15,00
In het land van Oostersche pracht
R. de Bergh-Marggraff
€ 10,00
Bergh-Marggraff, R. de
€ 10,00
Les 170 Jours de Diên Biên Phu
Erwan Bergot
€ 15,00
Bergot, Erwan
€ 15,00
Mughal India. Splendours of the  peacock throne
Valérie Berinstain
€ 5,00
Berinstain, Valérie
€ 5,00
China 1945: Mao's Revolution and America's Fateful Choice
Richard Bernstein
€ 10,00
Bernstein, Richard
€ 10,00
Monnikenwerk. Tibetaanse rolschilderingen uit eigen bezit
Drs. P.J.W. Bettenhaussen
€ 5,00
Bettenhaussen, drs. P.J.W.
€ 5,00
L'eunuque aux trois joyaux: collection et esthètes chinois
Michel Beurdeley e.a.
€ 20,00
Beurdeley, Michel & M.-Th. Lambert-Brouillet
€ 20,00
Gandhi, de tragische figuur
Dr.ir. H.G. van Beusekom
€ 5,00
Beusekom, dr.ir. H.G. van
€ 5,00
Daughter of the East. An autobiography
Benazir Bhutto
€ 8,00
Bhutto, Benazir
€ 8,00
Out of China: How the Chinese Ended the Era of Western Domination
Robert Bickers
€ 10,00
Bickers, Robert
€ 10,00
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan: An Account of Travels in the Interior Including Visits to the Aborigines of Yezo and the Shrine of Nikko
Isabella L. Bird
€ 8,00
Bird, Isabella L.
€ 8,00
The Myth of Shangri-La: Tibet, Travel Writing and the Western Creation of Sacred Landscape
Peter Bishop
€ 10,00
Bishop, Peter
€ 10,00
The Father of All Things: A Marine, His Son, and the Legacy of Vietnam
Tom Bissell
€ 15,00
Bissell, Tom
€ 15,00
The Needle-Watcher: The Will Adams Story, British Samurai
Richard Blaker
€ 15,00
Blaker, Richard
€ 15,00
Banquier, savant, artiste: présences françaises en Extrême-Orient au XXe siècle
Flora Blanchon
€ 15,00
Blanchon, Flora
€ 15,00
Three Tigers, One Mountain: A Journey through the Bitter History and Current Conflicts of China, Korea and Japan
Michael Booth
€ 15,00
Booth, Michael
€ 15,00
Het Mongoolse Rijk tijdens de Yuan Dynastie 1279-1368
A Borstlap
€ 7,00
Borstlap, A, Jef Teske
€ 7,00
Sikkim ou le Langage du Sourire
Serge Bourguignon
€ 25,00
Bourguignon, Serge
€ 25,00
Chine: Dans les monts de la lune
Catherine Bourzat e.a.
€ 9,00
Bourzat, Catherine & Philippe Fatin
€ 9,00
Die Dalai Lamas: Tibets Reinkarnationen des Boddhisattva Avalokitesvara
Martin Brauen
€ 20,00
Brauen, Martin
€ 20,00
Die Dalai Lamas: Tibets Reinkarnationen des Boddhisattva Avalokitesvara
Martin Brauen
€ 20,00
Brauen, Martin
€ 20,00
Yasukuni, the War Dead and the Struggle for Japan's Past
John Breen
€ 20,00
Breen, John
€ 20,00
Getting to know Malaya
Jim Breetveld e.a.
€ 5,00
Breetveld, Jim & Haris Petie (illustrated by)
€ 5,00
Indochine 1946: retour de chine
Yves Bréhèret
€ 15,00
Bréhèret, Yves
€ 15,00
The Real Ceylon
C. Brooke Elliot
€ 15,00
Brooke Elliot, C.
€ 15,00
Tutor to the Dragon Emperor: The Life of Sir Reginald Fleming Johnston and the Court of the Last Emperor
Raymond Lamont Brown
€ 15,00
Brown, Raymond Lamont
€ 15,00
Douglas MacArthur: Statecraft and Stagecraft in America's East Asian Policy
Russell D. Buhite
€ 15,00
Buhite, Russell D.
€ 15,00
Vietnam will win!
Wilfred Burchett
€ 10,00
Burchett, Wilfred
€ 10,00
China: The Quality of Life
Wilfred Burchett e.a.
€ 5,00
Burchett, Wilfred & Rewi Alley
€ 5,00
Chinese Creeds & Customs (3 volumes)
V.R. Burkhardt
€ 30,00
Burkhardt, V.R.
€ 30,00
Chinese Creeds and Customs: A Compilation of the Best-Selling Trilogy
V.R. Burkhardt
€ 25,00
Burkhardt, V.R.
€ 25,00
A Japanese Mirror: Heroes and Villains of Japanese Culture
Ian Buruma
€ 5,00
Buruma, Ian
€ 5,00
Bad Elements: Chinese Rebels from LA to Beijing
Ian Buruma
€ 8,00
Buruma, Ian
€ 8,00
The Missionary and the Libertine: Love and War in East and West
Ian Buruma
€ 6,00
Buruma, Ian
€ 6,00
Gerard Busquet e.a.
€ 10,00
Busquet, Gerard & Pierre Toutain
€ 10,00
The Turkic Speaking Peoples. 2,000 Years Of Art And Culture From Inner Asia To The Balkans
Ergun Cagatay e.a.
€ 175,00
Cagatay, Ergun & Dogan Kuban
€ 175,00
Spirits and ghosts: journeys through Mongolia
Julia Calfee
€ 12,50
Calfee, Julia
€ 12,50
Spirits and ghosts: journeys through Mongolia
Julia Calfee
€ 12,50
Calfee, Julia
€ 12,50
Spirits and ghosts: journeys through Mongolia
Julia Calfee
€ 10,00
Calfee, Julia
€ 10,00
Aziatische Weelde: VOC-kunst in het Rijksmuseum
Jan van Campen e.a.
€ 12,50
Campen, Jan van & Ebeltje Hartkamp-Jonxis
€ 12,50
Vietnam. Duizend jaar strijd
Terry Canon
€ 5,00
Canon, Terry
€ 5,00
Qin Shihuang: Terracotta Warriors and Horses
Edmund Capon
€ 5,00
Capon, Edmund
€ 5,00
Princes of Jade
Edmund Capon e.a.
€ 5,00
Capon, Edmund & Macquitty, William
€ 5,00
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