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Categorie Geschiedenis Europa

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Travel Guide to Europe, 1492: Ten Itineraries in the Old World
Lorenzo Camusso
€ 8,00
Camusso, Lorenzo
€ 8,00
Questa Mafia - Seconda Edizione
Renato Candida
€ 30,00
Candida, Renato
€ 30,00
Class in Britain
David Cannadine
€ 10,00
Cannadine, David
€ 10,00
The  Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy
Mr David Cannadine
€ 10,00
Cannadine, Mr David
€ 10,00
Louis XIII et Richelieu
Jean Canu
€ 8,00
Canu, Jean
€ 8,00
Firenze "Città Aperta"
Ugo Capelletti
€ 15,00
Capelletti, Ugo
€ 15,00
Danilo Dolci
Aldo Capitini
€ 12,50
Capitini, Aldo
€ 12,50
Le chiavi del Quirinale da De Nicola a Saragat, la strategia del potere in Italia
Giovanni Di Capua
€ 8,00
Capua, Giovanni Di
€ 8,00
Das Zeitalter der Renaissance. Kunst, Kultur und Geschichte im Mittelmeerraum
Eduard Carbonell e.a.
€ 15,00
Carbonell, Eduard & Roberto Cassanelli & Tania Velmans
€ 15,00
Promenades historiques aux pays de la dame de vix
Jérôme Carcopino
€ 6,00
Carcopino, Jérôme
€ 6,00
I walked alone
The Earl of Cardigan
€ 8,00
Cardigan, The Earl of
€ 8,00
Het jaar 1000. De wortels van onze beschaving
Franco Cardini
€ 15,00
Cardini, Franco
€ 15,00
In Londen
Geertruida Carelsen
€ 15,00
Carelsen, Geertruida
€ 15,00
Geertuida Carelsen e.a.
€ 10,00
Carelsen, Geertuida & Hendr. Klijn (geïllustreerd door)
€ 10,00
The Channel Islands painted by Henry B. Wimbush
Edith F. Carey
€ 10,00
Carey, Edith F.
€ 10,00
Arthur. Warrior and King
Don Carleton
€ 15,00
Carleton, Don
€ 15,00
V centenário das misericórdias portuguesas, 1498-1998
Ivo Carneiro de Sousa
€ 75,00
Carneiro de Sousa, Ivo
€ 75,00
The Irish: A Treasury of Art and Literature
Leslie Conron Carola
€ 15,00
Carola, Leslie Conron
€ 15,00
Histoire de la Méditerranée
Jean Carpentier e.a.
€ 15,00
Carpentier, Jean & François Lebrun
€ 15,00
De invloed van de Sovjet op het Westen
E.H. Carr
€ 6,00
Carr, E.H.
€ 6,00
Fortress Europe. Dispatches from a Gated Continent
Matthew Carr
€ 12,50
Carr, Matthew
€ 12,50
Bild und Botschaft: Cranach im Dienst von Hof und Reformation
Julia Carrasco e.a.
€ 100,00
Carrasco, Julia - e.a.
€ 100,00
Renaissance Warfare
Bob Carruthers
€ 10,00
Carruthers, Bob
€ 10,00
Soldier of the Empire. The Note-Books of Captain Coignet
Bob Carruthers
€ 10,00
Carruthers, Bob
€ 10,00
Elisabeth d'Autriche ou la fatalité
Jean des Cars
€ 8,00
Cars, Jean des
€ 8,00
Lantern Slides: The Diaries and Letters of Violet Bonham Carter 1904-1914
Mark Bonham Carter e.a.
€ 10,00
Carter, Mark Bonham & Mark Pottle
€ 10,00
The Three Emperors: Three Cousins, Three Empires and the Road to World War One
Miranda Carter
€ 10,00
Carter, Miranda
€ 10,00
Yesterday's Rome
Sergio Cartocci e.a.
€ 9,00
Cartocci, Sergio & Glauco Cartocci
€ 9,00
La jeunesse du Taciturne 1533-1559
Cte Xavier Carton de Wiart
€ 5,00
Carton de Wiart, Cte Xavier
€ 5,00
Ireland: a Documentary Record (3 volumes)
James Carty
€ 25,00
Carty, James (edited and compiled by)
€ 25,00
A Social and Economic History of Britain: 1700 to the present day
S.L. Case e.a.
€ 6,00
Case, S.L. & D.J. Hall
€ 6,00
Fouché. Le double jeu
André Castelot
€ 10,00
Castelot, André
€ 10,00
Marie Antoinette
André Castelot
€ 10,00
Castelot, André
€ 10,00
Charles Castle
€ 6,00
Castle, Charles
€ 6,00
Guillaume le Taciturne. De la "Généralité" de Bourgogne à la République des Sept Provinces-Unies
Yves Cazaux
€ 8,00
Cazaux, Yves
€ 8,00
The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini
€ 5,00
Cellini, Benvenuto
€ 5,00
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini
€ 8,00
Cellini, Benvenuto
€ 8,00
The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini
€ 5,00
Cellini, Benvenuto
€ 5,00
The Life of Benvenuto Cellini
Benvenuto Cellini
€ 10,00
Cellini, Benvenuto
€ 10,00
Dejiny ceskeho divadla / I
Frantisek Cerny e.a.
€ 20,00
Cerny, Frantisek & Adolf Scherl & Evzen Turnovsky
€ 20,00
Aristide Briand, le père de l'Europe
Jacques Chabannes
€ 10,00
Chabannes, Jacques
€ 10,00
Le Marais: evolution d'un paysage urbain - promenades d'architecture et d'histoire
Danielle Chadych
€ 30,00
Chadych, Danielle
€ 30,00
Waterloo. Battle of three armies
Lord Chalfont
€ 8,00
Chalfont, Lord
€ 8,00
Atlas historique du monde méditerranéen. Chrétiens, juifs et musulmans de l'Antiquité à nos jours
Gérard Chaliand e.a.
€ 10,00
Chaliand, Gérard & Jean-Pierre Rageau
€ 10,00
I Shall Bear Witness: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer 1933-41
Martin Chalmers
€ 10,00
Chalmers, Martin (translation)
€ 10,00
Op zoek naar vrede
Neville Chamberlain
€ 6,50
Chamberlain, Neville
€ 6,50
Splendours of the Gonzaga
David Chambers e.a.
€ 9,00
Chambers, David & Jane Martineau
€ 9,00
La vie de Paris au moyen age. Splendeurs et misères de Paris (XIVe-Xve siècles). Avec un plan de restitution de Paris en 1380
Pierre Champion
€ 5,00
Champion, Pierre
€ 5,00
Paris au temps de la renaissance. Paganisme et Réforme. Fin du règne de François Ier. Henri II. Avec une gravure hors texte
Pierre Champion
€ 5,00
Champion, Pierre
€ 5,00
Paris sous les derniers valois. Paris au temps de Henri III. Avec deux gravures hors texte
Pierre Champion
€ 8,00
Champion, Pierre
€ 8,00
Les droits de l'homme. Histoire des droits et des liberés en France
André Chamson
€ 10,00
Chamson, André (preface)
€ 10,00
De Fransch-Duitsche Oorlog
H.Th. Chappius
€ 15,00
Chappius, H.Th.
€ 15,00
H. Th. Chappuis
€ 10,00
Chappuis, H. Th.
€ 10,00
Churchill's Grand Alliance: The Anglo-American Special Relationship, 1940-57
John Charmley
€ 10,00
Charmley, John
€ 10,00
The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3)
René Chartrand
€ 12,50
Chartrand, René
€ 12,50
L'Europe de la Renaissance: l'age de l'humanisme
André Chastel e.a.
€ 20,00
Chastel, André & Robert Klein
€ 20,00
Congrès de Vérona: guerre d'Espagne. Négociations. Colonies Espagnoles (2 volumes)
M. de Chateaubriand
€ 150,00
Chateaubriand, M. de
€ 150,00
Charles Klincksieck 1844-1932
Emile Chatelain
€ 12,50
Chatelain, Emile
€ 12,50
The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian
Nirad C. Chaudhuri
€ 12,50
Chaudhuri, Nirad C.
€ 12,50
Au coeur religieux de l'Histoire
Pierre Chaunu
€ 10,00
Chaunu, Pierre
€ 10,00
Histoire et décadence
Pierre Chaunu
€ 10,00
Chaunu, Pierre
€ 10,00
La civilisation de l'Europe des lumières
Pierre Chaunu
€ 6,50
Chaunu, Pierre
€ 6,50
Pour l'Histoire & L'historien dans tous ses états (2 volumes)
Pierre Chaunu
€ 20,00
Chaunu, Pierre
€ 20,00
The life and times of Richard III
Anthony Cheetham
€ 8,00
Cheetham, Anthony
€ 8,00
The Mediterranean: Lands of the Olive Tree Culture & Civilizations
Alain Cheneviere
€ 10,00
Cheneviere, Alain
€ 10,00
Waterloo Lectures, A Study of the Campaign of 1815
Charles C. Chesney
€ 12,50
Chesney, Charles C.
€ 12,50
Tudor Sea Power. The Foundation of Greatness
David Childs
€ 20,00
Childs, David
€ 20,00
Kazimierz Chledowski
€ 8,00
Chledowski, Kazimierz
€ 8,00
Histoire du Vivarais
Gérard Cholvy
€ 20,00
Cholvy, Gérard (sous la direction de)
€ 20,00
Scotland: Mapping the Nation
Christopher Fleet
€ 20,00
Christopher Fleet
€ 20,00
London. Flower of Cities All
Richard Church e.a.
€ 6,00
Church, Richard & Imre Hafbauer
€ 6,00
Winston S. Churchill 1874-1965 (8 volumes)
Randolph S. Churchill
€ 100,00
Churchill, Randolph S.
€ 100,00
Curchill his life in photographs
Randolph S. Churchill e.a.
€ 6,00
Churchill, Randolph S. & Helmut Gernsheim
€ 6,00
Hunting Terrorists in the Jungle: The Experiences of a National Service Subaltern in Malaya in the 1950s
John Chynoweth
€ 8,00
Chynoweth, John
€ 8,00
Before The Industrial Revolution: European Society and Economy 1000-1700 - Third Edition
Carlo M. Cipolla
€ 10,00
Cipolla, Carlo M.
€ 10,00
The Godwins and the Shelleys
William St. Clair
€ 10,00
Clair, William St.
€ 10,00
The Tories. Conservatives and the Nation State, 1922-1997
Alan Clark
€ 10,00
Clark, Alan
€ 10,00
Marston Moor. English Civil War - July 1644
David Clark
€ 10,00
Clark, David
€ 10,00
Another Part of the Wood
Kenneth Clark
€ 8,00
Clark, Kenneth
€ 8,00
The Houses of Hanover and Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha
John Clarke e.a.
€ 10,00
Clarke, John & Jasper Ridley & Antonia Fraser
€ 10,00
Mr Churchill's Profession: Statesman, Orator, Writer
Peter Clarke
€ 10,00
Clarke, Peter
€ 10,00
Benjamin Disraeli. The Romance of a Great Career 1804-1881
Sir Edward Clarke
€ 12,50
Clarke, Sir Edward
€ 12,50
Le Rhône ou les métamorphoses d'un dieu
Bernard Clavel
€ 10,00
Clavel, Bernard
€ 10,00
Andorran Memories
Valenti Claverol
€ 10,00
Claverol, Valenti (photographs)
€ 10,00
Andorran Memories
Valenti Claverol
€ 10,00
Claverol, Valenti (photographs)
€ 10,00
Haddon Hall: Blackwell Derbyshire, the Home of Lord Edward Manners
Bryan Cleary
€ 15,00
Cleary, Bryan
€ 15,00
Charles Is Lord Treasurer: Sir Richard Weston, Earl of Portland, 1577-1635
Michael Van Cleave Alexander
€ 12,50
Cleave Alexander, Michael Van
€ 12,50
The Economic History of Modern Italy
Shepard Bancroft Clough
€ 10,00
Clough, Shepard Bancroft
€ 10,00
The Times London History Atlas
Hugh Clout
€ 10,00
Clout, Hugh
€ 10,00
Le Goëlo
Yves Coativy e.a.
€ 20,00
Coativy, Yves & Daniel Giraudon & Jean-Jacques Monnier
€ 20,00
Terreur et Subsistances 1793-1795
R. Cobb
€ 20,00
Cobb, R.
€ 20,00
French and Germans, Germans and French: A Personal Interpretation of France under Two Occupations, 1914-1918 / 1940-1944
Richard Cobb
€ 9,00
Cobb, Richard
€ 9,00
The French Revolution. Voices from a momentous epock 1789-1795
Richard Cobb e.a.
€ 12,50
Cobb, Richard & Colin Jones
€ 12,50
The Medieval English Universities: Oxford and Cambridge to c. 1500
Alan B. Cobban
€ 40,00
Cobban, Alan B.
€ 40,00
Selected Writings (6 volumes)
William Cobbett
€ 150,00
Cobbett, William
€ 150,00
Karel de Stoute 1433-1477. Tentoonstelling georganiseerd naar aanleiding van de vijfhonderdste verjaring van zijn dood
P. Cockshaw e.a.
€ 10,00
Cockshaw, P. e.a.
€ 10,00
Gelre - Geldern - Gelderland. Geschichte und Kultur des Herzogtums Geldern & Das goldene Zeitalter des Herzogtums Geldern. Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (2 volumes)
Peter van der Coelen
€ 25,00
Coelen, Peter van der
€ 25,00
Gelre - Geldern - Gelderland. Geschichte und Kultur des Herzogtums Geldern & Das goldene Zeitalter des Herzogtums Geldern. Geschichte, Kunst und Kultur im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert (2 volumes)
Peter van der Coelen
€ 25,00
Coelen, Peter van der
€ 25,00
The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Arthurian Legends
Ronan Coglan
€ 9,00
Coglan, Ronan
€ 9,00
Marie-Louise Cognacq-Jaÿ. Une femme de samoëns
Marie-Louise Cognacq-Jaÿ
€ 12,50
Cognacq-Jaÿ, Marie-Louise
€ 12,50
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