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Categorie Geschiedenis Europa

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Deutscher Almanach für das Jahr 1934.
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Nederlandsche Balije der Souvereine Orde van Malta in het Malthezer Ridderhuis te Utrecht, 1 januari 1921
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Weltwoche-Almanach 1944
€ 9,00
€ 9,00
Beschaving, economie en kapitalisme (15de - 18de eeuw) (3 delen)
€ 25,00
€ 25,00
1) Berner Oberland; 2) Gotthard; 3) Meiringen; 4) Spiez: Strand-Hotel Belvédère; 5) Spiez Berner Oberland: Kleiner Führer (5 volumes)
5x flyer Switzerland
€ 12,50
5x flyer Switzerland
€ 12,50
The Diary of one of Garibaldi's Thousand. Translated with an Introduction by E.R. Vincent.
Giuseppe Cesare Abba
€ 10,00
Abba, Giuseppe Cesare
€ 10,00
La basilica di S. Francesco in Assisi. Guida illustrata
P. Achille Fosco
€ 10,00
Achille Fosco, P.
€ 10,00
Albion: the Origins of the English Imagination
Peter Ackroyd
€ 10,00
Ackroyd, Peter
€ 10,00
Albion: the Origins of the English Imagination
Peter Ackroyd
€ 10,00
Ackroyd, Peter
€ 10,00
Venice *SIGNED*
Peter Ackroyd
€ 12,50
Ackroyd, Peter
€ 12,50
Ramage In South Italy
Harold Acton
€ 8,00
Acton, Harold
€ 8,00
Ville Toscane
Harold Acton e.a.
€ 15,00
Acton, Harold & Alexander Zielcke
€ 15,00
Life In A Box: Traveller, Antiques Dealer, Mother, Model, Iconoclast.
Sarah Jane Adams
€ 10,00
Adams, Sarah Jane
€ 10,00
The kings & queens of England & Scotland
Simon Adams
€ 10,00
Adams, Simon
€ 10,00
Churchill on the Home Front, 1900-55
Paul Addison
€ 8,00
Addison, Paul
€ 8,00
English Spas
William Addison
€ 6,00
Addison, William
€ 6,00
Dieter Adler e.a.
€ 8,00
Adler, Dieter & Anke Adler
€ 8,00
The North Sea Satellite Colour Atlas
J. Aiken
€ 30,00
Aiken, J. (guest editor)
€ 30,00
Les Champs-Elysées 1789-1989
Jean Aillaud
€ 10,00
Aillaud, Jean
€ 10,00
Mémoires en vrac au temps du symbolisme 1880-1890
Jean Ajalbert
€ 25,00
Ajalbert, Jean
€ 25,00
The Mystery of the Ottoman Harem
Ilhan Aksit
€ 10,00
Aksit, Ilhan
€ 10,00
The Age of Empires
Robert Aldrich
€ 12,50
Aldrich, Robert (edited by)
€ 12,50
Ambridge. An English village trough the ages
Jennifer Aldridge e.a.
€ 10,00
Aldridge, Jennifer & John Tregorran
€ 10,00
Venice Carnival
Paolo Alei
€ 9,00
Alei, Paolo
€ 9,00
Karl Wolfskehl Kolloquium
Jan Aler e.a.
€ 10,00
Aler, Jan & Frederick P. Bargebuhr & Claus Viktor Bock - a.o.
€ 10,00
Crimean Letters from the 41st (the Welch) Regiment 1854 - 56
William Allan e.a.
€ 15,00
Allan, William & W. Alister Williams
€ 15,00
Almanach de Gotha pour l'année 1832
Almanach de Gotha
€ 25,00
Almanach de Gotha
€ 25,00
De stemming van de Engelschen tegen de Hollanders in Engeland tijdens de regeering van den Koning-Stadhouder Willem III 1688-1702
G. van Alphen
€ 15,00
Alphen, G. van
€ 15,00
Daar ik tot zang werd aangespoord: Occitaanse troubadours 1100-1300
Ernst van Altena
€ 8,00
Altena, Ernst van
€ 8,00
Daar ik tot zang werd aangespoord: Occitaanse troubadours 1100-1300
Ernst van Altena
€ 8,00
Altena, Ernst van
€ 8,00
Cantos de boda judeo-españoles
Manuel Alvar
€ 10,00
Alvar, Manuel
€ 10,00
Endechas judeo-españolas: edición refundida
Manuel Alvar
€ 10,00
Alvar, Manuel
€ 10,00
De Portugese soldaten en het socialisme
Marcio Moreira Alves
€ 5,00
Alves, Marcio Moreira
€ 5,00
Der Schneehase. Jahrbuch des Schweizerischen Akademischen Ski-Club: Band 3, No. 10, 1936
Walter Amstutz
€ 10,00
Amstutz, Walter
€ 10,00
Sonderjyske arboger 1982, 1983, 1984 (3 volumes)
Dorrit Andersen e.a.
€ 25,00
Andersen, Dorrit & Knud Fano & H.P. Jensen &
€ 25,00
Byn vid vägkorset - om Åstorp genom tiderna
Erik Andersson
€ 10,00
Andersson, Erik
€ 10,00
Vieux Paris
F. Andigné
€ 10,00
Andigné, F.
€ 10,00
Schauplatz Berlin. Tagebuchaufzeichnungen 1945 bis 1948
Ruth Andreas-Friedrich
€ 6,00
Andreas-Friedrich, Ruth
€ 6,00
The Defence of the Realm. The Authorized History of MI5
Christopher Andrew
€ 10,00
Andrew, Christopher
€ 10,00
The Shadow Man: At the Heart of the Cambridge Spy Circle
Geoff Andrews
€ 17,50
Andrews, Geoff
€ 17,50
Changing Enemies: Defeat and Regeneration: Defeat and Regeneration of Germany
Noel Annan
€ 10,00
Annan, Noel
€ 10,00
Memoirs of a Sergeant: The 43rd Light Infantry During the Peninsular War
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Nach Schleyer: "Sonderkommandos" in der BRD. Zügiger Ausbau der neuen GeStaPo.
Antifaschismus-Kommission des Kommunistischen Bundes
€ 8,00
Antifaschismus-Kommission des Kommunistischen Bundes
€ 8,00
Between East and West: Across the Borderlands of Europe
Anne Applebaum
€ 9,00
Applebaum, Anne
€ 9,00
Berner Heimatschutz
Peter Arbenz
€ 12,50
Arbenz, Peter
€ 12,50
France Today: A New and Revised Edition of France in the 1980's
John Ardagh
€ 9,00
Ardagh, John
€ 9,00
Germany and the Germans: The United Germany in the Mid-1990s
John Ardagh
€ 8,00
Ardagh, John
€ 8,00
The New France - A Society in Transition 1945-1977
John Ardagh
€ 6,50
Ardagh, John
€ 6,50
Essais sur l'histoire de la mort en Occident du moyen âge à nos jours
Philippe Ariès
€ 6,00
Ariès, Philippe
€ 6,00
Britain Transformed. Development of British Society Since the Mid-eighteenth Century
V.T.J. Arkell
€ 5,00
Arkell, V.T.J.
€ 5,00
Nordic Paths to Modernity Paperback
Johann Pall Arnason e.a.
€ 20,00
Arnason, Johann Pall & Björk Wittrock
€ 20,00
Das Geographische Institut zu Weimar: Wissenschaft und Industrie
Helmut Arnhold
€ 6,00
Arnhold, Helmut
€ 6,00
The Historic Hotels of London. A Select Guide
Wendy Arnold
€ 8,00
Arnold, Wendy
€ 8,00
The Companion to British History
Charles Arnold-Baker
€ 15,00
Arnold-Baker, Charles
€ 15,00
Plaidoyer pour l'Europe décadente
Raymond Aron
€ 6,50
Aron, Raymond
€ 6,50
Unbounded Redaktör: the Eighteenth Century Mirrored by the Present
Kristoffer Arvidsson
€ 25,00
Arvidsson, Kristoffer
€ 25,00
Der Humanist Heinrich Loriti genannt Glarean 1488-1563. Beiträge zu seinem Leben und Werk
Rudolf u. a. Aschmann
€ 15,00
Aschmann, Rudolf u. a.
€ 15,00
History of the Present. Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s
Timothy Garton Ash
€ 10,00
Ash, Timothy Garton
€ 10,00
History of the Present: Essays, Sketches and Despatches from Europe in the 1990s
Timothy Garton Ash
€ 8,00
Ash, Timothy Garton
€ 8,00
Camelot and the Vision of Albion
Geoffrey Ashe
€ 10,00
Ashe, Geoffrey
€ 10,00
Mythology of the British Isles
Geoffrey Ashe
€ 9,00
Ashe, Geoffrey
€ 9,00
Lest we forget. War memorials
Peter Ashley
€ 5,00
Ashley, Peter
€ 5,00
Gossip in the first decade of Victoria's Reign
John Ashton
€ 15,00
Ashton, John
€ 15,00
The Rise Of Napoleon Bonaparte
Robert Asprey
€ 10,00
Asprey, Robert
€ 10,00
Große Reise ins Feuer: Die Geschichte einer deutschen Türkin
Seyran Ates
€ 6,00
Ates, Seyran
€ 6,00
Les dernières années de l'impératrice Eugénie
Octave Aubry
€ 5,00
Aubry, Octave
€ 5,00
La vie de Jean Jaurès ou la France d'avant 1914
Marcelle Auclair
€ 10,00
Auclair, Marcelle
€ 10,00
Erschliessung und Auswertung historischer Landkarten / Ontsluiting en Gebruik van historische Landkaarten.
Gerhard Aymans
€ 15,00
Aymans, Gerhard
€ 15,00
Porth and Rhondda Fach
Aldo Bacchetta e.a.
€ 9,00
Bacchetta, Aldo & Glyn Rudd
€ 9,00
Erinnerungen eines alten Publizisten und Politikers von Jul. Bachem
Jul. Bachem
€ 10,00
Bachem, Jul.
€ 10,00
De eeuw van Shakespeare. Toen Elizabeth regeerde. . .
Prof. Dr. A.G.H. Bachrach e.a.
€ 8,00
Bachrach, Prof. Dr. A.G.H. e.a.
€ 8,00
Une Éducation pour la démocratie : Textes et projets de l'époque révolutionnaire
Bronislaw Baczko
€ 12,50
Baczko, Bronislaw
€ 12,50
Baedekers Oberbayern. München, Oberbayern, Allgäu unterinntal mit Innsbruck Salzburg. Handbuch für Reisende. Mit 23 Karten, 16 Plänen und 2 Panoramen
Karl Baedeker
€ 10,00
Baedeker, Karl
€ 10,00
Berlin. Die Mauer
Christian Bahr
€ 5,00
Bahr, Christian
€ 5,00
Les Pyrénées au temps des Montreurs d'Ours
Claude Bailhé e.a.
€ 12,50
Bailhé, Claude & Paul Charpentier
€ 12,50
A Question of Honour: The Life of Lieutenant General Valentine Baker Pasha
Anne Baker
€ 8,00
Baker, Anne
€ 8,00
Richard Baker's London. A Theme with Variations
Richard Baker
€ 6,00
Baker, Richard
€ 6,00
Michel Bakounine et les conflits dans l'Internationale. 1872. la question Germano-Slave, le communisme de l'état. Écrits et matériaux
Michel Bakounine
€ 30,00
Bakounine, Michel
€ 30,00
Berlin: The Politics of Order 1737-1989
Alan Balfour
€ 10,00
Balfour, Alan
€ 10,00
Der Kaiser. Wilhelm II und seine Zeit
Michael Balfour
€ 8,00
Balfour, Michael
€ 8,00
De Rijn: biografie van een rivier
Hans Jürgen Balmes
€ 20,00
Balmes, Hans Jürgen
€ 20,00
Fifty Years of the Deutsche Mark: Central Bank and the Currency in Germany Since 1948
Ernst - and others Baltensperger
€ 30,00
Baltensperger, Ernst - and others
€ 30,00
The Drama of the Low Countries: Twenty Centuries of Civilization Between Seine and Rhine
Herman Balthazar e.a.
€ 25,00
Balthazar, Herman & Wim Blockmans - a.o.
€ 25,00
Divi Commodi Frater. Propaganda van een legitimatie van macht door Septimius
Severus tijdens de burgeroorlogen van 193-197
A. van Balveren
€ 15,00
Balveren, A. van
€ 15,00
The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the Temple
Malcolm Barber
€ 75,00
Barber, Malcolm
€ 75,00
King Arthur in Legend and History
Richard Barber
€ 6,00
Barber, Richard
€ 6,00
The Battle: A New History of Waterloo
Alessandro Barbero
€ 20,00
Barbero, Alessandro
€ 20,00
Portsmouth. History & Guide
Mark Bardell
€ 6,00
Bardell, Mark
€ 6,00
François van Aerssen. Diplomaat aan het Franse Hof, (1598-1613)
Dr. S. Barendrecht
€ 9,00
Barendrecht, Dr. S.
€ 9,00
Epos Van Het Brits Imperium 1900-2000
René Barendse
€ 10,00
Barendse, René
€ 10,00
La Révolution de 1789 et la pensée moderne
E. Barker
€ 12,50
Barker, E.
€ 12,50
The History of London in Maps
Felix Barker e.a.
€ 17,50
Barker, Felix & Peter Jackson
€ 17,50
Der große historische Atlas der Kelten
Ian Barnes
€ 12,50
Barnes, Ian
€ 12,50
Something to Declare
Julian Barnes
€ 10,00
Barnes, Julian
€ 10,00
Sheffield Steel
K. Barraclough
€ 5,00
Barraclough, K.
€ 5,00
Florence Observed
Andre Barret
€ 8,00
Barret, Andre
€ 8,00
Les fleuves de France: La Loire
Louis Barron
€ 15,00
Barron, Louis
€ 15,00
Paris Pittoresque. 1800 - 1900. La Vie - Les Moeurs - Les Plaisirs. Ouvrage orné de 500 reproductions d'estampes et de 20 gravures hors texte tirées en couleur
Louis Barron
€ 95,00
Barron, Louis
€ 95,00
Les Amis de la Marquise de Sablé: Recueil de Lettres des Principaux Habitués de Son Salon
Édouard de Barthélemy
€ 15,00
Barthélemy, Édouard de (Annotées et précédées d'une Introduction historique sur la Societé précieuse au XVIIe Siècle par)
€ 15,00
A Literary and Historical Atlas of Europe: with index, gazetteer, etc.
J.G. Bartholomew
€ 10,00
Bartholomew, J.G.
€ 10,00
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