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Categorie Film, Cinema & TV

Aantal gevonden boeken: 393

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Gevallen engel: leven en werk van Leni Riefenstahl
Thomas Leeflang
€ 6,00
Leeflang, Thomas
€ 6,00
Het Goede, Kwade en Slechte in het Wilde Westen
Thomas Leeflang
€ 6,00
Leeflang, Thomas
€ 6,00
De man achter het scherm. De televisie van Erik de Vries + DVD
Sonja de Leeuw
€ 8,00
Leeuw, Sonja de
€ 8,00
Great Movie Comedians
Leonard Maltin
€ 12,50
Leonard Maltin
€ 12,50
Handbook of Animation Techniques
Eli L. Levitan
€ 12,50
Levitan, Eli L.
€ 12,50
The new American cinema
Jon Lewis
€ 8,00
Lewis, Jon
€ 8,00
Open & bloot
Jan van Lieshout e.a.
€ 8,00
Lieshout, Jan van & C.Th. van Schaik & Hans de Cocq (tekeningen)
€ 8,00
Hollywood de jaren 30
Jack Lodge
€ 12,00
Lodge, Jack
€ 12,00
Star Wars episode I. The phantom menace het verhaal van de film.
George Lucas
€ 5,00
Lucas, George
€ 5,00
Brigitte bardot: een levende legende
Guus Luijters e.a.
€ 12,50
Luijters, Guus & Gerard Timmer
€ 12,50
Für die Liebe, für die Kunst: Stories ohne Kompromisse + CD
Clint Lukas
€ 8,00
Lukas, Clint
€ 8,00
Stan Laurel: Een biografie met foto's en dialogen
John Macgabe
€ 8,00
Macgabe, John
€ 8,00
Mobiele Filmexploitatie in Nederland 1895-1913: voorzover het mogelijk is deze te beschrijven en te analyseren aan de hand van de ontwikkeling te Nijmegen
Frank van der Maden
€ 45,00
Maden, Frank van der
€ 45,00
Hollywood and History. Costume Design in Film
Edward Maeder e.a.
€ 25,00
Maeder, Edward & Alicia Annas & Satch Lavalley & Elois Jenssen
€ 25,00
Marilyn: a biography
Norman Mailer
€ 8,00
Mailer, Norman
€ 8,00
Kate: the woman who was Hepburn
William Mann
€ 15,00
Mann, William
€ 15,00
Behind the scenes of Hindi cinema. A visual journey through the heart of Bollywood
Johan Manschot e.a.
€ 8,00
Manschot, Johan & Marijke Vos
€ 8,00
Brando: the biography
Peter Manso
€ 20,00
Manso, Peter
€ 20,00
Love Goddesses of the Movies
Roger Manuell
€ 10,00
Manuell, Roger
€ 10,00
The International Encyclopedia of Film
Dr. Roger Manvell
€ 20,00
Manvell, dr. Roger (editor)
€ 20,00
Musée du Cinéma Henri Langlois. 2 volumes in box: I) From the Origins to the Twenties; II) From German Expressionism to the Fifties
Huguette Marquand Ferreux
€ 225,00
Marquand Ferreux, Huguette
€ 225,00
Censored. What They Didn't Allow You to See, And Why The Story of Film Censorship in Britain
Tom Dewe Mathews
€ 12,50
Mathews, Tom Dewe
€ 12,50
George Lucas Companion. The Complete Guide to Hollywood's Most Influential Film-Maker
Howard Maxford
€ 12,00
Maxford, Howard
€ 12,00
The A-Z of Science Fiction and Fantasy Films
Howard Maxford
€ 15,00
Maxford, Howard
€ 15,00
Charlie Chaplin
John McCabe
€ 9,00
McCabe, John
€ 9,00
Mr. Laurel and Mr. Hardy: an Affectionate Biography
John McCabe
€ 5,00
McCabe, John
€ 5,00
Laurel & Hardy: The Official Record of the Greatest Comedy Team in Movie History
John McCabe e.a.
€ 10,00
McCabe, John & Al Kilgore
€ 10,00
The Cinema of Michael Haneke: Europe Utopia
Ben McCann e.a.
€ 12,50
McCann, Ben & David Sorfa
€ 12,50
The Films of Charlie Chaplin
Gerald D. McDonald e.a.
€ 8,00
McDonald, Gerald D. & Michael Conway & Mark Ricci
€ 8,00
Oliver Twist. The official companion to the itv drama series
Tom McGregor e.a.
€ 10,00
McGregor, Tom & Bleasdale, Alan (Foreword)
€ 10,00
The Six Shooter: Gray Steel starring James Stewart (2 volumes)
Elizabeth McLeod
€ 20,00
McLeod, Elizabeth (Program Guide)
€ 20,00
Move on...! 100 jaar animatiekunst
Judith van Meeuwen e.a.
€ 10,00
Meeuwen, Judith van & Robbert Roos
€ 10,00
Great lovers of the movies
Jane Mercer
€ 25,00
Mercer, Jane
€ 25,00
Great Lovers the movies
Jane Mercer
€ 25,00
Mercer, Jane
€ 25,00
Jacques Tati: een kwestie van kijken
Ann Meskens
€ 10,00
Meskens, Ann
€ 10,00
Bette Midler, a view from a broad
Bette Midler
€ 6,00
Midler, Bette
€ 6,00
Keaton: the Silent Features Close Up
Daniel Moews
€ 10,00
Moews, Daniel
€ 10,00
Monkhouse for Movie Maniacs
Bob Monkhouse
€ 10,00
Monkhouse, Bob
€ 10,00
Yves Montand
Joëlle Monserrat
€ 10,00
Monserrat, Joëlle
€ 10,00
Judy: The Films and Career of Judy Garland
Joe Morella e.a.
€ 9,00
Morella, Joe & Edward Z. Epstein
€ 9,00
Time zones recent film and video
Jessica Morgan
€ 10,00
Morgan, Jessica
€ 10,00
The John Travolta Scrapbook. An illustrated biography
Suzanne Munshower
€ 8,00
Munshower, Suzanne
€ 8,00
Waanzin en film (7 DVD SET)
Museum Dr. Guislain e.a.
€ 15,00
Museum Dr. Guislain & Fimfestival Gent
€ 15,00
Beleef de magie. Het boek bij de film: Fantastic beasts and where to find them
Ian Nathan
€ 10,00
Nathan, Ian
€ 10,00
Licht, camera, magie! Het boek bij de film Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Ian Nathan
€ 10,00
Nathan, Ian
€ 10,00
John Naughton e.a.
€ 8,00
Naughton, John & Smith, Adam
€ 8,00
Marlene Dietrich
Thierry de Navacelle
€ 6,00
Navacelle, Thierry de
€ 6,00
Marlene Dietrich
Thierry de Navacelle
€ 6,00
Navacelle, Thierry de
€ 6,00
Riccardo Nils
€ 8,00
Nils, Riccardo
€ 8,00
The Hollywood greats
Barry Norman
€ 8,00
Norman, Barry
€ 8,00
Film Posters of the 70s: Essential Posters of the Decade from the Reel Poster Gallery Collection
Tony Nourmand e.a.
€ 20,00
Nourmand, Tony & Graham Marsh
€ 20,00
Clint Eastwood: film-maker
Daniel O'Brien
€ 8,00
O'Brien, Daniel
€ 8,00
Hogan. The story of a son of Oz
James Oram
€ 8,00
Oram, James
€ 8,00
Skrien 10 jaar: met rooie oogjes
Wilfred Oranje
€ 12,50
Oranje, Wilfred (redactie)
€ 12,50
Cinema and Modernity
John Orr
€ 8,00
Orr, John
€ 8,00
Woody Allen, an illustrated biography
Myles Palmer
€ 8,00
Palmer, Myles
€ 8,00
The Cinema of Edward G. Robinson
James Robert Parish e.a.
€ 25,00
Parish, James Robert & Marill, Alvin H.
€ 25,00
John Parker
€ 8,00
Parker, John
€ 8,00
The Graham Greene Film Reader: Reviews, Essays, Interviews & Film Stories
David Parkinson
€ 12,50
Parkinson, David (editor)
€ 12,50
A Pictorial History of Sex in the Movies
Jeremy Pascall e.a.
€ 8,00
Pascall, Jeremy & Clyde Jeavons
€ 8,00
The book of spies and secret agents. Spies and secret agents in movies
Janet Pate
€ 10,00
Pate, Janet
€ 10,00
Alternate Oscars: One Critic's Defiant Choices for Best Picture, Actor and Actress - From 1927 to the Present
Danny Peary
€ 8,00
Peary, Danny
€ 8,00
The Hollywood interviews
Yann Perreau
€ 8,00
Perreau, Yann
€ 8,00
Fictioneel beeldamusement *Het amusementskarakter van bioscoop- en televisiefilms)
J.M. Peters
€ 6,00
Peters, J.M.
€ 6,00
The Films of Tom Hanks
Lee Pfeiffer e.a.
€ 8,00
Pfeiffer, Lee & Michael Lewis
€ 8,00
Incredible World Of 007: an Authorized Celebration of James Bond
Lee Pfeiffer e.a.
€ 8,00
Pfeiffer, Lee & Philip Lisa
€ 8,00
The Essential Bond: The Authorized Guide to the World of 007
Lee Pfeiffer e.a.
€ 6,00
Pfeiffer, Lee & Worrall, Dave
€ 6,00
Animation: 2D and Beyond
Jayne Pilling
€ 10,00
Pilling, Jayne
€ 10,00
Versus, esthetiek, filmsemiotiek, indentificatie (tijdschrift)
Emiel Poppe e.a.
€ 5,00
Poppe, Emiel e.a.
€ 5,00
The Art of the Film: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Dermot Power
€ 20,00
Power, Dermot
€ 20,00
Heart Throbs. Movie poster book
Tim Pulleine
€ 8,00
Pulleine, Tim
€ 8,00
The films of Paul Newman
Lawrence J. Quirk
€ 15,00
Quirk, Lawrence J.
€ 15,00
The Great Romantic Films. Fifty of the best-loved motion pictures from Smilin' Through to the present
Lawrence J. Quirk
€ 15,00
Quirk, Lawrence J.
€ 15,00
Cultures on celluloid
Keith Reader
€ 6,00
Reader, Keith
€ 6,00
Reel Art. Great Posters from the Golden Age of the Silver Screen
Stephen Rebello e.a.
€ 20,00
Rebello, Stephen & Richard Allen
€ 20,00
Filmfan (6 afleveringen)
€ 15,00
€ 15,00
Star Wars Episode I in woord en beeld
David West Reynolds
€ 10,00
Reynolds, David West
€ 10,00
John Ford's stagecoach: starring John Wayne
Richard J. Anobile
€ 8,00
Richard J. Anobile
€ 8,00
Doctor Who. The Secret Lives of Monsters
Justin Richards
€ 8,00
Richards, Justin
€ 8,00
Doctor Who. 365 Days of Memorable Moments and Impossible Things
Justin Richards e.a.
€ 15,00
Richards, Justin & Mark Morris
€ 15,00
The Japanese Movie - revised edition
Donald Richie
€ 17,50
Richie, Donald
€ 17,50
Vragen aan Het Klokhuis
Nico Richter
€ 6,00
Richter, Nico (omslagontwerp)
€ 6,00
Special effects: the history and technique
Richard Rickitt
€ 12,50
Rickitt, Richard
€ 12,50
River Phoenix: A Short Life
Brian J. Robb
€ 10,00
Robb, Brian J.
€ 10,00
Film als beeldend medium
Lon de Vries Robbé
€ 10,00
Robbé, Lon de Vries
€ 10,00
Marilyn Monroe: A Life on Film
David Robinson
€ 8,00
Robinson, David (introduction)
€ 8,00
AVRO 60 in beeld: Grepen uit een rijke omroephistorie
Rein van Rooij
€ 8,00
Rooij, Rein van (samenstelling) & Doeve, Eppo (tekeningen)
€ 8,00
The cinema of Federico Fellini
Stuart Rosenthal
€ 15,00
Rosenthal, Stuart
€ 15,00
James Dean
Sanford Roth e.a.
€ 15,00
Roth, Sanford & Beulah Roth
€ 15,00
Who was that masked man? The story of the Lone Ranger
David Rothel
€ 15,00
Rothel, David
€ 15,00
Movie Special Effects
Jeff Rovin
€ 10,00
Rovin, Jeff
€ 10,00
Hollywood de jaren 40
John Russell Taylor
€ 12,00
Russell Taylor, John
€ 12,00
	De zaak Jacopetti
Hans Saaltink
€ 12,50
Saaltink, Hans
€ 12,50
Octobriana and the Russian Underground
Peter Sadecky
€ 75,00
Sadecky, Peter
€ 75,00
The Making of Inspector Morse
Mark Sanderson
€ 8,00
Sanderson, Mark
€ 8,00
Charlie en Oona Chaplin, een leven vol liefde
Frederick Sands
€ 5,00
Sands, Frederick
€ 5,00
Charlie en Oona Chaplin, een leven vol liefde
Frederick Sands
€ 5,00
Sands, Frederick
€ 5,00
Luchino Visconti, cinéaste
Alain Sanzio e.a.
€ 10,00
Sanzio, Alain & Paul-Louis Thirard
€ 10,00
The Western Genre: From Lordsburg to Big Whiskey
John Saunders
€ 9,00
Saunders, John
€ 9,00
Paul Verhoeven. De geautoriseerde biografie
Rob van Scheers
€ 10,00
Scheers, Rob van
€ 10,00