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Categorie Film, Cinema & TV

Aantal gevonden boeken: 394

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Theo's last stand
Sandra den Hamer
€ 12,50
Hamer, Sandra den (voorwoord en samenstelling)
€ 12,50
Vrij en gebonden. Vijftig jaar NCRV
H. Algra e.a.
€ 5,00
Algra, H. - e.a.
€ 5,00
Book of the Cinema
Don Allen
€ 10,00
Allen, Don
€ 10,00
Rouben Mamoulian's Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, starring Fredric March
Richard J. Anobile
€ 10,00
Anobile, Richard J.
€ 10,00
The best of Buster. The classic comedy scenes direct from the films of Bustert Keaton
Richard J. Anobile
€ 6,00
Anobile, Richard J. (edited by)
€ 6,00
Luis Bunuel. Een kritische biografie
Francisco Aranda
€ 6,50
Aranda, Francisco
€ 6,50
Michael Aspel presents: lights, camera, action! A century of the cinema
Michael Aspel e.a.
€ 20,00
Aspel, Michael, Bilbow, Tony & Gau, John
€ 20,00
Noerejev als Valentino een film belicht
Alexander Balnd
€ 6,00
Balnd, Alexander
€ 6,00
Rediscovering French film
Mary Lea Bandy
€ 15,00
Bandy, Mary Lea
€ 15,00
The Muppet Show Book
Tudor Banus
€ 30,00
Banus, Tudor (layout and illustrations)
€ 30,00
The cinema of Robert Gardner
Ilisa Barbash
€ 12,50
Barbash, Ilisa
€ 12,50
Days of Thrills and Adventure. An affectionate pictorial history of the movie serial. . .  From the heydays of the '30s & '40s to the final curtain call in the mid '50s. . . From Ace Drummond to Zorro
Alan G. Barbour
€ 15,00
Barbour, Alan G.
€ 15,00
The night breed Cabal
Clive Barker
€ 8,00
Barker, Clive
€ 8,00
Sherlock Holmes on Screen: The Complete Film And TV History
Alan Barnes
€ 10,00
Barnes, Alan
€ 10,00
Ealing studios
Charles Barr
€ 20,00
Barr, Charles
€ 20,00
The movies of the eighties
Ron Base e.a.
€ 20,00
Base, Ron & Haslam, David
€ 20,00
Crime scenes. Movie poster art of the film noir. 100 Films illustrated. The cassic period 1941-1959
Lawrence Bassoff
€ 20,00
Bassoff, Lawrence
€ 20,00
Helio Oiticia: Quasi-Cinemas
Carlos Basualdo
€ 25,00
Basualdo, Carlos
€ 25,00
John Baxter
€ 10,00
Baxter, John
€ 10,00
Fellini. The biography
John Baxter
€ 10,00
Baxter, John
€ 10,00
That Lawyer Girl, the unauthorized guide to Ally's world
A.C. Beck
€ 5,00
Beck, A.C.
€ 5,00
Samuel Beckett
€ 10,00
Beckett, Samuel
€ 10,00
Hollywood's  Hollywood. The Movies about the Movies
Rudy Behlmer e.a.
€ 20,00
Behlmer, Rudy & Thomas, Tony
€ 20,00
De film van dichtbij. Close encounters of the third kind. Extra! Nr. 1. Poster 93 x 61 cm + Ufo info
Ernest D.P. Beneder e.a.
€ 5,00
Beneder, Ernest D.P. - e.a.
€ 5,00
Sports in the Movies
Ronald Bergan
€ 10,00
Bergan, Ronald
€ 10,00
Geld als water. Hollywood in de crisisjaren
Andrew Bergman
€ 5,00
Bergman, Andrew
€ 5,00
Wild Strawberries a film by Ingmar Bergman
Ingmar Bergman
€ 15,00
Bergman, Ingmar
€ 15,00
Charlie Chaplin, with 1090 illustrations
Maurice Bessy
€ 35,00
Bessy, Maurice
€ 35,00
Orson Welles
Maurice Bessy
€ 8,00
Bessy, Maurice
€ 8,00
The Incredible World of Spy-Fi Wild and Crazy Spy Gadgets, Props, and Artifacts from TV and the Movies
Danny Biederman
€ 9,00
Biederman, Danny
€ 9,00
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: Wie die Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll-Generation Hollywood rettete
Peter Biskind
€ 10,00
Biskind, Peter
€ 10,00
. . .de goede films komen er toch..!
C. Boost
€ 8,00
Boost, C.
€ 8,00
Kopstukken uit de twintigste eeuw: Chaplin
Charles Boost
€ 5,00
Boost, Charles
€ 5,00
Charles Boost
€ 5,00
Boost, Charles
€ 5,00
Jorens Ivens: 50 jaar wereldcineast
Charles Boost e.a.
€ 10,00
Boost, Charles - e.a.
€ 10,00
Een zakje voor de omroeper
Jan Boots
€ 6,00
Boots, Jan
€ 6,00
Wit licht. The making of
Marco Borsato
€ 5,00
Borsato, Marco
€ 5,00
Jean Cocteau: de Man achter de Spiegel: Cocteau als Mannenbeeld
Marcel Borsboom e.a.
€ 12,50
Borsboom, Marcel & Ferdi Brouwer & Peter Jansen & Manfred Salzgeber - en anderen
€ 12,50
Star Wars Episode I. The Making of the Phantom Menace
Laurent Bouzereau e.a.
€ 8,00
Bouzereau, Laurent & Jody Duncan
€ 8,00
Auf dem Rücken Amerikas: Eine Mythologie der neuen Welt im Western und Gangsterfilm
Hannes Böhringer
€ 9,00
Böhringer, Hannes
€ 9,00
Auf der Suche nach Einfachheit: Eine Poetik *SIGNED*
Hannes Böhringer
€ 12,50
Böhringer, Hannes
€ 12,50
Laurence Olivier
Melvyn Bragg
€ 12,00
Bragg, Melvyn
€ 12,00
The Elvis Film Encyclopedia. An impartial guide to the films of Elvis
Eric Braun
€ 15,00
Braun, Eric
€ 15,00
Shepperton Studios: a visual celebration
Morris Bright
€ 75,00
Bright, Morris
€ 75,00
The films of the sixties
Douglas Brode
€ 20,00
Brode, Douglas
€ 20,00
Dutch Film 85-86
Peter van Bueren
€ 5,00
Bueren, Peter van
€ 5,00
The War Film
Ivan Butler
€ 20,00
Butler, Ivan
€ 20,00
Sterren, mythen & legendenMarilyn
Marie Cahill
€ 6,00
Cahill, Marie
€ 6,00
Adventure & the Cinema
Ian Cameron e.a.
€ 8,00
Cameron, Ian & Sheridan Morley
€ 8,00
The films of Jean-Luc Godard
Ian Cameron
€ 10,00
Cameron, Ian (series edited and designed by)
€ 10,00
Hollywood, de jaren 70
David Castell
€ 12,00
Castell, David
€ 12,00
Het seksleven van de Hollywooddiva's: dromen en schandalen
Nigel Cawthorne
€ 5,00
Cawthorne, Nigel
€ 5,00
Legends of the silent screen. A collection of U.S. postage stamps.
Charles Champlin
€ 6,50
Champlin, Charles
€ 6,50
It's only a movie Alfred Hitchcock a personal biography
Charlotte Chandler
€ 10,00
Chandler, Charlotte
€ 10,00
s.m. Eisenstein
Jacques Charrière e.a.
€ 7,00
Charrière, Jacques & Abraham Ségal
€ 7,00
s.m. Eisenstein
Jacques Charrière e.a.
€ 9,00
Charrière, Jacques & Abraham Ségal
€ 9,00
Conversations with Losey
Michel Ciment
€ 12,50
Ciment, Michel
€ 12,50
The film year book 1983
Al Clark
€ 8,00
Clark, Al (ed)
€ 8,00
Film Almanak 1985
Al Clark
€ 6,00
Clark, Al (samenstelling)
€ 6,00
Film Almanak 1986
Al Clark
€ 6,00
Clark, Al (samenstelling)
€ 6,00
Animated films
James Clarke
€ 6,00
Clarke, James
€ 6,00
Fawlty Towers
John Cleese e.a.
€ 6,00
Cleese, John & Connie Booth
€ 6,00
Cagney: the story of his film career
Minty Clinch
€ 6,00
Clinch, Minty
€ 6,00
Anton Corbijn: Inside The American
Anton Corbijn
€ 20,00
Corbijn, Anton
€ 20,00
Greta Garbo
Richard Corliss
€ 5,00
Corliss, Richard
€ 5,00
Seventy Years of Cinema
Peter Cowie
€ 8,00
Cowie, Peter
€ 8,00
Dictionary of film quotations
Tony Crawley
€ 5,00
Crawley, Tony
€ 5,00
Keaton, the Man who Wouldn't Lie Down
Tom Dardis
€ 6,00
Dardis, Tom
€ 6,00
Simone Signoret of delen in herinnering
Catherine David
€ 6,00
David, Catherine
€ 6,00
Griffith and the rise of Hollywood
Paul O' Dell
€ 15,00
Dell, Paul O'
€ 15,00
The Hollywood Professionals Volume 5: King Vidor, John Cromwell, Mervyn Leroy
Clive Denton e.a.
€ 10,00
Denton, Clive & Kingsley Canham
€ 10,00
'Image' on the art and evolution of the film
Marshall Deutelbaum
€ 10,00
Deutelbaum, Marshall
€ 10,00
James Dean on Location
Marceau Devillers
€ 10,00
Devillers, Marceau
€ 10,00
Nieuwe doelen. Vijf voorbeelden van film- en televisiewetenschap
Karel Dibbets e.a.
€ 8,00
Dibbets, Karel - e.a.
€ 8,00
The Films of Marlene Dietrich
Homer Dickens
€ 12,00
Dickens, Homer
€ 12,00
The Films of Marlene Dietrich
Homer Dickens
€ 18,00
Dickens, Homer
€ 18,00
Verheffend vooruitstrevend verstrooiend: 75 jaar VARA. Jan Blokker, Koos Postema, Youp van 't Hek, Boudewijn Büch, J.J. Voskuil & vele anderen
Daan Dijksman
€ 8,00
Dijksman, Daan (samenstelling)
€ 8,00
From Hanoi to Hollywood. The Vietnam War in American Film
Linda Dittmar e.a.
€ 20,00
Dittmar, Linda & Gene Michaud
€ 20,00
Der niederländische Spielfilm der dreißiger Jahre und die deutsche Filmemigrations
Kathinka Dittrich van Weringh
€ 30,00
Dittrich van Weringh, Kathinka
€ 30,00
Films van Ernest Lubitsch
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Giganten van het Witte Doek
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Giganten van het witte doek. Les stars du paradis.
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Het aanzien van de speelfilm. De bewogen historie van het bewegend beeld
diverse auteurs
€ 8,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 8,00
Holland Animation Film Festival Catalogus november 1996
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Monsters en Co. Het handboek
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Soap encyclopedie
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
The big book of Topgear
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
The Marx Brothers Poster Book
diverse auteurs
€ 15,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 15,00
Cult films
Will Dodson
€ 8,00
Dodson, Will
€ 8,00
Hollywood Goes to War
Edward F. Dolan Jr.
€ 8,00
Dolan Jr., Edward F.
€ 8,00
Levende schaduwen, aantekeningen over film
A. van Domburg
€ 5,00
Domburg, A. van
€ 5,00
Of joy and sorrow: a filmography of Dutch silent fiction
Geoffrey Donaldson
€ 45,00
Donaldson, Geoffrey
€ 45,00
Cahiers du Cinéma (12 volumes)
Jacques - and others Doniol-Valcroze
€ 45,00
Doniol-Valcroze, Jacques - and others
€ 45,00
Machine Rendering II: The Book of Iron
Dopress Books
€ 15,00
Dopress Books
€ 15,00
Stradanje Ivane Orleanske
Carl Theodor Dreyen
€ 15,00
Dreyen, Carl Theodor
€ 15,00
Film en Magie
Dr. A. Dronkers
€ 7,50
Dronkers, Dr. A.
€ 7,50
Make it again, Sam: a survey of movie remakes
Michael B. Druxman
€ 12,00
Druxman, Michael B.
€ 12,00
Deanna Durbin bijgestaan door Melvyn Douglas in Bakvisch
Deanna - en anderen Durbin
€ 12,50
Durbin, Deanna - en anderen
€ 12,50
Pandaemonium. Ken Russell’s artist biographies as baroque performance
C.C.J. van Eecke
€ 15,00
Eecke, C.C.J. van
€ 15,00
Panzerkreuzer Potemkin. Szenarium
Sergei Eisenstein
€ 5,00
Eisenstein, Sergei
€ 5,00
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