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Categorie Edelstenen & Juwelen

Aantal gevonden boeken: 118

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Swarovski. Swarovski Chrystal Society: Jubileumuitgave 20 jaar SCS
Veenu Scheiderbauer
€ 8,00
Scheiderbauer, Veenu
€ 8,00
Jewelry Design Handbook: Le design des bijoux = Schmuckdesign = Juweelontwerp
Simone K. Schleifer
€ 15,00
Schleifer, Simone K.
€ 15,00
Europäischer Schmuck: Vom Historismus bis zum Jugendstil = European Jewellery: From Historism to Modern Style
Hans Schöner
€ 15,00
Schöner, Hans
€ 15,00
Introducing Beads
Mary Seyd
€ 10,00
Seyd, Mary
€ 10,00
Handcrafted Indian Enamel Jewellery
Rita Devi Sharma e.a.
€ 9,00
Sharma, Rita Devi & M. Varadarajan
€ 9,00
Il Design Cartier visto da Ettore Sottsass
Ettore Sottsass
€ 25,00
Sottsass, Ettore
€ 25,00
Cartier Design. Eine Inszenierung
Ettore Sottsass e.a.
€ 25,00
Sottsass, Ettore & Franco Cologni & Marie-Laurie Jousset & Eric Nussbaum & Mateo Kries & Alexander von Vegesack & Betty Jais & Jaqueline Karachi
€ 25,00
The Art of Silver Jewellery: From the Minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet: The René van der Star Collection
Rene van der Star
€ 30,00
Star, Rene van der
€ 30,00
Simply Jewelry: homemade pieces in copper and silver
R.W. Stevens
€ 6,00
Stevens, R.W.
€ 6,00
Jewelry 7000 Years: An International History and Illustrated Survey from the Collections of the British Museum
Hugh Tait
€ 25,00
Tait, Hugh (editor)
€ 25,00
Traditional Jewelry (Chinese Edition)
Wang Tang
€ 300,00
Tang, Wang
€ 300,00
Traditional Jewelry of India
Oppi Untracht
€ 65,00
Untracht, Oppi
€ 65,00
€ 9,00
€ 9,00
Egyptian Jewellery
Milada Vilimkova
€ 8,00
Vilimkova, Milada
€ 8,00
Het Licht van Zilver = The light of Silver
Yvonne Voorhout-van Eck
€ 12,50
Voorhout-van Eck, Yvonne (redactie)
€ 12,50
Gemstone Carving
Martin Walter
€ 30,00
Walter, Martin
€ 30,00
Juwelier van Willegen: de hoek om
Cécile Willegen e.a.
€ 8,00
Willegen, Cécile & Martijn van Willegen
€ 8,00
De Oudheid versierd. Sieraden uit de oudheid
Gisela Zahlhaas
€ 12,50
Zahlhaas, Gisela
€ 12,50