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Categorie Houtbewerking

Aantal gevonden boeken: 132

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De boekenplank
Hester Albach e.a.
€ 5,00
Albach, Hester - e.a.
€ 5,00
Restoring & finishing wood
Mick Allen
€ 10,00
Allen, Mick
€ 10,00
Smart Workshop Solutions. Building Workstations, Jigs, and Accessories to Improve Your Shop
Paul Anthony
€ 12,50
Anthony, Paul
€ 12,50
Contemporary Decoupage: Fresh Ideas for Gifts, Keepsakes and Home Furnishings
Linda Barker
€ 8,00
Barker, Linda
€ 8,00
Arts & Crafts Inspirations. 21 Furniture Projects
Robert Belke e.a.
€ 8,00
Belke, Robert & Bob
€ 8,00
Blizzard's book of Woodworking
Richard Blizzard
€ 6,00
Blizzard, Richard
€ 6,00
Houtbewerking basistechnieken: gids voor doe-het-zelvers
John Bowler
€ 5,00
Bowler, John
€ 5,00
Making Traditional Pull-Along Toys in Wood
Alan Bridgewater e.a.
€ 8,00
Bridgewater, Alan & Gill
€ 8,00
Making Traditional Pull-Along Toys in Wood
Alan Bridgewater e.a.
€ 8,00
Bridgewater, Alan & Gill
€ 8,00
Carving Totem Poles & Masks
Alan Bridgewater e.a.
€ 9,00
Bridgewater, Alan & Gill Bridgewater
€ 9,00
Power Tool Woodcarving
Alan Bridgewater e.a.
€ 8,00
Bridgewater, Alan & Gill Bridgewater
€ 8,00
Woodturning Traditional Folk Toys
Alan Bridgewater e.a.
€ 15,00
Bridgewater, Alan & Gill Bridgewater
€ 15,00
Painted Wood Projects in the Pennsylvania Folk Art Style
Laan Bridgewater e.a.
€ 9,00
Bridgewater, Laan & Gill Bridgewater
€ 9,00
Traditional Toys: Over 20 Classic Toy Designs for Making in Wood
George Buchanan
€ 12,50
Buchanan, George
€ 12,50
Woodcarver's Problem Solver: Tricks, Tips and Shortcuts
Graham R. Bull
€ 9,00
Bull, Graham R.
€ 9,00
Wind Toys That Spin, Sing, Twirl & Whirl - Wind Chimes, Windsocks, Banners, Whirligigs, Mobiles and Wind Vanes
Cindy Burda
€ 8,00
Burda, Cindy
€ 8,00
Woodcarving: A Complete Course
Ron Butterfield
€ 9,00
Butterfield, Ron
€ 9,00
Glossary of terms relating to Timber and Woodwork. Singapore standard 173:1977 (UDC 001,4 634 674 694)
diverse auteurs
€ 15,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 15,00
Kinderspeelgoed om zelf te maken - deel 2
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Selecting and using hand tools
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
The woodcarvers
diverse auteurs
€ 12,50
Diverse auteurs
€ 12,50
Werken met wasknijperhoutjes van A-Z
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Handboek houtbewerken: een systematische handleiding voor vakmensen, doe-het-zelvers en hobbyisten: geïllustreerd naslagwerk
Andrew Duncan
€ 6,00
Duncan, Andrew
€ 6,00
Painting & Decorating Birdhouses: 22 Step-By-Step Projects to Beautify Your Home and Garden
Dorothy Egan
€ 8,00
Egan, Dorothy
€ 8,00
Hang- en sluitwerk en kramerijen voor meubelmakers te dienste van het nijverheidsonderwijs. Tekst + platen (2 delen)
J.W. Evers e.a.
€ 40,00
Evers, J.W. & J.H. Strasters
€ 40,00
Speelgoed van takkenhout
Hans Fasold
€ 5,00
Fasold, Hans
€ 5,00
Speelgoed van takkenhout
Hans Fasold
€ 5,00
Fasold, Hans
€ 5,00
Traditions in Wood. A History of Wildfowl Decoys in Canada
Patricia Fleming e.a.
€ 45,00
Fleming, Patricia & Carpenter, Thomas (editor)
€ 45,00
From Bauhaus to Birdhouse: Imaginative Housing for the Feathered Community
Leslie Garisto
€ 9,00
Garisto, Leslie
€ 9,00
The new birdhouse book: inspiration and instruction for building 30 birdhouses
Leslie Garisto
€ 15,00
Garisto, Leslie
€ 15,00
Desmond Gaston's Care and Repair of Furniture
Desmond Gaston
€ 9,00
Gaston, Desmond
€ 9,00
Woodwork Class: Cabinet Making
Vicenc Gilbert e.a.
€ 9,00
Gilbert, Vicenc & Josep Lopez
€ 9,00
Woodwork Class: Marquetry
Vicenc Gilbert e.a.
€ 9,00
Gilbert, Vicenc & Josep Lopez & Jordi Ordonez
€ 9,00
Tunbridge Ware
Margaret A. Gill
€ 5,00
Gill, Margaret A.
€ 5,00
Die Technik des Drechselns
Jürgen Gombert
€ 10,00
Gombert, Jürgen
€ 10,00
Houtsoorten voor nieuwe bossen in Nederland
C.P. van Goor
€ 5,00
Goor, C.P. van
€ 5,00
Versieren met houtkrullen
Hannes Grauwiller
€ 5,00
Grauwiller, Hannes
€ 5,00
Versieren met houtkrullen
Hannes Grauwiller
€ 5,00
Grauwiller, Hannes
€ 5,00
Houtsnijwerk: een cursus in het omgaan met en bewerken van verschillende houtsoorten
Guy de Grave
€ 5,00
Grave, Guy de
€ 5,00
Wood: Craft, Culture, History
Harvey Green
€ 10,00
Green, Harvey
€ 10,00
Timmeren. Houten dingen maken
McOhee Gribble e.a.
€ 5,00
Gribble, McOhee & David Lancashire
€ 5,00
Maak het zelf met zaag en hamer
Fred Gross
€ 5,00
Gross, Fred
€ 5,00
Doe eens wat met houtspaan en houtband
Elisabeth Hammer
€ 5,00
Hammer, Elisabeth
€ 5,00
Doe eens wat met houtspaan en houtband
Elisabeth Hammer
€ 5,00
Hammer, Elisabeth
€ 5,00
Maak het zelf! Houtbewerkingsmachine. Draaibank - Cirkelzaag - Boor-, Slijp- en Polijstmachine
Handig bekeken
€ 15,00
Handig bekeken (samengesteld onder redactie van)
€ 15,00
Zaag 'ns door. Een boek vol figuurzaagmodellen
Grietje Hartman e.a.
€ 5,00
Hartman, Grietje & Ellen Lens
€ 5,00
Zaag 'ns door. Een boek vol figuurzaagmodellen
Grietje Hartman e.a.
€ 6,00
Hartman, Grietje & Ellen Lens
€ 6,00
Wood Carving: Practical Instructions, Examples and Designs, with 1,146 Working Drawings and Photographic Illustrations
Paul N. Hasluck
€ 45,00
Hasluck, Paul N. (editor)
€ 45,00
Jack Hill's Country Furniture: Complete plans and instructions for building twelve classic projects
Jack Hill
€ 8,00
Hill, Jack
€ 8,00
Veneering Simplified
Harry Jason Hobbs
€ 12,50
Hobbs, Harry Jason
€ 12,50
How to Make Play Houses
Peter Holland
€ 8,00
Holland, Peter
€ 8,00
Wooden toys
Anthony Hontoir
€ 25,00
Hontoir, Anthony
€ 25,00
Make Your Own Wooden Toys
Burke Jeff e.a.
€ 10,00
Jeff, Burke & Fiona Nevile & Ron Fuller & Dik Garrood
€ 10,00
Finishing & Refinishing Wood: Techniques & Projects for Fine Wood Finishes
Mark Johanson
€ 15,00
Johanson, Mark (editor)
€ 15,00
Finishing & Refinishing Wood: Techniques & Projects for Fine Wood Finishes
Mark Johanson
€ 10,00
Johanson, Mark (editor)
€ 10,00
Wooden Toys And Crafts
Andrew Jones
€ 8,00
Jones, Andrew (editor)
€ 8,00
G. Kaptein e.a.
€ 30,00
Kaptein, G. & A. Bol
€ 30,00
Designing & making wooden toys
Terry Kelly
€ 20,00
Kelly, Terry
€ 20,00
Birdhouses: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Attractive Homes for Your Feathered Friends
John Kelsey
€ 15,00
Kelsey, John
€ 15,00
Handleiding (voornamelijk tot zelf-onderricht) voor den timmerman
J.A. van der Kloes
€ 150,00
Kloes, J.A. van der
€ 150,00
Balsa Wood Projects
Thorstein Kristinsson
€ 15,00
Kristinsson, Thorstein
€ 15,00
Attics, Dormers, and Skylights: For Pros by Pros
Susan Lampe-Wilson
€ 10,00
Lampe-Wilson, Susan (lay-out)
€ 10,00
Klein houtwerk zelf maken
J.I.M. Langemeijer
€ 5,00
Langemeijer, J.I.M.
€ 5,00
Doe-het-zelf stap-voor-stap Speelprojecten in de tuin. Veilig, duurzaam en makkelijk zelf te bouwen
Mike Lawrence
€ 8,00
Lawrence, Mike
€ 8,00
Houtwerk in tuin en patio: schuttingen, tuinmeubels, tuinhuisjes, vlonders en andere projecten
Mike Lawrence
€ 8,00
Lawrence, Mike
€ 8,00
Turning Wooden Toys
Terry Lawrence
€ 12,50
Lawrence, Terry
€ 12,50
Knoppen & handgrepen
Frank de Leeuwerik
€ 5,00
Leeuwerik, Frank de
€ 5,00
Branden en schilderen in hout
Rudolf Lumm
€ 8,00
Lumm, Rudolf
€ 8,00
The Art of Elegant Wood Kitchenware
Tony Lydgate
€ 9,00
Lydgate, Tony
€ 9,00
Woodworking 101 for Women: How to Speak the Language, Buy the Tools & Build Fabulous Furniture from Start to Finish
Marilyn MacEwen
€ 10,00
MacEwen, Marilyn
€ 10,00
Woodworking 101 for Women: How to Speak the Language, Buy the Tools & Build Fabulous Furniture from Start to Finish
Marilyn MacEwen
€ 8,00
MacEwen, Marilyn
€ 8,00
Fine Furniture for the Amateur Cabinetmaker
Andrew W. Marlow
€ 10,00
Marlow, Andrew W.
€ 10,00
Woodworking tools & techniques: an introduction to basic woodworking
Chris Marshall
€ 12,00
Marshall, Chris
€ 12,00
Incra Jig. Project & Techniques
Perry McDaniel
€ 10,00
McDaniel, Perry
€ 10,00
Build Your Own Router Tables
John McPherson
€ 10,00
McPherson, John
€ 10,00
Finish Carpentry
Jim McRae
€ 8,00
McRae, Jim (editor)
€ 8,00
The Table Saw Book. Completely Revised and Updated
Kelly Mehler
€ 15,00
Mehler, Kelly
€ 15,00
Beds: Outstanding Projects from One of Americas Best Craftsmen - With plans and complete instructions for building 9 classic beds
Jeff Miller
€ 10,00
Miller, Jeff
€ 10,00
Bird boxes and feeders. Stylish designs for attracting birds. 11 step-by-step woodworking projects
Stephen Moss e.a.
€ 8,00
Moss, Stephen & Bridgewater, Alan & Bridgewater, Gill
€ 8,00
Woodshop Dust Control: A Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Own System
Sandor Nagyszalanczy
€ 12,50
Nagyszalanczy, Sandor
€ 12,50
Folk Art Weather Vanes: Authentic American Patterns for Wood and Metal
John A. Nelson
€ 8,00
Nelson, John A.
€ 8,00
Werken met houtspaan
Lena Nessle
€ 5,00
Nessle, Lena
€ 5,00
Werken met houtspaan
Lena Nessle
€ 5,00
Nessle, Lena
€ 5,00
Wooden toys. Step-by-step plans for over 50 colourful toys
Ingvar Nielson
€ 8,00
Nielson, Ingvar
€ 8,00
Das Drechslerbuch
Dale L. Nish
€ 9,00
Nish, Dale L.
€ 9,00
Birds from Wood: Making Decoys and Other Birds
Hugh O'Neill
€ 9,00
O'Neill, Hugh
€ 9,00
Woodsies, vrolijke vormen van hout
Marianne Perlot
€ 5,00
Perlot, Marianne
€ 5,00
Home how-to handbook: Trim
Rick Peters
€ 6,00
Peters, Rick
€ 6,00
Libbe Postma
€ 5,00
Postma, Libbe
€ 5,00
Turning Wood with Richard Raffan
Richard Raffan
€ 8,00
Raffan, Richard
€ 8,00
The art of Fine Woodturning. Projects & inspiration for every turner
S. Gary Roberts
€ 10,00
Roberts, S. Gary
€ 10,00
Greg Woodard's Art of Bird Sculpture Wood, Bronze & Clay
Kurt M. Robinette
€ 15,00
Robinette, Kurt M.
€ 15,00
Hout arbeid. Beknopt handboek ten dienste van het onderwijs in handenarbeid en zelfondericht
J.H. Roggeveen
€ 45,00
Roggeveen, J.H.
€ 45,00
Klein speelgoed van triplex
C.J. van en  J.C. Roy
€ 30,00
Roy, C.J. van en J.C.
€ 30,00
Holzbemalen und andere Ziertechniken
Christian Rubi
€ 10,00
Rubi, Christian
€ 10,00
Turning Miniatures in Wood
John A. Sainsbury
€ 15,00
Sainsbury, John A.
€ 15,00
Fins berketriplex
H.E. Savola
€ 20,00
Savola, H.E. (voorwoord)
€ 20,00
Wood: the world of woodwork and carving
Bryan Sentance
€ 20,00
Sentance, Bryan
€ 20,00
Wood: the world of woodwork and carving
Bryan Sentance
€ 15,00
Sentance, Bryan
€ 15,00
Handleiding tot het figuurzagen: vraagbaak voor den Dillettant
H.W. Sinderam
€ 10,00
Sinderam, H.W.
€ 10,00