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Categorie Patchwork & Quilten

Aantal gevonden boeken: 180

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Cat Quilts and Crafts
LaVera Langeman
€ 8,00
Langeman, LaVera
€ 8,00
Here Comes Winter. Quilted Projects to Warm Your Home
Jeanne Large e.a.
€ 10,00
Large, Jeanne & Shelley Wicks
€ 10,00
'Tis the Autumn Season. Fall Quilts and Decorating Projects
Jeanne Large e.a.
€ 8,00
Large, Jeanne & Shelly Wicks
€ 8,00
Quilts: Amish & Mennonites
Jacques Legeret
€ 15,00
Legeret, Jacques
€ 15,00
From the Cover. 15 Memorable Projects for Quilt Lovers
Mary Lehman Austin
€ 10,00
Lehman Austin, Mary
€ 10,00
Country living's country quilts
Eleanor Levie e.a.
€ 9,00
Levie, Eleanor & Mary Seehafer Sears & Jennifer Place
€ 9,00
Lively little quilt blocks: 26 step-by-step patterns
Joyce Libal
€ 6,00
Libal, Joyce
€ 6,00
More weekend Quilts. 19 classic quilts to make with shortcuts and quick techniques
Leslie Linsley
€ 15,00
Linsley, Leslie
€ 15,00
The Quiltmakers. Eight workshops from the very best
Pam Lintott
€ 12,50
Lintott, Pam
€ 12,50
Patchwork. Gevarieerd lapjeswerk. Inspirerende voorbeelden met duidelijke werkbeschrijving.
Henriette Lisman-Mijnhardt
€ 6,00
Lisman-Mijnhardt, Henriette (Nederlandse bewerking)
€ 6,00
Machine-Embroidered Quilts. Creating with Colorful Stitches
Jennifer Lokey
€ 10,00
Lokey, Jennifer
€ 10,00
The quilter's guild collection. Contemporary quilts, heritage inspiration
Bridget Long
€ 10,00
Long, Bridget
€ 10,00
Year-Round Quilting With Patrick Lose. 24+ Projects to Celebrate the Seasons
Patrick Lose
€ 10,00
Lose, Patrick
€ 10,00
Burda Patchwork: quils & applicaties (6 afleveringen)
Véronique - en anderen Maksud
€ 10,00
Maksud, Véronique - en anderen
€ 10,00
Christmas Memories: A Folk Art Celebration
Nancy J. Martin
€ 8,00
Martin, Nancy J.
€ 8,00
Make Room for Quilts: Beautiful Decorating Ideas from Nancy J. Martin
Nancy J. Martin
€ 9,00
Martin, Nancy J.
€ 9,00
Fast Fusible Quilts. Cross-stitch quilts made easy
Terry Martin
€ 6,00
Martin, Terry
€ 6,00
Picture quilts
Joan Masters
€ 10,00
Masters, Joan
€ 10,00
Stashbusters. Featuring the Controlled Scrappy Technique - 9 quilt projects!
Sarah Maxwell e.a.
€ 12,50
Maxwell, Sarah & Delores Smith
€ 12,50
Marsha McCloskey's Quick Classic Quilts. Four-Patches to Feathered Stars
Marsha R. McCloskey
€ 10,00
McCloskey, Marsha R.
€ 10,00
In the Pines. A Forest of Paper-Pieced Quilts 12 Easy and Accurate Patterns
Carolyn Cullinan McCormick
€ 10,00
McCormick, Carolyn Cullinan
€ 10,00
Finders Keepers Quilts. A Rare Cache of Quilts from the 1900s. 16 Projects - Historic, Reproduction & Modern Interpretations
Edie McGinnis e.a.
€ 12,50
McGinnis, Edie & Susan Knapp
€ 12,50
Magnificent Spiral Mandala Quilts + cd-rom
RaNae Merrill
€ 15,00
Merrill, RaNae
€ 15,00
Stained Glass Quilt - Can be made for the first time (Lesson series)
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Fabric Play. Change the Fabric, Change the Quilt
Deanne Moore
€ 6,00
Moore, Deanne
€ 6,00
The Quilters Guild Collection: Contemporary Quilt, Heritage Inspiration
A. Morgan
€ 8,00
Morgan, A.
€ 8,00
A Sewn Vintage Lifestyle. 20 Pieced, Appliqued and Embroidered Projects for Quilts and More
Verna Mosquera
€ 8,00
Mosquera, Verna
€ 8,00
Appliques with style
Mary Mulari
€ 10,00
Mulari, Mary
€ 10,00
Fresh Cuts. 25 quilts & crafts. Fun Quilt Techniques and Color Concepts
Debbie Mumm
€ 10,00
Mumm, Debbie
€ 10,00
Patchwork zoo
Sara Nephew
€ 12,00
Nephew, Sara
€ 12,00
Easy Collection. Best of Fons & Porter. 28 Terrific quilts that are simple & cuick!
Jean Nolte
€ 12,50
Nolte, Jean (editor)
€ 12,50
Patchworks du Rouvray
Diane de Obaldia
€ 12,50
Obaldia, Diane de
€ 12,50
Patchwork op piepschuim en foamboard, met patronen
Gerda Oosterheert
€ 5,00
Oosterheert, Gerda
€ 5,00
De quilttechniek
Dorothy Osler
€ 6,00
Osler, Dorothy
€ 6,00
Victorian Patchwork
Freda Parker
€ 12,50
Parker, Freda
€ 12,50
Quilt Block Leftovers. Clever Uses for Spare Squares
Sarah Philipps
€ 12,00
Philipps, Sarah
€ 12,00
Quilts voor de kinderkamer
Karin Pieterse
€ 9,00
Pieterse, Karin
€ 9,00
Lighthouses of New England
Connie Rand
€ 10,00
Rand, Connie
€ 10,00
Botanical Wreaths: Nature's Glory in Applique
Laura Munson Reinstatler
€ 10,00
Reinstatler, Laura Munson
€ 10,00
Fabric memory books: techniques, projects, inspiration
Lesley Riley
€ 12,50
Riley, Lesley
€ 12,50
Innovative Machine Quilting
Hettie Risinger
€ 8,00
Risinger, Hettie
€ 8,00
Quilts for Girls and Boys
Barbara Ann Roberts
€ 8,00
Roberts, Barbara Ann
€ 8,00
Applicaties. Met duidelijke patronen
Jennifer Rollins
€ 5,00
Rollins, Jennifer
€ 5,00
Patchwork machine
Jocelyne de Roy e.a.
€ 12,50
Roy, Jocelyne de & Suzanne, Marie-Anne
€ 12,50
Wine Country Quilts. A Bounty of Flavorful Projects for Any Palette
Cyndy Lyle Rymer e.a.
€ 10,00
Rymer, Cyndy Lyle & Rounds, Jennifer
€ 10,00
A Modern Approach to Patchwork
Linda Schäpper
€ 6,00
Schäpper, Linda
€ 6,00
Frayed-Edge Fun. 10 cozy quilts
Evelyn Sloppy
€ 10,00
Sloppy, Evelyn
€ 10,00
Big-print Quilts. 15 Projects Using Large-Scale Fabrics
Karen Snyder
€ 8,00
Snyder, Karen
€ 8,00
Quilts from my Garden: 20 Projects with Recipes Fresh from the Garden
Karen Snyder
€ 10,00
Snyder, Karen
€ 10,00
Quilting. A practical guide to quilting and patchwork with techniques, charts & beautiful projects
Isabel Stanley e.a.
€ 15,00
Stanley, Isabel & Watson, Jenny
€ 15,00
Lots of Scraps: It's Time to Quilt
Jeanne Stauffer
€ 10,00
Stauffer, Jeanne
€ 10,00
The ultimate collection of classic quilt blocks
Jeanne Stauffer
€ 12,00
Stauffer, Jeanne
€ 12,00
Patchwork en quilten
Helen Stenfert Kroese
€ 5,00
Stenfert Kroese, Helen
€ 5,00
Clever quilts encore
Susan Teegarden Dissmore
€ 10,00
Teegarden Dissmore, Susan
€ 10,00
Square Dance. Fancy Quilts from Plain Squares
Martha Thompson
€ 8,00
Thompson, Martha
€ 8,00
Embroidery Machine Essentials Quilting Techniques + CD-rom
Linda Turner Griepentrog
€ 6,00
Turner Griepentrog, Linda
€ 6,00
Quilts en Quilten. Patchwork, applicatie, Zaans stikwerk en borduurwerk
Lesley Turpin-Delport
€ 6,00
Turpin-Delport, Lesley
€ 6,00
Lap & Throw Quilts. Every style from contemporary to traditional!
Carolyn S. - a.o. Vagts
€ 8,00
Vagts, Carolyn S. - a.o.
€ 8,00
The Angel Book. A Collection of Angel Designs
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Traditional Quilts. A Book of Postcards
€ 8,00
€ 8,00
Rose Verney
€ 8,00
Verney, Rose
€ 8,00
The appliqué book
Rose Verney
€ 15,00
Verney, Rose
€ 15,00
Patchwork quilts: ontwerpen en uitvoeren
Ankie Vytopil-Diemer
€ 6,00
Vytopil-Diemer, Ankie
€ 6,00
Patchwork kleurengids. Praktische gids voor het kiezen en combineren van motieven en patronen
Anne Walker
€ 5,00
Walker, Anne
€ 5,00
Good Housekeeping patchwork and appliqué
Michele Walker
€ 5,00
Walker, Michele
€ 5,00
Lapptäcken: komposition sömnad
Michele Walker
€ 9,00
Walker, Michele
€ 9,00
Classic Quilts Contemporary Style
Rieko Washizawa
€ 15,00
Washizawa, Rieko
€ 15,00
24-hour Baby Quilts
Rita Weiss
€ 8,00
Weiss, Rita
€ 8,00
The Patchworker's Sewing Machine Quilt
Rita Weiss
€ 6,00
Weiss, Rita
€ 6,00
Basic Beauties. Easy Quilts For Beginners
Eileen Westfall
€ 6,00
Westfall, Eileen
€ 6,00
Geometric Gems. Quilts from Diamonds, Circles, and Squares
Cathy Wierzbicki
€ 10,00
Wierzbicki, Cathy
€ 10,00
Classic Quilts: Tradition with a Twist: 13 Sensational Patchwork & Appliqué Patterns
Rosemary Wilkinson
€ 10,00
Wilkinson, Rosemary
€ 10,00
Quick Quilts. Large & Small. 20 fast and fabulous quilts for the home
Rosemary Wilkinson
€ 20,00
Wilkinson, Rosemary
€ 20,00
Super Quick Colourful Quilts. 20 Sparkling Designs for Fast Quilts
Rosemary Wilkinson
€ 15,00
Wilkinson, Rosemary
€ 15,00
Lapjeswerk voor iedereen
I.G. Winter-Osephius
€ 5,00
Winter-Osephius, I.G.
€ 5,00
Applique at play: 19 sports blocks to mix and match
DeElda Wittmack
€ 8,00
Wittmack, DeElda
€ 8,00
Making your own patchwork and quilting
Isabel Dibden Wright
€ 8,00
Wright, Isabel Dibden
€ 8,00
Spotlight on Neutrals. Quilts and More for Any Decor
Pat Wys
€ 10,00
Wys, Pat
€ 10,00
Fresh From The Clothesline. Quilts and Small Projects with Vintage Appeal
Darlene Zimmerman
€ 12,50
Zimmerman, Darlene
€ 12,50
First Steps in Patchwork, Quilting and Applique
Joen Zinni-Lask
€ 8,00
Zinni-Lask, Joen
€ 8,00