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Categorie Borduren & Kruissteek

Aantal gevonden boeken: 249

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Needlepoint designs over 20 original patterns from Brittain's foremost mural artist
Graham Rust
€ 20,00
Rust, Graham
€ 20,00
Borduurpatronen om eindeloos mee te varieren
Amelia Saint George
€ 10,00
Saint George, Amelia
€ 10,00
Wit en zwart. Technieken van borduurwerk
Astrid Sandvold e.a.
€ 10,00
Sandvold, Astrid & Lange-Nielsen, Dagrun
€ 10,00
Over merklappen gesproken...  De geschiedenis van de Nederlandse merklap vooral belicht vanuit Noord-Nederland
M.G.A. Schipper-van Lottum
€ 8,00
Schipper-van Lottum, M.G.A.
€ 8,00
Kreuzstichmuster, Teil 2. Aus der Sammlung des Landschaftsmuseums Schloss Trautenfels und der Abteilung für Kunstgewerbe am Steiermärkischen Landesmuseum Joanneum
Elisabeth Schneider
€ 5,00
Schneider, Elisabeth
€ 5,00
Toy Dogs
Stephanie Seabrook Hedgepath
€ 6,00
Seabrook Hedgepath, Stephanie
€ 6,00
Stitch at Home. Over 20 Handmade Fabric and Embroidery Projects
Mandy Shaw
€ 10,00
Shaw, Mandy
€ 10,00
Embroidered Jewellery
Shirley Anne Sherris
€ 10,00
Sherris, Shirley Anne
€ 10,00
Amsterdam in kruisjes = Amsterdam in cross-stitch
Atie Siegenbeek van Heukelom
€ 10,00
Siegenbeek van Heukelom, Atie
€ 10,00
Laat ons niet in de steek
Atie Siegenbeek van Heukelom
€ 8,00
Siegenbeek van Heukelom, Atie
€ 8,00
English Historical Embroidery
Barbara Snook
€ 15,00
Snook, Barbara
€ 15,00
Decorative cross-stitch alphabets
Christina Sperandeo
€ 10,00
Sperandeo, Christina
€ 10,00
Quick & Easy (7 issues)
Ruth - and others Spolton
€ 10,00
Spolton, Ruth - and others
€ 10,00
8-Colour Country Cross-Stitch
Sarah Stevenson
€ 12,50
Stevenson, Sarah
€ 12,50
Jul. Mönster
S Suard
€ 5,00
Suard, S
€ 5,00
Fabric Paper Thread. 26 Projects to Stitch with Friends
Kristen Sutcliffe
€ 8,00
Sutcliffe, Kristen
€ 8,00
Borduren: wit op wit
Elsie Svennas
€ 12,50
Svennas, Elsie
€ 12,50
Ayrshire and other whitework
Margaret Swain
€ 5,00
Swain, Margaret
€ 5,00
Decorating sweaters with duplicate stitch. 60 Gorgeous designs. One easy embroidery technique
Nola Theiss
€ 8,00
Theiss, Nola
€ 8,00
Sew and Stitch Embroidery. 20+ Simple Sewing Projects With 30+ Fresh Embroidery Designs
Alyssa Thomas
€ 10,00
Thomas, Alyssa
€ 10,00
Stitch: the magazine for creative stitchers! (29 issues)
Katty Troup
€ 30,00
Troup, Katty (editor)
€ 30,00
African Needlepoint Designs. Charted for easy use
Diana Oliver Turner
€ 6,00
Turner, Diana Oliver
€ 6,00
Beyers Handarbeitsvorlagen für Schule und Haus. Nr. 57: Einfache Zierstichkanten
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Bibliotheque DMC: Motifs Precolombiens
€ 20,00
€ 20,00
Cross Stitch Greeting Cards: over 130 original designs
€ 8,00
€ 8,00
Genefas 2. En punto de cruz
€ 5,00
€ 5,00
Skandinaviska Korsstygn
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Stickbuch: manuel de broderies - Jubiläums-Ausgabe/Edition Jubilée
€ 10,00
€ 10,00
Punto Assisi e Punto Scritto: Ancora Filati da Ricamo
Various authors
€ 10,00
Various authors
€ 10,00
Alte ungarische Stickerei
Maria Varju-Ember
€ 10,00
Varju-Ember, Maria
€ 10,00
Cross Stitch Cards & Keepsakes: 100 cards & gifts for every occasion
Jo Verso
€ 12,00
Verso, Jo
€ 12,00
Jo Verso's Complete Cross Stitch Course
Jo Verso
€ 10,00
Verso, Jo
€ 10,00
Merklapmotieven nieuwe stijl met meer dan 200 telpatronen
Guusanke Vogt
€ 9,00
Vogt, Guusanke
€ 9,00
Toegepast borduren
Marjola de Vries
€ 10,00
Vries, Marjola de
€ 10,00
Small flowers iron-on transfers
Mary Carolyn Waldrep
€ 5,00
Waldrep, Mary Carolyn
€ 5,00
Vor Tids Korssting
Gertie Wandel
€ 15,00
Wandel, Gertie
€ 15,00
Embroidery Stitches
Mary Webb
€ 8,00
Webb, Mary
€ 8,00
Sharon Welch's Cross-stitch Cards: Over 80 Easy-to-make Designs
Sharon Welch
€ 8,00
Welch, Sharon
€ 8,00
Sharon Welch's Cross-stitch Cards: Over 80 Easy-to-make Designs
Sharon Welch
€ 8,00
Welch, Sharon
€ 8,00
Borduurblad (18 afleveringen)
Marieke - en anderen Wever
€ 20,00
Wever, Marieke - en anderen
€ 20,00
Hand-Stitched Samplers from I Done My Best. 9 Delightful and Quick Projects
Saundra White
€ 6,00
White, Saundra
€ 6,00
Chemises à broder
Laurence Wichegrod e.a.
€ 5,00
Wichegrod, Laurence & Bayard, Marie-Noëlle
€ 5,00
Een eerste kennismaking met zwartborduurwerk
Lesley Wilkins
€ 15,00
Wilkins, Lesley
€ 15,00
The Elsa Williams needleart collection
Elsa Williams
€ 5,00
Williams, Elsa
€ 5,00
Crewel Embroidery
Erica Wilson
€ 8,00
Wilson, Erica
€ 8,00
Cross stitch designs for beginners
Mansfield Wilson
€ 5,00
Wilson, Mansfield, Carol
€ 5,00
The ultimate cross stitch companion. An ecyclopedia of techniques and inspirational ideas with over 150 step by step projects
Dorothy Wood
€ 15,00
Wood, Dorothy
€ 15,00
Kadootjes in kruissteek
Sigrid Wortmann
€ 5,00
Wortmann, Sigrid
€ 5,00
The DMC book of cross stitch and counted thread work
Eleanor van Zandt
€ 10,00
Zandt, Eleanor van
€ 10,00
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