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Categorie Bloemen & Planten

Aantal gevonden boeken: 428

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Biology and Management of Orobanche: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Orobanche and Related Striga Research
Arnold Pieterse
€ 45,00
Pieterse, Arnold
€ 45,00
Carnivorous Plants of the World
James Pietropaolo e.a.
€ 20,00
Pietropaolo, James & Patricia Pietropaolo
€ 20,00
Alles over orchideeen
Jorn Pinske
€ 5,00
Pinske, Jorn
€ 5,00
Emeralds: 1000 Green Flowers and 500 Choice Green Foliage Plants
Karen Platt
€ 10,00
Platt, Karen
€ 10,00
Silver Lining: 2400 Silver Plants for the Garden
Karen Platt
€ 15,00
Platt, Karen
€ 15,00
Pictorial Flora of Israel (Hebrew edition)
Uzi Plitmann e.a.
€ 45,00
Plitmann, Uzi & Clara Heyn & Avinoam Danin & Avishai Shmida
€ 45,00
Wild Flowers of Rhodesia: A Guide to Some of the Common Wild Flowers of Rhodesia
D.C.H. Plowes e.a.
€ 9,00
Plowes, D.C.H. & R.B. Drummond
€ 9,00
Geneeskrachtige plantengids in kleur. 315 natuurgetrouwe kleurenfoto's en 70 botanische tekeningen
Dieter Podlech
€ 6,00
Podlech, Dieter
€ 6,00
Zauberhafte Alpenblumen
Alfred Pohler
€ 6,00
Pohler, Alfred
€ 6,00
Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar
R.M. Polhill
€ 45,00
Polhill, R.M.
€ 45,00
Bloemen en planten van Europa - 2e druk
Oleg Polunin
€ 10,00
Polunin, Oleg
€ 10,00
The Green Florilegium = Das Grüne Florilegium
Hanne Kolind Poulsen
€ 65,00
Poulsen, Hanne Kolind
€ 65,00
Wildflowers along the Alaska Highway: from Dawson Creek, BC to Delta Junction AK and on to Fairbanks, AK
Verna E. Pratt
€ 10,00
Pratt, Verna E.
€ 10,00
PROSEA. Plant Resources of South-East Asia. Volume 15 (1) Cryptogams. Algae
W.F. Prud'homme van Reine e.a.
€ 40,00
Prud'homme van Reine, W.F. & G.C. Trono Jr (editors)
€ 40,00
Simple Flowers
Paula Pryke
€ 9,00
Pryke, Paula
€ 9,00
Flower Colour Theory
Darroch Putnam
€ 20,00
Putnam, Darroch
€ 20,00
The Living Collection
David Rae
€ 15,00
Rae, David
€ 15,00
Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven Pflanzen. Botanik, Ethnopharmakologie und Anwendung
Christian Rätsch
€ 85,00
Rätsch, Christian
€ 85,00
Pierre-Joseph Redouté
€ 8,00
Redouté, Pierre-Joseph
€ 8,00
The Planthunter: Truth, Beauty, Chaos, and Plants
Georgina Reid
€ 15,00
Reid, Georgina
€ 15,00
De roos
Ann Reilly
€ 10,00
Reilly, Ann
€ 10,00
Rosenbüchlein. Die Rose in der Poesie und Kunst
Bertha Reinhart
€ 150,00
Reinhart, Bertha
€ 150,00
Growing orchids. The specialist orchid grower
J. N. Rentoul
€ 10,00
Rentoul, J. N.
€ 10,00
Discovering annuals
Graham Rice
€ 6,00
Rice, Graham
€ 6,00
For Love of a Rose: story of the creation of the famous Peace Rose
Antonia Ridge
€ 8,00
Ridge, Antonia
€ 8,00
Irmtraud Rieck e.a.
€ 65,00
Rieck, Irmtraud & Friedrich Hertle
€ 65,00
Atlas van de Noord-Hollandse flora
Bas van de Riet e.a.
€ 9,00
Riet, Bas van de & Hans van der Goes - en anderen
€ 9,00
Weed management in the humid and sub-humid tropics
P.J. van Rijn
€ 10,00
Rijn, P.J. van
€ 10,00
Vormsnoei. Topiary: vormbomen, plantsierkunst
Patricia Riley Hammer
€ 6,00
Riley Hammer, Patricia
€ 6,00
Common Grasses of the Northern Cape = Algemene grasse van Noord-Kaapland
B.R. Roberts e.a.
€ 20,00
Roberts, B.R. & J.H. Fourie
€ 20,00
Tropische Planten met inbegrip van bomen, struiken en voedselgewassen
Jens G. Rohwer
€ 17,50
Rohwer, Jens G.
€ 17,50
Focus on Flowers: Discovering and Photographing Beauty in Gardens and Wild Places
Allen Rokach e.a.
€ 10,00
Rokach, Allen & Anne Millman
€ 10,00
Svalbards Flora
Olaf I. Ronning
€ 20,00
Ronning, Olaf I.
€ 20,00
Orchid: The Fatal Attraction
Anne Ronse
€ 15,00
Ronse, Anne
€ 15,00
The love of roses - From myth to modern culture
Graham Rose e.a.
€ 8,00
Rose, Graham & King, Peter
€ 8,00
J. Arthur Harris. Botanist and Biometrician
C.O. - a.o. . Rosendahl
€ 10,00
Rosendahl, C.O. - a.o. (ed.).
€ 10,00
Giftpflanzen, Pflanzengifte: Giftplanzen van A-Z; Notfallhilfe; Allergische und phototoxische Reaktionen - 4. überarbeitete Auflage
Lutz Roth e.a.
€ 12,50
Roth, Lutz & Max Daunderer & Kur Kormann
€ 12,50
Wild Flowers of South Africa - New Edition
J.P. Rourke
€ 10,00
Rourke, J.P. (revised by)
€ 10,00
Botanie: Een studie uit louter nieuwsgierigheid
Jean Jacques Rousseau e.a.
€ 15,00
Rousseau, Jean Jacques & J.P. Redouté (illustraties)
€ 15,00
Het nieuwe vaste planten boek
Mien Ruys
€ 45,00
Ruys, Mien
€ 45,00
Geneeskrachtige en giftige planten
U. Rüdt
€ 5,00
Rüdt, U.
€ 5,00
Alpenbloemen 1
Walter Rytz
€ 5,00
Rytz, Walter
€ 5,00
Fleurs des Alpes (2 volumes)
Walter Rytz
€ 8,00
Rytz, Walter
€ 8,00
Howard Schatz
€ 10,00
Schatz, Howard
€ 10,00
Elseviers nieuwe plantengids: Beschrijving van meer dan 1400 plantensoorten die in Nederland, België en aangrenzende landen voorkomen
Th. Schauer e.a.
€ 8,00
Schauer, Th. & C. Caspari
€ 8,00
Unsere Heilpflanzen in Bild und Wort für Jedermann ( 2 volumes)
Schimpfky. Richard
€ 75,00
Schimpfky. Richard
€ 75,00
Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. Populäre Vorträge
Dr. M.J. Schleiden
€ 20,00
Schleiden, Dr. M.J.
€ 20,00
Waldo L. Schmitt
€ 8,00
Schmitt, Waldo L.
€ 8,00
Extraordinary Leaves
Dennis Schrader
€ 15,00
Schrader, Dennis
€ 15,00
Maîtres fleuristes de la Suisse = Meisterfloristen der Schweiz
Nicole Schroers Von Boletzky
€ 20,00
Schroers Von Boletzky, Nicole
€ 20,00
Margot Schubert
€ 5,00
Schubert, Margot
€ 5,00
The Plant Kingdoms of Charles Jones
Sean Sexton e.a.
€ 9,00
Sexton, Sean & Robert Flynn Johnson
€ 9,00
Wild flowers of Greece
George Sfikas
€ 5,00
Sfikas, George
€ 5,00
Architectural Plants
Christine Shaw
€ 10,00
Shaw, Christine
€ 10,00
Plants of Yellowstone and Grand  Teton National Parks
Richard J. Shaw
€ 6,00
Shaw, Richard J.
€ 6,00
Description & Classification of Vegetation
David W. Shimwell
€ 10,00
Shimwell, David W.
€ 10,00
Onze tuin: siertuin, moestuin, vruchtentuin
K Siderius
€ 10,00
Siderius, K
€ 10,00
Plantentypen III: zomerbloemen
K Siderius
€ 12,50
Siderius, K
€ 12,50
Plantentypen II: Meibloemen
K. Siderius
€ 20,00
Siderius, K.
€ 20,00
Kleine plantenatlas. Inleiding tot de kennis der flora van Nederland en daarbuiten
A. van Slooten
€ 60,00
Slooten, A. van
€ 60,00
Cacti and Succulents. A Complete Guide to Species, Cultivation and Care
Gideon F. Smith
€ 15,00
Smith, Gideon F.
€ 15,00
The Book of Seeds: A lifesize guide to six hundred species from around the world
Paul Smith
€ 80,00
Smith, Paul
€ 80,00
Green Roof Plants: A Resource and Planting Guide
Edmund C. Snodgrass
€ 8,00
Snodgrass, Edmund C.
€ 8,00
Het kweeken van chrysanten
C. Spaargaren Dz.
€ 5,00
Spaargaren Dz., C.
€ 5,00
The Audubon Society Pocket Guides:  Familiar Flowers of North America. Eastern Region
Richard Spellenberg
€ 5,00
Spellenberg, Richard
€ 5,00
The Little Book of Orchids
David Squire
€ 5,00
Squire, David
€ 5,00
F.A.W. Miquel, Netherlands botanist
F.A. Stafleu
€ 8,00
Stafleu, F.A.
€ 8,00
The Flora of Barro Colorado Island Panama
Paul C. Standley
€ 15,00
Standley, Paul C.
€ 15,00
Paul Starosta e.a.
€ 10,00
Starosta, Paul & Crouzet, Yves
€ 10,00
Paul Starosta e.a.
€ 6,00
Starosta, Paul & Michel Paul
€ 6,00
Weeds of Alberta
W.A. Stearman
€ 12,50
Stearman, W.A.
€ 12,50
John Lindley 1799-1865. Gardener - Botanist and Pioneer Orchidologist
William T. Stearn
€ 10,00
Stearn, William T. (ed.)
€ 10,00
Nieuwe Plantengids: 900 soorten
Wilfried Stichmann e.a.
€ 8,00
Stichmann, Wilfried & Ursula Stichmann-Marny
€ 8,00
Plant Invaders: Beautiful, But Dangerous: a Guide to the Identification and Control of Twenty-Six Plant Invaders of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope
Charles Stirton
€ 9,00
Stirton, Charles
€ 9,00
Plant Invaders: Beautiful, But Dangerous: a Guide to the Identification and Control of Twenty-Six Plant Invaders of the Province of the Cape of Good Hope
Charles Stirton
€ 10,00
Stirton, Charles
€ 10,00
Vijf en twintig jaren mutatietheorie
Theo J. Stomps
€ 5,00
Stomps, Theo J.
€ 5,00
Historical Plant Geography: an Introduction
Philip Stott
€ 9,00
Stott, Philip
€ 9,00
Wild Flowers of South Africa
Struik Publishers
€ 9,00
Struik Publishers
€ 9,00
Reintroduction of plant species: shifting settings
Roeland J. Strykstra
€ 10,00
Strykstra, Roeland J.
€ 10,00
Flora von Deutschland in Abbildungen nach der Natur (9 volumes)
J. Sturm
€ 20,00
Sturm, J.
€ 20,00
Geïllustreerde zakflora: handleiding tot het bepalen van de in Nederland wildgroeiende planten, in aansluiting met de werken der Nederlandsch-Botanische Vereniging
Dr. W.F.R. Suringar e.a.
€ 8,00
Suringar, Dr. W.F.R. & Dr. L. Vuyck (bewerking)
€ 8,00
W.F.R. Suringar e.a.
€ 10,00
Suringar, W.F.R. & HJ Calkoen (bewerking)
€ 10,00
Wilde Bloemen In Europa
David Sutton
€ 5,00
Sutton, David
€ 5,00
Living with Flowers
Nico De Swert e.a.
€ 10,00
Swert, Nico De & Kathleen Hackett
€ 10,00
Collins Guide to Bulbs
Patrick M. Synge
€ 8,00
Synge, Patrick M.
€ 8,00
Common Veld and Pasture Grasses of Natal
N.M. Tainton e.a.
€ 12,50
Tainton, N.M. & D.I. Bransby & P. deV Booysen
€ 12,50
Die wunderbare Welt des Bambus
Shinji Takama
€ 12,50
Takama, Shinji
€ 12,50
Climbing Plants
Jane Taylor
€ 8,00
Taylor, Jane
€ 8,00
Jane Taylor
€ 5,00
Taylor, Jane
€ 5,00
Native orchids of Peninsula Malaysia
Chris K. H. Teo
€ 17,50
Teo, Chris K. H.
€ 17,50
Orchids for tropical gardens
Chris K.H. Teo
€ 8,00
Teo, Chris K.H.
€ 8,00
Plants of Hong Kong
S.L. Thrower
€ 5,00
Thrower, S.L.
€ 5,00
Ecophysiology of the Sand Sedge Carex Arenaria L.
T. Tietema
€ 15,00
Tietema, T.
€ 15,00
Handbook of Botswana Acacias
Jonathan Timberlake
€ 15,00
Timberlake, Jonathan
€ 15,00
Pasture and Range Plants
G.W. - and others Tomanek
€ 15,00
Tomanek, G.W. - and others
€ 15,00
Creatief in de tuin: Alles over buxus
Gerda Tornieporth
€ 5,00
Tornieporth, Gerda
€ 5,00
Harry van Trier e.a.
€ 10,00
Trier, Harry van & Didier Hermans & Hugo Maertens (fotografie)
€ 10,00
Thieme's tuinplantengids
Jan Tykac
€ 5,00
Tykac, Jan
€ 5,00
Flora Africana. South African Botanical Books/Suid-Afrikaanse Plantkundige Boeke 1600-1963
W. Tyrrel=Glynn
€ 12,50
Tyrrel=Glynn, W.
€ 12,50
A Passion for Systems : Linneaus and the Dream of Order in Nature Schmitz, Helene; Uddenberg, Nils; Lövgren, Håkan and Puryear, Rachelle
Nils Uddenberg
€ 45,00
Uddenberg, Nils
€ 45,00