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Categorie Mode, Kostuums & Verzorging

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Chapeau, Chapeaux! Hoeden 1650-1960 = Hats 1650-1960
Bianca Mortier
€ 9,00
Mortier, Bianca, M. du (samenstelling)
€ 9,00
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam: Mode kleren mode
Jan Aarntzen e.a.
€ 8,00
Aarntzen, Jan & Liesbeth Crommelin - e.a.
€ 8,00
Makara: peinture sur visage
Marinette Adam
€ 6,00
Adam, Marinette
€ 6,00
The art of hair colouring
David Adams
€ 20,00
Adams, David
€ 20,00
Fashion Jewellery: Catwalk and Couture
Maia Adams
€ 9,00
Adams, Maia
€ 9,00
Franz West: In & Out
Götz Adriani
€ 30,00
Adriani, Götz
€ 30,00
The Fibrearts Book of Wearable Art
Katherine Duncan Aimone
€ 8,00
Aimone, Katherine Duncan
€ 8,00
The Bikini: A Cultural History
Patrick Alac
€ 15,00
Alac, Patrick
€ 15,00
The Bikini: A Cultural History
Patrick Alac
€ 20,00
Alac, Patrick
€ 20,00
Costumes tt Parures du Maroc
Rachida Alaoui
€ 110,00
Alaoui, Rachida
€ 110,00
Nicky Albrechtsen e.a.
€ 20,00
Albrechtsen, Nicky & Fola Solanke
€ 20,00
Russian Folk Costume: Sergey Glebushkin Private Collection
€ 45,00
€ 45,00
Les accessoires du costume et du mobilier depuis le treizième jusqu'au milieu du dixneuvième siècle (3 volumes in 2)
H.R. d' Allemagne
€ 225,00
Allemagne, H.R. d'
€ 225,00
Showing your colors. Disigner's guide to color: cooadinating your wardrobe
Jeanne Allen
€ 8,00
Allen, Jeanne
€ 8,00
Hats: A History of Fashion in Headwear
Hilda Amphlett
€ 30,00
Amphlett, Hilda
€ 30,00
A History of Fashion
J. Anderson Black e.a.
€ 30,00
Anderson Black, J. & Garland, Madge
€ 30,00
Brillen: vom Gebrauchsartikel zum Kultobjekt = Spectacles: Utility: from Utility Article and Cult Object
Bernd Michael Andressen
€ 8,00
Andressen, Bernd Michael
€ 8,00
Winning: The Design of Sports
Susan Andrews
€ 8,00
Andrews, Susan (editor)
€ 8,00
Winning: The Design of Sports
Susan Andrews
€ 8,00
Andrews, Susan (editor)
€ 8,00
Crowning Achievements: African Arts of Dressing the Head
Mary Jo Arnoldi e.a.
€ 17,50
Arnoldi, Mary Jo & Christine Mullen Kreamer
€ 17,50
Kostuum 2008
Gieneke Arnolli
€ 10,00
Arnolli, Gieneke
€ 10,00
Folkdräkter och bygdedräkter fran hela Sverige
Inga Arnö-Berg e.a.
€ 45,00
Arnö-Berg, Inga & Hazelius-Berg, Gunnel
€ 45,00
Black Beauty
Ben Arogundade
€ 15,00
Arogundade, Ben
€ 15,00
Black Beauty
Ben Arogundade
€ 15,00
Arogundade, Ben
€ 15,00
Missoni: Made in Italy
Leonardo Arte
€ 30,00
Arte, Leonardo
€ 30,00
Leonardo Arte
€ 25,00
Arte, Leonardo
€ 25,00
Marlies Dekkers
Jos Arts
€ 6,50
Arts, Jos
€ 6,50
Mode in Nederland
Jos Arts e.a.
€ 10,00
Arts, Jos & Els de Baan & José Teunissen (redactie)
€ 10,00
Vlisco: textiel voor Afrika
Jos Arts e.a.
€ 30,00
Arts, Jos & José Teunissen
€ 30,00
Kevyn Aucoin: A Beautiful Life - The Success, Struggles and Beauty Secrets of a Legendary Makeup Artist
Kevyn Aucoin
€ 10,00
Aucoin, Kevyn
€ 10,00
Ons Amsterdam. Special: Kleding in Amsterdam
Peter-Paul de Baar
€ 8,00
Baar, peter-Paul de
€ 8,00
Anders gekleed, anders gedragen. Drie Antwerpse kerken openen hun kleerkast
Claire Baisier
€ 8,00
Baisier, Claire
€ 8,00
William - and others Baker
€ 25,00
Baker, William - and others
€ 25,00
Legendary Brides: From the Most Romantic Weddings Ever, Inspired Ideas for Today's Brides
Letitia Baldrige
€ 9,00
Baldrige, Letitia
€ 9,00
Nigeria in Costume
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
€ 15,00
Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa (foreword)
€ 15,00
En vogue! Mode uit Frankrijk en Nederland in de achttiende eeuw
P.G. Ballestores
€ 18,00
Ballestores, P.G.
€ 18,00
Tartan Charm: From Braveheart To Burberry
Banks Banks
€ 17,50
Banks, Jeffrey Banks, Jeffrey
€ 17,50
Lidové kroje Slovácka
Ludvik Baran e.a.
€ 45,00
Baran, Ludvik & Stanková, Jitka
€ 45,00
Lanvin. Magier der Mode
Elisabeth Barillé
€ 8,00
Barillé, Elisabeth
€ 8,00
Norman Parkinson: A Very British Glamour
Louise Baring
€ 30,00
Baring, Louise
€ 30,00
Technieken voor de mode-illustrator
Colin Barnes
€ 12,00
Barnes, Colin
€ 12,00
Roberto Cavalli
Fabien - and others Baron
€ 80,00
Baron, Fabien - and others
€ 80,00
Stylists: New Fashion Visionaries
Katie Baron
€ 9,00
Baron, Katie
€ 9,00
Berlin Fashion: Metropole der Mode
Nadine: Barth
€ 10,00
Barth, Nadine:
€ 10,00
The Scarf
Andrew Baseman
€ 8,00
Baseman, Andrew
€ 8,00
Dressed to Kill: Jazz Age Fashion from Virginia's
Virginia Bates e.a.
€ 45,00
Bates, Virginia & Daisy Bates
€ 45,00
Fashion. The mirror of history
Michael Batterberry e.a.
€ 30,00
Batterberry, Michael & Ariane Batterberry
€ 30,00
Art Deco Fashion
Martin Battersby
€ 12,50
Battersby, Martin
€ 12,50
Alexey Brodovitch
Gabriel Bauret
€ 8,00
Bauret, Gabriel
€ 8,00
Splendeur des costumes du monde. Exposition présentée au musée de l'homme
Dominique Bazin
€ 6,00
Bazin, Dominique
€ 6,00
Storie di maschere
Gina Bellot e.a.
€ 8,00
Bellot, Gina & Vivia Benini & Carla Benini (illustrazioni di)
€ 8,00
Pants: a History Afoot
Laurence Benhaim
€ 12,50
Benhaim, Laurence
€ 12,50
Pants: a History Afoot
Laurence Benhaim
€ 12,50
Benhaim, Laurence
€ 12,50
Pants: a History Afoot
Laurence Benhaim
€ 19,00
Benhaim, Laurence
€ 19,00
Contemporary Fashion. Klederdracht in een nieuwe jas
Jolanda van den Berg
€ 15,00
Berg, Jolanda van den
€ 15,00
De macht van mode: over ontwerp en betekenis
N. van den Berg e.a.
€ 10,00
Berg, N. van den & Jan Brand - en anderen
€ 10,00
Bikini: eine Enthüllungsgeschichte
Beate Berger
€ 9,00
Berger, Beate
€ 9,00
Classic Clothes: A Practical Guide to Dressmaking
René Bergh
€ 8,00
Bergh, René
€ 8,00
Doris Betz & Anna Peisl: 'Scotty, Madonna und die Anderen'; Manuel Vilhena: 'Arabian Nights'; Estonia: 'spatialPalace'; Marta de Wit: 'Finale 1'
Liesbeth den Besten
€ 8,00
Besten, Liesbeth den
€ 8,00
Kosmetiek voor de man
Rob Betlem
€ 8,00
Betlem, Rob
€ 8,00
A Pictorial History of Costume
Dorine van den Beukel
€ 10,00
Beukel, Dorine van den
€ 10,00
Messengers Style
Philippe Bialobos
€ 90,00
Bialobos, Philippe
€ 90,00
La conversation des objets: Ou les confidences d'un collectionneur
Michel Biehn e.a.
€ 15,00
Biehn, Michel & Bruno Suet (photography)
€ 15,00
City Fashion Paris
Christine Anna Bierhals
€ 8,00
Bierhals, Christine Anna
€ 8,00
Fashion: Prêt-à-porter, Haute Couture, Street Wear, Casual
Christine Anna Bierhals
€ 8,00
Bierhals, Christine Anna
€ 8,00
Nederlandsche kleederdragten en zeden en gebruiken
Valentyn Bing e.a.
€ 10,00
Bing, Valentyn & Braet von Ueberfeldt
€ 10,00
Fashion Body Cult = Mode Körper Kult
Elke Bippus e.a.
€ 10,00
Bippus, Elke & Dorothea Mink
€ 10,00
Fashion Body Cult = Mode Körper Kult
Elke Bippus e.a.
€ 8,00
Bippus, Elke & Dorothea Mink
€ 8,00
Fairie-ality: The Ellwand Collection
Eugenie Bird
€ 8,00
Bird, Eugenie
€ 8,00
Perfect Style of Jane B.: Fashion, Beauty, Love, Works - All about Jane Birkin
Jane Birkin
€ 20,00
Birkin, Jane
€ 20,00
Celia Birtwell
Celia Birtwell e.a.
€ 30,00
Birtwell, Celia & Dominic Lutyens
€ 30,00
A History of Fashion - 2nd edition
Anderson Black e.a.
€ 10,00
Black, Anderson & Madge Garland
€ 10,00
100 Jaar Mooie Mannen
Cally Blackman
€ 8,00
Blackman, Cally
€ 8,00
One Hundred Years of Menswear
Cally Blackman
€ 25,00
Blackman, Cally
€ 25,00
1999Antonio Berardi
Tamsin Blanchard
€ 8,00
Blanchard, Tamsin
€ 8,00
Christa de Carouge: Habit - Habitat
Werner Blaser e.a.
€ 50,00
Blaser, Werner & Lars Müller
€ 50,00
Franck Sorbier: la couture corps et âme
Viviane Blassel
€ 75,00
Blassel, Viviane (texte) & Patrick Gries (photographies)
€ 75,00
Ståten & nyttan : folkliga kläder och textila traditioner i södra Småland
Birgitta Blixt e.a.
€ 35,00
Blixt, Birgitta & Håkan Liby &Berit Eldvik
€ 35,00
Roberto Capucci: Art into Fashion
Dilys E. Blum
€ 25,00
Blum, Dilys E.
€ 25,00
Die Mode: eine Kulturgeschichte (3 volumes)
Max von Boehn
€ 15,00
Boehn, Max von
€ 15,00
Boldoot 1789-1939: 1 mei: 150 jaar
Boldoot Amsterdam
€ 12,50
Boldoot Amsterdam
€ 12,50
Renaissance & Medieval Costume
Camille Bonnard
€ 8,00
Bonnard, Camille
€ 8,00
Dames- en meisjesbovenkleding
J.T. Bonthond
€ 5,00
Bonthond, J.T.
€ 5,00
Joan Sutherland Design for a Prima Donna *SIGNED*
R. Bonynge
€ 600,00
Bonynge, R.
€ 600,00
De kaalheid voorbij. Praktisch handboek voor de kalende man
Drs. Raymond Borger e.a.
€ 6,00
Borger, drs. Raymond & Hanssen, Henk
€ 6,00
Net Mode: Web Fashion Now
Laird Borrelli
€ 8,00
Borrelli, Laird
€ 8,00
Klederdrachten Collectie Hare Majesteit Koningin Wilhelmina 1948 - 1973
E. Bosch-van de Kolk
€ 6,00
Bosch-van de Kolk, E.
€ 6,00
Klederdrachtencollectie Koningin Wilhelmina. Een kwart eeuw verzamelen
E. Bosch-van de Kolk e.a.
€ 6,00
Bosch-van de Kolk, E. & Duyvetter, J.
€ 6,00
Before You Put That on: 365 Daily Style Tips for Her
Lloyd Boston
€ 10,00
Boston, Lloyd
€ 10,00
Stephen Jones: Het Accent Op Mode
Hamish - en anderen Bowles
€ 10,00
Bowles, Hamish - en anderen
€ 10,00
Koninklijk gekleed. Wilhelmina 1880-1962
Elisabeth van Braam e.a.
€ 8,00
Braam, Elisabeth van & Eelco Elzenga
€ 8,00
SportsTech: Revolutionary Fabrics, Fashion & Design: Revolutionary Fabrics, Fashion and Design
Sarah E. Braddock e.a.
€ 15,00
Braddock, Sarah E. & Marie O'Mahony
€ 15,00
Wedded Bliss: The Marriage of Art and Ceremony
Paula Bradstreet Richter
€ 20,00
Bradstreet Richter, Paula (editor)
€ 20,00
The Decorated Body
Robert Brain
€ 7,50
Brain, Robert
€ 7,50
The Decorated Body
Robert Brain
€ 8,00
Brain, Robert
€ 8,00
Skin Deep: Steps Towards Great Skin
Frederic Brandt
€ 8,00
Brandt, Frederic
€ 8,00
Skin Deep: Steps Towards Great Skin
Frederic Brandt
€ 8,00
Brandt, Frederic
€ 8,00
Lingerie: bekende ontwerpen uit de 20e eeuw
Karen W. Bressler e.a.
€ 8,00
Bressler, Karen W. & Karoline Newman & Gillian Proctor
€ 8,00
The London Look: Fashion from Street to Catwalk
Christopher Breward e.a.
€ 15,00
Breward, Christopher & Edwina Ehrman & Caroline Evans
€ 15,00
English children's costume since 1775
Iris Brooke
€ 8,00
Brooke, Iris
€ 8,00
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