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Categorie Meubelen & Interieur

Aantal gevonden boeken: 575

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Het groot decoratie en doe-het-zelf boek
Mike Lawrence
€ 6,50
Lawrence, Mike
€ 6,50
The complete decorating & home improvement book: ideas & techniques for decorating your home - a complete step-by-step guide.
Mike Lawrence
€ 8,00
Lawrence, Mike
€ 8,00
Kitchens. A Design Sourcebook
Vinny Lee
€ 10,00
Lee, Vinny
€ 10,00
China Modern
Sharon Leece e.a.
€ 12,50
Leece, Sharon & A. Chester Ong (photographs)
€ 12,50
Aujourd'hui s'installer en Louis XIII, Louis XIV
Colette Lehmann
€ 10,00
Lehmann, Colette
€ 10,00
The Inspired Home: Interiors of Deep Beauty
Karen Lehrman Bloch
€ 15,00
Lehrman Bloch, Karen
€ 15,00
Beknopte geschiedenis der meubelkunst
R. Lemaire
€ 8,00
Lemaire, R.
€ 8,00
Beknopte geschiedenis van de meubelkunst
R. Lemaire
€ 8,00
Lemaire, R.
€ 8,00
Off the wall: wonderful wall coverings of the twentieth century
Lena Lencek
€ 8,00
Lencek, Lena
€ 8,00
Living Together: How Couples Create Design Harmony at Home
Erica Lennard e.a.
€ 10,00
Lennard, Erica & Denis Colomb & Julia Szabo
€ 10,00
Cheminées rustiques
Michel Lenormand
€ 8,00
Lenormand, Michel
€ 8,00
Le mobilier français: Restauration Louis-Philippe
Janine Leris-Laffargue
€ 10,00
Leris-Laffargue, Janine
€ 10,00
Directory of Antique Furniture. The Authentic Classification of European and American Designs. For professionals and connoisseurs
F. Lewis Hinckley
€ 10,00
Lewis Hinckley, F.
€ 10,00
101 creatieve accenten
Willy Lindwer
€ 5,00
Lindwer, Willy
€ 5,00
Classical Furniture
David Linley
€ 5,00
Linley, David
€ 5,00
Extraordinary Furniture
David Linley
€ 30,00
Linley, David
€ 30,00
Casa Mundi: Inspirational Living Around the World
Massimo Listri
€ 15,00
Listri, Massimo
€ 15,00
Essential Style Guides: Color
Meryl Lloyd e.a.
€ 10,00
Lloyd, Meryl & Joanna Copestick
€ 10,00
Het gezellige binnenhuis
C. de Lorm
€ 10,00
Lorm, C. de
€ 10,00
Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam
Julie Lovine e.a.
€ 50,00
Lovine, Julie & Todd Merrill
€ 50,00
Meubles de estilo Espanol. Desde el gotico, Hasta el siglo XIX, Con el mueble popular
Marques de Lozoya e.a.
€ 50,00
Lozoya, Marques de & Jose Claret Rubira, Arg.
€ 50,00
'90 Möbeldesign aus Europa. Museum für angewandte Kunst Köln, 19.01 - 25.02.1990.
Gabriele Lueg e.a.
€ 9,00
Lueg, Gabriele & Albrecht Bangert
€ 9,00
Bright Ideas: Cushions and Covers. A practical guide to cushions, throws and covers for your home
Heather Luke
€ 5,00
Luke, Heather
€ 5,00
Cultural accents 60+ fun fashion and home décor projects
Ronke Luke-Boone
€ 12,50
Luke-Boone, Ronke
€ 12,50
Het staat op straat: straatmeubilair in Nederland
R. A. van Maarschalkerwaart
€ 8,00
Maarschalkerwaart, R. A. van
€ 8,00
Het staat op straat: straatmeubilair in Nederland
R. A. van Maarschalkerwaart
€ 9,00
Maarschalkerwaart, R. A. van
€ 9,00
Decorating with textiles & trimmings: essential and inspirational techniques, room by room
Lorrie Mack
€ 8,00
Mack, Lorrie
€ 8,00
Scottish Country
Charles Maclean
€ 10,00
Maclean, Charles
€ 10,00
De kunst van het decoreren: 25 stap-voor-stap projecten
Andrea Maflin
€ 8,00
Maflin, Andrea
€ 8,00
Contemporary Lighting: selected projects from the fourth Philips International Lighting Contest 1965
Th.J.J.A. Manders
€ 10,00
Manders, Th.J.J.A.
€ 10,00
Das Haus Thonet
Karl Mang
€ 15,00
Mang, Karl
€ 15,00
La grammaire des styles (3 volumes)
Henry Martin
€ 10,00
Martin, Henry
€ 10,00
Kleine leefruimten
Macarena San Martin
€ 6,00
Martin, Macarena San
€ 6,00
Living in Scotland
Roddy Martine
€ 10,00
Martine, Roddy
€ 10,00
Alivar. The classics of modern furniture / Alivar. I classici del mobile moderno
Vincent A. Masucci
€ 100,00
Masucci, Vincent A.
€ 100,00
Allerlei over bedden en slapen.
F.K. Mathys
€ 5,00
Mathys, F.K. (verzamelen van materiaal)
€ 5,00
Southern style
Mark Mayfield
€ 15,00
Mayfield, Mark
€ 15,00
Stadtpalais von Paris
Christiane de Mazery-Nicolay e.a.
€ 9,00
Mazery-Nicolay, Christiane de & Jean-Bernard Naudin
€ 9,00
Der Freischwinger. Vom Avantgardeentwurf zur Ware
Otakar Màcel
€ 75,00
Màcel, Otakar
€ 75,00
Modern Chair: Classics in Production
Clement Meadmore
€ 8,00
Meadmore, Clement
€ 8,00
Het Nederlandsche woonhuis 1300-1800
Ir. R. Meischke
€ 50,00
Meischke, Ir. R.
€ 50,00
Wishful living
Ilse de Meulemeester
€ 10,00
Meulemeester, Ilse de
€ 10,00
Verkauf von Möbeln
Horst Meyer e.a.
€ 6,00
Meyer, Horst & Wolfgang Toebe
€ 6,00
New Paris Style
Danielle Miller
€ 10,00
Miller, Danielle
€ 10,00
Country Style
Judith Miller e.a.
€ 10,00
Miller, Judith & Martin Miller
€ 10,00
Style Sourcebook: The Definitive Visual Directory of Fabrics, Wallpapers, Paints, Flooring, Tiles
Judith H. Miller
€ 15,00
Miller, Judith H.
€ 15,00
Meisterwerke der Möbelkunst aus drei Jahrhunderten
H.D. Molesworth e.a.
€ 9,00
Molesworth, H.D. & John Kenworthy-Browne
€ 9,00
Hoogtepunten van de meubelkunst
H.D. Molesworth e.a.
€ 9,00
Molesworth, H.D. & John Kenworthy-Browne & Frans L.M. Dony
€ 9,00
American Furniture in Pendleton House
Christopher P. Monkhouse e.a.
€ 20,00
Monkhouse, Christopher P. & Thomas S. Michie
€ 20,00
The Best of Bars & Restaurants
Hugo Montanaro e.a.
€ 8,00
Montanaro, Hugo - e.a.
€ 8,00
Domestic Art: Curated Interiors
Holly Moore e.a.
€ 30,00
Moore, Holly & Robert Brinkley
€ 30,00
Regale 03; Garderoben/Coat Racks; Containermöbel/Containers; Tische/Tables (4 volumes)
Nils Holger Moormann
€ 15,00
Moormann, Nils Holger
€ 15,00
Avant-Garde und Industrie
?Stanislaus von Moos e.a.
€ 20,00
Moos, ?Stanislaus von & ?Chris Smeenk
€ 20,00
It's Beautiful Here: Homes That Make Your Heart Skip a Beat
Megan Morton
€ 15,00
Morton, Megan
€ 15,00
Irish country style: decorating with pottery, fabric, and furniture
Nicholas Mosse
€ 10,00
Mosse, Nicholas
€ 10,00
Design bars
Arian Mostaedi
€ 8,00
Mostaedi, Arian
€ 8,00
Pierre Deux's French country
Pierre Moulin
€ 30,00
Moulin, Pierre
€ 30,00
Plaisir de la maison: Styles italiens
Agnès - a.o. Mousnié-Lompré
€ 9,00
Mousnié-Lompré, Agnès - a.o.
€ 9,00
Adam and Hepplewhite and other Neo-Classical Furniture
Clifford Musgrave
€ 10,00
Musgrave, Clifford
€ 10,00
Douceur de vivre: la vie de château
Jean-Bernard Naudin e.a.
€ 30,00
Naudin, Jean-Bernard & Christiane de Nicolay-Mazery
€ 30,00
Was op meubels
C.J. van Nes
€ 5,00
Nes, C.J. van
€ 5,00
English Furniture
David Nickerson
€ 5,00
Nickerson, David
€ 5,00
B. Niegeman-Brand
€ 30,00
Niegeman-Brand, B.
€ 30,00
Contemporary Details
Nonie Niesewand
€ 8,00
Niesewand, Nonie
€ 8,00
Interieurdesign. Nieuwe bestemmingen voor oude ruimten
Nonie Niesewand
€ 9,00
Niesewand, Nonie
€ 9,00
Frame monigraphs of contemporary interior architects
Fabio Novembre
€ 10,00
Novembre, fabio
€ 10,00
Ultramodern: Samuel Marx: Architect, Designer, Art Collector
Liz O'Brien
€ 15,00
O'Brien, Liz
€ 15,00
Catalogus tentoonstelling 'Design 1/ Licht'
Jerven Ober e.a.
€ 15,00
Ober, Jerven & Lotte Menkman
€ 15,00
Victorian House Style: An Architectural and Interior Design Source Book
Linda Osband
€ 12,50
Osband, Linda
€ 12,50
J.H. Oskam
€ 6,00
Oskam, J.H.
€ 6,00
Bamboo Baskets: Japanese Art and Culture Interwoven With the Beauty of Ikebana
Maggie Oster
€ 10,00
Oster, Maggie
€ 10,00
Bent Wood and Metal Furniture: 1850-1946
Derek E. Ostergard
€ 15,00
Ostergard, Derek E. (editor)
€ 15,00
Arco / Home
Patrick Pantze e.a.
€ 8,00
Pantze, Patrick & Lucas Hardonk (photography)
€ 8,00
Decorating with marble stone & granite. An inspirational catalog of styles & materials
Christine Parsons
€ 6,00
Parsons, Christine
€ 6,00
Bouwen met oude materialen
Wim Pauwels
€ 10,00
Pauwels, Wim
€ 10,00
Kleur in de woning
Wim Pauwels
€ 15,00
Pauwels, Wim
€ 15,00
The New Living Kitchen / La nouvelle cuisine a vivre / De nieuwe leefkeuken
Wim Pauwels
€ 40,00
Pauwels, Wim
€ 40,00
Wonen Met Antiek
Wim Pauwels
€ 15,00
Pauwels, Wim
€ 15,00
Wonen Met Antiek
Wim Pauwels
€ 10,00
Pauwels, Wim
€ 10,00
Wonen met hout
Wim Pauwels
€ 10,00
Pauwels, Wim
€ 10,00
Antique furniture for pleasure and profit
Ronald Pearsall
€ 6,00
Pearsall, Ronald
€ 6,00
Cafe Design, Number 2
Martin M. Pegler
€ 8,00
Pegler, Martin M.
€ 8,00
Cafes & Coffee Shops. Gourmet shops, Dinwers, Casual Dining, Fast Foods, Food Courts
Martin M. Pegler
€ 8,00
Pegler, Martin M.
€ 8,00
Contemporary Restaurants and Bars
Martin M. Pegler
€ 8,00
Pegler, Martin M.
€ 8,00
Entertainment Dining
Martin M. Pegler
€ 8,00
Pegler, Martin M.
€ 8,00
5 x 5 stoelen + 5
Jarno Peltonen
€ 17,50
Peltonen, Jarno
€ 17,50
Pub Scene. Interior Angles
Jane Peyton
€ 20,00
Peyton, Jane
€ 20,00
Minimaal ruimte Maximaal leven: inspirerende ontwerpen, praktische ideeën, manieren om riumte optimaal te gebruiken
Barty Philips
€ 6,00
Philips, Barty
€ 6,00
Minimum Space Maximum Living
Barty Phillips
€ 10,00
Phillips, Barty
€ 10,00
Interiors 3rd book of offices
John Pile
€ 8,00
Pile, John
€ 8,00
Alberto Pinto: World Interiors
Alberto Pinto e.a.
€ 20,00
Pinto, Alberto & Julien Morel
€ 20,00
Het Nederlandsche binnehuis en zyn meubelss 1450-1650
W. van der Pluym
€ 5,00
Pluym, W. van der
€ 5,00
Vijf eeuwen binnenhuis en meubels in Nederland
Willem van der Pluym
€ 8,00
Pluym, Willem van der
€ 8,00
Vijf eeuwen binnenhuis en meubels in Nederland
Willem van der Pluym
€ 8,00
Pluym, Willem van der
€ 8,00
Bring the Outdoors In: Garden Projects for Decorating and Styling Your Home
Shane Powers
€ 10,00
Powers, Shane
€ 10,00
Les ébénistes français de Louis XIV à la Révolution
A. Pradère
€ 160,00
Pradère, A.
€ 160,00
Flowers Every Day: Creative Ideas for Simple, Modern Flowers for your Home
Paula Pryke
€ 9,00
Pryke, Paula
€ 9,00
Simply Pink
Paula Pryke
€ 8,00
Pryke, Paula
€ 8,00
Interieurdesign In Azie. Interieur, architectuur, design
Daniela Santos Quartino
€ 15,00
Quartino, Daniela Santos
€ 15,00
Styles de France. Objets et collections de 1610 a 1920
Olivier Quéant
€ 10,00
Quéant, Olivier
€ 10,00