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The selected letters of Anton Chekhof
Anton Chekhov
€ 6,00
Chekhov, Anton
€ 6,00
The Club of Queer Trades
G. K. Chesterton
€ 5,00
Chesterton, G. K.
€ 5,00
The Club of Queer Trades
G. K. Chesterton
€ 5,00
Chesterton, G. K.
€ 5,00
The Father Brown Stories. 49 immortal stories
G.K. Chesterton
€ 10,00
Chesterton, G.K.
€ 10,00
The scandal of Father Brown
G.K. Chesterton
€ 5,00
Chesterton, G.K.
€ 5,00
Girl with a Pearl Earring: a Novel
Tracy Chevalier
€ 5,00
Chevalier, Tracy
€ 5,00
Girl with a Pearl Earring: a Novel
Tracy Chevalier
€ 5,00
Chevalier, Tracy
€ 5,00
Encyclopedia of the Essay
Tracy Chevalier
€ 75,00
Chevalier, Tracy (editor)
€ 75,00
1) Dark Wanton; 2) It Couldn't Matter Less; 3) Your Deal, Mu Lovely; 4) Sorry You've been Troubled. . .; 5) I'll Say She Does! (5 volumes)
Peter Cheyney
€ 10,00
Cheyney, Peter
€ 10,00
Beowulf: a dual-language edition
Howell D. Chickering Jr.
€ 10,00
Chickering Jr., Howell D. (translated with an introduction and commentary by)
€ 10,00
'A Real World and Doubting Mind': A Critical Study of the Poetry of John Clare
Tim Chilcott
€ 45,00
Chilcott, Tim
€ 45,00
Death Match
Licoln Child
€ 8,00
Child, Licoln
€ 8,00
The Return of Merlin: A Novel
Deepak Chopra
€ 7,00
Chopra, Deepak
€ 7,00
Curtain: Poirot's Last Case
Agatha Christie
€ 9,00
Christie, Agatha
€ 9,00
The Pale Horse
Agatha Christie
€ 5,00
Christie, Agatha
€ 5,00
The Poetical Works of John Dryden
W.D. Christie
€ 10,00
Christie, W.D. (editor)
€ 10,00
The beans of Egypt, Maine
Carolyn Chute
€ 5,00
Chute, Carolyn
€ 5,00
Archaic Figure
Amy Clampitt
€ 8,00
Clampitt, Amy
€ 8,00
The Collected Poems of Amy Clampitt
Amy Clampitt
€ 12,50
Clampitt, Amy
€ 12,50
The Kingfisher
Amy Clampitt
€ 8,00
Clampitt, Amy
€ 8,00
Westward: Poems
Amy Clampitt
€ 10,00
Clampitt, Amy
€ 10,00
What the Light Was Like
Amy Clampitt
€ 8,00
Clampitt, Amy
€ 8,00
Rainbow six
Tom Clancy
€ 6,50
Clancy, Tom
€ 6,50
A Champion of the Poor: Political Verse and Prose
John Clare
€ 12,50
Clare, John
€ 12,50
A Country Calendar: A Diary for Every Year
John Clare
€ 8,00
Clare, John
€ 8,00
Clare: Selected Poems and Prose
John Clare
€ 8,00
Clare, John
€ 8,00
Cottage Tales
John Clare
€ 9,00
Clare, John
€ 9,00
Flower Poems
John Clare
€ 12,50
Clare, John
€ 12,50
John Clare: Everyman's Poetry
John Clare
€ 10,00
Clare, John
€ 10,00
John Clare: Selected Poetry and Prose
John Clare
€ 20,00
Clare, John
€ 20,00
Love Poems
John Clare
€ 12,50
Clare, John
€ 12,50
Major Works: including selections from The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 8,00
Clare, John
€ 8,00
Northborough Sonnets
John Clare
€ 9,00
Clare, John
€ 9,00
Poems descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery *FIRST EDITION*
John Clare
€ 1.500,00
Clare, John
€ 1.500,00
Poems descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery *SECOND EDITION*
John Clare
€ 400,00
Clare, John
€ 400,00
Poems of John Clare's Madness
John Clare
€ 25,00
Clare, John
€ 25,00
Selected Poems
John Clare
€ 12,50
Clare, John
€ 12,50
Selected Poems & Prose
John Clare
€ 20,00
Clare, John
€ 20,00
Selected Poetry
John Clare
€ 10,00
Clare, John
€ 10,00
The Midsummer Cushion
John Clare
€ 20,00
Clare, John
€ 20,00
The Parish
John Clare
€ 8,00
Clare, John
€ 8,00
The Parish: a Satire
John Clare
€ 8,00
Clare, John
€ 8,00
The Rural Muse, Poems
John Clare
€ 10,00
Clare, John
€ 10,00
The Rural Muse, Poems by John Clare *FIRST EDITION*
John Clare
€ 1.500,00
Clare, John
€ 1.500,00
The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 6,00
Clare, John
€ 6,00
The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 12,50
Clare, John
€ 12,50
The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 15,00
Clare, John
€ 15,00
The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 6,00
Clare, John
€ 6,00
The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 12,50
Clare, John
€ 12,50
The Shepherd's Calendar
John Clare
€ 5,00
Clare, John
€ 5,00
The Shepherd's Calendar 1827
John Clare
€ 30,00
Clare, John
€ 30,00
The Village Minstrel, and Other Poems (2 volumes in 1) *FIRST EDITION*
John Clare
€ 450,00
Clare, John
€ 450,00
The Wood is Sweet
John Clare
€ 6,00
Clare, John
€ 6,00
The Works of John Clare
John Clare
€ 6,00
Clare, John
€ 6,00
The Letters of John Clare
John Clare e.a.
€ 10,00
Clare, John & & J.W. Tibble (editor) & Anne Tibble (editor)
€ 10,00
Selected Poems and Prose of John Clare
John Clare e.a.
€ 10,00
Clare, John & Eric Rbinson (chosen and edited by) & Geoffrey Summerield (chosen and edited by)
€ 10,00
John Clare: Selected Poems
John Clare e.a.
€ 12,50
Clare, John & Ian Hamilton (selected by)
€ 12,50
John Clare: Selected Letters
John Clare e.a.
€ 20,00
Clare, John & Mark Storey (editor)
€ 20,00
John Clare: The Living Year 1841
John Clare e.a.
€ 12,50
Clare, John & Tim Chilcott (editor)
€ 12,50
The Great Stink
Clare Clark
€ 9,00
Clark, Clare
€ 9,00
Selected Poems & W.J. Mc Cormack (editor)
Austin Clarke
€ 8,00
Clarke, Austin
€ 8,00
His Natural Life
Marcus Clarke e.a.
€ 8,00
Clarke, Marcus & Stephen Murray-Smith (editor)
€ 8,00
Dial M for Merde
Stephen Clarke
€ 5,00
Clarke, Stephen
€ 5,00
Soul on Ice: Selected Essays
Eldridge Cleaver
€ 9,00
Cleaver, Eldridge
€ 9,00
John Cleland
€ 8,00
Cleland, John
€ 8,00
Lame Annie; or, The Wounded Lamb
A. Clergyman
€ 30,00
Clergyman, A.
€ 30,00
Rags of glory
Stuart Cloete
€ 5,00
Cloete, Stuart
€ 5,00
Selected Poems
Arthur Hugh Clough
€ 8,00
Clough, Arthur Hugh
€ 8,00
Selected Poems
Arthur Hugh Clough e.a.
€ 8,00
Clough, Arthur Hugh & Shirley Chew (editor)
€ 8,00
Tears of the Maasai
Frank Coates
€ 6,50
Coates, Frank,
€ 6,50
A Classical Education
Richard Cobb
€ 6,00
Cobb, Richard
€ 6,00
A Classical Education
Richard Cobb
€ 6,00
Cobb, Richard
€ 6,00
Rural Rides
William Cobbett
€ 9,00
Cobbett, William
€ 9,00
Drop Shot
Harlan Coben
€ 5,00
Coben, Harlan
€ 5,00
Les Enfants Terribles
Jean Cocteau
€ 5,00
Cocteau, Jean
€ 5,00
The Devil and Miss Prym
Paulo Coelho
€ 8,00
Coelho, Paulo
€ 8,00
The Valkyries
Paulo Coelho
€ 5,00
Coelho, Paulo
€ 5,00
Diary af a Bad Year
J.M. Coetzee
€ 8,00
Coetzee, J.M.
€ 8,00
Diary af a Bad Year
J.M. Coetzee
€ 8,00
Coetzee, J.M.
€ 8,00
Poems 1956-1968
Leonard Cohen
€ 9,00
Cohen, Leonard
€ 9,00
The Poems of Coleridge
Samuel Taylor Coledridge
€ 10,00
Coledridge, Samuel Taylor
€ 10,00
Poems of Byron, Keats, and Shelley
Elliot Coleman
€ 12,50
Coleman, Elliot (selected and edited by)
€ 12,50
Poems of Byron, Keats and Shelley
Elliott Coleman
€ 10,00
Coleman, Elliott (selected and edited by)
€ 10,00
The Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge including poems and versions of poems now published for the first time
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
€ 50,00
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
€ 50,00
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
€ 6,00
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
€ 6,00
8x Penguin Little Black Classics
Samuel Taylor Coleridge e.a.
€ 10,00
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor & Emily Brontë & Catullus & Rudyard Kipling & Thomas Hardy & Nikolai Gogol & Sophocles & Wilfred Owen
€ 10,00
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Illustrated by Mervyn Peake
Samuel Taylor Coleridge e.a.
€ 10,00
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor & Mervyn Peake
€ 10,00
The strongest man in the world: A tragicomedy in three acts
Barry Collins
€ 8,00
Collins, Barry
€ 8,00
Fall From Grace
Larry Collins
€ 8,00
Collins, Larry
€ 8,00
The moonstone
W. Collins
€ 5,00
Collins, W.
€ 5,00
Hide and Seek
Wilkie Collins
€ 5,00
Collins, Wilkie
€ 5,00
The Moonstone
Wilkie Collins
€ 10,00
Collins, Wilkie
€ 10,00
Carlo Collodi
€ 5,00
Collodi, Carlo
€ 5,00
Carlo Collodi e.a.
€ 10,00
Collodi, Carlo & Alice Carsey (illustrations)
€ 10,00
Doctor Syntax: his three tours in search of the picturesque, of consolation, of a wife
William Combe
€ 30,00
Combe, William
€ 30,00
The tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the picturesque: a Poem (4 volumes)
William Combe e.a.
€ 90,00
Combe, William & Thomas Rowlandson (illustrations)
€ 90,00
The Book of Hours and Constellations
Eugen Comringer
€ 45,00
Comringer, Eugen (poems) & Jerome Rothenberg (presented by)
€ 45,00
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Illustrated Novels: A Study in Scarlet; The Sign of Four; The Hound of the Baskervilles; The Valley of Fear
Arthur Conan Doyle
€ 10,00
Conan Doyle, Arthur
€ 10,00
The Flying Scotsman
Dame Jean Conan Doyle
€ 8,00
Conan Doyle, Dame Jean
€ 8,00
Sherlock Holmes. The Hound of the Baskervilles
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
€ 5,00
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur
€ 5,00
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