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Powys, John Cowper & Glen Cavaliewro (afterword)
€ 10,00
Powys, T. F.
€ 25,00
Powys, T. F.
€ 25,00
Powys, T.F.
€ 9,00
Pratchett, Terry
€ 6,00
Pratt, Theodore
€ 10,00
Preston, Alex
€ 5,00
Priestley, J.B.
€ 30,00
Priestley, J.B.
€ 5,00
Priestley, J.B.
€ 6,00
Prince, Peter
€ 6,50
Pritchard, Tim
€ 5,00
Pritchett, V.S.
€ 10,00
Pritchett, V.S.
€ 10,00
Pritchett, V.S. (chosen by)
€ 12,50
Prose, Francine
€ 12,50
Proulx, Annie
€ 9,00
Puette, William J.
€ 10,00
Pugh, Edwin
€ 12,50
Pullman, Philip
€ 8,00
Pullman, Philip
€ 5,00
Pullman, Philip
€ 8,00
Purdy, James
€ 12,50
Purdy, James
€ 45,00
Purdy, James
€ 5,00
Purdy, James
€ 5,00
Pushkin, Aleksander
€ 5,00
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 25,00
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 12,50
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 8,00
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 6,00
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 5,00
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 9,00
Pynchon, Thomas
€ 8,00
Quasha, George
€ 8,00
Queirós, Eça de
€ 15,00
Quiller-Couch, Arthur (chosen & edited by)
€ 15,00
Quincey, Thomas de
€ 5,00
Quincey, Thomas de
€ 5,00
Quincey, Thomas de
€ 200,00
Quindlen, Anna
€ 6,00
Rabkin, Eric S.
€ 10,00
Rachman, Tom
€ 5,00
Rackham, Arthur & Margery Darrell (introduction)
€ 10,00
Radcliffe, Ann
€ 8,00
Rae, Simon
€ 8,00
Ragni, Gerome & James Rado (book & lyrics)
€ 5,00
Raimond, Jean & J.R. Watson
€ 15,00
Raizis, M. Byron
€ 12,50
Rankin, Ian
€ 8,00
Raphael, Frederic
€ 5,00
Raspe, R.E. - and others
€ 10,00
Rawson, Hugh
€ 6,00
Rayawa, Nikom
€ 6,00
Reading, Peter
€ 60,00
Reading, Peter
€ 10,00
Reading, Peter
€ 10,00
Reading, Peter
€ 12,50
Reading, Peter
€ 12,50
Reading, Peter
€ 6,00
Reeves, James
€ 10,00
Reeves, James (selected and introduced by)
€ 5,00
Reid, Alastair & Ben Shahn (drawings by)
€ 15,00
Renault, Mary
€ 5,00
Renault, Mary
€ 5,00
Rendell, Ruth
€ 6,50
Rhys, Jean
€ 5,00
Rhys, Jean
€ 9,00
Rice, Elmer L. & Kaufman, George S./Connelly, Marc & Miller, Arthur
€ 5,00
Rice, Keith A.
€ 10,00
Rich, Adrienne
€ 8,00
Rich, Adrienne
€ 10,00
Richards, Bernard
€ 10,00
Richards, Jo-Anne
€ 6,00
Richards, Jo-Anne
€ 6,00
Richardson, Samuel
€ 30,00
Richler, Emma
€ 5,00
Riding Jackson, Laura
€ 25,00
Riding, Laura
€ 5,00
Roberts, Adam
€ 6,50
Roberts, Karen
€ 6,50
Roberts, Michele
€ 5,00
Roberts, Michèle
€ 5,00
Roberts, Moss
€ 8,00
Roberts, Nora
€ 6,50
Robertson, Wendy
€ 6,50
Robilant, Andrea di
€ 5,00
Robilliard, David
€ 65,00
Robinson, Bruce
€ 5,00
Robinson, Derek
€ 6,50
Robinson, Derek
€ 8,00
Robinson, Eric & Geoffrey Summerfield (editors)
€ 10,00
Robinson, Eric & Richard Fitter
€ 12,50
Robinson, Patrick
€ 8,00
Roche, Mazo de la
€ 5,00
Roche, Mazo de la
€ 5,00
Roche, Mazo de la
€ 10,00
Roche, Mazo de la
€ 5,00
Rodriguez, Richard
€ 8,00
Rohan, Michael Scott
€ 45,00
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