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Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957
W.H. Auden
€ 8,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 8,00
Epistle to a Godson and Other Poems
W.H. Auden
€ 8,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 8,00
Forewords and Afterwords
W.H. Auden
€ 10,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 10,00
Secondary Worlds
W.H. Auden
€ 8,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 8,00
Thank You, Fog: Last Poems
W.H. Auden
€ 8,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 8,00
The Dyer's Hand, and Other Essays
W.H. Auden
€ 9,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 9,00
The English Auden: Poems, Essays and Dramatic Writings, 1927-39
W.H. Auden
€ 15,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 15,00
The Oxford Book of Light Verse
W.H. Auden
€ 10,00
Auden, W.H.
€ 10,00
Selected Poems
W.H. Auden e.a.
€ 8,00
Auden, W.H. & Edward Mendelson (editor)
€ 8,00
Selected Poems
W.H. Auden e.a.
€ 8,00
Auden, W.H. & Edward Mendelson (editor)
€ 8,00
Love and Freindship: And Other Early Works
Jane Austen
€ 8,00
Austen, Jane
€ 8,00
Jane Austen
€ 8,00
Austen, Jane
€ 8,00
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
€ 5,00
Austen, Jane
€ 5,00
Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family
Jane Austen e.a.
€ 8,00
Austen, Jane & David Selwyn (edited by)
€ 8,00
Oracle Night
Paul Auster
€ 8,00
Auster, Paul
€ 8,00
Oracle Night
Paul Auster
€ 8,00
Auster, Paul
€ 8,00
The New York Trilogy
Paul Auster
€ 5,00
Auster, Paul
€ 5,00
The Language and Craft of William Barnes: English Poet and Philologist (1801-1886)
Frances Austin e.a.
€ 100,00
Austin, Frances & Bernard Jones
€ 100,00
Relatively speaking: A comedy
Alan Ayckbourn
€ 8,00
Ayckbourn, Alan
€ 8,00
The Norman Conquests: A Trilogy of Plays
Alan Ayckbourn
€ 12,50
Ayckbourn, Alan
€ 12,50
Dekok and the somber nude
€ 5,00
€ 5,00
Critical and Historical Essays, contributed to the Edinburgh Review in Five Volumes (5 volumes)
Thomas Babington Macaulay
€ 30,00
Babington Macaulay, Thomas
€ 30,00
Bahama crisis
Desmond Bagley
€ 5,00
Bagley, Desmond
€ 5,00
Desmond Bagley
€ 5,00
Bagley, Desmond
€ 5,00
Desmond Bagley
€ 5,00
Bagley, Desmond
€ 5,00
Saving Faith
David Baldacci
€ 6,00
Baldacci, David
€ 6,00
The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales
Chris Baldick
€ 8,00
Baldick, Chris (editor)
€ 8,00
Empire of the Sun
J.G. Ballard
€ 10,00
Ballard, J.G.
€ 10,00
The Sea
John Banville
€ 9,00
Banville, John
€ 9,00
The 20 best novels of Thailand. An anthology
Marcel Barang
€ 30,00
Barang, Marcel (edited, translated, and illustrated by)
€ 30,00
Noel Barber
€ 8,00
Barber, Noel
€ 8,00
Duet for three
Joan Barfoot
€ 5,00
Barfoot, Joan
€ 5,00
An Iliad: A Story of War
Alessandro Baricco
€ 10,00
Baricco, Alessandro
€ 10,00
Alessandro Baricco
€ 5,00
Baricco, Alessandro
€ 5,00
Collected Poems
George Barker e.a.
€ 17,50
Barker, George & Robert Fraser (editor)
€ 17,50
Another World
Pat Barker
€ 10,00
Barker, Pat
€ 10,00
Spillway and other stories
Djuna Barnes
€ 15,00
Barnes, Djuna
€ 15,00
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
Julian Barnes
€ 5,00
Barnes, Julian
€ 5,00
Before She Met Me
Julian Barnes
€ 5,00
Barnes, Julian
€ 5,00
Cross channel
Julian Barnes
€ 8,00
Barnes, Julian
€ 8,00
The Noise of Time
Julian Barnes
€ 8,00
Barnes, Julian
€ 8,00
The Noise of Time
Julian Barnes
€ 7,00
Barnes, Julian
€ 7,00
Selected Poems
William Barnes
€ 9,00
Barnes, William
€ 9,00
The Poems of William Barnes (2 volumes)
William Barnes e.a.
€ 50,00
Barnes, William & Bernard Jones (editor)
€ 50,00
Poetry, Politics and Language
John Barrell
€ 15,00
Barrell, John
€ 15,00
The Penguin Book of English Pastoral Verse
John Barrell e.a.
€ 12,50
Barrell, John & John bull
€ 12,50
The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. With Eight Original Engravings
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
€ 25,00
Barrett Browning, Elizabeth
€ 25,00
Dear Brutus
J.M. Barrie
€ 6,00
Barrie, J.M.
€ 6,00
Margaret Ogilvy - by her son
J.M. Barrie
€ 6,00
Barrie, J.M.
€ 6,00
The little minister
J.M. Barrie
€ 6,00
Barrie, J.M.
€ 6,00
Beat the casino
Frank Barstow
€ 5,00
Barstow, Frank
€ 5,00
The Desperadoes and Other Stories
Stan Barstow
€ 75,00
Barstow, Stan
€ 75,00
Words from a Granary: an anthology of short stories by Ugandan Women Writers
Violet Barungi
€ 10,00
Barungi, Violet (editor)
€ 10,00
Isaac Bashevis Singer
€ 5,00
Bashevis Singer, Isaac
€ 5,00
Shosha. A Novel
Isaac Bashevis Singer
€ 10,00
Bashevis Singer, Isaac
€ 10,00
Old English Orosius
Janet Bately
€ 25,00
Bately, Janet
€ 25,00
The Yellow Meads of Asphodel
H.E. Bates
€ 5,00
Bates, H.E.
€ 5,00
The Deceived
Brett Battles
€ 8,00
Battles, Brett
€ 8,00
Journeys Through Oz: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz & The Marvelous Land of Oz
L. Frank Baum
€ 12,50
Baum, L. Frank
€ 12,50
Afternoon of a Good Woman
Nina Bawden
€ 5,00
Bawden, Nina
€ 5,00
The Billiard Table Murders: a Gladys Babbington Morton Mystery
Glen Baxter
€ 10,00
Baxter, Glen
€ 10,00
Elegy for Iris
Bayley. John
€ 8,00
Bayley. John
€ 8,00
The York Plays
Richard Beadle
€ 25,00
Beadle, Richard
€ 25,00
York Mystery Plays. A Selection in Modern Spelling
Richard Beadle
€ 6,00
Beadle, Richard
€ 6,00
Border Ballads
William Beattie
€ 5,00
Beattie, William (selected and edited by)
€ 5,00
American Critical Essays: Twentieth Century
Harold Beaver
€ 8,00
Beaver, Harold (selected with an introduction by)
€ 8,00
All that Fall
Samuel Beckett
€ 8,00
Beckett, Samuel
€ 8,00
Come and Go: a Dramaticule
Samuel Beckett
€ 12,50
Beckett, Samuel
€ 12,50
Krapp's Last Tape and Embers
Samuel Beckett
€ 5,00
Beckett, Samuel
€ 5,00
Samuel Beckett
€ 7,50
Beckett, Samuel
€ 7,50
Play and Two Short Pieces for Radio
Samuel Beckett
€ 8,00
Beckett, Samuel
€ 8,00
The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett
Samuel Beckett
€ 8,00
Beckett, Samuel
€ 8,00
Samuel Beckett: A Collection of Critical Essays
Samuel Beckett e.a.
€ 8,00
Beckett, Samuel & Martin Esslin (editor)
€ 8,00
Aldous Huxley. A Biography. Volume. 1: The Apparent Stability 1894-1939
Sybille Bedford
€ 12,50
Bedford, Sybille
€ 12,50
Coleridge the Visionary
J.B. Beer
€ 25,00
Beer, J.B.
€ 25,00
A  Tuscan Childhood
Kinta Beevor
€ 6,00
Beevor, Kinta
€ 6,00
a Tuscan childhood
KinTa Beevor
€ 6,00
Beevor, KinTa
€ 6,00
Tuscan childhood
Kinta Beevor
€ 6,00
Beevor, Kinta
€ 6,00
Matters of Honor
Louis Begley
€ 6,00
Begley, Louis
€ 6,00
Joseph Sheridan LeFanu
Michael H. Begnal
€ 9,00
Begnal, Michael H.
€ 9,00
After The Wake: Twenty-One Prose Works Including Previously Unpublished Material
Brendan Behan
€ 6,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 6,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 6,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 6,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 6,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 6,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 6,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 6,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Borstal Boy
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Brendan Behan
€ 30,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 30,00
Borstal Boy: the bawdy swaggering outrageous best-seller
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Brendan Behan
€ 30,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 30,00
Brendan Behan's Island: An Irish Sketch-book
Brendan Behan
€ 10,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 10,00
Brendan Behan's Island: An Irish Sketch-book
Brendan Behan
€ 8,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 8,00
Brendan Behan's Island: An Irish Sketch-book
Brendan Behan
€ 9,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 9,00
Confessions of an Irish Rebel
Brendan Behan
€ 6,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 6,00
Confessions of an Irish Rebel
Brendan Behan
€ 5,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 5,00
Evergreen Review: In This Issue: Complete Play by Brendan Behan
Brendan Behan
€ 10,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 10,00
The Complete Plays
Brendan Behan
€ 6,50
Behan, Brendan
€ 6,50
The Hostage
Brendan Behan
€ 9,00
Behan, Brendan
€ 9,00
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