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West Point, the United Stated military academy
David Pahl
€ 15,00
German Military Postcards 1914-1945
Joan Panettiere
€ 20,00
Black Watch. The inside story of the Oldest Highland Regiment in the British Army
John Parker
€ 10,00
The war in the desert
Roger Parkinson
€ 12,00
The Encyclopedia of Air Warfare
Iain Parsons
€ 12,00
The Encyclopedia of Sea Warefare from the first ironclads to the present day
Iain Parsons
€ 12,00
The Crossbow. Mediaeval And Modern Military And Sporting. Its Construction, History & Management. With a Treatise On The Balista And Catapult Of The Ancients And An Appendix On The Catapult, Balista & The Turkish Bow
Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey
€ 15,00
Strike aces
Lindsay Peacock
€ 10,00
Deserted Bastions. Historic Naval & Military Architecture
Anthony Peers
€ 20,00
Out of Nowhere: a History of the Military Sniper
Martin Pegler
€ 15,00
Out of Nowhere: a History of the Military Sniper
Martin Pegler
€ 15,00
The Military Sniper Since 1914
Martin Pegler e.a.
€ 10,00
Wirraway & Boomerang markings
Geoffrey Pentland
€ 5,00
Special Forces Equipment: British Parachutes
Jean-Louis Perquin
€ 15,00
Special Forces Equipment: British Parachutes
Jean-Louis Perquin
€ 15,00
Special Forces Equipment: British Parachutes
Jean-Louis Perquin
€ 15,00
Special Forces Equipment: British Parachutes
Jean-Louis Perquin
€ 15,00
Iron Fist: Classic Armoured Warfare
Bryan Perrett
€ 8,00
Iron Fist: Classic Armoured Warfare Case Studies
Bryan Perrett
€ 8,00
The Taste of Battle: Front Line Action 1914-1991
Bryan Perrett
€ 8,00
The Taste of Battle: Front Line Action 1914-1991
Bryan Perrett
€ 9,00
The Panzerkampfwagen III
Bryan Perrett e.a.
€ 9,00
Sturmartillerie und Panzerjäger
Bryan Perrett e.a.
€ 9,00
History of the German Iar Force
Bryan Philpott
€ 15,00
The Birth of the Royal Air Force. An Encyclopedia of British Air Power Before and During the Great War - 1914 to 1918
Ian Philpott
€ 25,00
The Royal Air Force History. An Encyclopaedia of the Inter-War Years. Volume II: Re-armament 1930 to 1939
Ian M. Philpott
€ 20,00
War Machine: The Rationalisation of Slaughter in the Modern Age
Daniel Pick
€ 8,00
Weltgeschichte der Spionage
J. Piekalkiewicz
€ 20,00
Pferd und Reiter im II. Weltkrieg
Janusz Piekalkiewicz
€ 18,00
From the Frontline. Family Letters and Diaries: 1914 to the Falklands and Afghanistan
Hew Pike
€ 12,50
Napoleons Verbündete in Deutschland (2 volumes)
Otto von Pivka
€ 15,00
Vaandels en standaarden bij de Nederlandse Krijgsmacht
W.L. - en anderen Plink
€ 15,00
Cultuur en defensie opnieuw beschouwd
Prof.Dr. F.L. Polak
€ 10,00
In 't verschiet en van Naby. Een keuze uit vijf eeuwen militaire prenten en tekeningen/From afar and from close to
Alexander Polman
€ 5,00
The FANY in Peace and War: The Story of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry, 1907-2003
Hugh Popham
€ 8,00
War and the Rise of the State Foundations of Modern Politics
Bruce Porter
€ 10,00
Treason: How a Russian Spy Led an American Journalist to a U. S. Double Agent
Bill Powell
€ 15,00
A Soldier's Way: An Autobiography
Colin Powell e.a.
€ 10,00
Herinneringsboek SFIR 2 2003-2004. Het tweede Nederlandse detachement in de bakermat van de westerse beschaving
Dick Pranger e.a.
€ 50,00
Aircraft carriers
Antony Preston
€ 10,00
Farmer, Soldier and Politician. The Life of Brigadier-General Sir Owen Thomas, MP, Father of the 'Welsh Army Corps'
David A. Pretty
€ 10,00
Jane's pocket book 10. Missiles new Edition
Ronald Pretty
€ 10,00
Sky Warriors: Classic Air War Battles
Alfred Price
€ 8,00
Sky Warriors: Classic Air War Battles
Alfred Price
€ 6,00
Sky Warriors: Classic Air War Battles
Alfred Price
€ 8,00
Aircraft Versus Submarines 1912-1945: The Evolution of Anti-Submarine Aircraft
Dr. Alfred Price
€ 8,00
Aircraft Versus Submarines 1912-1945: The Evolution of Anti-Submarine Aircraft
Dr. Alfred Price
€ 8,00
If You're Reading This…. Last Letters from the Front Line
Sian Price e.a.
€ 10,00
Bomber Harris. His Life and Times
Henry Probert
€ 10,00
Wingate Pasha. The Life of General Sir Francis Reginald Wingate 1861-1953
R.J.M. Pugh
€ 10,00
U.S. Counter Terrorist Forces
Fred J. Pushies e.a.
€ 10,00
Lost Over Laos: A True Story Of Tragedy, Mystery, And Friendship
Richard Pyle e.a.
€ 10,00
Nieuwediep en instituut
€ 15,00
Nieuwediep en instituut
€ 15,00
Sas and Elite Forces
Bruce Quarrie
€ 10,00
Van Heiligerlee tot Korea. Geschiedenis van de Koninklijke Landmacht
Major J.G. Raatgever
€ 8,00
Atlas of Military History: An Illustrated Global Survey of Warfare from Antiquity to the Present Day
Aaron Ralby
€ 10,00
The Soldiers Story: Tales From Within The Sas
Jack Ramsay
€ 8,00
Sd.Kfz.10 Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1t
Alan Ranger
€ 10,00
America at War + DVD
Dan Rather e.a.
€ 12,50
Das Heeresgeschichtliche Museum in Wien
Manfried Rauchensteiner
€ 8,00
Battlefields: Exploring the Arenas of War 1805 1945
Michael Rayner
€ 17,50
Gedenkboek Ons Aller Belang 1902-1952
€ 10,00
The New Jackals: Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden, and the Future of Terrorism
Simon Reeve
€ 12,50
Militärische Blindgänger und ihre grössten Schlachten
Geoffrey Regan
€ 8,00
The 32nd Troop Carrier Squadron: An Airborne C-47 Squadron 1942-1945: Pilots , Paratroopers and Gliders in North Africa , Sicily, England, France & Germany
Donald L. Van Reken
€ 30,00
Wings over Rutland. A history of RAF Cottesmore, Woolfox Lodge & North Luffenham, including a section on Stamford (Volume 4)
John Rennison
€ 15,00
Panzer und Kettenfahrzeuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs
Jean Restayn
€ 10,00
Fighter Aces! The Constable Maxwell Brothers. Fighter Pilots in Two World Wars
Alex Revell
€ 12,50
Marine Badges and Insignia of the World: Including Marines, Commandos and Naval Infantrymen
Ron Reyno
€ 9,00
Commando: The Illustrated History of Britain's Green Berets
David Reynolds
€ 8,00
Modern Armour, 1945-80: World's Battle Tanks Today
Ralph Riccio
€ 8,00
's Werelds belangrijkste militaire jets. Een overzicht van de belangrijkste militaire vliegtuigen
Doug Richardson
€ 5,00
Battle zone. Fighters of the NATO allies
Doug Richardson
€ 6,00
Moderne gevechtswapens : Spionagevliegtuigen. Een gedetailleerd en geillustreerd overzicht van de voornaamste verkennings- en waarschuwingsvliegtuigen
Doug Richardson
€ 5,00
Fighting Tigers: Epic Actions of the Royal Leicestershire Regiment
Matthew Richardson
€ 15,00
Saga of the All American
Matthew B. Ridgway e.a.
€ 60,00
Saga of the All American
Matthew B. Ridgway e.a.
€ 60,00
Courage in Combat. Stories by and About Recipients of the Nation's Highest Awards
Richard J. Rinaldo e.a.
€ 8,00
16 Air Assault Brigade
Tim Ripley
€ 20,00
Grunt: The curious science of humans at war
Mary Roach
€ 8,00
US Air Power
Anthony Robinson
€ 15,00
De laatste lichting: afscheid van de dienstplicht
Martin Roemers
€ 10,00
Gunning for the enemy: Wallace McIntosh, DFC and BAR, DFM
Mel Rolfe
€ 6,00
Hell on Earth: Dramatic First-hand Experiences of Bomber Command at War
Mel Rolfe
€ 9,00
Voorlopige Handleiding Maritieme Visie, deel I: De betekenis van de zee en de zeemacht
F.S.W. de Ronde
€ 8,00
Voorlopige Handleiding Maritieme Visie, deel VI: Ontwikkeling der moderne Zeetactiek tot en met Wereldoorlog I
F.S.W. de Ronde
€ 8,00
Guerrilla: Insurgents, Rebels and Terrorists from Sun Tzu to Bin Laden
David Rooney
€ 10,00
Picture History of the U.S. Navy
Theodore Roscoe e.a.
€ 10,00
Winning the Next War: Innovation and the Modern Military
Stephen Peter Rosen
€ 15,00
Army Badges and Insignia of World War 2
Guido Rosignoli
€ 10,00
Army Badges and Insignia Since 1945
Guido Rosignoli
€ 8,00
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Insignia of the 20th Century. A comprehensive A-Z guide to the badges, patches and embellishments of the world's armed forces
Guido Rosignoli
€ 25,00
York's Military Legacy
Ian D. Rotherham
€ 6,00
Verschanste schoonheid: een verrassende ontdekkingstocht langs historische verdedigingswerken in Nederland
N. de Roy van Zuydewijn
€ 20,00
A Dictionary of Military Quotations
Trevor Royle
€ 10,00
Anatomy of a regiment
Trevor Royle
€ 6,00
Bearskins, Bayonets & Body Armour. Welsh Guards, 1915-2015
Trevor Royle
€ 20,00
The Warbirds
Rick Ruhman
€ 8,00
Camerone. The French Foreign Legion's Greatest Battle
James W. Ryan
€ 45,00
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