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Categorie Schelpen

Aantal gevonden boeken: 36

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Schelpen aan het strand
Josette Arrecgros
€ 5,00
Sea Shells of Western Europe
Ph. Bouchet e.a.
€ 8,00
Schelpen van de Waddeneilanden: Gids van alle soorten zeeschelpen en weekdieren met hun bijzonderheden
R.H. de Bruyne e.a.
€ 80,00
Schitterende schelpen en slijmerige slakken: 75 jaar Nederlandse Malacacologische Vereniging
Gerhard C. - en anederen Cadée
€ 15,00
Roderick Cameron
€ 5,00
De wereld in kleur: schelpen
J.M. Clayton
€ 5,00
All Colour book of seashells
J.M.3 Clayton
€ 5,00
Shells = Muscheln = Coquillages: Conchology or the Natural History of Sea, Freshwater, Terrestrial and Fossil Shells 1780
Antoine-Joseph Dezallier d'Argenville
€ 15,00
Muscheln. Glück aus den sieben Meeren. Ein farbenfroher Überblick über Herrlichkeiten aus der See mit vielen Farbbildern
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Shells. A fascinating guide to the treasures of the beach
diverse auteurs
€ 10,00
The scallop. Studies of a shell and its influences on humankind
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00
Gepragte Form. Über die Architektur de Schneckengehäuse aus allen Meeren der Welt. Alfred Ehrhardt.
Alfred Ehrhardt
€ 12,50
Simon and Schuster's Guide to Shells
Harold S. Feinberg
€ 10,00
An Illustrated Handbook of Shells in Natural Colors from Japanese Islands and Their Adjacent Territory
Shintaro Hirase e.a.
€ 15,00
Josie Iselin
€ 10,00
Om den fossile kvartaere molluskfauna i Danmark og dens relationer til forandringer i klimaet. Land- og ferskvandsmolluskfaunaen
A.C. Johansen
€ 25,00
Sea Treasure: A Guide to Shell Collecting
Kathleen Yerger Johnstone
€ 10,00
Coloured illustrations of the shells of Japan
Tetsuaki Kira
€ 25,00
Les coquillages
Brigitte Maheo e.a.
€ 5,00
The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells
Hans Meinhardt
€ 30,00
A Field Guide to the Shells of the Pacific Coast and Hawaii
Percy A. Morris
€ 10,00
Schelpen van Texel's kust
J.P. Reydon
€ 8,00
Die Kaurischnecke
Maria Schilder
€ 6,00
Shells and Corals = Muscheln & Korallen = Coquillages & Coraux = Moluscos & Corales
Albertus Seba
€ 6,00
Shell life: An introduction to the British mollusca
Edward Step
€ 20,00
Hugh Stix e.a.
€ 8,00
Coloured Illustrations of the Shells of Japan (Japanese edition)
Kira Tetsuaki
€ 25,00
Étude sur les fossiles tertiaires de l'ile de cos. Recueillis par M. Gorceix en 1873
M. Tournoüer
€ 10,00
Seashells of Great Britain and Europe
R. Tucker Abbott
€ 8,00
R. Tucker Abbott
€ 15,00
Handbook for Shell Collectors - 9th edition
Walter Freeman Webb
€ 10,00
De fossiele schelpen van de Nederlandse kust
F.P. - en anderen Wesselingh
€ 100,00
Konkylien og Mennesket
Vibeke Woldbye e.a.
€ 10,00
Konkylien og Mennesket
Vibeke Woldbye e.a.
€ 10,00
Testacea Atlantica. Or the Land and Freshwater Shells of the Azores, Madeiras, Salvages, Canaries, Cape Verdes, and Saint Helena
T. Vernon Wollaston
€ 20,00
Shells. The new compact study guide and identifier
Fred Woodward
€ 5,00