Onze boeken
Categorie Algemeen wetenschap
Aantal gevonden boeken: 1.185
Aarts, Dr. J.M. | € 5,00 | |
Achterberg, A. | € 8,00 | |
Aczel, Amir D. | € 8,00 | |
Aczel, Amir D. | € 8,00 | |
Adkins, William A. & Steven Weintraub | € 45,00 | |
Adler, Irving | € 5,00 | |
Agutter, Paul S. & Danys N. Wheatley | € 30,00 | |
Aigner, Martin & Günter M. Ziegler | € 30,00 | |
Aitchison, I.J.R & A.J.G. Hey | € 30,00 | |
Akhmanov, S.A. & S. Yu. Nikitin | € 100,00 | |
Alewijnse, M. | € 6,00 | |
Alewijnse, M. | € 6,00 | |
Alexander, Peter & Robert Francis Hudson | € 12,50 | |
Altland, Alexander & Ben Simons | € 75,00 | |
Amneus, Nils A | € 5,00 | |
Anderson, Brian D.O. & John B. Moore | € 15,00 | |
Anderson, Mark | € 12,50 | |
Andreescu, Titu & Zuming Feng (editors) | € 75,00 | |
Andriesse, C.D. | € 10,00 | |
Angier, Natalie | € 8,00 | |
Angier, Natalie | € 5,00 | |
Anonymous | € 20,00 | |
Anosov, D.V. & V.I. Arnold (editors) | € 50,00 | |
Arkhangel'skii, A.V. & L.S. Pontryagin (editors) | € 125,00 | |
Arnold, V.I. | € 75,00 | |
Arnold, V.I. & V.V. Kozlov & A.I. Neishtadt | € 75,00 | |
Arnold, V.I. (editor) | € 125,00 | |
Arnold, VI & S.P. Novikov (editors) | € 50,00 | |
Arrow of Time and Reality: In Search of a Conciliation | € 35,00 | |
Arveson, William | € 30,00 | |
Arx, J. Adolf von | € 20,00 | |
Arx, J.A. von & M.J. Figueras & J. Guarro | € 50,00 | |
Aström, Karl Johan & Richard M. Murray | € 60,00 | |
Atiyah, Michael | € 20,00 | |
Atiyah, Michael - and others | € 15,00 | |
Atiyah, Michael Francis | € 80,00 | |
Atkin, Ron | € 15,00 | |
Audouze, Jean & Marie-Christine Pelletan & Alex Szalay (editors) | € 30,00 | |
Auyang, Sunny Y. | € 15,00 | |
Aveni, Anthony | € 10,00 | |
Ayer, Alfred Jules | € 10,00 | |
Babich, V.M. & V.S. Buldryev | € 40,00 | |
Baerends, G.P. & P.J. Bouman & R. Brinkman - e.a. | € 12,50 | |
Baggott, Jim | € 15,00 | |
Baggott, Jim | € 10,00 | |
Bahcall, J. & T. Piran & S. Weinberg (editors) | € 25,00 | |
Bahturin, Yu. - and others | € 100,00 | |
Balchin, Jon | € 10,00 | |
Balian, Roger & Christopher H. Llewellyn Smith (editors) | € 150,00 | |
Ballard, David | € 20,00 | |
Ballentine, Leslie E. | € 100,00 | |
Balmer, Leslie | € 15,00 | |
Baneke, David | € 12,50 | |
Barash, David P. | € 6,00 | |
Barbour, I.M. & A.T. Davies | € 10,00 | |
Barbour, Julian B. | € 50,00 | |
Barten, A.P. | € 15,00 | |
Barton, Gabriel | € 30,00 | |
Barwise, Jon (editor) | € 175,00 | |
Basdevant, J.-L. & J. Dalibard | € 20,00 | |
Basmadjian , Diran | € 15,00 | |
Bassett, Bruce & Ralph Edney | € 8,00 | |
Baulieu, Laurent | € 75,00 | |
Bear, Jacob | € 15,00 | |
Beck, Mark | € 100,00 | |
Bedford, Tim & Roger Cooke | € 50,00 | |
Bedford, Tim & Roger Crooke | € 45,00 | |
Beek, Leo | € 8,00 | |
Beek, Leo | € 10,00 | |
Behnke, H. & F. Sommer | € 15,00 | |
Bellac, Michel Le | € 75,00 | |
Bellac, Micherl Le & Fabrice Mortessagne & G. George Batrouni | € 75,00 | |
Bendat, Julius S. | € 150,00 | |
Bendegem, Jean Paul van | € 15,00 | |
Benedicks, Carl | € 15,00 | |
Benfatto, Giuseppe | € 25,00 | |
Bentley, Peter J. | € 8,00 | |
Bequette, B. Wayne | € 20,00 | |
Berends, dr. F.A. | € 10,00 | |
Berendsen, Herman J. C. | € 70,00 | |
Bernal, J.D. | € 10,00 | |
Biddle, Wayne | € 6,00 | |
Bieberbach, Ludwig | € 30,00 | |
Biersma, Rob (redactie) | € 6,00 | |
Bilsky, Lester J. | € 12,50 | |
Bisplinghoff , Raymond & Holt Ashley | € 10,00 | |
Black, Maggie & Jannet King | € 8,00 | |
Bladel, J. Van | € 30,00 | |
Blaise, Clark | € 6,00 | |
Blaise, Clark | € 5,00 | |
Bleaney, B.I. & I. Bleaney | € 15,00 | |
Bleuler, K. & H.R. Petry & A. Reetz (editors) | € 60,00 | |
Blij, F. van der | € 5,00 | |
Blocksma, Mary & Maanen, Hans van | € 5,00 | |
Blok, Han | € 10,00 | |
Blundell, T.L. & L.N. Johnson | € 300,00 | |
Bodanis, David | € 10,00 | |
Boer, J de & G.E. Uhlenbeck (editors) | € 45,00 | |
Boer, J. de | € 20,00 | |
Boer, P. | € 10,00 |