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Introduction to Logic
Patrick Suppes
€ 15,00
Suppes, Patrick
€ 15,00
An Introduction to Black Holes, Information and the String Theory: The Holographic Universe
Leonard Susskind
€ 8,00
Susskind, Leonard
€ 8,00
Quantum Mechanics The Theoretical Minimum
Leonard Susskind e.a.
€ 10,00
Susskind, Leonard & Art Friedman
€ 10,00
Path Integrals and Quantum Processes
Mark S. Swanson
€ 35,00
Swanson, Mark S.
€ 35,00
Relativity: The General Theory
J. L. Synge
€ 95,00
Synge, J. L.
€ 95,00
Linear Algebra with Mathematica: An Introduction Using Mathematica
Fred Szabo
€ 60,00
Szabo, Fred
€ 60,00
Geschichte der Mechanischen Prinzipien und Ihrer Wichtigsten Anwendungen - 3. Auflage
István Szabó
€ 15,00
Szabó, István
€ 15,00
The Twin Dimensions: Inventing Time and Space
Geza Szamosi
€ 12,50
Szamosi, Geza
€ 12,50
Poincare's Prize: The Hundred-Year Quest to Solve One of Math's Greatest Puzzles
George G. Szpiro
€ 8,00
Szpiro, George G.
€ 8,00
Thinking in Numbers. How Maths Illuminates Our Lives
Daniel Tammet
€ 10,00
Tammet, Daniel
€ 10,00
General Theory of Functions and Integration
Angus E. Taylor
€ 20,00
Taylor, Angus E.
€ 20,00
Partial Differential Equations II: Qualitative Studies of Linear Equations
Michael E. Taylor
€ 30,00
Taylor, Michael E.
€ 30,00
Partial Differential Equations III: Nonlinear Equations
Michael E. Taylor
€ 20,00
Taylor, Michael E.
€ 20,00
Partial Differential Equations: Basic Theory
Michael E. Taylor
€ 15,00
Taylor, Michael E.
€ 15,00
Quantum Mechanics of Fundamental Systems 1
Claudio Teitelboim
€ 35,00
Teitelboim, Claudio
€ 35,00
Notions elementaires de science naturelles. Conformes au Programme-type (1923) des Ecoles primaires
Oscar Terfve
€ 10,00
Terfve, Oscar
€ 10,00
Visual Quantum Mechanics: Selected Topics with Computer-Generated Animations of Quantum-Mechanical Phenomena (Book+CD Rom)
Bernd Thaller
€ 30,00
Thaller, Bernd
€ 30,00
Science, Evolution, and Creationism
The National Academy of Sciences
€ 8,00
The National Academy of Sciences
€ 8,00
Newtons God & Mendels bastaarden. Nieuwe visies op de 'helden van de wetenschap'
Bert Theunissen e.a.
€ 15,00
Theunissen, Bert & Hakfoort, Casper - e.a.
€ 15,00
Philosophie und Mathematik: Eine Einführung in ihre Wechselwirkungen und in die Philosophie der Mathematik
Christian Thiel
€ 10,00
Thiel, Christian
€ 10,00
Computational Physics
J.M. Thijssen
€ 15,00
Thijssen, J.M.
€ 15,00
A Course in Mathematical Physics (4 volumes)
Walter Thirring
€ 80,00
Thirring, Walter
€ 80,00
Classical Mathematical Physics: Dynamical Systems and Field Theories - 3rd edition
Walter Thirring
€ 50,00
Thirring, Walter
€ 50,00
Tropical geomorphology; a study of weathering and landform development in warm climates
Michael Frederic Thomas
€ 20,00
Thomas, Michael Frederic
€ 20,00
Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry
J. A. Thorpe
€ 20,00
Thorpe, J. A.
€ 20,00
Early Astronomy
Hugh Thurston
€ 25,00
Thurston, Hugh
€ 25,00
Spelen met Kansen
Henk Tijms
€ 20,00
Tijms, Henk
€ 20,00
Mensen maken echt het verschil
Anneloes Timmerije
€ 12,50
Timmerije, Anneloes
€ 12,50
Theory of Elasticity - 3rd edition
S.P. Timoshenko e.a.
€ 20,00
Timoshenko, S.P. & J.N. Goodier
€ 20,00
Introduction to superconductivity - Second edition
Michael Tinkham
€ 30,00
Tinkham, Michael
€ 30,00
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
Michael Tinkman
€ 20,00
Tinkman, Michael
€ 20,00
The Theory of Functions
E.C. Titmarsch
€ 30,00
Titmarsch, E.C.
€ 30,00
Liesche Gruppen und Algebren
J. Tits
€ 10,00
Tits, J.
€ 10,00
Analytic Properties of Feynman Diagrams in Quantum Field Theory
I.T. Todorov
€ 25,00
Todorov, I.T.
€ 25,00
The Principles of Statistical Mechanics
Richard C. Tolman
€ 25,00
Tolman, Richard C.
€ 25,00
Real Variables
Alberto Torchinsky
€ 15,00
Torchinsky, Alberto
€ 15,00
The Philosophy of Physics
Roberto Torretti
€ 10,00
Torretti, Roberto
€ 10,00
Dutch pioneers of the earth sciences
Jacques L.R. Touret e.a.
€ 8,00
Touret, Jacques L.R. & Robert P.W. Visser
€ 8,00
In memoriam Daniel E. Jones (Spanish text)
Ferran Toutain e.a.
€ 12,50
Toutain, Ferran & Isabel Fernandez Alonso
€ 12,50
Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
Alexei Tsvelik
€ 85,00
Tsvelik , Alexei
€ 85,00
Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
Alexei Tsvelik
€ 90,00
Tsvelik , Alexei
€ 90,00
Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics - Second edition
Alexei M. Tsvelik
€ 75,00
Tsvelik, Alexei M.
€ 75,00
Current problems in Elementary Particle and Mathematical Physics
P. - and others Urban
€ 40,00
Urban, P. - and others
€ 40,00
Contacts Between High Energy Physics and Other Fields of Physics
Paul Urban
€ 20,00
Urban, Paul
€ 20,00
Topics in applied quantumelectrodynamics
Paul Urban
€ 10,00
Urban, Paul
€ 10,00
Functional Analysis: Spectral Theory
V. S. Sunder
€ 10,00
V. S. Sunder
€ 10,00
Introduction to Iqbal
S.A. Vahid
€ 10,00
Vahid, S.A.
€ 10,00
Bevorderaars der wetenschap. Fragmenten van jaarredes gehouden in de algemene vergaderingen van de Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen 1966-1978
Jhr.Mr. C.C. van Valkenburg
€ 6,00
Valkenburg, Jhr.Mr. C.C. van
€ 6,00
Copernicus is ziek: een geschiedenis van het New-Agedenken over natuurwetenschap
Tomas Vanheste
€ 10,00
Vanheste, Tomas
€ 10,00
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and their Representation
V.S. Varadarajan
€ 35,00
Varadarajan, V.S.
€ 35,00
Supersymmetry for Mathematicians: An Introduction
V.S. Varadarajan
€ 30,00
Varadarajan, V.S.
€ 30,00
La Pologne au VI-e congrès international des Sciences Historiques. Oslo 1928
€ 25,00
€ 25,00
Webster's New Geographical Dictionary
€ 12,50
€ 12,50
Advanced Signal Processing and Digital Noise Reduction
Saeed V. Vaseghi
€ 35,00
Vaseghi, Saeed V.
€ 35,00
Introduction to Topology
V.A. Vassiliev
€ 15,00
Vassiliev, V.A.
€ 15,00
Set Theory: An Introduction - Second edition
Robert Vaught
€ 30,00
Vaught, Robert
€ 30,00
Constructive Quantum Field Theory: The 1973 Ettore Majorana International School of Mathematical Physics
G. Velo e.a.
€ 10,00
Velo, G. & A. Wightman (editors)
€ 10,00
Renormalization Theory: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the International School of Mathematical Physics at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice (Sicily) Italy, 17-31 August, 1975
G. Velo e.a.
€ 75,00
Velo, G. & A. Wightman (editors)
€ 75,00
Diagrammatica: The Path to Feynman Rules
Martinus Veltman
€ 15,00
Veltman, Martinus
€ 15,00
Henri Poincaré: Impatient Genius
Ferdinand Verhulst
€ 30,00
Verhulst, Ferdinand
€ 30,00
A Philosopher's Understanding of Quantum Mechanics: Possibilities and Impossibilities of a Modal Interpretation
Pieter Vermaas
€ 20,00
Vermaas, Pieter
€ 20,00
Interstellar Matters: Essays on Curiosity and Astronomical Discovery
Gerrit L. Verschuur
€ 12,50
Verschuur, Gerrit L.
€ 12,50
Cosmic Strings and Other Topological Defects
A. Vilenkin e.a.
€ 70,00
Vilenkin, A. & E.P.S. Shellard
€ 70,00
Leonardo da Vinci
€ 10,00
Vinci, Leonardo da
€ 10,00
Several complex variables I: Introduction to complex analysis
A.G. Vitushkin
€ 25,00
Vitushkin, A.G.
€ 25,00
Zeichnen; Messen; Rechnen: Mathematische Instrumente des Industriezeitalters
Hans-Joachim Vollrath
€ 50,00
Vollrath, Hans-Joachim
€ 50,00
Wat eten we? De toekomst van ons voedsel
Kees de Vré
€ 5,00
Vré, Kees de
€ 5,00
Het Leven en de Werken van James Watt
D. de Vries
€ 8,00
Vries, D. de
€ 8,00
Algebra: Volume I
B. L. van der Waerden
€ 20,00
Waerden, B. L. van der
€ 20,00
A History of Algebra: From al-Khwarizmi to Emmy Noether
B.L. van der Waerden
€ 150,00
Waerden, B.L. van der
€ 150,00
Algebra (2 volumes)
B.L. van der Waerden
€ 20,00
Waerden, B.L. van der
€ 20,00
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
B.L. van der Waerden
€ 20,00
Waerden, B.L. van der
€ 20,00
Mathematische Statistik: Die Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen
B.L. van der Waerden
€ 70,00
Waerden, B.L. van der
€ 70,00
The Banach-Tarski Paradox
Stan Wagon
€ 15,00
Wagon, Stan
€ 15,00
Lectures on Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebra
Minoru Wakimoto
€ 40,00
Wakimoto, Minoru
€ 40,00
Synthese van enkele retinol-analoga met behulp van gesubstitueerde crotonesterfosfonaten
Gouke van der Wal
€ 10,00
Wal, Gouke van der
€ 10,00
Synthese van enkele retinol-analoga met behulp van gesubstitueerde crotonesterfosfonaten
Gouke van der Wal
€ 8,00
Wal, Gouke van der
€ 8,00
From Number Theory to Physics
M. - and others Waldschmidt
€ 70,00
Waldschmidt, M. - and others (editors)
€ 70,00
The Great Engineers
Derek Walker
€ 12,50
Walker, Derek
€ 12,50
Le carnaval de la physique. L'explication des phenomenes physiques en 610 questions et sans formules
Jearl Walker
€ 10,00
Walker, Jearl
€ 10,00
Informal Logic : A Pragmatic Approach
Douglas Walton
€ 25,00
Walton, Douglas
€ 25,00
Mathematical Principles of Mechanics and Electromagnetism (2 volumes)
C.C. Wang
€ 50,00
Wang, C.C.
€ 50,00
Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Cotton
Kyle Ward
€ 20,00
Ward, Kyle
€ 20,00
Modern Algebra: Two volumes bound as one
Seth Warner
€ 15,00
Warner, Seth
€ 15,00
Hacker's Delight - 2nd edition
Henry S. Warren
€ 30,00
Warren, Henry S.
€ 30,00
Edison: zijn leven en loopbaan
Hendrik de Water
€ 5,00
Water, Hendrik de
€ 5,00
A Measure of Time: 25th Anniversary Trevor Philip & Sons
Trevor P. Waterman
€ 10,00
Waterman, Trevor P. (foreword)
€ 10,00
Science at the Nanoscale: An Introductory Textbook
Andrew T.S. Wee
€ 30,00
Wee, Andrew T.S.
€ 30,00
Een halve eeuw in de goede richting.  Lustrumboek snellius 1985-1990
Emile Weesie e.a.
€ 15,00
Weesie, Emile & Ardis Bollweg & Mario Burger & Richard Bun & Remko Wicherson
€ 15,00
K-Theory and C*-Algebras: A Friendly Approach
N.E. Wegge-Olsen
€ 125,00
Wegge-Olsen, N.E.
€ 125,00
Facing Up: Science and Its Cultural Adversaries
Steven Weinberg
€ 12,50
Weinberg, Steven
€ 12,50
Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
Steven Weinberg
€ 30,00
Weinberg, Steven
€ 30,00
Roland Weitzenböck
€ 35,00
Weitzenböck, Roland
€ 35,00
Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds
R.O. Wells
€ 20,00
Wells, R.O.
€ 20,00
Supersymmetry and Supergravity
Julius Wess
€ 10,00
Wess, Julius
€ 10,00
Supersymmetry and Supergravity - Second edition, revised and expanded
Julius Wess e.a.
€ 30,00
Wess, Julius & Jonathan Bagger
€ 30,00
Darwin's First Theory: Exploring Darwin's Quest for a Theory of Earth
Rob Wesson
€ 10,00
Wesson, Rob
€ 10,00
Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity - Extended Second Edition
Peter West
€ 15,00
West, Peter
€ 15,00
Logica: een inleiding met toepassingen in de informatica
S.C. van - en anderen Westrhenen
€ 10,00
Westrhenen, S.C. van - en anderen
€ 10,00
Hermann Weyl
€ 10,00
Weyl, Hermann
€ 10,00
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