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Categorie Geschiedenis Midden-Oosten

Aantal gevonden boeken: 260

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Jews in Arab Lands Today: photographs
Ruth Porter
€ 12,50
Het wonder van Perzie
Drs. H. van Praag
€ 6,50
Palestinian Refugees. The Right of Return
Pluto Press
€ 12,50
The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs
David Pryce-Jones
€ 6,00
Miners and the state in the Ottoman Empire: the Zonguldak coalfield, 1822-1920
Donald Quataert
€ 20,00
Orabi, leader of the Fellahin
Abdel Rahman el Sharkawi
€ 20,00
War We Could Not Stop: The Real Story of the Battle for Iraq
Randeep Ramesh
€ 6,00
War We Could Not Stop: The Real Story of the Battle for Iraq
Randeep Ramesh
€ 6,00
Fiasco. The American Military Adventure in Iraq
Thomas Ricks
€ 10,00
Fiasco. The American Military Adventure In Iraq
Thomas Ricks
€ 10,00
The Search for Al Qaeda: Its Leadership, Ideology, and Future
Bruce Riedel
€ 10,00
Air War Iraq
Tim Ripley
€ 8,00
Geschiedenis van de Arabische cultuur
Jacques C. Risler
€ 5,00
Petra, by David Roberts 1839: the Complete Collection of Lithographs: 14 Paintings
David Roberts
€ 20,00
L'Ennemi intime
Patrick Rotman
€ 8,00
Groeten uit Alkmaar, een eeuw verstreken
Roel Rozenburg
€ 10,00
Ataturk's Children. Turkey and the Kurds
Jonathan Rugman
€ 20,00
H. Saint John B. Philby. Le "Sheikh 'Abdallah". 3 avril 1885 - 30 septembre 1960
G. Ryckmans
€ 30,00
Stories And Scenes From Mount Lebanon
Mahmoud Khalil Saab
€ 10,00
Palestine: A Personal History
Karl Sabbagh
€ 10,00
Mémoire blessée: Algérie, 1957
Mohamed Sahnoun
€ 8,00
Baalbeck, Gods Paradise. History of Baalbeck
Philippe Sayegh
€ 5,00
Unbekannter Irak: die grossen Reportagen aus dem legendären National Geographic Magazin
Jan Scherping
€ 8,00
Cradle and Crucible: History and Faith in the Middle East
Daniel et al. Schorr
€ 10,00
Ottoman Odyssey: Travels Through a Lost Empire
Alev Scott
€ 15,00
Hattusha Guide: a Day in The Hittite Capital
Jürgen Seeher
€ 8,00
A Hundred and One Days: A Baghdad Journal
Asne Seierstad
€ 8,00
In the tradition of Moses and Mohammed. Jewish and Arab folktales
Bernstein Serwer e.a.
€ 8,00
Babylon. Kunstschatten uit Mesopotamië
Dr. M.V. Seton-Williams
€ 8,00
Awakening Victory. How Iraqi Tribes and American Troops Reclaimed Al Anbar and Defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq
Lt. Col. Michael Silverman
€ 12,50
Lifting the veil. Life in revolutionary Iran
John Simpson e.a.
€ 10,00
Sinai Stätten des geistes
Heinz Skrobucha
€ 6,00
Nederlanders aan de kusten van Oman
B.J. Slot
€ 8,00
The Babylonian Legends of the Creation and the Fight between Bel and the Dragon as told by Assyrian Tablets from Nineveh: with twenty-six illustrations
Sidney Smith
€ 10,00
Al Qaeda's Great Escape. The Military and the Media on Terror's Trail
Philip G. Smucker
€ 8,00
Indrukken van een Arabisch congreslid
Dr. C Snouck Hurgronje
€ 10,00
ISIS. The State of Terror
Jessica Stern e.a.
€ 7,50
The Khyber Rifles: From the British Raj to Al Qaeda
Jules Stewart
€ 6,00
Städte in der Wüste. Petra, Palmyra und Hatra - Handelszentren am Karawanenweg
Henri Stierlin
€ 9,00
Gangrene Et l'Oubli: La mémoire de la guerre d'Algérie
Benjamin Stora
€ 9,00
Histoire De La Guerre d'Algerie (1954-1962)
Benjamin Stora
€ 5,00
Die 'Toten Städte': Stadt und Land in Nordsyrien während der Spätantike
Christine Strube
€ 15,00
The Cauldron: Politics of the Middle East
Amir Taheri
€ 8,00
Road to Suez: The Battle of the Canal Zone
Michael T. Thornhill
€ 15,00
When God Made Hell. The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq 1914-1921
Charles Townshend
€ 15,00
Among Warriors in Iraq: True Grit, Special Ops, and Raiding in Mosul and Fallujah) (True Grit, Special Ops, and Raiding in Mosul and Fallujah
Mike Tucker
€ 9,00
Fascisme in Turkije
€ 6,00
Quasr al Hosn: a historic landmark
€ 8,00
Grands courants de l'architecture islamique mosquées
Ulya Vogt-Göknil
€ 20,00
Het rijbewijs van Nematollah. Een migratiegeschiedenis
Marja Vuijsje
€ 5,00
From the four corners of Iran
James Waite e.a.
€ 15,00
Arafat: In the eyes of the beholder
Janet Wallach e.a.
€ 10,00
Twee watermeloenen in één hand: de acteurs in het Libanese drama
Antonie Wessels
€ 12,50
The History of War in the Middle East. Inclusive of the Fall of Saddam Hussein
John Westwood
€ 20,00
Het matriarchaat bij de oude Arabieren
Dr. G.A. Wilken
€ 15,00
Die Hethiter und ihr Reich: das Volk der 1000 Götter
Helga Willinghöfer
€ 10,00
The Hadj: a pilgrimage to Mecca
Michael Wolfe
€ 8,00
A Manual for American Servicemen in the Arab Middle East: Using Cultural Understanding to Defeat Adversaries and Win the Peace
William D. Wunderle
€ 10,00
The Near East Since the First World War
M.E. Yapp
€ 10,00
The Military and Police Forces of the Gulf States. Volume 1: Trucial States and United Arab Emirates 1951-1980
Athol Yates e.a.
€ 10,00
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