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Categorie Geschiedenis Zuid- en Latijns Amerika
Aantal gevonden boeken: 264
Der Gott Federschlange und sein Reich: Mexiko - Zur Symbolsprache Altmexikos
Daisy Rittershaus
€ 8,00
ABC der Maya
Joachim Rittstieg
€ 175,00
Cuba for Beginners
€ 10,00
La plaza en la Revolución
Juan Carlos - a.o. Rodriguez
€ 10,00
History of British Guiana, from the Year 1668 to the Present Time, Volume I
James Rodway
€ 10,00
Jeder Ort - ein heiliger Ort. Religion und Ritual in den Anden
Ina Rösing
€ 10,00
Amerika, Een fascinerende beschaving 500 jaar geleden
Manuel Lucena Salmoral
€ 6,50
The Ongoing Evolution of Latin American Populations
Francisco M. Salzano
€ 20,00
Bartolomé de las Casas: a selection of his writings
George Sanderlin
€ 12,50
Che Guevara
David Sandison
€ 6,00
Cuba. A Revolution in Motion
Isaac Saney
€ 15,00
The 1989 Coup d'Etat in Paraguay. The End of a Long Dictatorship, 1954-1989
Antonio Luis Sapienza
€ 10,00
Yucatan en de Maya-cultuur
Mario Sartor
€ 5,00
The poor are many - Political Ethics in the Social Encyclicals, Christian Democracy, and Liberation Theology in Latin America
F. Sawyer
€ 6,00
De Gepeoe slaat toe!
Generaal Leandro a Sánchez Salazar e.a.
€ 5,00
Geschiedenis van Brazilie 1500-1889
Dr. C.M. Schulten
€ 5,00
With the Gurkhas in the Falklands. A War Journal
Mike Seear
€ 15,00
With the Gurkhas in the Falklands. A War Journal
Mike Seear
€ 10,00
The Golden Antilles
Tim Severin
€ 10,00
The Land of the Incas
Hans Silvester e.a.
€ 6,00
The Land of the Incas
Hans Silvester e.a.
€ 12,50
Jesusmanta willakuykuna iskay kaq libro warma Jesus
Betty Smith
€ 10,00
The great cultures of Mesoamerica
Sodi M. Demetrio
€ 6,00
The Aztec Empire. Catalogue Of The Exhibition
Felipe Solis
€ 8,00
Religious Regimes in Peru. Religion and state development in a long-term perspective and the effects in the Andean village of Zurite
Fred Spier
€ 8,00
Study of Maya Art: Its Subject Matter and Historical Development
Herbert J. Spinden
€ 9,00
Vassouras. A Brazilian Coffee County, 1850-1900. The Roles of Planter and Slave in a Plantation Society
Stanley J. Stein
€ 10,00
Incidemts of travel in Yucatan. 127 Engravings
John L. Stephens
€ 8,00
Hitler: The Führer and the People
J.P. Stern
€ 12,50
The new laws for the government of the Indies and for the preservation of the Indians 1542-1543
Henry Stevens e.a.
€ 70,00
Das alte Mexiko - Architektur der Welt
Henri Stierlin
€ 8,00
The Art of Maya
Henri Stierlin
€ 8,00
The last conquistador. Mansio serra de Leguizamon and the conquest of the Inca's
Stuart Stirling
€ 25,00
Flandre et Amérique latine. 500 ans de confrontation et métissage
Eddy Stols e.a.
€ 35,00
Hollandse pioniers in Brazilie
Harald S. van der Straaten
€ 8,00
The Mighty Aztecs
Gene S. Stuart e.a.
€ 8,00
The Mysterious Maya
George E. Stuart
€ 9,00
The Mysterious Maya
George E. Stuart e.a.
€ 8,00
Mineral imbalances in cattle in the Amazon Valley
P. Sutmöller e.a.
€ 10,00
War in the Falklands: The Campaign in Pictures
The Sunday Express Magazine Team
€ 9,00
Die eroberung Mexikos. Cortés und Montezuma
Hugh Thomas
€ 10,00
No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic, 1982
Julian Thompson
€ 15,00
The Day of the Dead. Art, Inspiration & Counter Culture
Russ Thorne
€ 20,00
A Message from the Falklands
David Tinker e.a.
€ 5,00
Travel to landmarks: Cusco, Peru
James Tiskell e.a.
€ 8,00
A Maya Grammar. With Bibliography and Appraisement of the Works Noted
Alfred M. Tozzer
€ 8,00
Kulturen Alt-Perus. Reisen und archäologische Forschungen in den Anden Südamerikas
Heinrich Ubbelohde-Doering
€ 10,00
Our Falklands War. The Men of the Task Force Tell Their Story
Geoffrey Underwood
€ 8,00
4x Souvenir of the Panama Canal
€ 20,00
Quelques aspects de la Guyane Française
€ 10,00
The Panama Canal: the worlds greatest engineering feat
€ 15,00
Maya-Metropolen. Geografie, opgravingen, architectuur, beeldhouwkunst, muurschilderingen, ceramiek, kostbare materialen, schrift, tijdberekening, maatschappij, godsdienst
Dirk Verbeeck
€ 6,00
Artefactos: Colombian Crafts from the Andes to the Amazon
Liliana Villegas e.a.
€ 8,00
Nederlands Brazilië in zicht: de Bahia-documenten en de teksten van Soler en Baro geïllustreerd met kaarten en prenten
D. de Vries
€ 9,00
Poverty and Progress in the Caribbean, 1800-1960 (Studies in economic & social history)
J.R. Ward
€ 8,00
Image and Memory: Photography from Latin America, 1866-1994. FotoFest
Wendy Watriss e.a.
€ 30,00
Die Tränen des Mondes. Erlebtes aus Peru. Ecuador und Kolumbien
Lothar Wehrle
€ 8,00
Lawful Conquest? European Colonial Law and Appropriation Practices in northeastern South America, Trinidad, and Tobago, 1498-1817
Constanze Weiske
€ 30,00
The sport of life and death: the Mesoamerican ballgame
E. Michael Whittington
€ 15,00
Cortes en de verovering van Mexico
John Wilkes
€ 5,00
Launch Pad UK. Britain and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Jim Wilson
€ 10,00
Lady Nugents Journal of Her Residence in Jamaica from 1801 to 1805
Philip Wright
€ 20,00
Die schatzgraber. Archaologische expeditionen durch die hochkulturen Sudamerikas
Wolfgang W Wurster
€ 6,50
De bewogen historie van de Cosmas en Damianuskerk in Igarassu, het oudste kerkje van Brazilie
Dr. J. Zuring
€ 5,00