Onze boeken
Categorie Geschiedenis Azië
Aantal gevonden boeken: 899
Taiheiki: Chronicle of Mediaeval Japan
H.C. McCullough
€ 10,00
Taiheiki: Chronicle of Mediaeval Japan
H.C. McCullough
€ 10,00
The Rama Epic: Hero, Heroine, Ally, Foe
Forrest McGill e.a.
€ 45,00
Only man is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka
William McGowan
€ 8,00
Only Man is Vile: The Tragedy of Sri Lanka
William McGowan
€ 8,00
China and the Superpowers
Roy Medvedev
€ 10,00
Schetsen en tafereelen uit China's verleden
I.K. van der Meer
€ 5,00
Portrait of India
Ved Mehta
€ 8,00
Portrait of India
Ved Mehta
€ 5,00
The New India
Ved Mehta
€ 5,00
Acht Surimono
P.W. Meister
€ 15,00
Biombos Namban. Namban Screens
Maria Helena Mendes Pinto
€ 10,00
Biombos Namban. Namban Screens
Maria Helena Mendes Pinto
€ 10,00
Bachelor's Japan
Boye De Mente
€ 9,00
Some Prefer Geisha. The Lively Art of Mistress-Keeping in Japan
Boye de Mente
€ 10,00
Roads to Xanadu: East and West In the Making of the Modern World
John Merson
€ 10,00
Roads to Xanadu: East and West in the Making of the Modern World
John Merson
€ 9,00
The genius that was China: East and West in the making of the modern world
John Merson
€ 10,00
Verschuivende beelden van de Dien Bien Phoe-crisis van 1954
P.A.J. Meulendijks
€ 15,00
Tibetan temple paintings / Tibetaansche tempelschilderingen
W.J.G. van Meurs
€ 10,00
Was uralte Denkmäler erzählen - Kurze Wegleitung durch das vorderasiatische Museum
Gerhard Rudolf Meyer
€ 5,00
Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia
Karl E. Meyer e.a.
€ 10,00
Tournament of Shadows: The Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia
Karl E. Meyer e.a.
€ 10,00
Roland Michaud e.a.
€ 10,00
Bozkashi-Reiter in Afghanistan
Roland Michaud e.a.
€ 12,50
Their War for Korea: American, Asian, and European Combatants and Civilians, 1945-1953
Allan R. Millett
€ 10,00
Samurai William: The Englishman Who Opened Japan
Giles Milton
€ 10,00
Tradition and Revolt. The Rise and Fall of Empires. Imperial China. Islands of the Rising Sun
Joyce Milton e.a.
€ 10,00
Mevrouw Mao. Roman gebaseerd op ware feiten
Anchee Min
€ 5,00
Chinese Propaganda Posters: From the Collection of Michael Wolf
Anchee Min e.a.
€ 15,00
Deng Xiaoping: Chronicle Of An Empire
Ruan Ming
€ 12,50
What Kind of Democracy Do Chinese People Want
Zhang Mingshu
€ 25,00
End of an Era: How China's Authoritarian Revival is Undermining Its Rise
Carl Minzner
€ 12,50
The Legacy of Majapahit
John N. Miskie e.a.
€ 80,00
Een miskend geneesheer. Dr. J.K. van den Broek en de overdracht van kennis van westerse technologie in Japan, 1853-1857
Herman J. Moeshart
€ 12,50
De Verboden Stad. Hofcultuur van de Chinese Keizers (1644-1911) / The Forbidden City. Court Culture of the Chinese Emperors (1644-1911)
Dr. J.R. Molen e.a.
€ 6,00
U.S. Marine Operations in Korea 1950-1953 - Volume II: The Inchon-Seoul Operation
Lynn Montross e.a.
€ 25,00
The Nobility of Failure: Tragic Heroes in the History of Japan
Ivan Morris
€ 15,00
The World of the Shining Prince: Court Life in Ancient Japan
Ivan Morris
€ 8,00
Hong Kong: Epilogue to an Empire
Jan Morris
€ 8,00
Hongkong, reis naar het hart van de draak. Een eerbetoon aan Hongkong en Macau in woord en beeld
Jan Morris e.a.
€ 10,00
Showa. Japanners onder Hirohito
Tessa Morris-Suzuki
€ 6,50
Hollanders in Hirado: 1597-1641
W.Z. Mulder
€ 12,50
Genji Monogatari
Shikibu Murasaki
€ 6,00
The lotus and chrysanthemum Excellence Blooms at Tata Steel
B. Muthuraman e.a.
€ 25,00
Formation of the borders of Russia in Central and Central Asia (XVIII-XIX centuries) (Russian Edition)
V.S. - and others Myasnikova
€ 15,00
Where China Meets India: Burma and the Closing of the Great Asian Frontier. by Thant Myint-U
Thant Myint-U
€ 15,00
Asian Drama: an Inquiry into the Poverty oF Nations (3 volumes in box)
Gunnar Myrdal
€ 15,00
China's Megatrends: The 8 Pillars of a New Society
John Naisbitt e.a.
€ 10,00
Japanese society
Chie Nakane
€ 5,00
Het oude China en de muur
P. Nancarrow
€ 5,00
The making of the Dalit public in North India. Uttar Pradesh, 1950-present
Badri Narayan
€ 20,00
Bergen goden magiers. Drie jaren verblijf onder de onbekende volken van de Himalaja
Dr. Von Nebesky-Wojkowitz
€ 6,50
Too many of us? Population trends; Birth control; Marriage problems; Gandhiji's lead
Albert Nevett
€ 50,00
Van Hóa Viêt Nam qua bu'u anh cô: Knowledge on Viet Nam through Ancient Post Cards
Nguyen Khac Can e.a.
€ 90,00
Home to War: A History of the Vietnam Veterans' Movement
Gerald Nicosia
€ 12,50
China met andere ogen. Over hemelse vrede, glorieuze rijkdom en herwonnen vrijheid
Annette Nijs
€ 8,00
Op het scherp van de snede. Achtergronden en ontwikkeling van de volksbeweging in China - Beijing voorjaar 1989
Frank Niming
€ 5,00
Bushido: The Soul of Japan: an Exposition of Japanese Thought
Inazo Nitobe
€ 9,00
Transit Mongolië. Steppeland in verandering + DVD
Robin Noorda
€ 10,00
Een dag in Vietnam en andere reisverslagen
Max Nord
€ 5,00
Vietnam is our world
Max Nord
€ 10,00
Tibet: The Lost Civilization
Simon Normanton
€ 15,00
Indian Castles 1206-1526: The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
Konstantin S. Nossov
€ 8,00
Indian Castles 1206-1526: The Rise and Fall of the Delhi Sultanate
Konstantin S. Nossov
€ 8,00
"Het is waar, maar je moet het niet geloven": Soldatenverhalen aan de vergetelheid ontrukt. Deel 3
L.M.A. van Oijen
€ 6,00
Taj Mahal
Amina Okada e.a.
€ 20,00
Holland, Japan & De liefde
Hayashi On
€ 7,50
Het Maleische Volksdicht: rede
Ch.A. van Ophuijsen
€ 10,00
Blueprint for a New Japan: The Rethinking of a Nation
Ichiro Ozawa
€ 10,00
Sons of heaven: A portrait of the Japanese monarchy
Jerrold M. Packard
€ 8,00
Beijing: Then and Now
Brian Page
€ 15,00
Ein anderes Vietnam: Bilder des Krieges von der anderen Seite
Tim Page e.a.
€ 12,50
The Last Empress: Madame Chiang Kai-shek and the Birth of Modern China
Hannah Pakula
€ 12,50
Romance of the Taj Mahal
Pratapaditya Pal e.a.
€ 10,00
The Death of Mao. The Tangshan Earthquake and the Birth of the New China
James Palmer
€ 8,00
Sons of the Yellow Emperor: A History of the Chinese Diaspora
Lynn Pan
€ 15,00
Out of Mao's Shadow: The Struggle for the Soul of a New China
Philip Pan
€ 8,00
Indian Village Folk: their Work and Ways
T.B. Pandian
€ 40,00
Dragon Emperor: Treasures from the Forbidden City
Mae Anna Pang
€ 9,00
Madhya Pradesh: the Heart of India
Pushpesh Pant
€ 15,00
A Brush with Hong Kong
David Parker
€ 10,00
Nepal. Bergen van de hemel
David Paterson e.a.
€ 15,00
De geschiedenis der Japansche penetratie in Mantsjoerije als volkenrechtelijk probleem
Dr C.L. Patijn
€ 8,00
De geschiedenis der Japansche penetratie in Mantsjoerije als volkenrechtelijk probleem
Dr C.L. Patijn
€ 8,00
American Voyages to the Orient 1690-1865: An Account of Merchant and Naval Activities in China, Japan and the various Pacific Islands
Charles Oscar Paullin
€ 12,50
Ban Wang Hai: Excavations of an Iron-Age Cemetery in Northern Thailand
Jean-Pierre Pautreau e.a.
€ 40,00
The Ganges: Along Sacred Waters
Aldo Pavan
€ 15,00
Law and Morality in Ancient China: The Silk Manuscripts of Huang-Lao
R.P. Peerenboom
€ 20,00
The Last Barbarians: The Discovery of the Source of the Mekong in Tibet
Michel Peissel
€ 8,00
La Chine. Le Troisième Géant (4 delen samen)
Roger Pelissier
€ 45,00
Korea: Where the American Century Began
Michael Pembroke
€ 9,00
China en het Westen. Kroniek van een historische ontmoeting
Alain Peyrefitte
€ 8,00
The Document Album of Cu Chi / l'Album documentaire de Cu Chi 1960-1975.
Duong Thanh Phong
€ 10,00
Ramakien. Der Kampf der Götter, Helden und Dämonen
Lan Phuong e.a.
€ 5,00
De openstelling van Japan
J.L. Pierson
€ 10,00
Viet Cong: the organization and techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Douglas Pike
€ 12,50
Bending Adversity. Japan and the Art of Survival
David Pilling
€ 10,00
Paintings from Islamic lands
R Pinder-Wilson
€ 8,00
China zur Zeit der Han-Dynastie: Kultur und Geschichte
Michèle Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens
€ 10,00