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Categorie Geschiedenis Europa

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Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation 962 bis 1806. Von Otto dem Grossen bis zum Ausgang des Mittelalters. Katalog
Matthias Puhle e.a.
€ 12,50
Puhle, Matthias & Claus-Peter Hasse
€ 12,50
Getting to know Catalonia
J.M. Puigjaner
€ 10,00
Puigjaner, J.M.
€ 10,00
Album Amicorum Abraham Ortelius
Jean Puraye
€ 35,00
Puraye, Jean (editor)
€ 35,00
Kalender für das Klever Land auf das Jahr 1989
Alois Puyn
€ 8,00
Puyn, Alois (Red.)
€ 8,00
Milan and Lombardy in the Renaissance: essays in Cultural History
Cynthia M. Pyle
€ 150,00
Pyle, Cynthia M.
€ 150,00
Geographisch Handtbuch - Cologne 1600
Matthias Quad
€ 65,00
Quad, Matthias
€ 65,00
Venezia. Il Canal Grande; La Piazza S. Marco
Antonio Quadri
€ 12,50
Quadri, Antonio
€ 12,50
Thousand Years in Sicily. From the Arabs to the Bourbons
Giuseppe Quatriglio
€ 10,00
Quatriglio, Giuseppe
€ 10,00
Franc?ois Mitterrand: Des temps de poses a? l'Elyse?e
Guy le Querrec e.a.
€ 12,50
Querrec, Guy le & Daniel Druet
€ 12,50
Italy from the Air
Folco Quilici
€ 8,00
Quilici, Folco
€ 8,00
Italy from the Air
Folco Quilici
€ 8,00
Quilici, Folco
€ 8,00
The Fenians in England 1865-1872. A sense of insecurity
Patrick Quinlivan e.a.
€ 6,00
Quinlivan, Patrick & Paul Rose
€ 6,00
Nederland op de wereldtentoonstelling Brussel 1958
Ton Raateland
€ 45,00
Raateland, Ton (ontwerp) & Ad Windig & Frits Rotgans (foto's)
€ 45,00
Caraboo: The Servant Girl Princess
Jennifer Raison e.a.
€ 10,00
Raison, Jennifer & Michael Goldie
€ 10,00
Die Wittelsbacher. Vom Ott I bis Elisabeth I
Hans und Marga Rall
€ 6,50
Rall, Hans und Marga
€ 6,50
Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
Dean Ramsay
€ 10,00
Ramsay, Dean
€ 10,00
Don't Mention The War. The British and the Germans Since 1890
John Ramsden
€ 10,00
Ramsden, John
€ 10,00
Don't Mention The War. The British and the Germans since 1890
John Ramsden
€ 8,00
Ramsden, John
€ 8,00
München. Photographische Ansichten 1885-1915
Winfried Ranke e.a.
€ 8,00
Ranke, Winfried & Klaus Jsembach & Gabriele Sterner
€ 8,00
Portugal. From its Origin through the Roman Era
Luis - a.o. Raposo
€ 12,50
Raposo, Luis - a.o.
€ 12,50
Sandbjerg Mellem Sø og Sund: Strejftog i historie, kultur og natur
Søren Rasmussen
€ 10,00
Rasmussen, Søren (editor)
€ 10,00
In the Steps of Chaucer's Pilgrims: From Southwark to Canterbury from the Air and on Foot
Jack Ravensdale
€ 6,00
Ravensdale, Jack
€ 6,00
Drunks, Whores and Idle Apprentices: Criminal Biographies of the Eighteenth Century
Philip Rawlings
€ 30,00
Rawlings, Philip
€ 30,00
Les marines de la France et de l'Angleterre 1815-1863
M. Xavier Raymond
€ 15,00
Raymond, M. Xavier
€ 15,00
Las joyas de las reinas de España: la desconocida historia de las alhajas reales
Fernando Rayón e.a.
€ 20,00
Rayón, Fernando & José Luis Sampedro
€ 20,00
Berlin: The biography of a city
Anthony Read
€ 10,00
Read, Anthony
€ 10,00
Il Caffè Florian
Danilo Reato e.a.
€ 17,50
Reato, Danilo & Edi Pezzetta (illustrations by)
€ 17,50
Watching Hannah Sexuality. Horror and Bodily De-formation in Victorian England
Barry Reay
€ 12,00
Reay, Barry
€ 12,00
Informationen und Erläuterungen zu den Ostfriesland-Karten, "West"-Friesland-Karten, Seekarten der Emsmündung, Stadtplänen und Stadtansichten von Emden
Michael Recke
€ 20,00
Recke, Michael (zusammengestellt von)
€ 20,00
Galilei, ketter: de politieke machtsstrijd rond het proces tegen Galileo Galilei, 1633
Pietro Redondi
€ 6,50
Redondi, Pietro
€ 6,50
Celtic Saints of Wessex
Elizabeth Rees
€ 5,00
Rees, Elizabeth
€ 5,00
Daring Young Men: The Heroism and Triumph of the Berlin Airlift, June 1948-May 1949
Richard Reeves
€ 8,00
Reeves, Richard
€ 8,00
Mijn leven
Marcel Reich-Ranicki
€ 8,00
Reich-Ranicki, Marcel
€ 8,00
Die Habsburger. Von Rodolf I bis Karl I
Richard Reifenscheid
€ 6,50
Reifenscheid, Richard
€ 6,50
Guide des chalets et refuges de l' Union Touristique "Les Amis de la Nature"  (Groupe France) pour 1947
R. Reitter
€ 5,00
Reitter, R. (Pr'eface)
€ 5,00
Heimat: Eine Chronik in Bildern
Edgar Reitz
€ 17,50
Reitz, Edgar
€ 17,50
Heimat: Eine Chronik in Bildern
Edgar Reitz
€ 17,50
Reitz, Edgar
€ 17,50
Super Sarko! Nicolas Sarkozy is voor niets en niemand bang
Frank Renout
€ 5,00
Renout, Frank
€ 5,00
Paris en cartes postales anciennes: Panthéon - Luxembourg
Georges Renoy
€ 9,00
Renoy, Georges
€ 9,00
Die vorneogene Stratigraphie der Normalsedimentaren Formationen Griechenlands + Ergänzungsheft
Carl Renz
€ 150,00
Renz, Carl
€ 150,00
Cartografia impressa dos séculos XVI e XVII: imagens de Portugal e Ilhas Atlânticas: exposição
Maria Teresa Resende
€ 45,00
Resende, Maria Teresa
€ 45,00
Leonardo da Vinci
Ladislao Reti
€ 9,00
Reti, Ladislao (onder redactie van)
€ 9,00
Vittoria Colonna. Leben, Dichten, Glauben im XVI. Jahrhundert
Alfred von Reumont
€ 12,50
Reumont, Alfred von
€ 12,50
Forcalquier et ses environs
A. Reynaud
€ 10,00
Reynaud, A.
€ 10,00
Becoming Criminal. Transversal Performance and Cultural Dissidence in Early Modern England
Bryan Reynolds
€ 40,00
Reynolds, Bryan
€ 40,00
Venise et le carnaval
Rédaction de la Edizione Storti
€ 8,00
Rédaction de la Edizione Storti
€ 8,00
The Final Curtsey: The Autobiography of Margaret Rhodes, First Cousin of the Queen and Niece of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
Margaret Rhodes
€ 8,00
Rhodes, Margaret
€ 8,00
Hell and Good Company: The Spanish Civil War and the World It Made
Richard Rhodes
€ 12,50
Rhodes, Richard
€ 12,50
After La Dolce Vita A Cultural Prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy
Alessia Ricciardi
€ 15,00
Ricciardi, Alessia
€ 15,00
Irish Coastal Landings 1922
Ralph A. Riccio
€ 12,50
Riccio, Ralph A.
€ 12,50
Door ballingen onthaald. Verslag van reizen in Frankrijk, Vlaanderen, Nederland en Duitsland 1708
Elie Richard
€ 10,00
Richard, Elie
€ 10,00
Viking Age England
Julian D. Richards
€ 6,00
Richards, Julian D.
€ 6,00
The waterways revolution: from the Peaks to the Trent; 1768 - 1778
Christine Richardson
€ 8,00
Richardson, Christine
€ 8,00
A Pride of Bastards: A History of the Beaufort Family, Their Origins and Their Part in the Agincourt War and the Wars of the Roses
Geoffrey Richardson
€ 8,00
Richardson, Geoffrey
€ 8,00
The Lordly Ones: A History of the Neville Family and Their Part in the Wars of the Roses
Geoffrey Richardson
€ 10,00
Richardson, Geoffrey
€ 10,00
Portrait of a Bonaparte: The life and times of Joseph-Napoleon Primoli, 1851-1927
Joanna Richardson
€ 10,00
Richardson, Joanna
€ 10,00
The Annals of London: A Year by Year Record of a Thousand Years of History
John Richardson
€ 17,50
Richardson, John
€ 17,50
The Student's Letarouilly illustrating the Renaissance in Rome
Prof. A.E. Richardson
€ 8,00
Richardson, Prof. A.E.
€ 8,00
Berlin. The War, the Wall: From the Nazis to the Cold War
Randy Richison
€ 6,00
Richison, Randy
€ 6,00
Germany: Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, Gardens
Christa von Richtofen
€ 9,00
Richtofen, Christa von
€ 9,00
A Brief Survey of Austrian History
Richard Rickett
€ 8,00
Rickett, Richard
€ 8,00
Molsheim 1944-1985: Les années de bonheur
Bernard Riebel
€ 20,00
Riebel, Bernard
€ 20,00
Bildnis Miniaturen
Hans Rieben
€ 5,00
Rieben, Hans
€ 5,00
Kaiser Karl. Der letzte Monarch Österreich-Ungarns 1887-1922
Heinz Rieder
€ 10,00
Rieder, Heinz
€ 10,00
Napoleon III. Abenteurer und imperator
Heinz Rieder
€ 6,00
Rieder, Heinz
€ 6,00
Die Welt der Hethiter
Margarete Riemschneider
€ 8,00
Riemschneider, Margarete
€ 8,00
Kronprinz Wilhelm
Helmut Ries
€ 10,00
Ries, Helmut
€ 10,00
Kronprinz Wilhelm
Helmut Ries
€ 10,00
Ries, Helmut
€ 10,00
Bureaucraten betrapt. Historische opstellen
P. Rietbergen
€ 5,00
Rietbergen, P.
€ 5,00
Amore Romae. Bulletin voor de Vrienden van het Nederlands Instituut in Rome (15 volumes in 12)
Peter Rietbergen e.a.
€ 50,00
Rietbergen, Peter - e.a.
€ 50,00
Altes Tübingen. Grafische und malerische Darstellungen aus vier Jahrhunderten
Brigitte Riethmüller
€ 6,00
Riethmüller, Brigitte
€ 6,00
Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert 1522-1572. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner politischen Tätigkeit
Dr. Olga Rinck-Wagner
€ 15,00
Rinck-Wagner, Dr. Olga
€ 15,00
Deutschland-Bericht der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (Sopade) 1934-1940 und Register (7 volumes)
Erich - and others Rinner
€ 30,00
Rinner, Erich - and others
€ 30,00
Air War Bosnia: UN and NATO Airpower
Tim Ripley
€ 10,00
Ripley, Tim
€ 10,00
Gjirokastra Museum City
Emin Riza
€ 15,00
Riza, Emin
€ 15,00
Peppino Impastato. Een nar tegen de maffia
Marco Rizzo e.a.
€ 8,00
Rizzo, Marco & Bonaccorso, Lelio
€ 8,00
Parisians. An Adventure History of Paris
Graham Robb
€ 10,00
Robb, Graham
€ 10,00
The Discovery of France
Graham Robb
€ 8,00
Robb, Graham
€ 8,00
Lord Chesterfield's Letters
D. Roberts
€ 6,00
Roberts, D. (editor)
€ 6,00
The Triumph of the West: The Origin, Rise, and Legacy of Western Civilization
J.M. Roberts
€ 15,00
Roberts, J.M.
€ 15,00
Wellington at War in the Peninsula, 1808-1814: An Overview and Guide
Ian Robertson
€ 10,00
Robertson, Ian
€ 10,00
David Urquhart: Some Chapters in the Life of a Victorian Knight Errant of Justice and Liberty
Gertrude J. Robinson
€ 10,00
Robinson, Gertrude J.
€ 10,00
And God Created the French
Louis-Bernard Robitaille
€ 8,00
Robitaille, Louis-Bernard
€ 8,00
Galerie des Chats illustres
Jean de la Robrie
€ 10,00
Robrie, Jean de la
€ 10,00
La liberté ou la mort. Réfléchissez . Et choisissez. 1789. Citations recueillies et présentées par Denis Roche
Denis Roche
€ 8,00
Roche, Denis
€ 8,00
Histoire de Marie-Antoinette (2 volumes)
Maxime de la Rocheterie
€ 100,00
Rocheterie, Maxime de la
€ 100,00
Dominant Duitsland. Economische reus, politieke dwerg?
Dirk Rochtus
€ 8,00
Rochtus, Dirk
€ 8,00
L'Esprit Révolutionnaire avant la Révolution 1715-1789
Félix Rocquain
€ 65,00
Rocquain, Félix
€ 65,00
Fliegende Blätter Band CXLIV: No. 3675-3701
Albert - a.o. Roderich
€ 20,00
Roderich, Albert - a.o.
€ 20,00
Battle Honours of the British Empire and Commonwealth Land Forces 1662-1991
Alexander Rodger
€ 10,00
Rodger, Alexander
€ 10,00
The American Enemy. The History of French Anti-Americanism
Philippe Roger e.a.
€ 12,50
Roger, Philippe & Sharon Bowman
€ 12,50
Napoleon's Army
H.C.B. Rogers
€ 9,00
Rogers, H.C.B.
€ 9,00
Chronicles of the House of Borgia
Frederick William Rolfe
€ 8,00
Rolfe, Frederick William (= Frederick Baron Corvo)
€ 8,00
The Lake District: Life and Traditions
William Rollinson
€ 9,00
Rollinson, William
€ 9,00
Das Berliner Stadtschloss. Geschichte und Zerstörung
Bodo Rollka e.a.
€ 6,00
Rollka, Bodo & Wille, Dieter
€ 6,00
Berliner biographisches lexikon
Bodo en anderen Rollka
€ 6,50
Rollka, Bodo en anderen
€ 6,50
Navigable Waterways: The Revised Edition of Rolt's Classic and Readable Study of Industrial Archaeology With a Postscript By Bryan Marsh
L.T.C. Rolt
€ 8,00
Rolt, L.T.C.
€ 8,00
Bonifatius. Grondlegger van Europa
Willy-Paul Romain
€ 8,00
Romain, Willy-Paul
€ 8,00
Paris 1890's
Jean Roman
€ 6,00
Roman, Jean
€ 6,00
Dai dogi agli imperatori. La fine della Repubblica tra storia e mito
Giandomenico - a.o. Romanelli
€ 15,00
Romanelli, Giandomenico - a.o.
€ 15,00
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