Onze boeken
Categorie Patchwork & Quilten
Aantal gevonden boeken: 180
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Quilts in de zon: 20 ontwerpen voor patchwork en quilten
Kaffe Fassett
€ 10,00

Beyond Neutral. Quilts Inspired by Nature's Elements
John Q. Adams
€ 10,00

Dynamic Quilts with Easy Curves. 19 Projects to Stack, Shuffle and Sew
Karla Alexander
€ 8,50

Small Quilts. Vanessa-Ann Collection
Vanessa Ann
€ 15,00

Carol Armstrong's Patches & posies: designs for appliqué & quilting.
Carol Armstrong
€ 10,00

Quilts uit de collectie van het Fries museum
G. Arnolli e.a.
€ 8,00

Simple Contemporary Quilts. Bold New Designs for the First-Time Quilter
Valerie van Arsdale Shrader
€ 15,00

Mix en Match: patchwork anders
Trine Bakke
€ 6,00

Country Elegance. Cotton and Wool Projects from the Quilted Crow Girls
Leonie Bateman e.a.
€ 10,00

European Art Quilts VII + cd-rom
Claire Benn e.a.
€ 30,00

Dahlia quilts and projects
Cheryl A. Benner
€ 10,00

Lickety-Split Quilts. Fast Projects from BIG Blocks
Laurie Bevan
€ 10,00

Gift Wraps by Artists: American Quilts
Robert Bishop
€ 9,00

Patchworks - Boutis idees-cadeaux - vol. 4
Nicole Boisseau
€ 12,50

Patchworks et boutis - Vol. 3
Nicole Boisseau
€ 20,00

Shadow appliqué: a fresh take on a traditional technique
Hetty van Boven
€ 10,00

The Art of the Handmade Quilt
Nancy Brenan Daniel
€ 15,00

Creative Quilting. The Journal Quilt Project
Karey Bresenhan
€ 15,00

Lone Stars, Volume II: A Legacy of Texas Quilts, 1936-1986
Karoline P. Bresenhan e.a.
€ 15,00

Susan Briscoe
€ 12,50

Gentle Art Of Quiltmaking. 15 Projects Inspired by Everyday Beauty
Jane Brocket
€ 15,00

Pieced Symbols: Quilt Blocks From The Global Village
Myrah Brown Green
€ 10,00

The Complete Guide to Quilting Techniques
Pauline Brown
€ 10,00

Family Ties: Old Quilt Patterns from New Cloth
Nancilu Butler Burdick
€ 10,00

I Love Churn Dashes. 15 Quilts from an All-Time Favorite Block
Karen M. Burns
€ 10,00

Quick Change. Refresh a Room Fast with Quilted Bed Runners
Karen M. Burns
€ 12,50

The Cottage at Cardiff Farms Quilts. 10 Designs by Kathy Cardiff, the Cottage at Cardiff Farms
Kathy Cardiff
€ 10,00

Memorabilia quilts: fabulous projects with keepsakes & collectibles
Linda Causee
€ 15,00

The essential quilter. Tradition, techniques, design patterns and projects
Barbara Chainey
€ 15,00

Quilted Bags and Totes
Denise Clason
€ 10,00

Candy Store and More 1930s Quilts Made New
Kay Connors e.a.
€ 10,00

Quilts in het klein
Adele Corcoran e.a.
€ 6,00

Fancy Tiger Crafts Constellations. Twelve Pieced Astrological Blocks, 8 Personalized Sewing Projects
Amber Platzer Corcoran e.a.
€ 10,00

Patchwork en applicatie
A. van Dael-Schouten
€ 5,00

Patchwork zelf maken
Isabel Dibden Wright
€ 6,00

Simple Style. Easy Weekend Quilts
Sara Diepersloot
€ 12,50

Friendship Quilts
Marieke Dijkers
€ 12,50

GE: Patchwork Quilting/Appliqué
diverse auteurs
€ 6,00

Patchwork 2
diverse auteurs
€ 5,00

Sweet & simple country quilts
Jenni Dobson
€ 12,00

Better Homes and Gardens: Patchwork and Quilting
Don Dooley
€ 8,00

Stained Glass Applique. Basics & beyond
Connie Downey
€ 6,00

Sensational Small Quilts
Christine Doyle
€ 10,00

Quilt design Holland, 25 nieuwe quiltblokken / Quilt design Holland,, 25 new quiltblocks
Julie Duijker e.a.
€ 5,00

Summertime quilts: fresh designs in chenille
Patti Eaton
€ 12,00

Patterns for patchwork quilts
Margit Echols
€ 15,00

Quilted Sea Tapestries. Techniques for machine-embroidered design
Ginny Eckley
€ 10,00

Friendship Blocks. New settings for sentimental favorites
Marge Edie
€ 10,00

A World of Quilts: Designing and Making Contemporary Quilts Inspired by Traditional Patterns
Cassandra Ellis
€ 12,50

A World of Quilts: Designing and Making Contemporary Quilts Inspired by Traditional Patterns
Cassandra Ellis
€ 12,50

Dutch Quilts in beeld *GESIGNEERD*
Ria van Els-Dubelaar
€ 10,00

Back to Charm School. More Fun Quilts from Country Threads
Mary Etherington e.a.
€ 15,00

Patchwork from mosaics
Helen Fairfield
€ 15,00

Sew This and That! 13 Quick-To-Make Quilted Projects
Sherri K. Falls
€ 8,00

Log Cabin Quilts : New Quilts from an Old Favorite
Victoria Faoro
€ 15,00

Folded flower quilts: sew pillows, bags, fashions and more!
Laura Farson
€ 15,00

Passionate Patchwork: Over 20 Original Quilt Designs
Kaffe Fassett
€ 30,00

A Colourful Journey: Patchwork and Quilting: Over Twenty Designs from ROWAN for Patchwork and Quilting
Kaffe - and others Fassett
€ 20,00

Els Feteris e.a.
€ 5,00

Quilted Woodland Décor. Pieced Blocks with Appliqué Accents
Debbie Field
€ 12,00

Patchwork 200 Q&A. Questions answered on everything from basic blocks to accurate binding
Jake Finch
€ 10,00

Quilting. 200 Q&A: Questions Answered on Everything from Popular Blocks to Finishing Touches
Jake Finch
€ 10,00

Quilt Giving. 19 Simple Quilt Patterns to Make and Give
Deborah Fisher
€ 8,00

Favorite Quilts. Collector's Edition: 25 Personal Quilts from Marianne Fons and Liz Porter
Marianne Fons e.a.
€ 10,00

Today's Quilter: your Brand New Magazine packed with projects, inspiration & expert advice (4 + 4 issues)
Jenny Fox-Proverbs
€ 15,00

Improv Paper Piecing: A Modern Approach to Quilt Design
Amy Friend
€ 12,50

Spools and Tools Wallhanging
Wendy Gilbert
€ 6,00

Curl-up quilts: flannel appliqué & more from Piece O' Cake Designs
Becky Goldsmith
€ 15,00

Heirloom Miniatures
Tina M. Gravatt
€ 8,00

Machinaal patchwork en quilten
Katharine Guerrier
€ 5,00

Scrap Quilt Sensation
Katharine Guerrier
€ 15,00

Quilt- & Patchworktechnieken. Een geïllustreerde handleiding voor traditionele en eigentijdse technieken)
Katherine Guerrier
€ 5,00

The quilting and patchwork project book: 20 simple step-by-step projects
Katherine Guerrier
€ 10,00

The Perfect Patchwork Primer
Beth Gutcheon
€ 6,00

Japanese Inspirations: Easy-to-Make Patchwork and Applique Projects
Janet Haigh
€ 10,00

The Quilting Patchwork and Applique Project Book
Dorothea Hall
€ 8,00

Chameleon Quilts: Versatile Looks Using Traditional Patterns
Margrit Hall
€ 10,00

Baby, It's You! 10 Quilts & Bags
Amy Hamberlin
€ 6,50

Take up patchwork
Ionne Hammond
€ 8,00

Urban and Amish. Classic Quilts and Modern Updates
Myra Harder
€ 8,50

Patchwork anders
Valerie Harding
€ 5,00

Patchwork in neuer technik
Marie-Luise Harzer
€ 5,00

You can be a Super Quilter!, a teach-yourself manual for beginners
Carla J. Hassel
€ 10,00

Amish Quiltmaker. From Small Projects to Full-Sized Quilts
Bettina Havig
€ 15,00

Everyday Embellishments
M'Liss Rae Hawley
€ 10,00

Scrappy and Happy Quilts. Limited Palette, Tons of Fun!
Kate Henderson
€ 10,00

Remembering the Past. Reproduction Quilts Inspired by Antique Favorites
Julie Hendricksen
€ 10,00

Basket Garden
Mary Hickey
€ 8,00

The 4 x 5 Quilt-Block Anthology. 182 Blocks for Reproduction Fabrics
Carol Hopkins e.a.
€ 15,00

Fast-Piece Applique. Easy, Artful Quilts by Machine
Rose Hughes
€ 10,00

The standard book of quilt making and collecting
Marguerite Ickis
€ 6,00

Schoonheid uit de lappenmand. Een wereldreis langs patchwork en quilttradities. Ontwerpen voor de naaimachine
Miranda Innes
€ 6,00

Quiltnieuws (23 afleveringen)
Monique van - en anderen Irsel
€ 25,00

Thimbleberries quilting a patchwork garden
Lynette Jensen
€ 12,00

Sjov med Patchwork
Dorthe Jollmann
€ 12,50

25 Patchwork Quilt Blocks
Katy Jones
€ 10,00

Snowball Quilts: Cool Designs from an Easy Block
Tammy Kelly
€ 10,00

Reflections of Baltimore
Jeana Kimball
€ 8,00

Double Wedding Rings Patchwork
Ingeborg Kooijman
€ 8,00

Foam Patchwork zonder naald en draad
Margriet Kors
€ 5,00
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