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Categorie Engels
Aantal gevonden boeken: 3.153

Selected Poetry of John Clare
John Clare e.a.
€ 12,50

Jeff Abbot
€ 5,00

Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Two. Forty Six Stories of Crime and Detection from Original Illustrated Magazines
Angus Evan - a.o. Abbott
€ 10,00

Jeff Abbott
€ 5,00

The Ark Sakura
Kobo Abe
€ 15,00

Corgi Modern Poets in Focus No. 1: Ted Hughes, Edward Thomas, David Wright, Sidney Keyes, Herbert Williams, Douglas Dunn
Dannie Abse
€ 6,00

Peter Ackroyd
€ 8,00

The Clerkenwell Tales
Peter Ackroyd
€ 8,00

The Quickening Maze
Adam Foulds
€ 8,00

Flash Point
Paul Adam
€ 6,50

A Southern Exposure: A Novel
Alice Adams
€ 8,00

Hard Target
James Adams
€ 6,00

Richard Adams
€ 5,00

Richard Adams
€ 5,00

Richard Adams
€ 9,00

The Girl in a Swing
Richard Adams
€ 12,50

Watership Down
Richard Adams
€ 5,00

The Legend of Te Tuna
Richard Adams e.a.
€ 8,00

Last Man in Tower
Aravind Adiga
€ 10,00

The seven against Thebes (septem contra Thebes)
Aeschylus e.a.
€ 6,00

The Suppliant women (Supplices)
Aeschylus e.a.
€ 6,00

Aesop's Fables: a new version, chiefly from original sources, by Thomas James, M.A.
€ 25,00

The Longest Memory
Fred D' Aguiar
€ 5,00

Collected Poems 1916-1970
Conrad Aiken
€ 125,00

Say You're One of Them
Uwem Akpan
€ 5,00

Generations of Winter
Vassily Aksyonov
€ 10,00

Boris Akunin
€ 7,00

3x Penguin Plays: 1) Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?; 2) A Delicate Balance; 3) Tiny Alice; Box and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung (3 volumes)
Edward Albee
€ 10,00

Who's afraid for Virginia Woolf. A Play
Edward Albee
€ 6,00

Little Women
Louisa M. Alcott
€ 9,00

Hafez in English & Persian
A. Alexandrian
€ 200,00

Brick Lane
Monica Ali
€ 9,00

LawmanL Brut
Rosamund Allen
€ 40,00

The Sugar Queen
Sarah Addison Allen
€ 5,00

The English Novel: A Short Critical History
Walter Allen
€ 12,50

Tradition and dream
Walter Allen
€ 5,00

Tradition and Dream: The English and American Novel from the Twenties to our Time
Walter Allen
€ 10,00

The Complete Prose of Woody Allen
Woody Allen
€ 15,00

Without feathers
Woody Allen
€ 5,00

Daughter of Fortune
Isabel Allende
€ 9,00

The 47 Ronin Story
John Allyn
€ 5,00

Lisa Alther
€ 6,50

Other women
Lisa Alther
€ 5,00

Tereza Batista: Home from the Wars
Jorge Amado
€ 10,00

The care of time
Eric Ambler
€ 5,00

Difficulties with girls
Kingsley Amis
€ 5,00

Girl, 20
Kingsley Amis
€ 10,00

Mr. Barrett's Secret and Other Stories
Kingsley Amis
€ 7,50

New Maps of Hell
Kingsley Amis
€ 5,00

The Anti-Death League
Kingsley Amis
€ 5,00

The Great British Song Book
Kingsley Amis e.a.
€ 8,00

A Coast of Trees: Poems
A.R. Ammons
€ 10,00

Brink Road: Poems
A.R. Ammons
€ 15,00

Garbage: A Poem
A.R. Ammons
€ 10,00

A.R. Ammons
€ 15,00

Lake Effect Country: Poems
A.R. Ammons
€ 10,00

Selected Longer Poems
A.R. Ammons
€ 8,00

Sphere: The Form of a Motion
A.R. Ammons
€ 15,00

Sumerian Vistas: Poems
A.R. Ammons
€ 15,00

Tape for the Turn of the Year
A.R. Ammons
€ 10,00

The Really Short Poems of A.R. Ammons
A.R. Ammons
€ 8,00

The Selected Poems, 1951-1977
A.R. Ammons
€ 12,50

The Snow Poems
A.R. Ammons
€ 10,00

Worldly Hopes
A.R. Ammons
€ 8,00

The Cat and the Curmudgeon
Cleveland Amory
€ 6,50

The Cat Who Came for Christmas
Cleveland Amory
€ 6,00

The Mikado Game. A Play
Melih Cevdet Anday
€ 10,00

The Complete Illustrated Stories of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christiaan Andersen
€ 12,50

Fairy Tales - World Edition
Hans Christian Andersen e.a.
€ 10,00

Dark Flight. Rhona Macleod Book 4
Lin Anderson
€ 6,00

Peggy Anderson
€ 5,00

The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Malcolm Andrew
€ 10,00

The Hundred Brothers
Donald Antrim
€ 8,00

Listening now
Anjana Appachana
€ 8,00

Exegesis of a Renunciation / Esegesi di una rinuncia
Francesco Aprile
€ 10,00

Bai of Hatonde
Suren Apte
€ 30,00

The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius
€ 6,00

The Eleventh Commandment
Jeffrey Archer
€ 9,00

Plays: one: Serjeant Musgrave's dance; The workhouse donkey; Armstrong's last goodnight
John Arden
€ 5,00

Serjeant Musgrave's Dance: a Play
John Arden
€ 8,00

Orlando Furioso: A Romantic Epic (2 volumes)
Ludovico Ariosto
€ 15,00

The Complete Plays of Aristophanes
€ 5,00

The Frogs and Other Plays
€ 5,00

Piracy. A Romantic Chronicle of These Days
Michael Arlen
€ 10,00

Moonlight over Basi-Ruti
Sophie Armand
€ 10,00

Moonlight over Basi-Ruti
Sophie Armand
€ 10,00

Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold
€ 10,00

The Poems of Matthew Arnold 1840-1867
Matthew Arnold e.a.
€ 10,00

Petronius: The Satyricon
William Arrowsmith
€ 5,00

English Works
Roger Ascham
€ 10,00

Other Traditions
John Ashbery
€ 15,00

A Desert Dies
Michael Asher
€ 6,00

The Singalong tribe
Kent Ashford
€ 6,00

Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century
John Ashton
€ 25,00

Alias Grace
Margaret Atwood
€ 10,00

The Ascent of F6 and On the Frontier
W.H. Audem e.a.
€ 6,00

Making, Knowing and Judging. An Inaugural Lecture
W. H. Auden
€ 10,00

Academic Graffiti
W.H. Auden
€ 10,00

City without Walls and Other Poems
W.H. Auden
€ 8,00

Collected Shorter Poems 1927-1957
W.H. Auden
€ 8,00