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Stefan George in seinen Übertragungen englischer Dichtung. Teil II: Shakespeare Sonnette
Olga Marx
€ 10,00
Stevie. A Biography of Stevie Smith
Jack Barbera e.a.
€ 8,00
Stichtelijke en onstichtelijke experimenten. Een onderzoek naar Geerten Gossaerts dichterlijke ontwikkeling en de samenstelling van zijn poëziebundel
J. de Gier
€ 20,00
Stichting het Staringmonument. Het Archief, Losser
G.M. Roding
€ 10,00
Stralend in gestrenge samenhang. Ida Gerhardt en de klassieke oudheid
Mieke Koenen
€ 6,00
Stralende aanhef. Over Kosmos de eerste bundel van Ida Gerhardt
Frans Berkelmans
€ 6,00
Streuvels Bibliografie. Bibliografie van Stijn Streuvels: werk in boekvorm
Robert Roemans e.a.
€ 25,00
Strindberg: A Collection of Critical Essays
Otto Reinert
€ 6,00
Strindbergian Drama. Themes and Structure
Egil Tornqvist
€ 12,50
Studies in demetrius on style
Dirk Marie Schenkeveld
€ 8,00
Studies in the Life and Work of Innokentij Annenskij
Vsevolod Setchkarev
€ 12,50
Studiën over Nederlandsche dichters der zeventiende eeuw
Dr. G. Kalff
€ 10,00
Studying Chaucer
Elisabeth Brewer
€ 5,00
Sur Goldoni. Essai
Mario Baratto
€ 6,50
Sur Proust: Remarques sur "A la recherche du temps perdu"
Jean-François Revel
€ 8,00
Survey. Sixty discussions of English and American works of literature
H.J. van Moll
€ 5,00
Susanna Shakespeare. Shakespeare's Daughter & Doctor John Hall
Alida C. Rijnders
€ 8,00
Svjek a ti druzú - postavy a vyroky: 12 kreseb nórodniho umelce Josefo Lady
Jaroslav Hasek e.a.
€ 10,00
Sylvia Plath: a dramatic portrait. Conceived & adapted from her writing
Barry Kyle
€ 6,00
Sylvia Plath: Her Life and Work
Eileen Aird
€ 5,00
Symboliek en werkelijkheid in de werken van Richard Wagner
Dr. H. Hoelen
€ 8,00
Synthese. Over De hondsdagen van Hugo Claus
G.F.H. Raat
€ 5,00
Szestaw Mitosz
Marcin en anderen Baran
€ 5,00
T.S. Eliot. A Friendship
Frederick Tomlin
€ 17,50
T.S. Eliot: A Study in Character and Style
Ronald Bush
€ 8,00
Tadeusz Konwicki: informatie
Gerard Rasch e.a.
€ 5,00
Tagebuch: 1946-1949 + 1966-1971 (2 volumes)
Max Frisch
€ 20,00
Talking Mysteries. A Conversation with Tony Hillerman
Tony Hillerman e.a.
€ 8,00
Te gast bij Nederlandse auteurs
Jose de Ceulaer
€ 5,00
Tegenonderzoek (Cahiers van een Lezer) ***
E. du Perron
€ 7,00
Tekenaars: kinderboekenillustratoren geportretteerd; Avonturen van Baron von Munchhausen (2 delen in box)
Joukje Akveld
€ 60,00
Tekens van lezen: Over schrijvers en schrijven
Frans Boenders
€ 5,00
Tekst & Utlis. Losbladige literaterlessen (2 mappen)
Ph.H. Breuker e.a.
€ 20,00
Ten tijde van de tachtigers, rondom de nieuwe gids 1880-1895
Peter Winkels
€ 6,00
Harold Nicolson
€ 5,00
Tennyson as seen by his Parodists
Dr. J. Postma
€ 12,50
Tennyson: Poet and Prophet
Philip Hendersen
€ 8,00
Terug naar Bredero
E.K. Grootes
€ 5,00
Terugdenken in dankbaarheid: Over schrijvers van vroeger
Dr. Tjaard W.R. de Haan
€ 8,00
Terugstrevend naar ginds. De wereld van Helene Nolthenius
Etty Mulder e.a.
€ 6,00
Tête-À-Tête : The Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre
Hazel Rowley
€ 12,50
The Age of Johnson (1748-1798)
Thomas Seccombe
€ 10,00
The Atlas of Literature
Malcolm Bradbury
€ 8,00
The Auden Generation: Literature and Politics in England in the 1930's
Samuel Hynes
€ 10,00
The autobiography of Margot Asquith (2 volumes)
Margot Asquith
€ 20,00
The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams
William Carlos Williams
€ 9,00
The Backwater of Life or Essays of a Literary Veteran. With an introduction by Leslie Stephen. With a portrait
James Payn
€ 20,00
The Bloomsbury Group
Frances Spalding
€ 8,00
The Breaking String. The Plays of Anton Chekhov
Maurice Valency
€ 6,00
The Brocks. A Family of Cambridge Artists and Illustrators
C.M. Kelly
€ 20,00
The Brontes
Juliet R.V. Barker
€ 10,00
The Cambridge guide to English literature
Michael Stapleton
€ 8,00
The Cart and the Trumpet. The Plays of George Bernard Shaw
Maurice Valency
€ 12,50
The Case for Shakespeare's authorship of 'The Famous Victories'
Seymour M. Pitcher
€ 9,00
The Charles Dickens Encyclopedia
Michael Hardwick e.a.
€ 5,00
The Charles Dickens Quiz and Puzzle Book
Maggie Lane
€ 6,00
The Chekov Play. A New Interpretation
Harvey Pitcher
€ 8,00
The Childhood and Youth of Charles Dickens
Robert Langton
€ 65,00
The Choices of Criticism
William C. Greene
€ 8,00
The City of Dickens
Alexander Welsh
€ 8,00
The Columbia dictionary of modern European literature
Jean-Albert Bede e.a.
€ 8,00
The Comedy of Charles Dickens: a book of chapters and extracts taken from the writer's novels
Kate Perugini
€ 10,00
The Complection of Russian Literature. A Cento
Andrew Field
€ 8,00
The Confessional Fictions of Charles Dickens
Barry Westburg
€ 35,00
The Critical Idiom 16: Symbolism
Charles Chadwick
€ 8,00
The Critical Idiom 3: Aestheticism
R.V. Johnson
€ 8,00
The crowning privilege
Robert Graves
€ 5,00
The Cumulated Dickens Checklist 1970-1979
Alan M. Cohn e.a.
€ 10,00
The Day Gone By: An Autobiography
Richard Adams
€ 10,00
The decoding of Edwin Drood
Charles Forsyte
€ 10,00
The Demonic. Literature and Experience
Ewan Fernie
€ 10,00
The development of D.H. Lawrence's prose themes 1906-1915
B.K. van der Veen
€ 10,00
The Dickens Dictionary
Alex J Philip e.a.
€ 10,00
The Dickens Hero: Selfhood And Alienation In The Dickens World
Beth F. Herst
€ 8,00
The Dickens Index
Nina Burgis
€ 8,00
The Dickens Myth: Its Genesis and Structure
Geoffrey Thurley
€ 15,00
The Dickens Souvenir of 1912
Dion Clayton Calthrop
€ 10,00
The Dickens World
Humphry House
€ 10,00
The Dickensian: a Magazine for Dickens Lovers: volume 2 (1906)
B.W. Matz
€ 10,00
The Dogs in Dickens
Cumberland Clark
€ 8,00
The Doyle diary, the last great Conan Doyle mystery ... with a holmesian investigation into the strange and curious case of Charles Altamont Doyle
Michael Baker
€ 5,00
The Doyle diary, the last great Conan Doyle mystery ... with a holmesian investigation into the strange and curious case of Charles Altamont Doyle
Michael Baker
€ 5,00
The Doyle Diary. The Last Great Conan Doyle Mystery with a Holmesian Investigation into the Strange and Curious Case of Charles Altamont Doyle
Charles Altamont Doyle e.a.
€ 8,00
The du Maurier Companion
Stanley Vickers e.a.
€ 8,00
The English Novel in the Nineteenth Century
George Goodin
€ 8,00
The English Novel. A short critical history
Walter Allen
€ 5,00
The Faber Book of Letters
Felix Pryor
€ 8,00
The Fairy Tale of Hans Christian Andersen
Ejnar Stig Askgaard
€ 6,50
The First Quarto of Hamlet
William Shakespeare e.a.
€ 8,00
The Flint & The Flame: the Artistry of Charles Dickens
Earle Davis
€ 8,00
The Function of Bibliography in Literary Criticism Illustrated in a Study of the Text of "King Lear"
W.W. Greg
€ 10,00
The future of the novel
Henry James
€ 5,00
The future of the sciences and humanities. Four Analytical Essays and a Critical Debate on the Future of Scholastic Endeavour
James Macallister
€ 8,00
The Future of the Sciences and Humanities: Four Analytical Essays and a Critical Debate on the Future of Scholastic Endeavour
Peter Tindemans e.a.
€ 8,00
The Future of the Sciences and Humanities: Four Analytical Essays and a Critical Debate on the Future of Scholastic Endeavour
Peter Tindemans e.a.
€ 8,00
The Genius of Shaw, a symposium
Michael Holroyd
€ 6,50
The Gentle Barbarian. The Life and Work of Turgenev
V.S. Pritchett
€ 12,50
The Gorgeous Nothings: Emily Dickinson's Envelope Poems
Marta Wernr e.a.
€ 30,00
The Greatest Fire. A study of August Strindberg
Birgitta Steene
€ 8,00
The Growth and Structure of Elizabethan Comedy
M.C. Bradbrook
€ 5,00
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