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Categorie WO II

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Sorteer op: Auteur | Titel | Prijs | Datum toegevoegd
U.S. Army Air Forces in the Pacific
Rene J. Francillon
€ 10,00
The Bicycle Runner. A Memoir of Love, Loyalty, and the Italian Resistance
G. Franco Romagnoli
€ 8,00
101st Airborne in Normandy
Dominique Francois
€ 35,00
Normandy. Breaching the Atlantic Wall: from D-Day to the Breakout and Liberation
Dominique Francois
€ 30,00
USAAF Fighter Units: Europe 1942-45
René J. Françillon
€ 8,00
USAAF Medium Bomber Units: ETO and MTO, 1942-45
René J. Françillon
€ 8,00
101st Airborne in Normandy
Dominique François
€ 35,00
507th Parachute Infantry Regiment 1942 1945
Dominique François
€ 45,00
82nd Airborne in Normandy
Dominique François
€ 30,00
The 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment 1942-1946: Les Diables Rouges *SIGNED*
Dominique François e.a.
€ 80,00
Anne Frank. Her Life in Letters
Anne Frank
€ 8,00
Die letzte Bastion. Nazis in Argentinien
Michael Frank
€ 5,00
De afrekening. Het einde van de de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Oost-Duitsland
Bert Franken
€ 6,00
Lauweren op de wereldzeeën
H.G. Franks
€ 6,50
Veteran Lancs. A Photographic Record of the 35 RAF Lancasters That Each Completed One Hundred Sorties. Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives
Norman Franks
€ 10,00
Ik was een collaborateur! Het dagboek van een politiek gevangene
Luc Fransen
€ 10,00
And We Shall Shock Them: The British Army in the Second World War
David Fraser
€ 10,00
War and Shadows. Memoirs of General Sir David Fraser
General Sir David Fraser
€ 10,00
And We Shall Shock Them: British Army in the Second World War
Sir David Fraser
€ 8,00
Hell above Earth: The Incredible True Story of a WW II Bomber Commander and the Co-Pilot Ordered to Kill Him
Stephen Frater
€ 10,00
Les Juifs de France dans la Shoah
Jacques Fredj
€ 20,00
Escape from Arnhem: A Glider Pilot's Story
Godfrey Freeman
€ 10,00
Schienenstrang nach Stalingrad
Jens Freese
€ 8,00
The Epic of Malta: A Pictorial Survey of Malta during the Second World War
Henry Frendo
€ 8,00
Nazi Germany and the Jews: Volume 1: The Years of Persecution 1933-1939
Saul Friedländer
€ 10,00
Pius XII en het IIIe rijk. Documenten
Saul Friedländer
€ 6,00
The Piano War: A true story of love and survival in World War II
Graeme Friedman
€ 15,00
U.S. Army - Navy Journal of Recognition. September 1943 - February 1944. Number 1-6
Norman Friedman
€ 10,00
Hitler's Berlin: Abused City
Thomas Friedrich
€ 10,00
Oorlog in het Gooi
W.H.M. Fries
€ 10,00
Kamp Amersfoort
Geraldien von Frijtag Drabbe Kúnzel
€ 15,00
Tomíckovi: voor Thomas op zijn derde verjaardag in Theresienstadt, 22 januari 1944.
Bedrich Fritta
€ 12,50
The First Soldier. Hitler as Military Leader
Stephen Fritz
€ 12,50
Hitlers Frontsoldaten: Der erzählte Krieg
Stephen G. Fritz
€ 10,00
The First Soldier
Stephen G. Fritz
€ 10,00
German Schoolboy, British Commando: Churchill's Secret Soldier
Helen Fry
€ 10,00
Een ooggetuigeverslag van de torpedering van de Junyo Maru en de dwangarbeid van de overlevenden aan de Pakanbaroe Spoorweg
F.F.E. von Fuchs
€ 30,00
Arms and Uniforms: The Second World War Part 4
Liliane Funcken e.a.
€ 15,00
The Boys' Crusade. American G.I.s In Europe: Chaos And Fear In World War Two
Paul Fussell
€ 8,00
Wartime. Understanding and Behavior in the Second World War
Paul Fussell
€ 10,00
Bataille de Normandie. Guide officiel. Espace historique de la bataille de Normandie
Marie-Noëlle - a.o. Fustec
€ 8,00
De Wannsee-conferentie en de volkerenmoord op de Europese joden
Elma Gaasbeek
€ 12,50
Offiziere gegen Hitler: Nach einem Erlebnisbericht von Fabian von Schlabrendorff
Gero S. Gaevernitz
€ 12,50
MacArthur Strikes Back: Decision at Buna: New Guinea 1942-1943
Harry A. Gailey
€ 8,00
MacArthur Strikes Back: Decision at Buna: New Guinea 1942-1943
Harry A. Gailey
€ 8,00
MacArthur's Victory: The War in New Guinea, 1943-1944
Harry A. Gailey
€ 8,00
Peewees on Parade: Wartime Memories of a Young (and small) Soldier
John A. Galipeau
€ 25,00
La ligne maginot Hackenberg. Die maginot-linie. Besichtigung des werkes Hackenberg im bezirk Thionville
Paul Gamelin
€ 6,00
Dachau 1945-1985
Til Gardeniers-Berendsen
€ 6,00
Wartime. Britain 1939-1945
Juliet Gardiner
€ 8,00
Wartime. Britain 1939-1945
Juliet Gardiner
€ 10,00
Airborne: The Combat Story of Ed Shames of Easy Company
Ian Gardner
€ 12,50
Spheres of Influence: Partition of Europe, from Malta to Yalta
Lloyd C. Gardner
€ 8,00
Unknown Soldiers : Reliving World War II in Europe
Joseph E. Garland
€ 15,00
World War II and the Soviet People
John Garrard e.a.
€ 15,00
X Troop: The Secret Jewish Commandos of World War II
Leah Garrett
€ 10,00
The Raiders: the World's Élite Strike Forces
Richard Garrett
€ 8,00
Blitz. The Story of 29th December 1940
M.J. Gaskin
€ 8,00
Anne meets Anne 'Bridging the world'
Saskia Gaster
€ 8,00
End of the Affair: Collapse of the Anglo-French Alliance, 1939-40
Eleanor M. Gates
€ 10,00
Special Forces in the Invasion of France
Paul Gaujac
€ 8,00
Special Forces in the Invasion of France
Paul Gaujac
€ 8,00
Special Forces in the Invasion of France
Paul Gaujac
€ 8,00
Je voudrais. . . Textes choisis de Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle
€ 8,00
Memoires de Guerre 3: Le salut 1944-1946
General de Gaulle
€ 10,00
Ghosts of the ETO: American Tactical Deception Units in the European Theatre 1944-1945
Jonathan Gawne
€ 15,00
U.S. Army Photo Album: Shooting the War in Color, 1941-45 USA to ETO
Jonathan Gawne
€ 15,00
My German Question: Growing Up in Nazi Berlin
Peter Gay
€ 10,00
Nichivó: Tales from the Russian Front 1941-43
Giorgio Geddes
€ 8,00
Konzentrationslager Buchenwald 1937-1945: Begleitband zur ständigen historischen Ausstellung
Gedenkstätte Buchenwald
€ 10,00
Jungvolk: The Story of a Boy Defending Hitler's Third Reich
Wilhelm R. Gehlen e.a.
€ 8,00
Jungvolk: The Story of a Boy Defending Hitler's Third Reich
Wilhelm R. Gehlen e.a.
€ 8,00
Im Scheunenviertel: Bilder,Texte und Dokumente
Eike Geisel e.a.
€ 10,00
Dunkirk. The Complete Story of the First Step in the Defeat of Hitler
Norman Gelb
€ 8,00
Market Garden in De Langstraat: Glidermannen in Drunen en Elshout
Pim van Gelder
€ 15,00
Market Garden in De Langstraat: Glidermannen in Drunen en Elshout
Pim van Gelder
€ 15,00
Deutschland-Tagebuch 1945-1946: Aufzeichnungen eines Rotarmisten
Wladimir Gelfand e.a.
€ 10,00
Pal achter Hitler. Openheid en onderdrukking in Nazi-Duitsland
Robert Gellately
€ 8,00
Arnhem September 1944
Gemeente Arnhem
€ 10,00
Arnhem September 1944
Gemeente Arnhem
€ 10,00
Nijmegen: 1944 - 17-9 - 1954
Gemeentebestuur Nijmegen
€ 9,00
Gold, Juno, Sword
Georges Bernage
€ 40,00
Testimonials and Images of the Greek Epic 1940-1944 (in Greek)
Taxiarchos S.A. Geramanis
€ 10,00
Fighting the British at Arnhem: The SS-Unterführerschule Arnheim - Its Origins and Operations against the 1st British Airborne Division September 1944 *SIGNED*
Bob Gerritsen
€ 100,00
Fighting the British at Arnhem: The SS-Unterführerschule Arnheim - Its Origins and Operations against the 1st British Airborne Division September 1944 *SIGNED*
Bob Gerritsen
€ 100,00
Leven in Oosterbeek in de jaren 40 - 45
Kees Gerritsen
€ 10,00
Dagboek in krijgsgevangenschap = Pow-Diary : Lieutenant Kenneth Grayston White 1st Airlanding Light Regiment Royal Artillery
Marion Gerritsen-Teunissen
€ 80,00
Dagboek in krijgsgevangenschap = Pow-Diary : Lieutenant Kenneth Grayston White 1st Airlanding Light Regiment Royal Artillery
Marion Gerritsen-Teunissen
€ 80,00
Verwrongen beelden van de Holocaust. Geschiedvervalsing onder de loep
Manfred Gerstenfeld
€ 10,00
Façades. Oostenrijkers en het oorlogsverleden
Anne Gevers
€ 10,00
De oorlog in woord en beeld
P. Geyl e.a.
€ 10,00
Battlefield Relics: Normandy 1944
Régis Giard
€ 10,00
The Bomber Command Memorial. We Will Remember Them
Robin Gibb e.a.
€ 10,00
Torpedo Leader
Patrick Gibbs
€ 9,00
Torpedo Leader
Patrick Gibbs
€ 8,00
Christophe Gibelin
€ 10,00
Cockpit Commander. A Navigator's Life. The Autobiography of Wing Commander Bruce Gibson
Bruce Gibson
€ 12,50
Speer, Hitlers Faust
Lambert Giebels
€ 6,00
Beel: van vazal tot onderkoning, biografie 1902-1977
Lambert J. Giebels
€ 10,00
Market-Garden: Moed, helden en slachtoffers
Wilco Gieling
€ 8,00
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